Who to Kill and Who to Change?
posted05/24/2007 03:30 PM (UTC)by
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04/30/2007 12:02 PM (UTC)
Sorry if this post seems a little naive but its the way i feel about certain characters of the game, and yes sometimes i do get a little OTT... Though i am very much sure alot of you will agree with some of the things written.

They should kill some characters especially half the crap ones they bought in during Deadly Alliance. Let me see:

Hsu hao: A crap character, not origional enough should never have been put into the series.

Mavado: Another shocking character, does he think hes some italian gangster with that name and his friggin trench coat. Geez...

Kenshi: He has the name that an Anime character should have, he was too over commercialised for a new character and he should just die.

Bo Rai Cho: Ok he could have been good but they had to make the guy morbidly obease, doesnt work for mortal kombat games. Then again it is Politically Correct. What are they going to introduce next a gay fighter (even gayer than johnny cage in shaolin monks) that has the fatality that penetrates from behind so had it bursts their bowles and bladder.

Mokap: Who?

Alright thats my problems settled with DA characters now lets move on over to Deception.

Dairou: Pointless Character

Kobra: Un Orgional Name, isn't related to Cobras and just looks too American also looks like Ken ala Street Fighter.

Tanya: Yet another Pointless American Want to be Chracter, also looks too much like a wrestler from WWE or what ever its called...


Sninnok: Just a crappy looking character, he looks like a dragonballz character made of plastic he should just be sent to another dimension where he cant get out... Ever...

They are the characters i think should die everybody else isn't a problem :P
However there are some characters which are dead/changed who i'd like to see reverted back..

Liu Kang: Worst mistake of the entire series to kill him off what makes it even worse is he is a zombie that knows martial arts. Hes got to come back properly...

Rayden(Spelt the Proper Way wink): Another Terrible Mistake, this guy is THE Thunder God, without him all hope for Earth is lost. Also Rayden should always be portrayed as good not Evil...

Noob Saibot: I like this character, his story is going great at the moment, I personally Think something should happen after blazes destruction that Seperates the Evil From Noob Saibot, thus bringing back the Origional Sub Zero, and also keeping Noob Saibot, who can now be even more evil than before...

Cyrax: Another Character heading the right way being more human and all. Maybe it wouldn't work if he bacme fully human he just wouldn't be origional, but he should definately constantly stay like his alt costume in DA...

Smoke: Should be similar to Cyrax otherwise this character isn't going nowhere (being Sub Zeros Friend and all).

Reptile: Should revert back to a more Human Form.

Scorpion: Hes a ninja not a samurai loose the armour, keep him padded.

Sub Zero: Also looks even more like some sort of Samurai wearing sweat pants. He and Scorpion should go back to going to the same shop...

Jade: This character isn't going nowhere either, she needs a much more important role in the game, otherwise shes just another dead character, perhaps she could get turned cybernettic by Sektor and become the first female cyber (and a key player to the new clan Sektor has going).

Quan Chi: A pretty good character, i dont like him that much but he should remain in the series and become alone no allegences to anybody (much like scorpion - however he is more evil)

Kai: Hes alright, he has the makings of a good character however his name is too normal, he isn't all that origional and he has absolutly nothing going for him. He needs more of an outline...

Fujin: Another very good character with potential, just needs more story and more participation in the game...

That is all i can think of, like i say the rest of the characters are heading in the right direction the only problem is the story of mortal kombat seems to continously contradict itself and change, so its hard to have a solid plan unless the story stays textbook...
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04/30/2007 07:30 PM (UTC)

Your lack of backthought was amazingly childish enough to entertain me throughout this text. I could not disagree even more.
04/30/2007 07:37 PM (UTC)
backthought? I take it you dont like my ideas then... Fair enough i suppose...
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04/30/2007 08:06 PM (UTC)
I do not like the approach you took with most of the characters.
04/30/2007 08:20 PM (UTC)
True, my views are biased as they are my own opinions furious
04/30/2007 09:33 PM (UTC)
I somewhat agree with some of what you're saying, but there are things you don't seem to understand.

Mavado's name is derived from the Spanish word "malvado", which means something along the lines of "evildoer".

The point with Bo' Rai Cho was to make him different from other MK characters. I think he's an interesting archetypical character, but I think it's time for him to go despite him not being in many games.

Kobra is more inspired by Johnny from the first three Karate Kid movies than Ken Masters from Street Fighter.

Tanya debuted in MK4, not MKD.

Shinnok is how you spell his name, not "Sninnok".

I disagree with you about Liu Kang's death. I think that was one of the best things they did with the story. I just would've liked him to stay gone from the story. It kind of makes sense that his body would retain knowledge of martial arts due to muscle memory.

Raiden was the original way his name was spelled, but apparently, you don't know that. Rayden is the spelling they went for the console versions of the first three MK games due to some copyright issues. Raiden is not evil. He is simply ruthless and intolerant of how mortals endanger their own realm. He now believes that ends justify the means, so he doesn't really care about how he goes about attaining true order for Earthrealm. I think he has potential for the next-gen games to become more of a Magneto-like villain.

I disagree with you about Noob Saibot. Noob-Smoke's MKD ending clearly states that when he descended into the Netherrealm, the Original Sub-Zero's compassion and any real trace of "good" in him was gone.

I think Scorpion's armored look with his MKD primary/MKA alt is his best look so far. It's far better than that joke of a costume with his MKD alt/MKA primary. Also, you have to understand that Ninja did wear armor (called yoroi in Japanese) and that most of the historical Ninja are/were of Samurai status or were trained by people of that status. The Iga no Bushi and Koga no Bushi (warriors of Iga and Koga), most of whom we'd call the Ninja, were known as Jizamurai (local Samurai warriors).

The only thing Samurai-like in Sub-Zero's costume design is his kabuto (helmet). That's all. I think it looks fine.

Jade as a female cyborg? Nah.

Anyway, here is what I have to say, for now...

MK1 characters

Liu Kang: I think Liu Kang's departure from the series is overdue and should've truly occured with MKDA. Unfortunately, it was not the case. MKA is the perfect game for him to wrap things up with the defeat of his zombified body and his ascension to the Heavens. He should definitely be remembered by the people of Earthrealm, Edenia, and Outworld as a great and noble hero.

Johnny Cage: I'm glad that he FINALLY got character development in MKA, but I think it was way too late. I would rather see him live but retire and not be seen in future MK games.

Sonya: Unfortunately, Sonya has gotten zero character development throughout the series, and I was never really that interested in her storyline or the Special Forces story arc. I'd rather that she, like Johnny Cage, live but retire and not be seen in future MK games.

Kano: I think I may have underrated him a bit before. He has gotten story development and can be a cunning and tactical bastard. However, I feel that his story had run too thin and it's about time he dies and stays dead, namely at the hands of Sonya.

Scorpion: Scorpion is kind of an iffy one, sorta...We know that Scorpion, or a Scorpion-like character, will always be in an MK game. However, what a lot of people don't realize is how much Scorpion has been fucked up over the years.

If you don't believe me, read my post in this thread: http://www.mortalkombatonline.com/content/forum/showmessage.cds?id=103559

If they aren't going to drastically improve Scorpion, I would rather have him gone. He is one big joke now. Pre-retcon Scorpion forever!

Reptile: I kind of like Reptile, but he's not really one of my favorites. I do think that he should probably not return in the future though he should have a happy ending with Khameleon or something, and I suppose I meant "happy ending" in more than one way, heh, heh, heh...tongue

Goro: I think he should've really died at Noob Saibot's hands. I'm not really too interested in the Shokan characters overall, and I feel that Goro's storyline should be done with.

Shang Tsung: He's a cool villain, and I like him, but I think he should go though not without a bang.

MK2 characters

Jax: Although he's gotten some real story development recently, I don't really want to see him return. I still feel that he was at his best in MK2. The whole bionic arms thing was silly, and I hated the whole "gangsta" attitude of his in MKDA. He hasn't done anything real significant in the storyline, and I think he should just go. With the way his story has been, it'd probably be better off if he were to die instead of live and retire.

Baraka: Baraka may be appealing to some, but let's face it. He's always been a flat, 1-dimensional henchman. His story is pretty redundant and he's had no character development at all. We don't need characters like him in the future, and I really want him to die.

Jade: Even though I like her and would want her to return in the future, if they aren't going to do anything with her, she might as well die.

Smoke: It's more or less the same as Jade except I'm not sure whether or not I'd like him to return. Both characters have little story and could use lots of backstory exploration. Unfortunately, they most likely won't do that.

Kintaro: Well, let's see. We don't know much about his personality. He doesn't have much of a story. His ending is...something out of Soul Calibur. I think he's kind of cool, but he's kind of useless in terms of story.

Shao Kahn: Shao Kahn is actually one of my favorite characters. He's not that stereotypical dumb brute. Instead, he's a powerful and cunning warlord who has great taste in women. wink MK: Conquest in particular showed how much of a cunning warlord he is, especially towards the end of the show. However, despite all this, it's time that he should go. His story has gone on for long enough, and it's time for new major villains.

Blaze: I like Blaze, but his purpose is to die for the greater good. I'm sure it'll happen, one way or another, so we aren't going to be seeing him return.

MK3/UMK3/MKT characters

Sheeva: I never cared for this character, and I simply do not find her to be appealing nor interesting.

Chameleon: He's pretty much a joke, maybe not exactly a joke character, but he obviously doesn't have a serious storyline. His ending is basically a slightly altered version of one of Ermac's UMK3/MKT endings. I don't like him, and I'd rather not have him come back.

Stryker: Although he's improved in MKA, I don't really care to see him return. I think he should just live and retire or something.

Sindel: Same as Jade

Nightwolf: He could possibly have some potential, but I don't like him enough to want him to return. They'll have to make him a more significant and interesting character for him to appeal to me.

Motaro: Same as Kintaro

Cyrax: As an NPC, he might be ok. However, for him to return wouldn't exactly sit with me too well. I like him, but I don't see much for his story. It just feels rather slim to me.

Sektor: I like Sektor as well, but with MKA being the last game for this generation's story, maybe it'd be better for him to go unless he pulls a Brainiac with some kind of copy of himself. I don't know.

Kabal: I also like Kabal, but I'd rather see him and most of the Black Dragon go down with him. As for why, well, I don't care much for the Black and Red Dragon clans. And I'm not sure how much could be done with him anyway.

MK4/MKG characters

Tanya: I never liked this character and she was certainly worse in MKD and MKA than in MK4 and MKG. I do think that perhaps she may have some story potential if done right, but I simply don't care for her.

Jarek: While some may call him a Kano rip-off, which he sort of is, he has a lot of his own unique moves. However, I just don't really care for him. He's kind of a joke, much like Chameleon.

Kai: I don't care for him really. I didn't like his new look in MKA and his primary costume was rather bland. He doesn't have much of a story though I will admit that his ending was one of the less crappy ones. But, like Jarek and Tanya, I just don't care for him. That's not to say he doesn't have story potential or whatever. He just doesn't appeal to me.

Meat: He's definitely a joke character who I'm sure won't be returning.

Quan Chi: Quan Chi is a cool character and a really deceptive prick. I'd rather just have Scorpion get his revenge on him and let it be just that. Since Scorpion will almost definitely return, having Quan Chi return as well would almost likely mean that they would probably go with some bit of Scorpion's MKA ending, which would make Scorpion's storyline worse than it already is.

MKDA/MKTE characters

Bo' Rai Cho: Like I said before, he's an interesting archetypical character, but I think he should die honorably in battle.

Hsu Hao: I really doubt they are going to do anything big with him, and most of the team doesn't seem to like him anyway, so it's best that he dies and doesn't come back.

Frost: I like Frost, and I think she should've come back for 1 or 2 more games had MKA not been the last game for this generation's story. With characters such as her and Kabal, this is as a means of "trimming the fat", so to speak.

Mokap: Same as Meat

Moloch: Same as Tanya except I don't see any real story potential for this buffoon

MKD/MKU characters

Darrius: Unless he's successful in taking over Seido, I'd rather have Dairou and/or Hotaru kill him.

Dairou: If they aren't going to do much with him, he should die.

Shujinko: Although I like how he's improved in MKA, I'd rather see him go. Sure, he could kind of be the next-gen Bo' Rai Cho, and I like his (unoriginal) look, but I think it's best that he die as a true hero to the people of Outworld (and I guess Earthrealm as well).

Onaga: I don't see what they could really do with him and his death is really as a means of trimming the fat.

MKA characters

Daegon: I like Daegon, but he should die or something that leads to him not returning while Taven becomes the new Protector God of Edenia.

So yeah, that's about it. There are some characters I didn't list as I wasn't too sure on them (e.g. Kitana, Mileena). And yes, I suppose you can say my list is biased as fuck, but aren't we all?
05/01/2007 09:08 PM (UTC)
i agree with alot of that stuff, however i did make some mistakes lol it was late here and i was just ready for bed but had some time to kill lol :P

THough there are alot of characters that have not been evolved like stryker i think is a shame, and they havn't run out of time to change it either. Starting over the series will kill the franchise once and for all and i really don't think john tobias would like to see this happen... (not that his thought really counts any more though...)
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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05/02/2007 09:30 AM (UTC)
That's my fault...
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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05/02/2007 09:35 AM (UTC)

1. Reptile: The stress from the Dragon King transforming his body..kills him. Make way for a different saurian super-secret character(sry bout the "S's"). I figure, they had to inhabit another whole planet...there's bound to be another one out there somewhere. Tah Dah!

My Alignment for this Character: I like the Mk1-2 Reptile and the way the MkA reptile looks.

2. Rain: Retcon dummy. I can already see it coming: "He's the son of a god so he can never die." Wow. Kill him with MkA for having loyalties to Shao Kahn. Semi-Godhood shouldn't save you from that fate..."mortal".Your soul is your soul and you dedicated it to a tyrant...bye bye.

My Alignment for this Character: I like Rain.

3. Chameleon: Fun to see, reasonable to die off. According to one speculation I read and thought was interesting is that he's transparent becasue he's already dead. Same as Khameleon so I won't waste time on making her an individual character later. I like this idea because it takes them out before they're "in" the roster as "serious" characters. They're paper-wieght characters, and as far as fans are concerened...they've servered their pupose.
("Yay..at least we got to see them again". Bye now *applaudes MkTeam*)

My Alignment for this Character: I like how they look in MkA. Don't care for either character.

4. Smoke: An example of in-adequate explitation of a character. Depending on how you look at it, he's a huge waste of an element.
Dis-assemble the robot. When I was interested in his story, it was only slightly.

My Alignment for this Character: Never liked what they did with his character, the concept was always cool though. Don't like the character.

5. Cyrax: Gotta kill one of 'em and he's lost his luster while Sektor shines his armor with the whole Tekunin thing. Dis-assemble Cyrax.

My Alignment for this Character: Liked him more than Sektor in the beginning. Don't like the character...anymore.

6. Stryker: Would love to keep him, reinvent his character but have no idea how to - due to poor development in the first place. He's like Chameleon with a badge essentially....He still doesn't know why his in the tournament. Unfortunate death seems proper since everything else about him is "unfortunate". I guess if he just.....went home after all this it could be just as proper too.

My Alignment for this Character: Love the character from the beginning.

7. Kabal: Flip-Flop too much...Make up your mind and take the cape back off in the process. I think he should double-cross the wrong person and be killed in the vortex that is his alignment problem.

My Alignment for this Character: Loved him in MkT after that...I don't even care.

8. Jarek: What!?! Fatality practic-er? Let the corpse of Kang Kill him in all of Raidens' protection of Earth "by any means nessasary" issues.

My Alignment for this Character: NEVER liked him. Thought he was "King Jerrod" out of the comics at first, but as soon as that was clarified, all interest in the character dissapated.

9. Darrius: Sterotype...Quota. Make another - different one.

My Alignment for this Character: NEver liked him. Cool moves though.

10. Reiko: Shao Kahn gotta go, you gotta go with him. His loyalty to Kahn is undisputed thus far unless his bio expresses something different.

My Alignment for this Character: Loved this Character. One of the only 2 from Mk4 to become a fav.

11. Bo Rai Cho: Chokes on his own puke, lol. Joke character with just enough justification.

My Alignment for this Character: NEVER liked the character.

12. Mavado: Kabal kills him before Havik kills him. Or any "backstabbing" that is internal of his faction will do.

My Alignment for this Character: NEVER liked the character.

13. Nightwolf: I think he's a wonderful character. Just never exploited properly. I think his story, up until his MkD-MkA bio/endings came out, doesn't include him on a cannon basis enough to stick around. I think he should probably use up the last of his life essence transfering Liu Kangs soul from his own to heaven, and then die off. Basiclly, I'd like to see someone like "Siang" from the comic books take his place as a Native American power-house and as Shamen.

They are two, who can combine into one....that kinda looks like shamanistic behavior to me combining two spirits and all. And I think "they" would be more than an adequate replacement for NightWolf. Nightwolf would then become their "inspiration" the same way Liu Kang would be paid homage to, from future Shaolin monk champs.

My Alignment for this Character: Loved this character from concept. But he's done his job very well and should "rest" for good now.

14. Mokap: Joke character...not for Mk8

My Alignment for this Character: Please don't ever do that again.

15. Jonny Cage: "Humor" character. According to the word from Boon that should conclude Cages' exisitance in at least this next game. Besides that, he's been "dead" once or twice already....That doesn't make him much of a "Mortal" if he keeps coming back now does it?...not for Mk8

My Alignment for this Character: thought the nut punch was funny back in Mk1-2. Don't like the character.

16. Kano: Too long an absence, too little development after Mk3. Also, Kano had 1 too many "clones". Jarek and Kira for example. Remember the rumor that Baraka was Kanos' replacement? Kano is tarnished beyond repair. I think he should die from a proverb....Like "Reep what you Sew".

My Alignment for this Character: Never a favorite. Was interested in his absence from Mk2. Don't like the character now.

17. Jax: Reinvent him or let the Tekunin kill him. Stereotypical, Quota. The "strongest man" theme is older than dirt itself. Make him an EarthBender. Make him a more exceptable interpretation of an "earth god"...that's where I think he should go if he stays alive at all....

My Alignment for this Character: Never a favorite. I don't like him.

18. Kai: If he doesn't step up in the Order of Light and as a Shaolin Monk or at least replace Liu Kang..Kill him in the process of "becoming". Probably the first respectable "afro-character"...and he's undeveloped. Wow. I feel like if they're not gonna do anything with him....he shouldn't be there at all. When I first learned of his story, he seemed like a shoe-in for the next Shaolin Champion.

I guess I'm discruntled or aggrivated about this character. He's also one that lacks an on-going relationship with supporting cast members.

My Alignment for this Character: I REALLY like his potential. He could be my next favorite but there's just not enough there to make the decision yet

19. Hsu Hao: He's a spar partner and I think, the only straight forward antagonist for Jax. Welp, I "killed" Mavado and Jax so far...This character has no supporting cast left and is thus left without a purpose in MK.

My Alignment for this Character: I fuckin' hate Hsu Hao. Look, story, gameplay...he's just terrible.

20. Kobra: His story and motivations are wakk for being in Mortal Kombat. I think he gives off a vibe of Styker from a darker angle. Whereas, he knows why he's there, but no clue for why he stays. wink

My Alignment for this Character: Hate him.

21. Liu Kang: Dude...he's dead. Let him go chill out with the Elder Kung Lao in Heaven already. Besides that, I belive that if we're gonna have a character with a "Bruce Lee" complex...at least update it to say a Jet Li, Donnie Yen, or even a Chow Yun Fat.

My Alignment for this Character: Never a favorite, but understood his purpose in the game.

22. Shang Tsung:Should die because of his committment to Shao Kahn. Although I wanna see him continue and finally be exploited properly(long shot but look to Eragons' lead evil Sorcerer. forgot his name), story-wise he should die. My thing about Shang Tsung is: "How do you adequately replace THAT?. I'm awaiting a good interpretation.

If I had a say in it, I would keep this bad guy, and give him new motivations. Then exlploit his power potential because of the motive alteration,....change his look a little bit, and let him go like that for a while.

My Alignment for this Character: Liked him in Mk1-2, then didn't like him in Mk3-T, then liked him again in MkDa-current. I really like the "revamp" on the costume and FmV interpretations too.

23. Quan Chi: I think without an active connection to the BrotherHood of the Shadow and whatever Noob Saibot is doing, Scorpion should get his revenge and kill him.

My Alignment for this Character: I never liked him. I feel like he needed a legion of some sort or to have his sorcery exploited far beyond where it was even in any FmV he appeared in.

24. Shinnok: Fallen Gods evil plan didn't work. It was superseeded and overcome by the Elder Gods through the God of Edenias' son "Taven" and the safegaurd Blaze. Tah dah.

I'd say put Shinnok to rest in a similar fasion as the One Being and be done with him. Have the Elder Gods dispurse his Godly essence (if there is any left in him) or something.

He needs to go because it's nessasary to be rid of this story-plot and motivation for the contest: . Which is what they're trying to do with Mk8 on forward anyway.He's as much a motivator of this story-plot as Shao Kahn and they both have to die in order to continue with even the vague objectives Boon put on the table already.

25. Kitana: I don't want her "killed" in the sense that she dies. I'd rather have her character purpose in the story become more ellaborate, but from outside of the ring. Going by the fact that I killed Liu Kang off, and am definately going to kill Shao Kahn when I get to him, she could actually die, but I'd rather she assume the role of Queen of Edenia. Maybe have Sindel bestow Kitanna with all of her powers, which means Queen Sindel dies, and bring Kitana back in a later game as a reformed character. Maybe even make her an exile, that way she gets away from all of the "Royalty" for a while....

My Alignment for this Character: Not my favorite lady ninja, but I like the colot blue...lol, so she stayed an interesting character since Mk2. In-game, she was probably the most boring of the three at that time. Essentially, I like her story of all the women...but I don't like the character.

26. Mileena: She "dies" the same way Kitana does...of reinvention. Although, I can't imagine a "correct" time to bring her back after she's gone. Or a substatial reason to either. Especially with characters like Kitana, Shao Kahn, Sheeva, Shang Tsung, and probably Baraka gone.

My Alignment for this Character: I like her, but it's a translucent likeness. She's one of the female characters I will play with in these later games.

27. Jade: I like her So much, but she doesn't really have a future without her supporting characters' purposes. If Kitana becomes queen, then maybe there's a chance she could remain a personal bodygaurd(different costumes). I say that becasue she doesn't strike me as a "Lone Wolf" like Mileena. She is by far the most "solder-istic" of the lady ninjas to me. I feel like she can be reinvented....but again "How"? And why//when would you bring her back?

My Alignment for this Character: Love this character from begining to current. She always remains "intriguing".

28. Ashrah: I think she's Mk "fluff" to tell the truth. Her story wasn't one that struck me as unique or compelling. And again to tell the truth, with the whole "ascend from hell" theme, it just looked like they picked Scorpions' story apart and twisted it a little bit for her.

Other than that, now that's she's out of the NetherRealm, what can you do with her exept exile her of her own will, or kill her off for getting mixed up in someone elses problems.

My Alignment for this Character: Don't like her.

29. Li Mei: She is another one I consider "fluff" in Mortal Kombat. She was really kind of a side effect of what happened to Shang Tsung, and if that issue is remedied by Kahns death and all that are loyal to him(Tsung included)....she should be ousted as well.

My Alignment for this Character:Hate her character. Served her purpose in this story-plot.

30. Tanya: Again, more fluff. I think she makes this MkA appearance for that sake of the game like alot of other characters.

My Alignment for this Character: Never liked her.

31. Sindel: If Shao Kahn dies, and then Shang Tsung dies....whatever spells keeping her "alive" wear off. *shrugs* lol

Noh aheh, but it seems like they're refusing to build her up story-wise so, time to let her rest.

My Alignment for this Character: Like this character alot ever since Mk3-T. One of three of my favorite women characters.

32. Kira: I never found anything appealing about her having some of Kanos' moves.

My Alignment for this Character: Don't like this character at all.

33. Sheeva: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him.

My Alignment for this Character: I actually do like this character alot. I felt like if they were going to keep anything from the Shokans, it should've been her or Kintaro. She wasn't a favorite, but I think I liked her because she was unique from the other Shokan...more interesting to think about.

34. Baraka: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him. I think Baraka should die, but I do like the Tarkata. So maybe another one comes up in the future that has more to offer story-wise. It'd make the Tarkata seem more....

My Alignment for this Character: Never a favorite. I kinda liked him in Mk2. Don't care for him now though.

35. Motaro: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him. Motaro is by far my favorite sub-boss. He was built right look wise, and he was placed correctly for his look. "Leader of his own faction, only second to the Huge boss, and fighting for that position with another powerful force: the Shokan. That was right. I feel like they massacred his character in MkA.

He got fucked, and now it's time to just put him to rest. Not only him though, the whole race dedicated loyalty to Shao Kahn so they're all going down if Kahn dies.

My Alignment for this Character: All time favorite Sub-Boss before MkA

36. Moloch: Frankly he's just a big dumb animal and nothing I've seen disputes that so, he can be killed off and never come back. I wouldn't even wish to see a "race" of him either.

My Alignment for this Character:What a useless pile of a character.

37. Meat: Joke character...not for Mk8.

My Alignment for this Character: Don't mind him as much as Mokap or Moloch actually. I guess it's because I don't care about this character SO much, I don't even recognize him as a real character on the roster.

38. Shao Kahn: Dragon King kills him. It's been long enough and now he's just being played with anyway. Seems ironic that a "bigger, badder" boss takes him out.

My Alignment for this Character: Favorite Boss of Mk ever. He's the model for future bosses. Whoever they make in the future, I feel like they should at least size them up to him.

39. Goro: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him.

My Alignment for this Character:Never liked him. Thought he should've stayed dead the first time.

40. Kintaro: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him. Highly under-developed character. I think it's a shame that a "monster" that aggressive looking has to go to waste.

My Alignment for this Character: 2nd Favorite Sub-Boss of Mk.

41. Drahmin: Only interested in his back-story. But that doesn't merit him actually being in the game. I wanna see what his whole past looks like and some insight into where his future is headed. Then I might be interested in playing with him. But as of now, I feel like I shouldn't or can't care about the character yet.

My Alignment for this Character:Don't like his look, but the story is intriguing.

42. Blaze: Served his purpose:

My Alignment for this Character: Liked his Look in MkA. Other than that I never liked him.

Leaves me with:

1. Scorpion: - almost garraunteed in Mk8

2. Sub-Zero: - almost garraunteed in Mk8

3. Ermac: - I like where his story has come from and is going.

4. Noob Saibot: - Liked the character before we knew he was the Elder S-Z.

5. Sektor: - "Tekunin". I want to see how far they will take him. I also wanna see a war against the Speacial Forces sub-plot.

6. Dairou: - The only thing I don't like about him is the fighting styles they gave him. I think he's a great character with great storyline potential.

7. Fujin: - They can do more with " thin-air".

8. Hotaru: - He's one of the few successfully unique characters we've gotten in the last couple games and I've come to really like him. I used to hate how "slow" he was. I don't like his fighting styles either.

9. Kenshi: - Same as Dairou and Hotaru besides the fighting styles comment.

10. Raiden: - Favorite character hands down. But I thought he was a gone-r until the whole "puppet-master" and "Liu Kang reserrection" deal. I don't see him being killed off or retiring out in anyway right now.

Now, before he regains himself from taint, I wanna see him take out a few characters that I listed. Maybe for such an action, the elder gods will reprimand him to being a mortal for a while and I'll still get to play with him(cuz it's not really his fault he's tainted in the first place unless he could've known what would happen).
Beyond something like this I can't image him becoming a "badguy" in any-way. It just doesn't seem interesting to me at all. As a matter of fact it kinda comes off as cliché.

I sacrificed myself for the greater good of EarthRealm and to defeat a threat seemingly greater than myself and two very powerful sorcerers, and I got tainted in the process..Oops...First I'll be ruthless for
Earth and then...what the hell I'll be a badguy for a while.."

Whah?!? Just doesn't sit right or make sense considering what he's doing now....

And while I'm here Wu-TangStyle, Raiden is absolutly not "evil". That's a gargantuan misconception. Instead, Raiden is like an extremely over protective parent to EarthRealm, due to taint he inherited directly following his sacrifice....He should be considered over protectve to the point of pro-action. Taking matters unto himself, he will protect EarthRealm by any means nessasary("I can no longer stand idley by"). Like putting on armour before battle knowing you've been stabbed before....like putting plants in the dirt in the Fall, knowing they will grow the coming Spring....like buying insurance for a car you just bought knowing you have a jacked up accident record.

Raiden is more than a few millenia old, just because he has on dark clothes doesn't make him "evil". And futhermore, even if he kills in his current state, it should be pressumed justified because he's doing this for the greater good of EarthRealm. He's ruthless right now, not a tyrant. And he's doing this from a stand-point of ignorance about his taint. Not even other Gods like Fujin know why he's acting like he's acting yet.

Anyway, now that - that's rant-on about....Raiden has great potential outside of being anything like an "evil" character in the future. As I mentioned, if he is reprimanded it gives him challenges to (for once in Mk) become a God from scratch and reside in the Pantheon of the Gods once more. There's all kinds of potential in that.

He could be completely re-born and forced to live as a human from conception like Shujinko Konquest Mode(*nods to a separate conquest type game*). Except that, once he matured he could be let know his terrible mistakes and his missions as a human could co-oberate such.. That's what you do with Raiden....Human Lover....EarthRealm Protector. When you finish a game like that, Fujin and the Elder Gods welcome you back with open arms.....

11. Sonya: See Sektor

12. Frost: Sub-Zeros' "unofficial off-spring".

13. Nitara: Read books and simply portray her correctly while you have the chance to develop her for next gen is all I'd say there. If you gotta watch a movie to get "Vampire": Bram Stokers is good(lol), more modern "exceptable-for what-it-is...is "Queen of the Damned", "Interview with a Vampire" or even "Underworld" is fine with me. Maybe a little bit of the Comic-made-movie "Blade" is cool.

I like her, I like her story and where it's going. I like her design too, but if ya mess up what a vampire is supposed to be....especially in Mortal Kombat.....there is no hope. HA!

14. Sareena: She is probably the best thing to happen to the women on the roster in a long time. Everything "matches" with her. Her look, her story's good, she has enourmous potential...ect I'm still watching her so I don't have much to say right now.

15. Havik: I like Havik. I like the fact that we could see absolutley anything from him at anytime. He could do an evil deed one minute, and then turn around and do some good deed the next minute just so long as it maintains his theme: Chaos. On another note, I wouldn't mind seeing maybe one more character come from that realm that maybe contradicts the custom.


My Hang-Nails:

1. Dragon King: I like him alot. I think he should've suceeded Shao Kahn in the first place. I just don't have any reason to believe he should die..."retire out" or simply go away.

2. Shujinko: I think he could be our next big power-house. Considering he inherits whoevers powers he comes into battle with, he probably has the best potential of getting pissed off by someone and becomeing the next big Boss. I think it would be fitting considering most people already don't like him. Imagine climbing the ladder to kill Shujinko...haha! Frustrating unexpected right? idk that's just a crazy idea I've had for some time now.


I just know I missed someone....
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05/02/2007 07:47 PM (UTC)
I in fact belive Shujinko is one of my personal favourites, being it his ability to confuse opponents with spear and freeze with the same character, or maybe just the fact I have got used to his Ming tash and eye-brows.

I think: Stay until he becomes virtually useless in the plot all together, maybe more involvement than Armageddon but much like deception. I prefer him to Taven.

Shao Khan:
I used to be one of the Veterans and is still quite interesting today. Much prefered over Shang Tsung as a boss character but awfully slow in Armageddon.

I think: Let him stay for now but if he can only have Tai Tsu fighting style like Armageddon then kill him.

Lui Kang:
Im glad he finally has his body back and I wish to see more of these twists in the future. I couldn't belive that Raiden himself desecrated his corpse.

I think: His plot is one of my favourites and I want more grin

We know that too many people like this guy.

I think: Even though I like him, if hes gonna get in anyway theres no point in review.

Aha! We finally hit a bad one here. This guy was first made as a replacement for Jax (Kira is the same for Sonya). Making his worth useless now. His plot has no storyline significance and I never seen him once in Armageddon konquest. In deception however he was worth something, then Unchained came along introducing Jax again. This made him worthless in the title he could call his own.

I think: You can guess what I'm gonna say if you actully read.

Similar to Darius, I belive she had no appearences in the main plot apart from Armageddon Konquest. 1 More than Darius himself.

I think: Well...."Similar to Darius"...

Big man in Armageddon, made for the purpose of saving the realms. This failed miserably thus making him a reject. Many others like him however I dont. His cheap moves, homo-erotic *Tight* leather and massive forehead make me want to kill him myself.

I think: I want to "Finish Him" with my bare hands.

Many others I missed out probably means I dont give a crap or I just cant bother reviewing.
About Me

MK vs DC... there's something I never saw coming!

05/03/2007 02:31 PM (UTC)
I'm simply hoping it REALLY starts all over, like it's stated by Boon many times now. So... I'd like to see just 1 or 2 characters returning (don't care who these would be) and the rest should all die.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

05/03/2007 06:59 PM (UTC)
BarakaFanatic Wrote:
I'm simply hoping it REALLY starts all over, like it's stated by Boon many times now. So... I'd like to see just 1 or 2 characters returning (don't care who these would be) and the rest should all die.

Me too.
05/03/2007 08:41 PM (UTC)
okay, i feel like writing a extremely long post, so i'll say every character(characters in SZM and SF don't count imo), and say my opinon on them staying or not.

Scorpion: i love Scorpion gameplay, look, fatality, and specials wise, but he really needs to go imo. His story is really sucking as of late, and needs to die off.(He'll be through though)

Sub-Zero: My second favorite ninja, one with a decent storyline. I think he should stay, but imrpove on his look, and make his story even better.

Shang Tsung: His storyline in MKA is decent, but he's been around too long. I think he die off, but his look is the best ever imo.

Shinnok: I obviously love Shinnok, and think he should come back. I love his storyline, its really interesting.

Reiko: like his look, but his storyline is crap; needs to die off.

Quan Chi: i see potential in Quan Chi, i really like him. I think he should stay, but revamp his story.

Kung Lao: i like Kung, but personally i doubt Boon will further his storyline to make him great. He should die off since they won't delve deep into him.

Kai:Never that fond of him, needs to go;plain and simple. He did have cool fatalities in MK4 though.

Shujinko: I always hated Shujinko, lousy Shang Tsung ripoff artist. He needs to die off.

Rain:Iffy on him staying; has potential but i think he should die off anyway.

Styrker: needs to die off, don't see him going anywhere.

Jarek: i love Jarek, he's awesome in MKA imo. Still, he should die off because his storyline is bad.

Sonya: i'd like her to stay, always loved Sonya. She has a decent storyline and great look, just flesh out her storyline better.

Cyrax: don't think any cyborg ninjas will stay, and Cyrax is the one i think that has the least chance of staying. Probably should die off.

Kano: hate kano, never grew on me; die off please.

Kabal: i like Kabal, and i like his status as Black Dragon leader. Still, he should probably die off since i think both Dragon clans will be gone in the next game.

Raiden: definitely stay, love his whole new dark persona, great storyline now. One of the people i think must stay.

Baraka: i like Baraka in terms of look and specials and fatalities, but his storyline has always been boring; should defintely die off.

Reptile: die off, although he does have connections to Khameleon, he seems to be going down the same boring path as usual.

Liu Kang: die off, could be a villain but i don't want him in any more MK games.

Johnny Cage: hate Cage, his whole conceited persona makes me want to punch a baby; die off he must!

Kitana: i love Kitana,one of my favorite female characters. Still, i think she should die off because it seems as though she's sick of fighting.

Sindel: like Sindel, but she should probably die off.

Ashrah: i never liked Ashrah, looks like Raiden had a sex change; die off.

Smoke: not sure, cyrborg ninja that i'm not sure on whether should die or stay; i'll say though die off.

Noob Saibot: die off, he's getting stale storyline wise.

Darrius: maybe stay, but die off because he's annoying imo.

Tanya: die off, hate her persona and attitude

Sareena: must stay, want to see her beast form!

Dairou: i see potential in Dairou, he should stay.

Li Mei: always been, and always will be a dumb stupid puppet imo. Needs to die off.

Kenshi: could go places, but doubt it; die off.

Jax: die off Jax, you're gangsta no mo!

Havik: i love Havik, favorite new character in MKD other than Hotaru. Much potential for him, should stay.

Frost: should stay, i could see her going places.

Fujinn: should stay, could be the big hero in MK8.

Kira: i like Kira's look and weapons, but her story is stale; die off.

Kobra: hate you Kobra, die off in a fire now please!

Mavado: want him to stay, see potential in him.

Ermac: must stay, could also be the big hero in Mk8.

Nightwolf: never been good story wise, die off.

Nitara: i want her to stay, explore her dark vampire roots much more i think.

Hsu Hao: die off, simple as that

Sektor: might stay because Boon likes him(not sure if he does), but should die off.

Jade: want her to stay, could become something special.

Shao Kahn: die off, no more you as boss!

Mileena: like her, but gettting boring; die off.

Mokap: die off

Drahmin: die off, just a cool looking pawn.

Hotaru: see alot of potential in him , should stay.

Bo Rai Cho: no more comic relief characters! Die off!

Moloch: hate moloch, die off

Sheeva: like her, but doubt her staying; die off fodder

Goro: cool character, but obsolete compared to Kintaro; die off.

Kintaro: better than Goro, but die off since other than Shinnok i want no bosses left alive!

Onaga: don't like you other than look, die off!

Blaze: die off, only cool in MKDA.

Chameleon: die off

Khameleon:cool, but should die off

there you have it, my opinons on who should stay.

05/04/2007 11:12 AM (UTC)
In my opinion MK needs to go back to the start...changing no characters from around MK Trilogy, that is when I believe it was at its best. Just elaborate on their storylines. It needs to have a whole new look I agree, it needs to be more dark and more life like. It needs to get rid of stuff like the bright costumes making them look like super heroes that they are not! (Some may argue) So go back to the roots of MK and don’t add shit characters like Bo Rai Cho, Tanya, Hsu Hao, Kai, Kobra, Mavado and pretty much ALL the new characters from after MKT. I mean common guys can you really truthfully say these are your fav characters. Proof of this is that MK Shoalin Monks was more popular than Deception, Deadly Alliance and Armagedon..why do you think this is guys?...not only because it was an action adventure game and was different to the franchise before but also because of the original storyline and characters going back to its roots. I mean how many hard core fans of ANYTHING go absolutely psycho when they make a movie from a comic and/or a game and it’s not the same as the original story with the original characters. This is what will happen if you change it completely. The reason MK is so popular and the reason people/fans keep coming back for more is not for new characters, new arenas and all that bull shit, its to see their fav characters like Scorpion, Sub Zero, Reptile (preferably back to human form) Johnny Cage Lui Kang, Sonya, Kano, Goro, Kitana, Mileena, without these characters and more of the originals the game is nothing and wont sell. In a different category The Terminater, for instance, wouldn’t be the same without Arnie, Xmen would be fucked without Storm, Wolverine and Cyclops etc. You can’t just scrap a whole series and bring in all new.

So go back to the beginning with the original stories and characters and change their appearances to be more realistic with awesome graphics and fewer colours and it will rock! I think the idea for the games graphics should come from Resident evil looking/ Gears of war.
05/04/2007 02:59 PM (UTC)
JustinRex: I can't agree with you on that. Trying to go back to the start doesn't do anything to make MK go forward. Instead, it'll do the opposite. Only a certain amount of the characters from MK1-MKT appeal to me. I don't see what's so bad about some of the characters from after MKT.

I don't know if MK: Shaolin Monks was more popular than MK: Deception, but it had better gameplay. In terms of story, however, it's absolute garbage.

Characters like Goro, Kano, and Liu Kang have had their run and should definitely go.
05/04/2007 06:03 PM (UTC)
I would like them to go back, however i dont see that happening nor do i think they can.. I do infact also believe that Shaolin Monks sold better than Deception....
05/05/2007 10:15 AM (UTC)
It would go forward in the fact that there will be a totally new look in the arenas and characters, a more realistic look which i think is what true fans want, you are entitled to your own opinion, thats great :) but in my mind i buy the game not because im excited about what new characters are going to be in it nor what arenas or special features it will have, i come back for the original characters and the fatalities this is what made it the game it was, why take that away. I mean Midway and Boon might as well make a totally NEW fighting game.

Shaolin Monks was more popular than Deception and what is so garbage about it specifically?

Believe me if mortal kombat went back to the start with original characters that looked life like with the new engine and had cool outfits that would be change enough.

05/05/2007 11:01 AM (UTC)
Shinnok Fan.

I think theres a slim chance of Shinnok ever comming back, yet alone as a last boss. I think hes the least liked end boss (after blaze ofc)

And Motaro also is also the least liked (Classic) Sub Boss..

In Terms of Bosses and Sub Bosses these are my views:


Shang Tsung - If they do reinvent this whole new begining to Mortal Kombat, I really think it would be awsome to see Shang Tsung as the last boss, however he would have to be old, and serve under a new master, i think that would be so awsome... If not he should die

Shao Kahn - I liked him, hes like the Bison of Street Fighter, the Robotnic of Sonic however he has been killed too many times and magically reappears. He should stay dead...

Shinnok - Looks like a Plastic Anime Character, could have been good if only he looked better, however he doesnt and his story sort of blows. Die Please

Quan Chi - (Deadly Alliance) I quite like this character, he looks cool, his story could be more developed however, if nothing happens to him he should die.

Onaga - Should Definatly die, he served his purpose.

Sub Bosses:

Goro - Should of died at the end of the first Tournament when everybody thought he had... Since he didnt and i sort of like him i guess he should die :P

Kintaro - Same as Goro, he should have died in the second game... He didn't i think he should die.

Motaro - Crap Character, Die please...

Moloch - Another crap Character, die please...

Noob - Smoke - I know they seperate, and become individual chars, and thats how they should stay. I personally think Smoke should become a force of good and help Sub-Zero stop Noob...

05/05/2007 04:20 PM (UTC)
JustinRex Wrote:
It would go forward in the fact that there will be a totally new look in the arenas and characters, a more realistic look which i think is what true fans want, you are entitled to your own opinion, thats great :) but in my mind i buy the game not because im excited about what new characters are going to be in it nor what arenas or special features it will have, i come back for the original characters and the fatalities this is what made it the game it was, why take that away. I mean Midway and Boon might as well make a totally NEW fighting game.

Shaolin Monks was more popular than Deception and what is so garbage about it specifically?

Believe me if mortal kombat went back to the start with original characters that looked life like with the new engine and had cool outfits that would be change enough.

So you're saying they should bring back all the original characters? What good does that do for the story? Basically, you're one of those people who is stuck in the past with the nostalgia of the old games. Just play those games for that.

MK has to move on for it to really go somewhere. Bringing back so many of the classics isn't the way to go as a lot of them aren't really going anywhere anyway.

MK: Shaolin Monks had various problems, the biggest ones being the story, voice acting, dialogue, and overall character portrayal. Also, the game didn't have that much replay value.

I would rather have various characters die off and not come back while some others live but don't return. I'm not saying all the characters from this generation shouldn't make it. In fact, I'd like to see around 15 or so characters return (e.g. Sub-Zero, Sareena, Li Mei).

Having so many people return, however, would be going against what MKA is trying to do.

If you want to see some kind of remake of MK1 and MK2, that should be for a different game, not MK8, MK9, etc.
05/06/2007 05:33 AM (UTC)
All i want to see is the characters return and for Mortal kombat to go back to the way it was im not saying re make MK 1 OR MK 2 im saying go back and make the characters more believable in their apperance.... and im saying i want the old characters to stay in the future MK's Because they make it what it is..

My original point was just that i would love to see old characters return with more realistic and life like looks.

for example i would love to see Sonya return looking like this.

more life like :)

About Me

05/07/2007 05:32 AM (UTC)
JustinRex Wrote:
All i want to see is the characters return and for Mortal kombat to go back to the way it was im not saying re make MK 1 OR MK 2 im saying go back and make the characters more believable in their apperance.... and im saying i want the old characters to stay in the future MK's Because they make it what it is..

My original point was just that i would love to see old characters return with more realistic and life like looks.

for example i would love to see Sonya return looking like this.

more life like :)

Imo the latex ruins it, and the photomodel face is completely off. Sonya has never been a perfect beauty and does not need to be. Other wise I dig the hair and the headband. And wtf is up with the assault rifle (?).
05/07/2007 10:42 AM (UTC)
hahahahahah i love the assault rifle its wicked! the reason why Sonya WAS so good in the previous games was the fact that she was HOT and more feminine, now she just looks like a drag queen with pecks!!

Yeah the assault rifle is an awsome idea! this is the changes in Mk i wanna see!! LOL

05/07/2007 10:46 AM (UTC)
and Sonya once was a PERFECT beauty i mean common!! KERRI HOSKINS was the model..hello!!??

is this a perfect beauty to you? cause this was the Model for Sonya in MKT.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

05/08/2007 05:17 AM (UTC)
JustinRex Wrote:
hahahahahah i love the assault rifle its wicked! the reason why Sonya WAS so good in the previous games was the fact that she was HOT and more feminine, now she just looks like a drag queen with pecks!!

Yeah the assault rifle is an awsome idea! this is the changes in Mk i wanna see!! LOL

The assault rifle is very poorly drawn. It's like the bastard child of an FN FAL and a H&K G3. The magazine is not sitting in correct position on the rifle, the angle is wrong when compared to the pistol grip.
05/08/2007 05:24 AM (UTC)
Lucky i didnt draw the picture then :) and its not as if i work for Midway im just posting an amatuer idea so calm down man lol
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