Historical Favorite
06/22/2010 08:55 AM (UTC)
firespawn794 Wrote:
Ninjas women don't count to me as the ninjas:

This gave me a hearty chuckle, and I wanted to thank you.
06/24/2010 11:24 PM (UTC)

Mileena (Her appearance in MKD was actually nice, she was able to grow during that time. She's for sure in MK9, I'd like to see if she can maintain her autonomy, even in this "reboot".)
Jade (I also like her as a character, she is on the good side without being a stereotype unlike Kitana. I believe she is definitely worthy of returning.)
Tanya (I'd love to see the dark force she betrays Edenia for here. I like her in the sense that she is the Back Stabber, it's always the unpredictable one who keeps things alive.)

Males: Sub Zero and Scorpion (I doubt they're ever going to disappear, an MK game without them is not an MK at all.)
Noob (I think he could be used more, even if he is no longer a Cyromancer, he always has the classical Sub zero spirit)
Ermac (His story is an interesting one, I think he's been able to become more than just a former palette swap. Just please, don't give him an axe, what kind of ninja carries a heavy ass axe? I am sure they could make a better sword for him.)

Why I didn't pick these:

Kitana (Okay, I liked her and still do, but recently she's become too much of the "goody goody princess", which just doesn't fit the brutal and macabre MK. I'm not saying she has to become evil and sadistic, essentially a Mileena with a dental plan, just make her act more realistically and not as much as a royal bitch.)
Rain (He's nothing but occupied space, let him rest)
Reptile (He deserves a break after MK9)
06/27/2010 07:41 AM (UTC)
I think the majority of people here are posting while forgetting the fucking storyline of MK9.

They're alternating the timeline. This can mean several things like:

-When Smoke and Sub-Zero run away from the Lin Kuei, Sub-Zero gets caught instead of Smoke and Sub-Zero gets automatized.

-The original Sub-Zero never gets killed and therefore Noob Saibot never exists.

-Johnny Cage doesn't die from Kintaro during MK2.

-Shao Kahn never creates Ermac causing Kenshi to never learn his telekenesis powers.

-Lui Kang doesn't die during MK:DA

The only ninjas I don't see as a playable characters are Chameleon and Ermac ( possibly Noob Saibot if Sub-Zero doesn't die )..
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