Who agrees that this would be the perfect MK9? (share your ideas too!)
posted08/27/2009 10:32 AM (UTC)by
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07/27/2009 05:26 PM (UTC)
I think mk9 would be perfect if it included:

Create a Kharacter (again)
The Krypt (again)
A good amount of characters and new ones with unique moves
Video Endings for arcade mode
Playable version of mortal kombat 4 or trilogy or something
Co-op mode such as konquest
Alternate costumes, videos, etc.
New mode as well as the modes like a new revamped puzzle kombat, racing, chess kombat, etc.
Survival Mode
Tournament Mode
Multiple Fatalities for all characters, maybe friendships or things of that matter.
Biggest amount of stages ever.

..What do you guys think? Share your ideas for building your perfect Mk9.
07/27/2009 06:56 PM (UTC)
07/27/2009 08:11 PM (UTC)
spawn123x Wrote:
Video Endings for arcade mode

I've always thought the "paintings" worked so much better compared to the videos in MK4 and MKG
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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

07/27/2009 08:34 PM (UTC)
My thoughts:
spawn123x Wrote:

Create a Kharacter (again)
KAK sucked in MKA
The Krypt (again)
A good amount of characters andnew ones with unique moves
Video Endings for arcade mode
Playable version of mortal kombat 4 or trilogy or somethingthat is why they had UMK3
Co-op mode such as konquest
it would be better as a standalone game
Alternate costumes, videos, etc.
New extras as well as the modes like a new revamped puzzle kombat, racing, chess kombat, etc.
we don't need the old modes
Survival Mode
Tournament Mode
Multiple Fatalities for all characters, maybe friendships or things of that matter.
most of those just made up for the fact that MK3 sucked
Biggest amount of stages ever.
that would probably take up to much memory, which could be used to make more characters, fatalities, or costumes

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07/27/2009 09:46 PM (UTC)
a.) Fun Fighting Mechanic - Martial arts theme, w/o distractions.

b.) Great Story Element - Graphic novel potential.

c.) 15-25 Character Roster - Maximum. Secret characters and any unlockables included.

d.) Online competent - Arcade mode stuff for competitions and so on (1v1, 2v2, tournament, ect). As well as story relative stuff. Put the mini-games here, let us co-op, multiplayer, ect here, and connect them somehow to a KaK feature.

e.) Kreate a Kharacter / Konquest Mode - Where I can make myself, and take myself through the mode as a MK contestant. You are Art Lean. How did he get there? Also, for online, I can use my kak for the mini games as so on. Multi-player ect. Scavenger hunts, "Kill or be Killed/ Survival mode...claim the flag...test your might...w/e.

f.) Dojo/Krypt/Content Section - A place for all the stuff you find, unlock, your money & exp points...ect.

g.) I'd like to see what video endings look like, but I've always been cool with a still image. MkvsDc did well with the still image endings. I like when they read it to us though. And I like when they let us keep them.

There's probably more, but I went off your list this time.
07/28/2009 04:42 AM (UTC)
spawn123x Wrote:
I think mk9 would be perfect if it included:

Create a Kharacter (again)
The Krypt (again)
A good amount of characters and new ones with unique moves
Video Endings for arcade mode
Playable version of mortal kombat 4 or trilogy or something
Co-op mode such as konquest
Alternate costumes, videos, etc.
New mode as well as the modes like a new revamped puzzle kombat, racing, chess kombat, etc.
Survival Mode
Tournament Mode
Multiple Fatalities for all characters, maybe friendships or things of that matter.
Biggest amount of stages ever.

..What do you guys think? Share your ideas for building your perfect Mk9.


Create a Character - I've stated this in numerous threads that ask about this feature returning... there's only certain things in video games I can give second chances about if they fail, unfortunately this feature doesn't make the cut in my books. This feature was just bad to begin with, and to be honest, the only thing that looked really cool out of everything that you can make, is the Elder God stuff. -- So basically it's a no,

The Krypt - I don't mind unlocking things in video games, I really don't. But I'm tired of the coin system and it's just unlocking alternate costumes. No, I don't want that. I've stated also in another thread, that I feel that unlocking characters should be solved by riddles, such as how we had to find Reptile in MK1. How we got to him was a riddle. The Krypt not only had some interesting concept art, but I'm tired of unlocking useless things such as the soundtrack, the MK team, and joke pictures. So basically, I say no on this as well.

Characters - The classics should remain. They need to really think of good characters if they're meaning to replace all those characters. Take a real deep look into the ones they can save for the next game or for future games.

Video Endings - I like the pictures more than the videos. With the videos, there's got to be a heck of a lot more work, and yeah they now have the time to do so, I don't think they really need to make video endings.

Playable version of MK4 -- ... What?

Co-op mode -- Uhh... no, definitely not. No more Konquest, and none of this... co-op mode. If they really want Konquest to happen, make it into another Shaolin Monks game or something. Mortal Kombat needs to be just Mortal Kombat with no mini games in there whatsoever.

Alternate Costumes - No, I really don't see the point in alternate costumes, I really don't. This isn't dress-up kiddies, it's combat!

New Modes - No... the only thing I would say is that they can bring back Test Your Might... nothing more, nothing less.

Survival Mode - Yeah I guess this could work. I mean it was in the Gameboy Advance version of Deadly Alliance and even though that game sucked beyond all limits for a game on the gameboy advance, I did enjoy survival mode.

Tournament Mode - That was lame back in UMK3 and MK4, and I really don't see the purpose in this either.

Multiple Fatalities - yes. Friendships and other alities - absolutely not. I cannot tell you how much of a joke I thought those were and I cannot beleive that they would even put that crap in the game in the first place.

Biggest amount of stage - Uhh... No, as much as I enjoy seeing what kind of stages are in this game, making them big is just something I don't see happening. MK really never had big stages to begin with and I don't like to see them expanding it to a point where my projectiles can hardly reach the otherside of the stage. I'd perfer if they kept the stages small.

So basically, I don't think these ides would make MK9 be perfect.
07/28/2009 10:55 AM (UTC)
i dont see why you guys want a watered down fighting game with no features... dont know how alternate costumes and those modes would hurt. do you guys dislike extra content?
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07/28/2009 11:34 AM (UTC)
spawn123x Wrote:
i dont see why you guys want a watered down fighting game with no features... dont know how alternate costumes and those modes would hurt. do you guys dislike extra content?

Well I can't speak for everyone, obviously because I'm not one who dislikes all of these things. But in recent MK games, alot of these great concepts have been mishandled. Or plain and simple, just had terrible executions associated with them. Which of course would sour anyone's taste about them when you think about it. Most of the ideas were good though. Kreate a Fatality was a great idea, but extremely disappointing execution. Let's not even get started on MkvsDc either. Yeesh..

Alot of it too, is the different types of fans mixing together in conversation. Some people just want great gameplay to come from MK again. Others want a great story element to show through (like me), and others want the aesthetics (atmosphere, blood,gore,costumes...ect.). Stuff that neither effects gameplay or story really.

The way MK has been presented over the last few games hasn't been close to on par with expectations, but it's been just enough to keep some folks buzzing around the forums. It's to the point now that all you really can do is try to understand the anguish, and state your own opinions at the same time.

So its really not that those mode would "hurt" MK anymore than it already has been. It's more about those ..."extras" taking away from the potential of specific aspects of MK that would make it a great sequel.

Aka, alot of fans are disgruntled right now. lol But reasonably so I think.
07/28/2009 04:21 PM (UTC)

I totally understand what your saying. I just think i wasnt clear enough. Im pretty sure you guys liked deadly alliance/deception more than mk vs. dc, right? well i know i did just because after you beat the story mode, what is there really to do in that game? mk deception and deadly alliance had us going back to unlock everyone and everything in it. It had replay value. I kinda take back what i said now about returning puzzle kombat and things like that, I just think they need to put in more content because this is the next generation and I think the discs would deffinately handle having all tese extra things in it plus video endings. I think they should add new modes too. And seriously people, whats wrong with you? Why would a one player konquest be better than a two player one? I seriously dont understand. Well thats just my piece.
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07/28/2009 07:40 PM (UTC)
spawn123x Wrote:
I totally understand what your saying. I just think i wasnt clear enough. Im pretty sure you guys liked deadly alliance/deception more than mk vs. dc, right?

Well again, it really does depend on what kind of fan you are. For instance, most of the complaints about MKDA-Arm was about gameplay. Sure, I liked MKDA, and Deception, but I hated MKA except for the Kreate-a-Kharacter feature. It was pretty much the only thing I did with that game after about a week.

And I despised MKvsDc, even though it was non-canon story material, I hated alot of the presentation. While on the other hand, you ask someone like MasterMalone or Check ("gameplay guru's", if you will), and they'll probably give you a different accounting of those games.

I think MkvsDc had the best gameplay out of all of MK's 3D games, but hey...even though I understand the mechanics of gameplay, that's not my forte'.

So yea, it depends. At this point, I just think it should be fun to play w/o the distractions. Klose Kombat, Free Fall...ect I don't think that stuff helped MKvsDc be fun.

spawn123x Wrote:
mk deception and deadly alliance had us going back to unlock everyone and everything in it. It had replay value.

Yea, I'm for stuff like that so I agree. MKD's Konquest mode was a fantastic addition, and a great vehicle for delivering the games story (iMo). But again, you ask someone else, and they may not even see the point, heh...

A mode like that isn't about "replicating God of War", for instance. It's a way to house alot of the "extras", and expand on the immersion into the MK world. It's a straight shot at recognizing the story element in MK, and a way to immerse fans in that MK world. Which is why I'm a pretty adamant fan about keeping it around, and making it a better playing experience.

Every "official" MK title has a story element, and to efficiently recognize that somehow makes the game better for us story-line fans. That's where alot of the replay value comes from for us. Running around, talking to the A.I., and slowly piecing together the games story, however long it takes, is a plus...not a negative.

But again, lol. You ask a gameplay fan about Konquest mode, and they might despise being "forced to sit through" something like that, because it doesn't get right to the point.


MKA's Konquest was good for upgrades, but it was far too short, and had alot of nonsense in it. MKA's story-line to begin with was in shambles anyway though. So even though it was fun to actually play, the experience was not so good because the substance in it was inefficient.

spawn123x Wrote:
I kinda take back what i said now about returning puzzle kombat and things like that, I just think they need to put in more content because this is the next generation and I think the discs would deffinately handle having all tese extra things in it plus video endings. I think they should add new modes too.

You'd be surprised how easy it is to get out of hand with memory. The discs can handle alot more, but the problem is, quality imagery/animation, and alot of programming to make it all work gets hefty, quickly.

That's why I'm now more a fan of less of these little individual "things" getting onto the disc, and more a fan of additions to what already exists on the disc.

So for instance, I think Konquest mode should house alot of these little mini games as clever little experiences within that mode. Test Your Might could go in there. Like, in order to get something (say, a key), that lets you unlock a door, that gives you a scroll or something, that gives you information about the games story....ect

See what I mean? We don't need a bunch of little individual things on the disc, and from my assessment, fans basically want two big things in coming MK games: Fighting and Story. So if they can give us a great fighting mechanic, and a story mode that as they patch the games fighting mechanic, also lets them add or update a story mode with more little additions such as minigames, secrets and what have you...I think it'd work out really well.


As previously stated, I'm fine with the picture endings, but I would love to see what video ending look like if they can manage that. Video takes up alot of space, time, other employees, and money to pay those guys though. So I understand why they're not doing it.

You gotta think too, since video has a hefty price tag on it from production to disc pace....how big do you want the roster to be? I'd gauge that if every character had a well-done 2min video ending, you'd probably only see 10-15 characters on there. 20-30 minutes of video, in addition to an opening sequence (which is typically 5min long with MK), Konquest opening vid and transition cutscenes throughout (20min max), gameplay mechanics, online transitions and little vids for whatever happens with all the modes you want...ect ect ect..

Talking about upwards of 5hrs of video at the end of the day. Then compare it. How long was the Matrix trilogy? 10hrs of film between all three movies, or something like that? See what I mean? Gotta simplify this stuff.

spawn123x Wrote:
And seriously people, whats wrong with you? Why would a one player konquest be better than a two player one? I seriously dont understand. Well thats just my piece.

Ah, that's where online gaming comes in, as well as our individual methods for saving things on our own hardrives. A single player Konquest mode looks good for offline, but the co-op and multi-player stuff looks better for online. I'd take co-op offline, of course. That's one of the great reasons why we still play MKSMonks over here.

But again, you gotta think about how much that mechanic will cost them on the disc to allow us to do something like that. It's one reason why I think the only gameplay mechanics that should be on the disc, is the arcade mode stuff, and one separate one for the Konquest mode.

We get more from the game, if less stuff is actually being housed on the disc. We download videos, mini-games, other characters, more stuff for KAK, or story mode...ect

Then we can save the stuff we actually want to have, rather than making us be stuck with "everything" no matter what we actually want. See?
07/28/2009 10:01 PM (UTC)
Survival Mode to me is must! I don't know why the hell they havent added it to the games so far...

As for Konquest it would be cool to see something no too extravagant like MKD & MKA Konquests, something like the MKDA would suffice if they could develop it more a little into something like Soul Calibur 3's Chronicles of the Sword...but yeah...co-op is kinda unnecesary...

About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

07/29/2009 03:31 AM (UTC)
rodrigomaru Wrote:
Survival Mode to me is must! I don't know why the hell they havent added it to the games so far...

sorry, but, what exactly is Survival mode
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07/29/2009 06:05 AM (UTC)
Everyone vs You.

mortal kombat shaolin monks survival mode

Search something like what my link says, look through those vids. I forgot what game survival mode started with, but if you haven't found that in MKSM, you're not done with the game yet.

About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

07/29/2009 06:25 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Everyone vs You.

mortal kombat shaolin monks survival mode

Search something like what my link says, look through those vids. I forgot what game survival mode started with, but if you haven't found that in MKSM, you're not done with the game yet.


looks similar to Endurance mode

There was a user who posted every level of survival

but damn, unlocking that seems tough
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07/29/2009 06:52 AM (UTC)
Mind as well be called the same thing really. Endurance is Arcade modes, Survival is Story modes.

Both for online play ftw!
07/30/2009 12:47 PM (UTC)
I think use MKvsDC fighting engine (the best in years)

put a Armageddon/Deception style Konquest mode that you use your own Kreate a Kharacter, and u run into the entire kast of kharacters in the game

Put in heaps of unlockables (koncept art, mini movies, Cutting room floor concepts etc)

No mini games (Kart Racing/Puzzle/ Chess etc)

Bring back a great story! MKvsDC was a good story except for DC being in it

i think 25 characters is good enough to have enough and be balanced as well

most of all its gotta have a great intro!!!!! MK Deception i must have watched a thousand times!!!!!! MK DA as well was really good!

2 Fatalities per character, also around 6 special moves per character

i want mainly the MK1,2 and 3 kast in this game with around 5 new ones
07/30/2009 04:53 PM (UTC)
^^ i agree with almost all of that. except id like to see maybe 1 new mini game.
08/01/2009 11:22 AM (UTC)
I wish they'd focus more on a non-broken gameplay rather than a bunch of fancy modes.

And no new characters, None of them from MKD or MKA were any good, and for God's sake there's 60+ characters in the series, just use one of them and give them a new look and pretend they're someone new. It gives a greater chance for someone's favorite character to make the cut.
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08/05/2009 08:11 PM (UTC)
I would like to see 2 vs 2 again like they had in MK4 and MKT. Make it four players with "tag-outs" like DOA. I say this because the only way some of my friends would play a fighting game with me is if it's co-op. That's they only way I could get my friends to play DOA with me and MKSM is the only MK game my friends will play willingly. (they won't even touch vs mode in MKSM)
08/07/2009 09:19 PM (UTC)
Nic-V Wrote:
spawn123x Wrote:
Video Endings for arcade mode

I've always thought the "paintings" worked so much better compared to the videos in MK4 and MKG

are u on pot? with the stupid narrator no that made me rage
08/10/2009 11:35 AM (UTC)
1) A more advanced create a fighter than MK:A (im thinking overhaul,on the lines of wrestling games and with more options like fatality assignment and options,custom colors for special moves,custom button combonations for specials and fatalities,blood color,aura effects like smoke,fire,electricity,ect.)

2) At least 32 characters on the roster including unlockable and secret characters (not including DLC)

3) Local and online survival and tournament modes along with traditional 1v1 and 2v2

4) Lots of new Fatalities...maybe the return of other alities like animality,hara kiri or brutality

5) DLC content on game launch such as moves,Alt costumes,fatalities,characters and music tracks

6) Test your sences mini games such as the classic games

7) Comic book Endings with vocals

8) All new cheats and unlockable content menus

9) Trophies and Achievements

10) New customizable arena options such as weapon pick ups,time limits,combat speeds and death traps

11) More new and classic Arenas,maybe some larger more interactive ones

12) Special edition released with 1 disc containing all past mini games to be playable along with a few additions such as more playable characters in kart racing and maybe MK pinball or something. Also,it should be released with a figurine or some form of collectable...perhaps a cooking with scorpion cook book LoL...nah just kidding. I was thinking something awesome like how the new batman game has a batarang...perhaps a replica ninja mask or a replica of scorpions spear? I dunno,i would even settle with a Johnny Cage poster with the MK teams autographs. Something wild for the real collectors.

13)Things I don't agree with:
-On game disc mini games like chess,racing,or puzzle kombat (I think that mini games like that should be on a separate disc like stated in #12 on this list)
-The Krypt or the money/coin system
-I don't agree with playable classics (MK,MK2,MK3,MK:T,ect.)on the new game disc either...save that for DLC
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08/11/2009 01:59 AM (UTC)
Hangman bonus-game?

old-skool 2d platformer style mini-game/ghost 'n goblins style.. with blood?

Tag-team selections:-

-CyKung (CyLung)
-Johnny Jax /Jax Cage
-Kung Kang /KangLao
-KobraCage /Cage Kobra
-CageBlade /BladeCage
-KitDel /KitJade /SinJade /Jadel
-Sub-Rayden /Ray-Zero
-Ray Cage
-Scorp-Zero /Subpion
-ShangKhan /ShaoTsung
-QuanTara /NitaChi /QuanChiTara
-Kitara (Nikitanarika)
-TsungNoob /ShangSaibot
-Cagebro Blade
-JaxBlade (BlackSonya/BladeBriggs)

Characters only fight their enemies, with free-roaming stages in-between rounds, and how well you finish game determines character ending, i.e.
use lots of continues, then character has weak-ending.. finish with lots of flawless victories, then character's ending is victorious.

08/20/2009 09:50 PM (UTC)
i would like to see an extra disc w/ MK1-UMK3 on it
08/27/2009 10:32 AM (UTC)
- Kreate a Kharacter
- Arcade, v.s ext.
- Konquest as kreated kharacter
- the krypt
- mini games
- alternate costumes, kontent, ext.
- set whatever costume u want as a primary
- mko
- the best characters and new ones
- tournament mode
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