Whos prepared to participate in a shit-storm if fujin aint dlc?
posted04/21/2015 05:46 AM (UTC)by
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04/17/2015 12:43 PM (UTC)
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

04/20/2015 12:35 PM (UTC)
I really want Fujin to be DLC. But that doens't make me wanna go into shitstorm if he's not making the cut. All because I enjoy the living daylight out of MKX.
04/20/2015 12:54 PM (UTC)
Shits gonna fly is Fujin isnt DLC. I havent met a single person who doesnt want Fujin.
04/20/2015 01:28 PM (UTC)
I'll probably be pretty upset. I'm already pissed off that he didn't make the initial roster, there's literally no reason that he shouldn't have.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/20/2015 01:31 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
I'll probably be pretty upset. I'm already pissed off that he didn't make the initial roster, there's literally no reason that he shouldn't have.


So sign me up.
04/20/2015 01:38 PM (UTC)
Id like to see him in, but I wont be participating in a shit storm if he isn't. Maybe im just assuming too much but I believe he could have a massive role in the next game.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
If Raiden is dark now, Fujin is probably next in line to be its next main protecto, right?r
04/20/2015 02:16 PM (UTC)
I would like him in,but if he isn't,not gonna do a shitstorm. it's the same as Smoke seemingly being excluded in this game,i'm upset,but not gonna do a shitstorm.
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04/20/2015 02:19 PM (UTC)
I hope he makes it in as DLC too he is too cool of a character to just not do anything positive with him.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/20/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
Yes. Some of the roster choices continue to completely baffle me, especially when we could have had more of the MK4/3D era characters getting slots on the roster.
04/20/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
I'd be slightly disappointed but I'm not about to kick, scream, and cry because he didn't make it. There's always the next game if he doesn't make this one.
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04/20/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
I was never all that much for Fujin but I think the wind god deserves a dlc because shit....IMO Fujin hasn't been in the spotlight since MK4.Yes I'm aware the "Gust God" was in MKA but that shitty game didn't do Fu Fu any justice...

If anything Fujin should have already had a spot on the main roster.Oh yea....where the fuck is Motaro?
04/20/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
Not me. We are obviously moving into the Raiden flipping his lid chapter in the next MK which means Fujin is going to be due his big grand time to shine. Would rather he get that then just a little DLC debut.
04/20/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Not me. We are obviously moving into the Raiden flipping his lid chapter in the next MK which means Fujin is going to be due his big grand time to shine. Would rather he get that then just a little DLC debut.

What so we wait another 4 years? I want a dlc debut because its been so long?!
04/20/2015 04:06 PM (UTC)
Simeonkalcut Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Not me. We are obviously moving into the Raiden flipping his lid chapter in the next MK which means Fujin is going to be due his big grand time to shine. Would rather he get that then just a little DLC debut.

What so we wait another 4 years? I want a dlc debut because its been so long?!

im just tired of it after getting hyped that fujin would be mk9 I instantly thouht he would be mk x. Its getting annoying because last time I was told "He will be in the next game Im sure" I lost trust in nrs so there are no gurantees for mk11. plus they making injustice 2
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04/20/2015 04:31 PM (UTC)
I don't even care anymore. I mean, I do, but I don't. The way they just dropped him out of the story makes me lose hope. People keep saying he might come back and challenge Raiden because of what the end implied. Considering how they were with Shinnok, I wouldn't be surprised if they just abandoned the Dark Raiden Story altogether in the next game and Fujin is never heard from again. (Yes, I'm salty. -_-) If he does show up or become dlc awsome. If not, whatever I'll keep enjoying the gameplay at least.
04/20/2015 04:36 PM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
I don't even care anymore. I mean, I do, but I don't. The way they just dropped him out of the story makes me lose hope. People keep saying he might come back and challenge Raiden because of what the end implied. Considering how they were with Shinnok, I wouldn't be surprised if they just abandoned the Dark Raiden Story altogether in the next game and Fujin is never heard from again. (Yes, I'm salty. -_-) If he does show up or become dlc awsome. If not, whatever I'll keep enjoying the gameplay at least.

Nah I'm pretty sure we'll finally get Fujin's Armageddon story where he notices Raiden going batshit berserk, and he steps in to put him in check. Even though Fujin disappeared for majority of the game, he's still alive so he's still in the mix. I wouldn't lose hope just yet.

But MK11 has like 3 possible plot points. Evil Liu and Kitana, Kotal Kahn and Outworld, and now Dark Raiden. I can see why they said they don't know where to go next. They have a lot of ground to cover.
04/20/2015 09:34 PM (UTC)
Fujin was always one of my less favorite characters from MK4, so I don't really care. I mean, it was refreshing to see him in Armageddon, because most of the new characters from that generation were garbage, but he's still not all that impressive.

I mean, maybe I'd like him more if they gave him some actual conflicts, goals, and aspirations. As of right now, he's basically "Like Raiden but with wind". I'd really like to see him given a bigger part in the plot and like I said, maybe give him something to fight for, besides "Earthrealm and the good guys". Until then, I'm not gonna lose any sleep that he's not DLC.
04/20/2015 09:47 PM (UTC)
The ending implied Raiden still cares about protecting Earthrealm, but just isn't going to take any more of anyone's bullshit now. I could see Fujin and Raiden coming into conflict in the next game as I assume Fujin is more level headed and cool, while Dark Raiden doesn't seem to want to be like that anymore, he gave off a"So much as somewhat irritate me and ill f****** kill you" vibe lol

Its a perfect setup for them to fight over who should be Earthrealm's rightful protector :)
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04/20/2015 09:47 PM (UTC)
#RainGate2015 (similar to RainGate2011, not as huge, but still very vocal)
#WindGate2015 (very loud in the middle, want to see Fujin be playable, especially after the MK9 voice recording)
#3DGate2015 (majority of MK fans, want more 3D characters to be playable as DLC, UMKX, or MKXI, which include, but not limited to Havik, Reiko, Frost, Sareena, Ashrah, etc.)

pick your poison MKO.
04/20/2015 09:50 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
The ending implied Raiden still cares about protecting Earthrealm, but just isn't going to take any more of anyone's bullshit now. I could see Fujin and Raiden coming into conflict in the next game as I assume Fujin is more level headed and cool, while Dark Raiden doesn't seem to want to be like that anymore, he gave off a"So much as somewhat irritate me and ill f****** kill you" vibe lol

Its a perfect setup for them to fight over who should be Earthrealm's rightful protector :)

That angle occurred to me too, and honestly, I'd love it if they did something like that. Giving Fujin his own chapter in the story, and at the end of it, having an epic Fujin vs. Raiden showdown would be awesome, and personally, it would earn a lot of Fujin love from me.
But that's a hypothetical story mode in a would be MKX sequel. As of right now, I really don't care if he ends up an MKX DLC or not.
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04/20/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
I'll be pretty upset if Rain and others get in before Fujin furious
04/20/2015 10:33 PM (UTC)
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
As of right now, he's basically "Like Raiden but with wind". I'd really like to see him given a bigger part in the plot and like I said, maybe give him something to fight for, besides "Earthrealm and the good guys". Until then, I'm not gonna lose any sleep that he's not DLC.

I haven't a clue as to why he's so much more popular than most characters who've done far more in the series. NRS couldn't even be bothered to keep him around after all of one chapter in the story mode.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

04/20/2015 10:56 PM (UTC)
I've seen a few people say that Fujin is a , "Wind Raiden." Lol, I don't get this perspective. Is Kung Lao a, "hat weilding Liu Kang?" There some similarities in their personalities for obvious reasons, but Fujin is far from the most offensive character when it comes to being a copy cat.

As for his importance, I'm pretty sure Earthrealm protector in the first universe is a big deal. But unfortunately he and his fans are at the mercy of whatever NRS feels like doing. Johhny Cage use to not be important but low and behold he and his daughter are strongest beings in the universe apparently.
04/20/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:

As for his importance, I'm pretty sure Earthrealm protector in the first universe is a big deal. But unfortunately he and his fans are at the mercy of whatever NRS feels like doing. Johhny Cage use to not be important but low and behold he and his daughter are strongest beings in the universe apparently.

And there's the problem, right there. We are at the mercy of NRS, and it's too bad for Fujin, because if he remained the protector of Earth, and the guide character in MKDA, maybe he could've had some significance. Instead, as soon as he becomes the new protector of Earth, bam, cop out, Raiden says, "Nevermind, I wanna come back. Fujin, hit the benches." But that's how it happened, and as a result, he took a major back seat, and only played the tiniest of parts in Armageddon, where he got his ass handed to him by a half-god newbie. Not the most impactful of legacies.

As for Johnny Cage, at least he played a significant role in the movie, which may not coincide with the game's canon, but it was still a memorable performance that left an impression on people and gave a good sense of what his personality may be like. And then again in Legacy, where he was really cool too. Fujin never had such luxury, unfortunately.
04/20/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
I am not a person to complain about this and that, but their choice not to include characters like Fujin and Rain kinda pissed me off. I don't think I would participate in a shit storm but yeah, if they don't become DLC it would be a big fuck you to the fans
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