Whos Next? Female characters in MKX.
posted01/28/2015 06:53 PM (UTC)by
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09/12/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
MK9 had a total of 7 playable female characters after Skarlet was added. So far we have 3 playable female characters in MKX (not counting Ferra as she's unfortunately not player controlled):

Cassie Cage

But it has been alluded to by Boon in interviews that there are more female fighters in MKX as it was something the fanbase wanted, along with no console exclusive characters (which he later confirmed there isn't going to be any console exclusive characters). So we should be able to safely say there will be a total of 8 female characters at least (including DLC)

If the GameStop commercial is to be believed Mileena is going to be in the roster. But I think most (if not all) of us wanted & expected her to be playable anyway.

But who else could be in?

Well if this leak from a while ago is correct, Tanya will be in and Sheeva won't be.


And with Boon and others mentioning in several interviews that Sonya, Johnny & Liu Kang would be older & have 3 variations, that sounds as if Sonya is indeed in the main roster.

Meaning the female roster would be: Cassie Cage D'Vorah Kitana Mileena Sonya Tanya

We know already that NRS deconfirmed the 'Mystery woman from Jade's ending' and Boon himself has since deconfirmed Nitara.

Nitara out

That leaves us with 1 main roster spot & 1 DLC spot left; but who could take those 2 remaining places?

Li Mei

Chances are "Slim to Shady" for Skarlet. Slim to no chance for Skarlet?

Boon advises to "Let it go" as far as Frost is concerned.
Let Frost go?

Personally I think we will be getting Cassie, D'Vorah, Jacqui, Kitana, Mileena, Sonya, Tanya, and the DLC character being Jade.
01/25/2015 05:00 AM (UTC)
It bothers me that people don't count Ferra, even despite the fact that you don't necessarily "control" her. The characters' name is "Ferra Torr" not "Torr." I don't get why people keep saying that she's not to be counted because you don't exactly control her.

But that's just a personal issue I have, not like it needs to be taken seriously or whatever...

Anyways, I'd like to see Frost, Ashrah and Kira to come back out of the bunch of characters that we have.

Mileena is an if-y depending on what they decide on making her act like.

And I definitely wouldn't mind seeing Jacqui.
01/25/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
Neber seen that first link

As much as the "8 characters from MK4 and on" line gets me excited, in taking that with a grain of salt
01/25/2015 05:02 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It bothers me that people don't count Ferra, even despite the fact that you don't necessarily "control" her. The characters' name is "Ferra Torr" not "Torr." I don't get why people keep saying that she's not to be counted because you don't exactly control her.

But that's just a personal issue I have, not like it needs to be taken seriously or whatever...

Anyways, I'd like to see Frost, Ashrah and Kira to come back out of the bunch of characters that we have.

Mileena is an if-y depending on what they decide on making her act like.

And I definitely wouldn't mind seeing Jacqui.

I count Ferra, absolutely love her design too, but that's why I said "playable female characters". I also wouldn't mind seeing Frost return. I liked the story Ashrah had but nothing else about her drew attention, and Kira I'd be happy if they revamped her and made her more stand-out but otherwise I'd be fine with both being written off.
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"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
01/25/2015 06:08 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:

As much as the "8 characters from MK4 and on" line gets me excited, in taking that with a grain of salt

Yeah, I'd love to see eight, but I'm expecting three at most, at least before DLC.
01/25/2015 06:11 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see Frost, Li Mei and Tanya!!
01/25/2015 06:28 AM (UTC)
Cordova21 Wrote:
I'd like to see Frost, Li Mei and Tanya!!

Li Mei wasn't a bad character so I'd be happy seeing a return; well as long as she was an Outworld warrior whose village has been destroyed or had a new story & was made more different to Mileena than she was originally.

A rehash of the Onaga story for her I wouldn't like at all. As for Tanya, I'm sure she'll be in.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
It’s not looking good for Frost actually. Calling it now, she won’t be in the game.
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01/25/2015 06:29 AM (UTC)
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
We know already that NRS deconfirmed the 'Mystery woman from Jade's ending' and Boon himself has since deconfirmed Nitara.
Nitara out

This is my first time seeing this.

I am now upset. ;_;
01/25/2015 06:31 AM (UTC)
Mileena due to the Gamestop sheit. Also, all her fans would stop riding Ed about her if they revealed her. So he'd have less hassle if she were to be revealed.

I can see Jacqui being revealed in conjunction with the comics.

Even though we've seen Frost in the comics, I'm not sure we'll see her in the game. But I've been proven wrong with Kung Lao being added in the game.

Either way, I'm hoping the MK female veterans are going to show any problematic new females their place
01/25/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
We know already that NRS deconfirmed the 'Mystery woman from Jade's ending' and Boon himself has since deconfirmed Nitara.
Nitara out

This is my first time seeing this.

I am now upset. ;_;

Boon posted about the mystery woman not being in on Twitter before Raiden was revealed.

But I spent 2 hours earlier trawling through his feed and Twitter stopped at the Robo Scorpian pic from back in early October so I couldn't grab a link for that particular deconfirmation!
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01/25/2015 06:38 AM (UTC)
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:

Well if this leak from a while ago is correct, Tanya will be in and Sheeva won't be.

All from a group who got to visit the studio in Chicago... Liu Kang DOES have a character design for MKX. Not implemented in the game as of yet. Kotal Kahn has no relation to Shao Kahn. MKX demo will be coming out for fans like they did with MK9. Tanya is believed to be in the game. An X-Ray that was tested resembled her MK4 Fatality of her twisting the neck with her thighs. Planned to have 14 brand new characters, 8 returning from MK9 & then roughly 8 from MK4 on. Planning on a roster of 30. The storyline does go 25 years forward but a large, nice portion is devoted to the MK4 storyline (right after MK9) Kotal Kahn has something to do with Shinnok. This person didn't fully understand. No Sheeva. Gameplay is like MK9 but a little tighter & easier to use. D'Vorah was more difficult to play than the others. Scorpion is used as the "tester" for all character moves. There's a reptile-like man creature. They weren't sure if it was Reptile or Chameleon or a new character. Was on computer screen getting worked on.

Planned to have 14 brand new characters, 8 returning from MK9 & then roughly 8 from MK4 on. Planning on a roster of 30.

roughly 8 from MK4 on

01/25/2015 06:41 AM (UTC)
I think as far as that leak goes the new character number is wrong and there's more from MK9; from MK4 & over I can see 7-8 make it at most (including DLC).
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"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
01/25/2015 06:53 AM (UTC)
I think that whole leak is BS.
01/25/2015 06:55 AM (UTC)
Completely agree with your list in OP, except Sonya, not completely sure on her. And Jade.. I really don't think she can compete with much more popular characters for DLC

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01/25/2015 07:01 AM (UTC)
Kira, Sareena and Skarlett would be my top 3, though I put the chances of seeing any of the three in MKX at about 2%.
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01/25/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
I think as far as that leak goes the new character number is wrong and there's more from MK9; from MK4 & over I can see 7-8 make it at most (including DLC).

Yeah, at this point it's pretty clear that these numbers would have to be adjusted.

Honestly, after the 1-2 combo of Kung Lao and Kitana, I've started to slowly lose hope of ever seeing the post-classic MK character getting the care and attention they deserve. Reading this, unconfirmed as it may be, actually rekindles my hype for this game

This is good shit, man.

With that said:

Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
Frost goodnight, sweet princess ;_;
Jacqui pretty much confirmed at this point
Khameleon maybe as an NPC, especially if rumors of Reptile becoming a major player will turn out to be true
Kira lolno
Li Mei
Sindel why, so she could steal Kitana's spotlight?
Skarlet no

So that leaves us with:

-Ashrah (not sure how much sense it would make to introduce her before Sareena; also, her story was tied with Nitara's, who was deconfirmed)

-Jade (meh)

-Li Mei (I was betting heavily on her back when we were working off of the assumption that the dead will remain dead, but with the way the plot is starting to look, I'd say her chances are rapidly diminishing)

01/25/2015 08:14 AM (UTC)
Zebron Wrote:
I think that whole leak is BS.

i knew from day one that the "James Sunderland" leak was a fake yet ppl gave it sooo much attention here. Why would NRS give a studio tour to show random ppl who weren't even journalists/reporters bits of the new game? I mean cmon. thats fishy as hell. I'm sure they keep this stuff pretty locked up tight

that user is prolly some troll from the Smash WiiU Gamefaqs boards who likes making random fake leaks for shits and giggles.

7 MK9 characters (8 if you count Goro) have been confirmed and we know Mileena, Reptile, Shang Tsung, Sonya, Cage, and Liu Kang all have a chance of returning. Plus i would be VERY surprised to not see at least one of the cyborgs in the game. So thats more than 8 MK9 characters. It makes the leak redundant.

14 new characters would be a stretch..... I think 10 or 11 would be more plausible since thats one number up from what was introduced in MKDA or MKD
I'm of a mind that the Tanya and Sheeva 'leak' was just an unsubstantiated fiction that should not be taken seriously at all.

I also question Sonya's appearance due to Cassie's confirmation and feel that she will appear as an NPC at different ages, nothing more.

I also question the Gamestop leak; it could be true or it could be vague copy that was written to hit nostalgia pangs for those who love MK1-3 plus 2011.

So that makes the female confirmed list for me:

Cassie Cage

Which is quite small if you think about it especially sicne Ferra is kind of half a character (still an important part mind you)

I'd like there to be 10 female characters (if not more) to make to really round out the roster nicely.

So the other 6 would be:

Mileena (I want her, I don't really want Shang Tsung back)
Sareena (Quan Chi's presence makes her chances not bad)
Jax's daughter/apprentice
New female character
Ashrah (probably not going happen but this is my list)
Khameleon (99% not going to happen but it'd be amazing if she made DLC)

I could see Sonya coming back as a legacy character as DLC but I honestly don't think she'll make it into the main roster.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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01/25/2015 09:36 AM (UTC)

Most likely:

If it were up to me:
New edenian female or li mei
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01/25/2015 11:11 AM (UTC)
Firstly, who the F is Jacqui?

I think we may see another new woman. I also think if Tanya isn't in it there will be hell to pay.

T-rex Wrote:
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote: Boon himself has since deconfirmed Nitara.
Nitara out

This is my first time seeing this.
I am now upset. ;_;

Huh, i was so hoping for the vampire to return. Still, I was also hoping for another deconfirmation, so that's something at least. The list narrows...
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Props to MINION
01/25/2015 11:15 AM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
Firstly, who the F is Jacqui?

I think we may see another new woman. I also think if Tanya isn't in it there will be hell to pay.

T-rex Wrote:
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote: Boon himself has since deconfirmed Nitara.
Nitara out

This is my first time seeing this.
I am now upset. ;_;

Huh, i was so hoping for the vampire to return. Still, I was also hoping for another deconfirmation, so that's something at least. The list narrows...

Jacqui is a relative of Jax(daughter/neice not sure yet) who is in the comic and is a kickboxer
01/25/2015 11:24 AM (UTC)
I would like to think that we may end up with; Cassie Cage, D'Vorah, Jacqui Briggs, Kitana, Mileena, Sareena, Tanya, and the DLC character being Sonya Blade.
01/25/2015 12:47 PM (UTC)
I'm certain there will be five ladies at the very least.

On top of Kitana, Cassie and D'Vorah, I'm sure Mileena and Tanya will be in the game. Maybe another new female to bring us to six. (I hope its not Jacqui).

Nitara and Skarlet are basically confirmed out. Frost looks unlikely due to current comic situation. Khameleon and Kira never had a shot imo. Sindel and Sheeva were not popular in the last game, so I also believe they will sit this one out.

I would have thought Li Mei would have a good chance due to most of the story seeming to be set in Outworld, but as we see characters being revived I'm feeling less positive about her possibilities.

As far as Sonya goes I really don't know. Personally with Cassie already in I see her as rather redundant, but who knows what could happen. I think she may die in the comics and be possible DLC candidate.

That leaves Sareena, Ashrah and Jade, all of whom currently reside in the Netherealm. I have no idea about these three. With a Netherealm war supposedly happening they should at least have cameos. I think if Sareena and Jade don't make the main game they both could be DLC candidates. Ashrah is probably my wishful thinking.

If it were up to me we would have Kitana, Cassie, D'Vorah, Mileena, Tanya, Jade, Li Mei, Sareena and Ashrah. But to be more realistic in terms of numbers, I'd reluctantly sacrifice the latter two.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/25/2015 01:26 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
I would like to think that we may end up with; Cassie Cage, D'Vorah, Jacqui Briggs, Kitana, Mileena, Sareena, Tanya, and the DLC character being Sonya Blade.

Nice list. But you don't think Jade has any chance of making it?

Also, Ashrah.

Someone like her, an insider from the Netherrealm, would be useful during the Netherrealm War. With her quest for purification, I'm sure she wouldn't mind slashing up some demons and sorcerers for Earthrealm.
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01/25/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
We have four. Ferra is a female and Torr wouldn't be playable without her. Even in their (notice I didn't say "his") Lackey Variation, Ferra is active during their x-ray and fatality.

She counts.

Cassie Cage

I'm rooting for Jacqui. I'm hoping for Sheeva and Tanya. Aside from those 3, I have no requests. Mileena would be cool and any other new females NRS cooks up.

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