Who thinks Cyborgs should go and never return
posted08/17/2005 12:36 AM (UTC)by
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10/26/2003 04:45 AM (UTC)
I do, all except Sektor, because i think his Tekunin story could be pretty cool, even though they ignored it completly in MKD. But Cyrax is boaring, i wouldent mind seeing him in a half robot half human form but id rather see him go. And smoke should either stay the way he is in MKD or go human (which wont happen) or go completley. I just dont care for the Cyborgs that much and wish they would have never introduced them.
07/21/2005 03:12 AM (UTC)
I don't mind cyborgs, although I can understand why many dislike their presence in Mortal Kombat.

I think Sektor should stay, since he's the only true cyborg left and IMO the coolest one anyway. But I doubt we'll see many(if any) fellow Tekunin agents as being playable, which may be a good thing.
Then there's Cyrax, who I honestly lost interest in after MK Gold. I think if they limit it to one cyborg in a game, I'd take Sektor over Cyrax.

For some reason I never counted Smoke as one of the cyborgs. I guess because he wasn't introduced as one and his human form has almost always also been available.
But anyway, I think Smoke will return, but I wouldn't worry about his being a cyborg much longer. He seems to be evolving into an ethereal form which I think is the way to go anyway.

07/21/2005 03:47 AM (UTC)
i agree with you in the aspect of Sektor, ive never minded him, maybe because he dosent seem as played out as Cyrax.
07/21/2005 06:00 AM (UTC)
Why does everone hate Robots?

If anything, I think more Robots should be created. New types that wow us with their machine powers and such.

Could this mean the end of Cyrax? Perhaps. But I think newly well designed robots wont be such a bad idea...
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07/21/2005 01:14 PM (UTC)
No. They clearly don't fit into MK anyway.

Smokes and Sektors storyline should have closure in the next MK installment, and Cyrax should go. They perfectly ruined the whole MK saga ever since MK3/UMK3/MKT and so.

They are illogical. A fuckin' tournament won't allow cyborgs to enter, and why would a cyborg participate anyway other than by orders from a supe-rior? I want to see humans in a classic gong-fu enviroment, not mechani-sed slaves. If they have their own will, it still doesn't change much.

Cyrax -shallow character, but originally he was good. ONe cyborg should have been enough. His moves are the most fitting.

Sektor - even more shallower than Cyrax. Rigid and one dimensional. I rather see someone who lives instead of folowing his own codes just ebcouse he is forced into it. His moves are pretty unoriginal.

Smoke- the only cyborg I shoul tolerate, but other than that being Sub-Zeros long time pal and now an "enemy", he is really empty as a character.
As a nanotech entity he can be relieved of a schematic and cliche cyborg.

They can stay but not al at once. Vary betweent hem, andplease, no further ninjas or cyborgs. We have lived past of palette swaps, or even better, almost exactly same concepts.

07/21/2005 01:42 PM (UTC)
I hate all the cyborgs. They look out of place in MK.

Sektor was the best of the three, then Smoke, then Cyrax IMO, but that doesnt mean I like them.

Cyrax and Sektor were fully automated machines. Smoke was this enigma, who seemed to still have a soul etc.

As far as Im aware, Cyrax and Sektor were supposed to have no souls. Yet they made Cyrax human in MK:DA, or at least partially human. Which IMO was kinda dumb and contradicts the automation process. This storyline should have gone to Smoke, who still had his soul.

The in MKD they bring back smoke. Fair enough I suppose. But, he has been completely ruined. Cyrax took the whole 'becoming human/ having a concience' thing meaning Smoke probably wont go in that direction now. Sektor has taken the whole, 'Evil lets automate everyone' storyline, meaning Smoke cant do that either. Now he is basically a shell, and can only do what his Master tells him. theyve turned him from good potential, to merely being someones bitch. Such a waste.

And as for Sektor. well we have enough people wanting to build their own army, cybrog or otherwise. For me, it would be boring to bring him back, cause he would seem too like others, eg Quan Chi, Shang tsung, noob Saibot/Smoke.
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07/21/2005 04:29 PM (UTC)
Getting rid of the usless one woud be the best idea. So Cyrax should go.

Then there's the slave cyborg we call Smoke. He's been used and abused a bit too much and unless he breaks free, he may a well go too.

Then we have Sektor, the kickass one. He and Smoke should return, but smoke needs a new purpose. Sektor has a great story set up for him and has so much potential no and hopefully te'll get to exploit it. As for Cyrax, he's boring and useless. He needs to go.
07/21/2005 05:18 PM (UTC)
you guys are lucky..i came in here ready to bust ass....but u guys have no prob with sektor...so i leave with no missiles detonated..lol
07/21/2005 06:05 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
No. They clearly don't fit into MK anyway.

Smokes and Sektors storyline should have closure in the next MK installment, and Cyrax should go. They perfectly ruined the whole MK saga ever since MK3/UMK3/MKT and so.

They are illogical. A fuckin' tournament won't allow cyborgs to enter, and why would a cyborg participate anyway other than by orders from a supe-rior? I want to see humans in a classic gong-fu enviroment, not mechani-sed slaves. If they have their own will, it still doesn't change much.

Cyrax -shallow character, but originally he was good. ONe cyborg should have been enough. His moves are the most fitting.

Sektor - even more shallower than Cyrax. Rigid and one dimensional. I rather see someone who lives instead of folowing his own codes just ebcouse he is forced into it. His moves are pretty unoriginal.

Smoke- the only cyborg I shoul tolerate, but other than that being Sub-Zeros long time pal and now an "enemy", he is really empty as a character.
As a nanotech entity he can be relieved of a schematic and cliche cyborg.

They can stay but not al at once. Vary betweent hem, andplease, no further ninjas or cyborgs. We have lived past of palette swaps, or even better, almost exactly same concepts.

I can't see how they don't fit into MK any less than Nitara, Stryker, Darrius or Kira.

All former Lin Kuei ninjas, probably enhanced by becoming robotic (like Jax in MK3), in storyline terms their training would make them more than worthy to compete in MK.

They should all return at some stage or another, though I probably agree than no more two a game.

Sektor is becoming a more prominent character, and personaly I'd like to see one of his tekunin subjects/minions alongside him in MK7. Hopefully it will be a female cyber ninja, since we have never seen one yet.

Cyrax was a letdown in MKDA, but he still has the best moveset of the 3. They just need to break him away from the lame storylines he always seems to get. I'd like to see him as an independant mercenary, no affliations.

As for Smoke, well he's been one of my fave characters ever since he was a devastating hidden fighter in MK3. Solid moves, pretty decent story (though not so good in MKD), definitely should be improved next time he shows. However, although he was one of my faves as a cyborg, I think I'd prefer him to stay as etheral smoke - better potential.

What they need to do is what they did with the palette swapped ninjas, give all three different designs. They have great potential in terms of looks, moves and strength as character's, it's just their storylines that need the overhaul...
07/21/2005 06:12 PM (UTC)
I've never really liked the cyborgs, they don't really fit right, and are pretty limited in terms of character. But they have their fans, so I think having one in a game is fair.

Out of the three cyborgs, I would choose Sektor to stay around for at least one more game, he was, imo, the best of the three. I'd like to see the Tekunin storyline given a chance, maybe team him up with Noob and have them ally against the Lin Quei.

I'd much rather see Smoke in his MKD alternate, etheral form rather than as a stupid cyborg. Smoke has never had a fair chance at being a "real" developed character in the games. Next time, he should have his own moves, his own look, and his own storyline, rather than being Noob's puppet.

Cyrax can be sent to the scrapheap. Never liked him, never will.
07/21/2005 06:32 PM (UTC)
i like the cyborgs a lot, i dont thnk that they should ever leave.
07/21/2005 07:30 PM (UTC)
hey Chrome

you can be quiet now...as i recall...there was only 1 or 2 tournaments..i think 1

it was mk1....after that..it was all about shao kahn, the deadly alliance, and the dragon king...

so the cyborgs can come and go as they please..no superior power preventing them from entering...if it was true....they wouldnt let ermac in...hes a ghost type thing with powers....or jax with his arms.....or kenshi because of handicap reasons


sektor and smoke should stay..only is smoke is his mkd alt and breaks free of noob.....sektor is the king....he deserves at least 1 game with him as a main focus and then as a regular character...lol...man...his hara kiri would kick ass
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07/21/2005 08:54 PM (UTC)
The fact that people say the cyborgs don't beling in MK is kind of weird. This is Mortal Kombat we're talking about, there is nothing too outlandish for the franchise. Just look a tthe line up, we have a mutant in baraka, we have demons in the form of Drahmin and Molock, we have sorcerers in the form of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, a ninja spectre, a guy who has almost no idea about his past and can freeze things, we have gods, sub-gods, sons of gods, vampires, lizards, four armed monsters, centuars, a wraith ninja, assassins, a movie star, a bruce lee rip off, and a guy who can use his hat as a weapon. As far as I can tell, the MK roster was always messed up, so what's the big deal with having three cyborgs in the mix. They don't fit in? Neither does anybody else!!! If we went by having strictly humans we'd have a cast of eight characters.
07/22/2005 02:00 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-17 is exactly right.

Why does everybody hate the robots. I think they are totally mad. I know Sektor hasn't been in a proper game for a while but I kicked ass with him in MK3. Cyrax is just as cool. Smoke is also very powerful, he was like the hidden dude in MK3 and also one of the strongest there.

And now I shall fire missiles, spears, bombs, teleport uppercuts and nets everywhere!furious
08/15/2005 03:32 PM (UTC)
i think all of the cyborgs suck so they should all go
08/15/2005 03:59 PM (UTC)
well it seems nobody else does in this forum...GAME OVER
08/15/2005 04:20 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
Getting rid of the usless one woud be the best idea. So Cyrax should go.

Then there's the slave cyborg we call Smoke. He's been used and abused a bit too much and unless he breaks free, he may a well go too.

Then we have Sektor, the kickass one. He and Smoke should return, but smoke needs a new purpose. Sektor has a great story set up for him and has so much potential no and hopefully te'll get to exploit it. As for Cyrax, he's boring and useless. He needs to go.

Lmao, a mod with a dragon point. tongue

Cyrax was one of the better characters of MK DA, he just lacked a relevant (or even thought-out) storyline. For such a classic character, he was used shamefully as a filler.

Smoke kicks ass. I like Cyrax better, but human Smoke owns all. He had good moves and originality in Deception, but I didn't like him being Saibot's bitch. If he's to return, let him somehow take on his human form, and be allies again with Sub-Zero.

Sektor, the best of the three, costume and story-wise. The whole "revenge-seeking, psycho cyborg" seems rather appealing. I'd keep him, most definitely. He has a cool concept in the Krypt, I hope they use him:

08/16/2005 01:47 AM (UTC)
i hated the cyborgs up untill mortal kombat gold. i kind of see these three cyborgs as a symbol of good, evil, and of no affiliation at all.

cyrax is evolving and i have no problem seeing him in another mortal kombat game. the special forces direction is actually a very good direction for him to take and sets him up against sektor.

sektor is the most evil out of the three and i like the new direction that cyborg is going. the tekunin seems to be a big threat since i hear that the clan takes over alot of japan. its first aim is the lin kuei but after that it is only a matter of time before earth's warriors are the next targets.

smoke is now under the control of noob saibot but i doubt that for long. actually nobody knows what smoke's affiliation is. i believe he is the nuetral robot out of all the three and would only side with sub-zero. but due to complications i don't think that will happen just yet.

i would like to see all three cybrogs run into each other one last time before the mortal kombat games are finished.

08/16/2005 04:17 AM (UTC)
i hope all of them stay there cool as hellfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
The idea of ninjas being automated is awesome. I was surprised and excited the moment I saw Sektor and Cyrax in a Gamepro featuring MK3 for the first time.

Sort of off topic, I was hoping they would take an approach for Smoke as if he was still the reluctant ninja he was before inside of the cyberninja he is now and reverting back to the ninja costume and removing the helmet covering his head with the traditional mask. His eyes red and brows would be all chewed and burnt. To release the spear from his chest he would breifly open the cloth with both hands. Of course still having the uppecut teleport, dissappear, and newly added smoke cloud.

Sektor is the best cyberninja IMO, Cyrax still kicks ass with the green nets and bombs! Gotta' love the metal ding off the ground when one is released!
08/16/2005 05:31 PM (UTC)
I may get flamed for this.

Anyway, cyborgs are an excellent addition to the MK lineup. They bring the sort of "Sci-Fi" feel to Mortal Kombat that makes it all the more forboding. However, their story is shared among other characters. The similarity between Noob Saibot and Sektor is that they want to build a robo-army of their own. The similarity between Cyrax and Smoke is that they have a human soul inside them, though one has reached the surface and the other is slowly crawling it's way up.

I think Sektor and Smoke are the most fleshed out characters in Mortal Kombat. Sektor is pissed off and he craves to rule Japan with his Tekunin. Smoke is a shell trying to escape his internal prison and discover what it's like to be human again.

Also, those who say his etheral form instead of cyborg. It's a good idea, but think about it, would they REALLY be able to bring him back as a human? I'm much better off with their primary costume in MKD. (Though I wish Noob had his alternate on.) I'd prefer him to be half-human half-cyborg. Makes it all the more tragic and sympathizing yet nobody would be flaming "OMGWHEREZROBOSMOKEZ?!?!!?!?YOINK!1"

Just my 2 cents.

08/16/2005 05:52 PM (UTC)
Nemesis316 Wrote:
I may get flamed for this.

Anyway, cyborgs are an excellent addition to the MK lineup. They bring the sort of "Sci-Fi" feel to Mortal Kombat that makes it all the more forboding. However, their story is shared among other characters. The similarity between Noob Saibot and Sektor is that they want to build a robo-army of their own. The similarity between Cyrax and Smoke is that they have a human soul inside them, though one has reached the surface and the other is slowly crawling it's way up.

I think Sektor and Smoke are the most fleshed out characters in Mortal Kombat. Sektor is pissed off and he craves to rule Japan with his Tekunin. Smoke is a shell trying to escape his internal prison and discover what it's like to be human again.

Also, those who say his etheral form instead of cyborg. It's a good idea, but think about it, would they REALLY be able to bring him back as a human? I'm much better off with their primary costume in MKD. (Though I wish Noob had his alternate on.) I'd prefer him to be half-human half-cyborg. Makes it all the more tragic and sympathizing yet nobody would be flaming "OMGWHEREZROBOSMOKEZ?!?!!?!?YOINK!1"

Just my 2 cents.

Well, I'll do you one better, and put in my 2 1/2 cents instead.

The ninjas and cyborgs are the definitive part of MK. Cyborgs have generally been a fan favorite, and they're one of my favorites also.

Like their moves or not, they each have their unique shit going on, which is more than many characters can say. We haven't seen Sektor's revamp yet, but they took a good direction in not making Cyrax and Smoke just different colored cyborgs again......they threw in a bit of originality.

I wasn't a big fan of them bringing back human Smoke, but after seeing a render of him in MK: SM, I think he has a lot of potential. Is my top pick as a return, second to Sektor. If you see my previous post, that concept of Sektor looks bad-ass...........has MASSIVE potential, and I'd like him to make a grand comeback, possibly teaming up with opposing clans to the Lin Kuei, i.e. Red Dragon, Black Dragon, etc.
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08/16/2005 06:28 PM (UTC)
I personally like the Cyborgs. They represent modern combat. Without them I feel things would get a bit too "Old fashioned". Not to mention they nicely expand MK in terms of character variety.
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08/16/2005 07:03 PM (UTC)
The 3 Cyborgs: Sektor, Cyrax,Smoke.

The three of them all* started out as Lin-Keui Cyborg assassins, on a mission to kill Sub-Zero.

Between MKT / MKG we see a change between the three.

Sektor Goes after the Dragon Medaillon but was defeated by Sub-Zero. He goes to Japan to start his own Clan the Tekunin made solely out of cyborgs, to get his revenge at Sub-Zero and the Lin-Keui one day.

Cyrax, gets stuck in a desert, is found by Jax and Sonya gets reprogrammed and joins the Outworld Investigation Agency, gets in to a little ordeal with Nitara and Reptile.

Smoke, gets reprogrammed by Noob Saibot to be his henchman.

Sektors story has huge potential in the comming MK games, so him i definatly want to see return.

Cyrax goes through a lot yet to me was always a little boring, can be left out as far as i'm concerend.

Smoke, malfunctions in the Netherrealm when Ashra and Noob fight, maybe he will return to the side of his friend Sub-Zero. I'd like to see him return.

*Yes, I know Smoke was unwillingly turned into a cyborg but it was easier that way to get my story a cross wink
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08/16/2005 07:27 PM (UTC)
The only cyborg that has potential now is indeed Sektor.

Cyrax could have been good, and Midway tried to make an attempt to make him better in MKDA, but they failed horribly. So Cyrax is out of the question.

As stated before, Smoke is now Noob Saibot's bitch, but I hope that in time they kind of lead away from that. The tag-team idea is good, but not the whole master/slave idea.

I think Sektor had a good storyline set up for him, and really hope they use it. He could be really good if they spent time on him.
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