Who should return (Ninjas)
posted06/27/2010 07:41 AM (UTC)by
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05/03/2010 03:00 PM (UTC)
Well I don't want the roster full of ninjas once again so who would you chose for MK9



I'm sorry for Reptile but for the story telliing Noob is better. Same for Ermac. I hate Rain and Chameleon is pretty damn useless



Mileena was really cool but her story started to bore me... Jade was cool but not that important, Frost/Tanya/Khameleon were usless



Sektor was cool and all but one cyborg is enough... Cyrax isn't that much involved in the story even if he is cool as well

Even if I like Reptile, Jade, Sektor and Ermac... I don't want too much Ninjas this time around. Same for the female

3 male ninjas, 1 female and 1 cyborg would be more than enough.

Boon said he want to include many new faces this time. But if all of them would return + other oldies like Raiden and Co their won't be much space left
06/02/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)

Sub-Zero and Scorpion are definites. Kitana is also more than likely in it:

Noob is great cause he ties MK's two top icons together...he's Sub-Zero's brother and Scorpion's murderer...I'd like to see those three come together at some point for a storyline.

Reptile needs to go; the revelation that he attacked Khameleon after she revealed their shared past just shows he's beyond redemption. He's destined to always be a bottom feeding slug.

Smoke also has lost his redemptive qualities, now that he's succumbed to the netherealm...he's a cyber demon now, and he has less of an interesting connection to Sub-Zero than Noob does; we don't need both of them, so bye bye Smoke.

Rain is often laughed at, but I think he has the most potential of all the ninjas right now; he was just revealed to be the son of one of the most powerful Gods in existence...I will be severely disappointed if he doesn't play some part in MK9.

Chameleon...bye bye.

Ermac I'm 50/50 on. I used to be a bigger fan (see my user name) but I'm not sure he has many places to go. I also thought he was better as a villain.

Sektor is the only cyber ninja with any upward thrust to his story right now; unlike Smoke, who's a henchman, and Cyrax, who is buried in a mountain of more iconic/ popular good guys, Sektor is actually going from a second tier villain to a capable leader. I'd like to see him continue on.

Cyrax never really resonated with me...he was neither the machievelan evil of Sektor, nor the tragic figure that Smoke was. He was sort of the middle cyber Ninja, and he's done very little in recent games. I say kill him.

Jade- I'm 50/50 on Jade. While I like her, I don't think she's done anything to truly differentiate herself from Kitana; she sort of serves as the Impa to Kitana's Princess Zelda (for those of you who have played Ocarina of Time) but her motivation is simply to support Kitana. I wouldn't kill her off, but I wouldn't bring her back immediately either.

Mileena- I think Mileena has become kind of overused. I always hate when a character dies a completely fitting death only to be dregged back up multiple times; Mileena's storyline death in MK2 was perfect...and her apparent death in MK4 worked too...really all she has left to do is be a constant thorn in the side of Kitana, which is kind of lame and has been going on for 17 years.

Khameleon- No reason to keep her.

Frost- Gameplay wise Frost is lame; Storywise, they squandered what could've been a great morally ambiguous character (a girl in her late teens desperately seeking power, but not entirely evil) and could've served as an important foil to Noob Saibot, as Sub-Zero would see his brother in Frost's actions and tried to steer her the right way...Instead they made her a psycho, and now Sub-Zero doesn't give a crap one way or another...so there's not much of a point anymore.

and just for shits and giggles...the quasi ninjas (aka the two characters who were originally ninjas with their heads swapped out):

Reiko- I always felt we needed to know more about Reiko; why does he hate quan chi? What compells him to conspire against Shao Kahn?

Being Kahn's top general, he's is probably the most powerful of Kahn's henchmen, only behind Goro and Shang Tsung. I think it'd be interesting to explore how he got there and what he's doing...but ultimately I see Reiko being tossed aside.

Tanya- I always liked Tanya, but I think it's time for her ship to sail.
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Formaly known on MKO as crash-kid.

06/03/2010 12:32 AM (UTC)
Hmmm its getting late, but I'll give a low down of what I think...

Sub-Zero and Scorpion we all know will return regardless so there a given. I think they could make certain ninja characters apperence's move foward and maybe evolve from a typical mk ninja look. like having noob look more of a grim reaper..things like that..then they wont all seem clones of each other, if you get me?

Now, Reptile. I've always been fond of him..even if he is always been a scavenger serving type character, he's always been one of my favs. I think they need to give him a really good story, I mean maybe since the dragon kings left his body, he could still have some sort of power left over. Anyway I missed him in MKvsDC.

Noob. I really liked the direction they were taking him. And as someone above mentioned, he is mixed in Subs and Scorps story..so I think it could be really intresting to see these 3 together. I think he should drift away from a ''ninja'' look, and have more of a grim reaper type look..just my 2 cents.

Rain, well I loved his look...but not really fussed about him. He's cool and all but I just don't see him coming back. Maybe a few games on? Not to bothered.

Ermac. His look was awesome..cool moves and all. But I prefer Kenshi out the two (telekinesis type characters) and theres no need for two. As much as I really like him..we dont need say 6+ male ninjas next game. BUT I would definetly want him back maybe after MK9.

Smoke. Again, cool character but IMO, Noob overshadowed him in MKD and I have no idea where his story is going atm, so maybe not for the moment. I did like the whole Cyber deamon look though, was different and a mixture on robot/ninja.

Sektor. HAS TO RETURN. the only cyber ninja I want back really. I loved his character in MKA. The whole heartless crazy robot thing he had going on..and the robot army(began with a T, lol) yeah he needs to come back for MK9!!!

Cyrax. I like him, but I would only want one cyber-ninja back. So not for MK9.

Chameleon and Khameleon. I just don't see the point.

Kitana. well yes, but would actually prefer Mileena back over her. But I think she's a given for MK9 and still is a classic. But needs new story really (most characters do though).

Mileena, I really want back..But try make her story stay away from Kitana. Make her her own, I loved her in MKD.

Jade, she's cool but kind of the same as Kitana, no need for her now. maybe another game.

Frost. Nah, again, I like her and all..but we have a Ice character and don't really see her coming back.

So back for MK9. Male ninjas. Sub, Scorp, Reptile, Noob.
Cyber-ninja - Sektor.
Female ninja's - Kitana, Mileena. Though I would like Kitana to not really be considered a female ninja in MK9. She needs to move on.
Historical Favorite
06/03/2010 08:00 AM (UTC)
Not only should all the ninjas return, they should be the only characters on the roster.
06/03/2010 11:23 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Not only should all the ninjas return, they should be the only characters on the roster.

06/03/2010 07:16 PM (UTC)
In the game it should be Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile(Human ninja form)

DLC Ninja Pack: Rain, Ermac, Noob, Smoke
06/03/2010 07:33 PM (UTC)
I love Noob Saibot & Rain (and Smoke in Deception in his non-classic robot costume), but if no one ninja returns, I will be happy.
06/04/2010 12:18 AM (UTC)

I don't think of Kitana, Mileena, or Tanya as ninjas; they can function with or without masks. If you put a mask on Sonya, I would not consider her a ninja..

I don't consider Cyrax or Sektor ninjas; they are cyborgs. With or without masks, they are machines.

Ermac, Scorpion, Reptile, Sub Zero, Rain, Noob, Smoke, Jade, Frost, and Khameleon are they only ninjas in the game. I wish them all to return.
06/04/2010 01:18 AM (UTC)

***Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Ermac***

We could do without Reptile for a game or two.

Noob needs a re-design before he can do anything important.

Rain is worthless.


***Mileena and Jade***

Cute as she may be, Kitana needs a break.
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06/04/2010 01:45 AM (UTC)
What OptimusGrime said ;P

And/or Noob
06/04/2010 02:25 AM (UTC)
Well, Scorpion & Sub-Zero will be back no matter what.
Beyond that, I'd go with Ermac.

Female ninja...Kitana & Mileena.
I'd also keep Tanya handy...but I don't count her as a ninja. Aside from wearing a similar bathing-suit, there's nothing ninja-esque about her.

If a cyborg returns....Sektor.
06/04/2010 11:27 AM (UTC)
Male ninjas:

Noob Saibot

Female ninjas:


Cybors (even though I don't count them as ninjas):


--- --- --- --- ---


Jade (alternative for Kitana)
Tanya (alternative for Mileena; even though I'm not sure whether to count Tanya as a ninja character, I only did 'cause Khameleon uses her moves)
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06/05/2010 07:49 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Not only should all the ninjas return, they should be the only characters on the roster.

Start running.
06/05/2010 01:08 PM (UTC)
In my opinion:

(Possibly Human Smoke)



They were all my favorites, I never liked Kitana, but these ninjas could all fit into the dark and gory theme that MK9 has to offer
06/05/2010 03:19 PM (UTC)

For the record, you guys know we probably won't be getting any b-team ninjas in MK9 right?

I'm almost guaranteeing Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Noob or Reptile and Kitana...I really don't see the Ermacs of the world being in this game.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

06/05/2010 06:36 PM (UTC)
Reptile, and the obvious ones.
06/06/2010 01:47 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero, Scorpion and Noob Saibot have almost become the "trinity" when it comes to the ninjas of Mortal Kombat. Their stories have the potential to become so tightly wound that it could make for some great dramatic tension. Also, below them you have Frost and Smoke as souls being fought over. I am not a big fan of the Frost character, but if Noob Saibot resurrected her as a wraith, then I could see Sub-Zero taking responsibility for her lost soul, and wanting to Fatality her and put her to rest for good.

Smoke is a character that is growing on me over time. Unlike Reptile, who I felt lost a lot of his potential by being revealed as a mere worm, I think Smoke gains something by not living up to his potential. He's the under-achieving friend of Sub-Zero's, who instead of regaining his soul and helping his old ally, is a mindless elemental husk who serves the older brother of his old ally, and is doing his bidding. I'd only bring back Smoke as a one-off to give Sub-Zero someone to kill. The idea of Noob throwing all these people Sub-Zero has loved and trusted at him as obstacles...intrigues me. I'm just reading up on IGN's greatest comic villains of all-time, so I'm thinking of that sort of approach -- but Noob could really be a fucking pain in Sub-Zero's side by using Frost and Smoke, although I am not a huge fan of either.

Ermac is a character that I think should be put on hiatus for a little bit. I'd have him do something heroic in Armageddon, his physical form is destroyed, and it is assumed that the souls that comprised Ermac ascend to The Heavens. But basically, the warrior souls that formed him saw a higher purpose in serving as Ermac, so they look to re-form over time, and will themselves into a being of light. So basically, Ermac takes MK9 off and comes back for MKX.

Jade is another character I would give a break to. Have her disappear during Armageddon, which can add to Kitana's stress (Kitana should definitely be back -- one of the best developed characters the MK Team has ever had). Eventually she returns, with her own agenda. Perhaps she discovers that King Jerrod's bloodline usurped the Edenian throne from her family, or something like that. Kitana vs. Jade would be an interesting fight.

Mileena deserves closure, but I don't think I would bring her back. Awesome character, but I feel that she has served her immediate purpose. Perhaps she can kill Shao Kahn, and then she just wanders off to find her own purpose, leaving it open for her to return in future games? Or maybe she could even take her life after killing Shao Kahn, admitting to herself that she is just a clone, a monstrocity, and on borrowed life (she was resurrected, remember). It'd be a downer for her, but it'd be peace for the character.

I'd have Tanya's status in MK9 as "missing," adding to Kitana's stress as there is the possibility she could return at any time, but I'd have Jade confirm that she killed Tanya when she returns. I don't hate the Tanya character, but I just don't see the purpose for her. If she did return, I'd like to see her with some major development. For example -- a lot of people have said that they have wanted a female sorcerer in the games. It would be cool to get a new character providing this, but Tanya could return having dabbled in sorcery, granting her new powers. She could get a new "voodoo priestest" look, or something.

Rain got some weird development, but it was almost like they just wanted him to be something, but made him too important to the story. I'm on the fence about him. If he came back, I'd like him to be further remodelled. Perhaps a name change, and a ditching of the purple theme would be good moves?

Of the cybernetic ninjas, I like Sektor and Cyrax the best, but I think they are best used as fodder to put over some other characters who need a boost. For example: I think Sektor should be killed by Jax, and perhaps Cyrax could be killed by Sektor, and the death of Cyrax could be used as a guilt-trip on Sonya.
Historical Favorite
06/06/2010 05:13 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Not only should all the ninjas return, they should be the only characters on the roster.

Start running.

From who? Your boyfriend?
06/07/2010 04:41 AM (UTC)
Anyone think they might do something creative?

Like what if they merged Ermac and Sektor into one character. It's not so far-fetched, if the game is a reboot after all. Ermac was a giant mk1 mystery and theres rumors of a "red robot" being in the game. Just a thought...
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06/07/2010 04:42 AM (UTC)
Ill give kudos when its due.

Ive NEVER heard that one before. lmao
06/07/2010 05:00 AM (UTC)
I think a paring down of the ninja roster would be a good thing, and a great way to do that would be to consolidate a few of them into eachother, giving birth to a brand new unique character. But I dont know, certain fanboys might die over such treatment of their favs.

But if this indeed a reboot, then I hope such creativity will be present.

So my vote? Scorpion, Sub, Robot Ermac (Robomak? Erktor? lol) and MAYBE smoke. Hey, maybe we could see an amalgamized version of Noob and smoke?

Please no mileena.
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06/07/2010 05:18 AM (UTC)
Male Ninja's

Female Ninja's
Mileena, after getting a taste of power in MKD, she has gone though quite a bit of character development.

Ninja's that should not come back
Scorpion, let the guy rest in peace.
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06/07/2010 04:29 PM (UTC)
i think in mk9 those who should return are:

noob saibot
06/21/2010 01:05 AM (UTC)
Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Reptile, the most original of male ninjas.

To me, Ermac, Rain, Noob, Smoke, Chameleon are not necessary.

Also, I dont like the cyborgs so just Sektor is fine to me.

For women, Kitana and Mileena.
06/22/2010 12:43 AM (UTC)
Ninjas women don't count to me as the ninjas:
Rain: I don't know why no one really likes him he's an awesome character in armaggedon and my third go to guy in matches

Cyborgs: I think all three should return but if they had to ditch one kill off cyrax. Sektor and smoke are awesome sektor's my fave and smokes also a fave.
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