10/06/2014 01:25 AM (UTC)
I think the fact that we now know Moloch is seemingly slayed by Quan Chi, it's blatantly obvious with his demise (and that of Motaro's in MK9) that the guys are NRS are cleaning house and making room for newbies to take their places for the characters they don't want to see return based on limitations in hardware (Motaro) or pure uninterest in basic character story and design (Moloch and Drahmin).

Based on that alone, I think it's safe to say characters who were shown ALIVE in cameo form in MK9 hold the highest possible return rate at this point;

- Tanya, Kira and Li Mei (all shown in-game or promotional images to be chained in Kahn's Arena) Note: Skarlet was also present here.
- Daegon, Reiko, Frost and Sareena (all shown fighting at The Pit) Note: Kenshi was also present here.
- Bo Rai Cho appears in Cyber Sub's memory bank as well as arcade endings.
- Havik and Fujin both appear in arcade endings.
- Kenshi for being DLC and also one of the most popular post MK3 characters.

So that gives us a grand total of 11 that I count as being likable or incredibly likable to appear in MKX in some shape or form whether part of the initial roster or DLC.

Anyone else in my eyes is suspect to not return.
10/06/2014 01:31 AM (UTC)
10/06/2014 03:35 AM (UTC)
Honestly, with NRS, you can never really be too sure unless they flat out say because I wasn't expecting Kano to be in this game.

Well, its not that I thought he wouldn't be in, but when thinking to myself about who would return, I never stopped and thought to myself that Kano would be in lol
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10/06/2014 03:49 AM (UTC)
Shang Tsung
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10/06/2014 04:44 AM (UTC)
Oh boy, another post about who will return and who won't.

10/06/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
Quanchi9 Wrote:

10/06/2014 05:28 AM (UTC)
Nice, another who's-staying-or-going thread. What the heck, I'll toss in my $0.02:

projectzero00 Wrote:
Same applies for Kobra, Dairou, Darrius, etc. Could they all be revamped and Ermac-ified? Most definitely. Is there a chance tho? A slim one if any.

First off, Kobra can go jump in a lake. I find him way worse than Mokap and that's saying something.

Anyway, I've always found the Order/Chaos angle fascinating but just so damn underdeveloped. I would love to see it fleshed out in a future game (MK11? Not putting the cart before the horse or anything...), because HDHD have so many possibilities and to see all of them just collecting dust for the past decade is incredibly frustrating.

On a side note, I love how Ermac seems to have become the poster boy for the developers' major improving of a particular character. grin
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 05:38 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Nice, another who's-staying-or-going thread. What the heck, I'll toss in my $0.02:

projectzero00 Wrote:
Same applies for Kobra, Dairou, Darrius, etc. Could they all be revamped and Ermac-ified? Most definitely. Is there a chance tho? A slim one if any.

First off, Kobra can go jump in a lake. I find him way worse than Mokap and that's saying something.

This does not compute for me. Care to elaborate? I never understood what incited so much hatred toward Kobra...or Hsu Hao for that matter. Lame characters? Sure, but I never got the undying dislike for them either.
10/06/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Nice, another who's-staying-or-going thread. What the heck, I'll toss in my $0.02:

projectzero00 Wrote:
Same applies for Kobra, Dairou, Darrius, etc. Could they all be revamped and Ermac-ified? Most definitely. Is there a chance tho? A slim one if any.

First off, Kobra can go jump in a lake. I find him way worse than Mokap and that's saying something.

This does not compute for me. Care to elaborate? I never understood what incited so much hatred toward Kobra...or Hsu Hao for that matter. Lame characters? Sure, but I never got the undying dislike for them either.

I actually always like Darrius, Hotaru and Diarou. I just don't feel like MKX is the place to have them return since they'd make the story that much more convoluted. I'd rather see new fighters or old ones who can more easily fit into the story.
10/06/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
Dasher10 Wrote:
Let's just assume that while they may be DLC, everyone who died in MK9 won't be part of the main roster. Let this be like Mortal Kombat Deception where everyone who died in the last game takes at least one game off so other fighters can get some attention and new faces can be introduced.

Now that that's out of the way, I predict that Kintaro and Sheeva also won't reappear since Sheeva was never popular and the only character from the first three games who didn't get cooler in subsequent appearances. Also, Kintaro won't appear since we already have Goro who has similar moves to both he and Sheeva.

Chameleon and Khameleon are incredibly broken moveset cut/paste fighters. They won't reappear since tournament level players will abuse them and then whine about the game being unbalanced. The story of MK doesn't need them either. They're just there.

From MK4, I really doubt that we'll see Jarek return since Kano is in the game. Yeah, he got the lasso in MKA but he didn't make a big enough impact to have an effect on fans. He's a best forgotten moveset clone.

Meat is a joke fighter. As such, if he appears, he'll be DLC since I don't see him having a story role.

Kai was always just a copy of Liu Kang and Kung Lao. We don't need another Shaolin monk and his story was never interesting.

Moloch was such a frustrating boss to fight against in MKDA and was so broken in MKA that I really can't see him return even if MKX's storyline is about the Neatherrealm.

Drahmin is related to the Neatherrealm but I also don't feel like his has many fans. When it comes to undead characters, we already have better options. He's just kind of there.

Mavado's gameplay revolved around 3D fight mechanics. I'm not sure how he'd work in a 2D environment and if he was significantly reworked, he'd be Mavado in name only.

Hsu Hao is an offensive homophobic stereotype. He was cringeworthy back in the early 2000s and even more so today. He's probably never going to reappear in the new timeline, at least not in any playable capacity.

Mokap is a joke fighter like Meat. He's also not going to return.

With Sub-Zero having three variations, I don't feel like there's room for Frost. She's a cool character but I don't feel like the fight system really allows for her.

Blaze always lacked a personality and his moveset changed between MKDA and MKA and in both incarnations, he had a bland design.

Kira is yet another Kano clone. Much like Jarek, I don't see her coming back since Kano is already in the game.

Shukinko is just a cut/paste of other fighters. He's broken by design and will only be more broken in a 2D game where you can't sidestep special moves. He's was also created to introduce new players to the world of Mortal Kombat and we now have a story mode for that, plus his backstory is far too convoluted to put into a new game where he shares the spotlight with other fighters.

Kobra was just an homage to Ken Masters from Street Fighter. He's never been cool or interesting and his moves are boring.

I personally like the Seido vs Chaosrealm subplot from MK2 but given that MKX is going to focus on the Neatherrealm, I feel like Hotaru, Darrius and Dairou won't be coming back. They may return in the next game but I really don't feel like MKX is the right place for them. Havik may return as DLC but he'd just make the story too convoluted if he's put in the main roster.

Taven and Daegon are both crappy characters who were part of MKA's terrible story. These two will hopefully never return since their very presence means that the world is going to end in the new timeline and Raiden accomplished nothing in MK9.

Skarlet also lacked any sense of personality in MK9 and her role in the story of MKX would be better filled by Reiko, Mileena or Reptile.

So that's everyone who I'm pretty sure won't be coming back. In some cases for story reasons, in others because they just plain suck. Everyone else is fair game to return.

I agree with your breakdown in every aspect.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

10/06/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
It's easier to list the characters who DO have a chance.

-Liu Kang
-Shang Tsung
-Sonya Blade
-Johnny Cage
-Bo' Rai Cho

If anyone I didn't list is playable, color me surprised.

You pretty much covered it, man. These are the possible returning characters I can see them drawing from. Not everyone on this list will make it, of course but I couldn't see anyone not on the list making it in. I think the ones on here that are least likely are Kai, Bo Rai Cho, Hotaru, Kenshi, Kitana and Cyrax.
10/06/2014 06:10 PM (UTC)
I'm sure except Sub Zero and Scorpion of MK9 no dead back (except perhaps by Jade and Shang Tsung who return will not return as Jade and Shang Tsung but as new characters) and Liu Kang, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade will Cameos . Also I'm sure the last game Thugs (Baraka, Reptile, Ermac, Motaro, Kintaro, Sheeva, Cyrax) will not return. Already Sektor, Mileena and Skarlet has some chance (the latter has less).

The MK4-D may appear: Shinnok, Tanya, Fujin, Sareena, Havik, Bo Rai Cho, Reiko, Kenshi, Li Mei, Ashrah, Hotaru and Onaga.
10/06/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
I'm sure except Sub Zero and Scorpion of MK9 no dead back (except perhaps by Jade and Shang Tsung who return will not return as Jade and Shang Tsung but as new characters) and Liu Kang, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade will Cameos . Also I'm sure the last game Thugs (Baraka, Reptile, Ermac, Motaro, Kintaro, Sheeva, Cyrax) will not return. Already Sektor, Mileena and Skarlet has some chance (the latter has less).

The MK4-D may appear: Shinnok, Tanya, Fujin, Sareena, Havik, Bo Rai Cho, Reiko, Kenshi, Li Mei, Ashrah, Hotaru and Onaga.

*Liu will be returning either as playable and or main boss.
*Johnny Cage was confirmed verbally in an interview.
*Sonya may only make a cameo in story-mode as she gets killed by Kano.

Shinnok may appear? He's going to be playing a major role in MKX. Infact a bigger role than Raiden.

Havik and Bo Rai Cho has a good chance as both made cameos in endings.

As for Kenshi, he could play a big part as well. Heck, he can even become the new Earthrealm Protector.

Mileena is a must. MKX need at least one of the three female "ninja's". Kitana and Jade are presumingly "dead".

There is no doubt that Reptile will be returning. If not, then his body will be used for Onaga once again? Sure hoping not.

Last but not least, we may not have any Cyborgs this time around. Hope that's not the case.
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