Who wants a Mortal Kombat Extreme Beach Volleyball?!?! Or a minigame MK Game
posted10/30/2006 08:18 PM (UTC)by
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06/07/2004 04:23 PM (UTC)
Wouldn't it be awesome? The gals could play Volleyball on that beach from MKD.
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10/27/2006 03:07 AM (UTC)
what do they play the game with, a severed head?
10/27/2006 03:16 AM (UTC)
Disturbed_Scorpion Wrote:
Wouldn't it be awesome? The gals could play Volleyball on that beach from MKD.

Get a life.
10/27/2006 05:32 AM (UTC)
What a stupid idea...
10/27/2006 05:36 AM (UTC)
Motor Kombat would sell more...good idea though. They need more girls though.
10/27/2006 05:56 AM (UTC)
Easy fellas!

Why the hatred on a darn good idea?

It's funny and for people to act stuffy over an idea like this is kind of odd.

And the severed head idea is also pretty cool.

I'm all for it. Maybe, not as a completely seperate game. but as a future side game.
10/27/2006 08:17 AM (UTC)
Thank you...person above me. You all say get a life, but what I'm saying is, not volleyball only, but some kind of game that stands away from fighting. Maybe a whole MK game devoted to Mini Games using all the characters. So throw in Chess Kombat, Puzzle Kombat, Motor Kombat, Test your Might/Sight, and some Lady Games kind of thing like DOAX had. You may call me a pervert or something, but the best thing about DOAX wasn't only because of the blatent sexuality of it, but because it was the opposite of what DOA is truly all about.

Pervert? Maybe. Ask any Xbox (male) owner if he would own DOAX, and he'll say that he wouldn't because it's stupid...yet somehow DOAX sold more then 2 million copies of the game. lol

Think about the MiniGame DVD though, if Midway is to keep their promise to release an MK game every year, and MK8 isn't to come out til 2008, what will we get in 2007? I would love to see a full version of all the Mini Games. BTW, The severed head was a pretty cool idea. lol.
10/28/2006 01:39 AM (UTC)
Well...I don't think it's really a good idea, but it's something somewhat interesting to think about. If they were to do a game or a mini game like this, they'd have to outdo DOAXBV. Also, I wouldn't want to see Tanya and Sheeva in it.
10/28/2006 04:07 AM (UTC)
I dont know about valley ball...lol.

But a console game that is full of mini games would be awesome. Have Motor Kombat but more complete. Puzzle more Complete and several new mini games, like some kind of shooter like "THE GRID", and etc...
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10/28/2006 04:33 AM (UTC)
No......just no.

There's no substance in this idea at all.
10/28/2006 04:52 AM (UTC)
Well Predator, I am too from those days...and I said this as an example of some MK game, full game, that is aside from fighting. And mentioned, a shooter would be a cool add to the mini game list, like the shooting game from Resident Evil 4, except you shoot Kombatants, and you play as Stryker.

I can see it now, Kombat-ware! (Play on Wario-Ware) A bunch of mindless minigames to fulfill the hunger of MK Fans for the year without MK.
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10/28/2006 06:11 AM (UTC)
Abolish mini games from the MK series. the space caould be utilized to make the gameplay and or storyline count for somethin. I don't find any substance in those either. And anymore spins on other games might drive me insaine.

Go outside and play volleyball. and as far as the idea for a shooter.....
MKSpecial Forces 2 anyone??


By "substance" I mean what will you take from the game? Nothing. nothing at all from 10+ Mk females bouncing around pointlessly trying to hit a ball over a net.

Can you imagine the storyline? Nothing would count....again. I'm a bit surprised you're not dispositioned yourself to anymore of these..."noncannon" storylines, and virtually pointless minigames. What's the point lately? Fun? Nope.
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10/29/2006 01:55 AM (UTC)
Heh, if I wanted volleyball, I'd play it. I'm on my school's club team.

This idea isn't terrible, but it wouldn't fly. Like Sub-Zero_7th said, I wouldn't want to see Tanya or Sheeva in it either (though Sheeva would own everybody)
10/29/2006 02:56 AM (UTC)
Of course a Shokan would rule everyone in sports. lol. As for MK Special Forces, did you even play that game? It was more of a beat em' up then a shooter.

And it would have been a lot better of a game if it was made recently, they can do a lot more with video games now then they ever could back then. As for a storyline, why must it progress the storyline? What did Shoalin Monks do for the MK Storyline? All it did was make some pretty thin story to fit inbetween MK and MK2, nothing really special. I really don't see your logic of it HAVING to progress the storyline, when games like DOAXVB didn't do anything for the storyline (Aside from showing who won DOA3) and that's why it was a side game and not some crappy game trying to throw in story like Mythologies or Special Forces. Bottom line, this would be the easiest for them to make for us to have an MK game for 2007. And if you are a real MK fan then you'd accept anything since as of now we won't have anything for 2007 because they're focused on 2008's MK game. And don't say "No, I would rather have no MK game then a shitty one" because we would have no idea if it'd be a bad game or not.
10/29/2006 11:56 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Like Sub-Zero_7th said, I wouldn't want to see Tanya or Sheeva in it either (though Sheeva would own everybody)

Hey, what is wrong with Sheeva tongue

But yeah... the idea is just a copy of that from another game. Sorry, but I dont think it would work out.
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10/29/2006 04:14 PM (UTC)
Disturbed_Scorpion Wrote:
Of course a Shokan would rule everyone in sports. lol. As for MK Special Forces, did you even play that game? It was more of a beat em' up then a shooter.

And it would have been a lot better of a game if it was made recently, they can do a lot more with video games now then they ever could back then. As for a storyline, why must it progress the storyline? What did Shoalin Monks do for the MK Storyline? All it did was make some pretty thin story to fit inbetween MK and MK2, nothing really special. I really don't see your logic of it HAVING to progress the storyline, when games like DOAXVB didn't do anything for the storyline (Aside from showing who won DOA3) and that's why it was a side game and not some crappy game trying to throw in story like Mythologies or Special Forces.

Bottom line, this would be the easiest for them to make for us to have an MK game for 2007. And if you are a real MK fan then you'd accept anything since as of now we won't have anything for 2007 because they're focused on 2008's MK game. And don't say "No, I would rather have no MK game then a shitty one" because we would have no idea if it'd be a bad game or not.

"No, I would rather wait for them to get it right rather then get a shitty one".

Forget about "easiest" and hell no i should not just subdue to the madness and except anything....A N y O N e gives me. That's pretty silly to even say about anything you buy.

MKA isn't bad at all I like it and I play it every day, so please don't try an insult my fandom here. K? K.

Now, the reason why I bring up the story when considering a new game or idea for a new game is because of the very point you brought up.......

"What did Shoalin Monks do for the MK Storyline?" Exactly.

When was the last game that was all but majorily cannon? MK1?Mk2? Mk3 maybe? Put those writers to work. Lock 'em in a room and don't let 'em out until the end result is spactacular....kiding.

I'm just really disapointed about being disapointed from distractions like mini games and all the inconclucivity in the story, and or side this or that. Stop wating good space on "Well I dunno Spongebob, I guess we'll have to wait for the next game to get more non-cannon stuff" (Patrick Star)

MKVolley doesn't even sound right. The displacent harmony in the ring of a name like that screams "soft and sweet mortal combat" .......with a flaming gay mans' voice. ~As if! Ahu-cka.~

Are you mad man?
And btw, I liked MKSm...so much so that i still pick it up from time to time now. Yea, I played MkSf too......for one sitting and put it down. So yea, I know what kind of game it was, but the title in reference to the relavant characters that would star in a game like that was the point. Wtf are you thinkin'?

"MkVolleyball" would be the last stroke in the ass they give fans before we pull the swich and.......well......Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!
10/29/2006 04:39 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Well...I don't think it's really a good idea, but it's something somewhat interesting to think about. If they were to do a game or a mini game like this, they'd have to outdo DOAXBV. Also, I wouldn't want to see Tanya and Sheeva in it.

10/30/2006 02:55 AM (UTC)
First of all...I wasn't insulting your fandom. I think everyone that bought Special Forces knew it was going to suck, but bought it because it was Mortal Kombat in it's own rights.

As for MKVolley, I'll say it one more time, I wasn't using that as the primary reason for another game, I meant it as an example...something away from the story while they take their time and make MK8. MKA is alright, it really has a lot of flaws, but none which are really noteworthy to complain about, despite me seeing a ton of people doing just that on this forum.

I just meant some kind of MK game to get away from the fighting and maybe even progress the storyline a bit more, maybe make the new game explain to us what MKA was story wise, who won, who's ending happened, they just didn't win, etc.
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10/30/2006 08:18 PM (UTC)
Disturbed_Scorpion Wrote:
First of all...I wasn't insulting your fandom. I think everyone that bought Special Forces knew it was going to suck, but bought it because it was Mortal Kombat in it's own rights.

As for MKVolley, I'll say it one more time, I wasn't using that as the primary reason for another game, I meant it as an example...something away from the story while they take their time and make MK8. MKA is alright, it really has a lot of flaws, but none which are really noteworthy to complain about, despite me seeing a ton of people doing just that on this forum.

I just meant some kind of MK game to get away from the fighting and maybe even progress the storyline a bit more, maybe make the new game
explain to us what MKA was story wise, who won, who's ending happened, they just didn't win, etc.

O.k., thank you.

I gotcha, I understood that from the start btw. But in that case, I got one more thing to say...

"We haven't seen a completely----complete MK game recently. Period.

And that's the point I've been making. Why make something....Anything that tries to get away......from what they know they owe us to concentrate on. Don't get away from it, Get futher into it. Aier-go, the main parts of a fight franchise?:

1. Gameplay: MkA is playable. It's the best, gameplay wise, of the last couple fighters they've put out. Damn near irrifutible fact amongst all types of "gamers" and "regular" fans alike.

2. Story: The Story is thee major part of what makes the characters interesting enough to play with. Story leads into gameplay in that instance.

It's screwed up right now. Not as much a complaint as it is a fact, cuz I still play the thing now.

3. Characters: Characters create the "visual" for the story. If they are not correct representation for the story (put Scoobie Doo in the roll of Neo in The Matrix), the story falls apart. But most of the time, what they look like is bypassed by a great story.

If the story can't be visualized correctly, where the hell are all the characters in this? Nowhere.

4. Graphics: You make it look good, even the innocent bystanders will buy it. People are visual beings and grapgics are the only way to capitolize on such a fact.

The current graphics suffice for now. Not even being pessamistic here. It's just the truth imo.

Anyway, the problem with even a minigame titled MkVolley is so disturbing to me, that first, it's a minigame, and second, there could be no relavance to the thing they now have to fix....the story.

Mini Game: Minigames are supposed to add to the "replay" value of a game.... that's pretty much it.

Why do that when the space could be used to improve the heart of the game? To replay the same abyss of inconclusivity? Doesn't make any sence to keep putting wastefull, distractfull things like that on the disc when the core of the game isn't complete or correct. See what I'm sayin'?

Story leads to gameplay, characters represent the story which leads to gameplay, great Graphics sprucen up the visual effect of the Characters that represent the Story that leads to Gameplay.....

"See it to believe it", then find the one//group you want to follow in it, Read it to get into it, then Play it tp love the hell out of it.

Now, you tell me where in the hell even a mini game called MkVolley could possibly fit into an equation like that. Fully considering the fact that they Just got the gameplay decent, and the story is almost completly inconclusive.
For that matter "Chess" or a "Tetris" rip off, or "Motor Kombat", or anything else.

I'm saying I want an Mk that plays as good and or better than MkA, story that holds weight like the earliest Mk's, characters that capture the stories interest like even a couple of our newest Mk characters(one of them is Kenshi), and graphics matching the nostagic value of say a Mk2/3 but is as updated as the newest technology allows us. In this case that would be MkA.
Before we start even hinting on putting out games that get away from the stuff that's messed up in the current games.

Can you see my point there? Whether or not you can I'm done.....

Thanks for the insightful disagreement, it was really quite nice talkin' to you. No bs, no "silent jokes" or anything there.
*shakes hand*

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