05/08/2007 10:02 AM (UTC)

Characters that should be killed:

Reiko: He just wants to put his ass on a throne and steal Shao Kahn's helmet. Plus his moves are stolen from other characters.

Shao Khan: Since his failure in MK3, he's a secondary character. He was suppossely dead in the MKDA intro but midway changed the story exclusively for MKA.

Goro: Same reason as Shao Kahn. And he's a traitor to Kitana.

Hsu Hao: He's just Mavado's bitch.

Jarek: He was supposely dead after MK4. Midway gave him a ridiculous bio for MKA.

Hotaru: Why keeping a guy from the orderrealm with stupid flags on the shoulders helping the dragon king?

Kobra: Black dragon needs characters such as Kira and Kabal but Kobra his just their bitch. Even his bio sucks.

Meat: Joke character

Mokap: Joke character

Daegon: His brother is more than 100 times better than him.

Moloch: We don't need gigantic and unessesary monsters.

Cyrax: Let him be 100% human or kill him.

Chameleon and Khameleon: We don't need all the ninja in one character.

Shang Tsung: He always fails and he's just good to absorb his victim's souls.

Frost: The Lin Kuei doesn't need traitors like her.

Characters whose I don't care:

Bo Rai Cho
Kung Lao
Li Mei
Liu Kang
Quan Chi

Must return:

Johnny Cage
Kira (if she has her own moves)
Noob Saibot
Shujinko (if he has his own moves)
Smoke (not as cyborg)

05/08/2007 09:09 PM (UTC)
I hope Kobra, dies. I want Scorpion to return, in his MK4, form but i agree, that reptile needs to go to more ninja form.
About Me

05/09/2007 05:51 AM (UTC)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Shang Tsung: He always fails and he's just good to absorb his victim's souls.

Responsible for the invasion in MK3, killing both Liu Kang and Kung Lao, responsible for the demise of Scorpion via the two onis, ....could list it on.

Kobra owns your soul, Kobra rapes Scorpion. A sociopathic murderer with instinctive arrogance is much better than a sorry ass ninja driven by rage (rage, the guy would not last seconds in a real fight if he gives into anger).
05/15/2007 09:18 PM (UTC)
Kobra better than Scorpion?

Are u joking?

Kobra is useless for several reasons:
He's stupid, his story doesn't bring anything to the MK universe and he needed Kira and Kabal's help to avoid being arrested.

Then, rather a ninja driven by rage:
He helped the forces of good by sending Quan Chi back in the netherrealm with him without knowing it. And he chosen by the elder gods to prevent Onaga's attempt.

05/16/2007 12:01 AM (UTC)
legend_armlet Wrote:
Kobra better than Scorpion?

Are u joking?

Kobra is useless for several reasons:
He's stupid, his story doesn't bring anything to the MK universe and he needed Kira and Kabal's help to avoid being arrested.

Then, rather a ninja driven by rage:
He helped the forces of good by sending Quan Chi back in the netherrealm with him without knowing it. And he chosen by the elder gods to prevent Onaga's attempt.

You have to understand that Scorpion's character, which is referred to some such as myself as "post-retcon Scorpion", is very ironic. How?

For someone who is supposed to be the only actual Ninja character (you know, since he's Japanese and comes from a Japanese Ninja clan), his behavior is not Ninja-like at all.

It is important to the Ninja to cultivate Seishin (correct heart/mind) and to use Ninjutsu (methods of stealth, espionage, and endurance) without evil intention. Correct heart is referring to the concepts of virtue, righteousness, loyalty, and sincerity. The Ninja endure through life's hardships and learn from them to become better people. They are not the heartless, cold-blooded, black-clad, straight-blade sword wielding assassins that a lot of people think they are.

The fact that Scorpion has not learned from his hardships to become a better person and is someone who is consumed by rage and vengeance is not really a Shinobi Mono (Ninja).
05/24/2007 12:11 AM (UTC)
who to kill?

kobra - nothing great came out of this character
kira - just a stupid chracter made up of sonya and kano
hsu hao - ooh a cyber heart, hardest character to complete in konquest
shujinko - im tired of characters having other ppl's moves
chameleon/khameleon - too many things i would like to say.. *
kitana - no more princesses
sonya - got too old
kano - got too old
liu kang - got too old
tanya - she's going nowhere with her character
moloch - one of the stupidest creations of all time
drahmin - no one cares
darius - a rip off of cyrax in human form, trust me he is
dariou - yeah, i don't see anything in him at all
shinnok - a rip off of shang tsung
taven - wasn't interested with armageddon and probably never will be
baraka - unless he gets a better story line, he's killed
rain - same with baraka

who to change?

frost - make her good
sub-zero - make him main guy
hotaru - make him stand out more
shang tsung - same with hotaru
scorpion - he should recreate the rivalry with sub-zero
reptile - ninja form, that's all im going to say
noob sabiot - don't kill his brother
raiden - no more evil god, although i do like it, just not too much

* the thing with both chameleons is that, its pathetic to see two characters who have the same moves as other characters in the game be so interesting to play. seriously, its the same as playing as shujinko, shinnok and shang tsung. only with those two you have to actually morph into the character before ripping off moves. seriously, i have no idea why these two characters are liked so much when they are obviously another character that has the same moves that can be used when playing that certain guy. is it too hard to pick sub-zerp and do his freeze move? is it too hard to pick scorpion and do his spear? honestly, one person who can mimick other character's moves is one thing, but having three loses focus. im tired of these two characters having more popularity because they have same moves. its time to get rid of them for good.
05/24/2007 12:48 AM (UTC)
to me Dariou is not a useless character

P.S. DairouRulez
05/24/2007 03:30 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kano, Reptile, Goro, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Smoke, Kintaro, Shao Kahn, Sindel, Nightwolf, Stryker, Sheeva, Cyrax, Kabal, Mimik, Motaro, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Kai, Jarek, Reiko, Meat, Frost, Hsu Hao, Bo' Rai Cho, Moloch, Blaze, Mokap, Darrius, Kobra, Shujinko, Onaga, Taven, and Daegon.
....because they're either worn out, run their course, or simply not worth keeping.

Scorpion- Since we know he's coming back....enough with revenge and bitching about his family and clan. Leave them dead and have him find a new purpose. And stop having him act like a rampaging, incompetant jackass. Essentially, make him grow the fuck up.

Kung Lao- I think Kung Lao should retire....but if he's going to keep coming back, he should step up and take Liu Kang's place as the hero. They should also ignore his MK:SM jerk-ass persona.

Kitana- Like Kung Lao, I think she's due for retirement...but if she returns she needs to get away from Edenia and if Liu Kang happens to return (hopefully he won't), get her away from him. No more princess, no more constant defending Edenia, and no more romance. Make her her own character again, give her a new purpose, and make her a bad ass again.

Mileena- Have her get over hating Kitana. They're rivalry has gone on long enough. Make her let go of her hatred and find a new purpose. Like Scorpion, let her grow up.

Jax- I would rather Jax dies...but if he's to return, make him evil and have him want to kill Sonya.

Sonya Blade- Like Kung Lao & Kitana, I'd rather Sonya retires....but if she returns, I would just like to see her evolve. And if Jax should turn evil, maybe we'd finally see that.

Jade- She needs her own purpose and more development. But not merely taking Kitana's place as Edenia's defender. If she can't grow past being Kitana's sidekick, get rid of her.

Noob Saibot- Should Noob Saibot make it into the next gen, he doesn't really need a change...but for the love of God, don't make him the old Sub-Zero again or even a fusion of them. Bad, bad, bad.

Khameleon- Should they attempt to salvage Khameleon in the next one, she desperately needs her own unique look and her own moves. They need to distance her as far away from her worthless shit male counterpart as humanly possible.

Tanya- Make use of her potential. She can be much more than a she-Kano. Develope her feud with Jade. Have her feud with Mileena. Play her up the ultimate conniving, irredeemable, unlikable, mega-bitch of Mortal Kombat.

Kira- More original moves.

Dairou- I would suggest makeing him closer to his MK:DA concept and get him more involved with the plot.

Anyone I haven't listed is either fine as they are or I have no thoughts on them.
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