Who wants Dairou back?
posted06/22/2007 12:02 PM (UTC)by
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05/23/2007 03:38 AM (UTC)
My favorite character was Dairou and i'd like him to come back to MK8

P.S. DairouRulez
05/24/2007 07:40 PM (UTC)
he's has a good chance of coming back,so you might be lucky
05/24/2007 09:00 PM (UTC)
he sucks, had a crappy stroy line, and i hate him... i don't want him back grin
05/24/2007 09:47 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
he sucks, had a crappy stroy line, and i hate him... i don't want him back grin

You probably don't even know his storyline.

He's great. I want him back.
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05/24/2007 10:04 PM (UTC)
Dairous complete attitude about the demise of his family being now apa-thethic .... beats Scorpions blindless rage tenfold. Dairou for candidation.
05/24/2007 10:12 PM (UTC)
I'm on the fence about him. On one hand, he is a relatively new character, hence he still has a long ways to go before he wears out his welcome. I personally wasn't feeling the whole "Seido" thing in MK: Deception, though. It was one of the weaker storylines MK has had, mainly because suddenly we were introduced to four characters from these new realms. I think Dairou would have been much cooler had he debuted in MK: Deadly Alliance, as was previously planned.

If he came back, I wouldn't shed any tears, providing they go in a cool direction with him. I also think his fighting styles should be a little faster. I mean, for a pissed off samurai-like assassin from the Realm of Order, turned chaotic renegade, I think his style is a bit out of place with him. But that could just be me.

Out of the Order/Chaos characters, I think Havik should definitely return, Hotaru still has legs to run on, and Dairou is a good possibility.
05/24/2007 10:16 PM (UTC)
I like Dairou. I like his mercernary storyline, and I like his style of gameplay. I tihnk he should come back
05/24/2007 10:43 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I'm on the fence about him. On one hand, he is a relatively new character, hence he still has a long ways to go before he wears out his welcome. I personally wasn't feeling the whole "Seido" thing in MK: Deception, though. It was one of the weaker storylines MK has had, mainly because suddenly we were introduced to four characters from these new realms. I think Dairou would have been much cooler had he debuted in MK: Deadly Alliance, as was previously planned.

If he came back, I wouldn't shed any tears, providing they go in a cool direction with him. I also think his fighting styles should be a little faster. I mean, for a pissed off samurai-like assassin from the Realm of Order, turned chaotic renegade, I think his style is a bit out of place with him. But that could just be me.

Out of the Order/Chaos characters, I think Havik should definitely return, Hotaru still has legs to run on, and Dairou is a good possibility.

I know what you're talking about regarding the whole Seido thing. I think another problem stems from the lack of relevance to the main plot.

I wouldn't say that Dairou is a Samurai-like assassin (whatever the hell that is...) turned chaotic renegade. He's more like a warrior turned into a mercenary assassin. For his styles, I would prefer it if he kept Wing Chun.
05/24/2007 11:08 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind seeing him return.

His plot relevance was minimal, but that could be changed. He was definitely the most interesting out of the Seido/Chaosrealm story, however. His involvement could greatly change the outcome of the strife. I'd like to see the fued between him and Darrius be expanded a bit more, and some more connection between him and Hotaru as well.

Besides that, a mecenary could always be used at some point in the MK universe.
05/24/2007 11:29 PM (UTC)
Legacy Wrote:
I'd like to see the fued between him and Darrius be expanded a bit more, and some more connection between him and Hotaru as well.

It's not exactly a fued right now. It's a potential fued.
05/25/2007 06:00 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I know what you're talking about regarding the whole Seido thing. I think another problem stems from the lack of relevance to the main plot.

I wouldn't say that Dairou is a Samurai-like assassin (whatever the hell that is...) turned chaotic renegade. He's more like a warrior turned into a mercenary assassin. For his styles, I would prefer it if he kept Wing Chun.

Yeah, the whole "not being relevant" thing is what I was trying to get at. It's like their whole storyline was on the side, and was really only taking place because Hotaru was in Deception, serving Onaga. It was all kind of loose and messy.

I called Dairou a samurai-like assassin because that was what he was meant to be originally, wasn't it? At least according to his MK:DA sketches. My memory might be deceiving me, though. I suppose the mercenary thing came after he was cast out of Seido, though, so I guess it would have been more appropriate to link the assassin status to his fall into chaos.
05/25/2007 02:35 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I know what you're talking about regarding the whole Seido thing. I think another problem stems from the lack of relevance to the main plot.

I wouldn't say that Dairou is a Samurai-like assassin (whatever the hell that is...) turned chaotic renegade. He's more like a warrior turned into a mercenary assassin. For his styles, I would prefer it if he kept Wing Chun.

Yeah, the whole "not being relevant" thing is what I was trying to get at. It's like their whole storyline was on the side, and was really only taking place because Hotaru was in Deception, serving Onaga. It was all kind of loose and messy.

I called Dairou a samurai-like assassin because that was what he was meant to be originally, wasn't it? At least according to his MK:DA sketches. My memory might be deceiving me, though. I suppose the mercenary thing came after he was cast out of Seido, though, so I guess it would have been more appropriate to link the assassin status to his fall into chaos.

Well, yes, his MKDA concept had him as a Samurai-like assassin, but I was referring to what they did with him in MKD. I wouldn't say his assassin status made his fall into chaos as his bios indicate that while he no longer believed in Order, he couldn't give himself into Chaos. So he's really that "middle man" in the whole Orderrealm/Chaosrealm conflict, and probably doesn't give much of a shit about the conflict itself.

I think if done well, the Orderrealm/Chaosrealm conflict could have more relevance to the plot.
05/25/2007 06:43 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Dairous complete attitude about the demise of his family being now apa-thethic .... beats Scorpions blindless rage tenfold. Dairou for candidation.

a>b <> a as worthy

If Dairrou is the best they can do they need to quit.
05/25/2007 08:32 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
he sucks, had a crappy stroy line, and i hate him... i don't want him back grin

You probably don't even know his storyline.

He's great. I want him back.

i do know his storyline, but it sucked so bad that i don't even want to bring it back up so there. grin
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05/25/2007 11:08 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
he sucks, had a crappy stroy line, and i hate him... i don't want him back grin

You probably don't even know his storyline.

He's great. I want him back.

i do know his storyline, but it sucked so bad that i don't even want to bring it back up so there. grin

I do not know how to decide: wether your childish attempts to feign any justification to your cause or your lack of competence towards the general plot of MK is more funnier.

Aside on note: not every plot has to be relevant to the major leading string. A constructed world where every plot serves one purpose is uncredible, not relaistic and an overly stupid beginners flaw in fiction or literature.

Things happen without relevance to other things. That is what breathes life to the plot and makes it more credible.
05/26/2007 07:20 PM (UTC)
No one. In fact he was probably one of the worst-liked characters of the Mortal Kombat universe.
05/27/2007 11:25 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I do not know how to decide: wether your childish attempts to feign any justification to your cause or your lack of competence towards the general plot of MK is more funnier.

Aside on note: not every plot has to be relevant to the major leading string. A constructed world where every plot serves one purpose is uncredible, not relaistic and an overly stupid beginners flaw in fiction or literature.

Things happen without relevance to other things. That is what breathes life to the plot and makes it more credible.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I, as an aspiring writer, understand and appreciate the difference between a major character and a supporting one, but having a subplot with four underdeveloped characters isn't exactly expert fiction, either.

Dairou never really got time to develop, and he never felt important. He carries little weight with him into the games, and unless he gets a little more focus and attention, he really won't become a noteworthy character.
05/28/2007 03:06 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
I do not know how to decide: wether your childish attempts to feign any justification to your cause or your lack of competence towards the general plot of MK is more funnier.

Aside on note: not every plot has to be relevant to the major leading string. A constructed world where every plot serves one purpose is uncredible, not relaistic and an overly stupid beginners flaw in fiction or literature.

Things happen without relevance to other things. That is what breathes life to the plot and makes it more credible.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I, as an aspiring writer, understand and appreciate the difference between a major character and a supporting one, but having a subplot with four underdeveloped characters isn't exactly expert fiction, either.

Dairou never really got time to develop, and he never felt important. He carries little weight with him into the games, and unless he gets a little more focus and attention, he really won't become a noteworthy character.

why not all the characters from Deception that didn't feel important just as what you're saying, develop? Why just Dairou? Seems pretty stupid to have just one new character open up to society and try to feel more at home. But you know what, I'm not going to make another comment about any characters like Dairou because guess what, it's a new generation, time to move away from life in the past and start thinking of new ideas... you know... just hang on a moment...
06/02/2007 06:01 PM (UTC)
i dont really want him back but hey its only my opinion, i dont want any Fighters back i want a fresh new start, with all new characters.
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06/02/2007 10:13 PM (UTC)
general_baraka14 Wrote:
i dont really want him back but hey its only my opinion, i dont want any Fighters back i want a fresh new start, with all new characters.

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06/02/2007 11:59 PM (UTC)
read the Mk Rebirth thread
06/03/2007 12:36 AM (UTC)
i don't mind
06/06/2007 01:35 AM (UTC)
I like Dairou, I thought his storyline could have gotten interesting but with Boon claiming he's starting MK 8 with a brand new slate (save scorpion and sub-zero) i'm not sure hes going to be making a return in mortal kombat, still like him though and hes pretty fun to fight with
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06/06/2007 11:00 AM (UTC)
I like Dairou. I think he should absolutely return....But I like mercenaries too so.... He's alot like "business" in general but with honor and that's a nice tasting mix for a characters story.

I also think Hotaru should return, he's got an interesting stand-point and logic about things. I hate Darrius though, he's just another irritating stereotype and he feels like another contribution to "the qouta" to me. Even though his primary costume and special moves are alright.

Chrome Wrote:
I do not know how to decide: wether your childish attempts to feign any justification to your cause or your lack of competence towards the general plot of MK is more funnier.

Aside on note: not every plot has to be relevant to the major leading string. A constructed world where every plot serves one purpose is uncredible, not relaistic and an overly stupid beginners flaw in fiction or literature.

Things happen without relevance to other things. That is what breathes life to the plot and makes it more credible.

.."more funny."

As far as the side note there, that pretty much solidifies Scorpion as a credible character to keep bringing back regaurdless of where his story takes him. Or at least whoever's writing his story per the "why" don't you think.?. That even leads to think he's essential to the main plot. Not to disagree with the "beginners flaw" you mention because I agree there. Moreso pertaining to relevance.

It's fine for every character to remain relevant, otherwise they're redundant like Stryker, Mokap, or Meat. There's too many pathways they haven't exploited to have an excuse for ir-relevant characters yet. heh.
06/06/2007 12:19 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
I like Dairou. I think he should absolutely return....But I like mercenaries too so.... He's alot like "business" in general but with honor and that's a nice tasting mix for a characters story.

I also think Hotaru should return, he's got an interesting stand-point and logic about things. I hate Darrius though, he's just another irritating stereotype and he feels like another contribution to "the qouta" to me. Even though his primary costume and special moves are alright.

Chrome Wrote:
I do not know how to decide: wether your childish attempts to feign any justification to your cause or your lack of competence towards the general plot of MK is more funnier.

Aside on note: not every plot has to be relevant to the major leading string. A constructed world where every plot serves one purpose is uncredible, not relaistic and an overly stupid beginners flaw in fiction or literature.

Things happen without relevance to other things. That is what breathes life to the plot and makes it more credible.

.."more funny."

English isn't his first language. You really don't need to make a fuss over something like that...
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