Which FIVE characters have the most future story potential? How would you bring them back?
posted05/04/2009 02:59 PM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
I've been seeing alot of wish lists for MK9 floating around in various threads. People listing off anywhere from ten to thirty characters that they want to see in the next MK installment.

But my question is this... What would YOU do with those characters?

I picked the number five because I thought that any more explaining might lead to a collection of gigantic posts. I tend to be long winded myself, so I thought that five would be a good number to keep things relatively short.

If you want to add more however, then by all means, go for it.

What I want to know is, HOW would you bring these characters back? What's their story? Or rather, what type of story will they have? Revenge? Romance? What will they look like? Will they be drastically different? What type of weapon or special moves will they have, if any? Will they have the same name? Will they be alive, dead, from a different realm or something else? How would bring them into the next game?

I'm not simply talking about "how can you shoehorn your favorite characters into the next MK game." If your favorite character doesn't have much story potential, then leave them out. Personally, I think that the MK team has done about all they can with Baraka and he's one of my favorite characters. So, I'm leaving him out.

I'm also not asking you to predict which characters will be in the next MK game. We can all assume with relative safety that Sub Zero and Scorpion will return. If you don't want to talk about them, well, don't talk about them.

So anyways, here's my list and how I'd bring them back:

SCORPION: New name Hanzo.

Story: Upon defeating Blaze, the Gods returned his soul to him. His purpose now is to serve as the Champion for the rebuilt Mortal Kombat tournament. He's being used however, and he doesn't realize that becoming fully mortal again leaves him vulnerable to those that have put him in this position on purpose.

Look and techniques: His new outfit would be a black, with bright gold. he'd wear a black cloth that covered only his mouth and nose, but his eyes would be exposed, as would his long black hair. His eyes would be normal.

He'll have his spear and teleport moves, but no fire based attacks. His moves would be more MK ninja-esque. Throwing stars, turning invisible, etc. His weapon would be twin katanas.

Sub Zero:

Story: He would be killed by an assassin that looks like Scorpion in the opening cinema. This will spring board his son into the Mortal Kombat storyline. It would be a revenge story, where you find out that he isn't his son's father, but rather his uncle. The young fighter's real mother and father are Noob and Sareena.

Sub Zero would return from Spirit Realm, an area not unlike purgatory, where he will sneak through a dimentional rift in an attempt to stop his "son" from becoming the evil demon that his real father became.

Look and Technique: Sub Zero's outfit would be relatively similar to his look in MK vs DC except for the fact that it would be frayed. He would have a large hole where his heart should be; the place where "scorpion's" spear went through and pulled out his heart.

Half of his face would be withered, with a small amount of skin missing. He's begun to rot, but he's not "rotted" yet.

His moves will obvoiously involve ice primarily. He'll keep his ice teleport, slide, ice ball, and freeze counter while adding several new moves such as the Ice Javelin, the reverse flip kick/diagonal freeze and the Ice Grip (a move where Sub Zero grabs his opponent by the neck with one hand, creates a a hard frozen fist with his other and punches/back hands several times).

Sub Zero's weapon will be his Ice Sword.

SHANG TSUNG: In an odd twist, I'd have Shang Tsung return, weakened and almost dead, as the only chance that Earth has in the coming battle. He will become the next champion of Mortal Kombat, and his new mentor (a new character in the game) will try and purge him of the evil corruption that Shao Khan visited upon him while making Tsung a sorcerer.

You'll find out that Shang Tsung was once human, living in Earth Realm, and that he had fought in the tournament before and lost. This of course would be long before he lost to the original Kung Lao. You'll learn that he was kidnapped and brought to Outworld, where his soul was tainted by evil after years of living in Khan's dungeon. He was there until he forgot who he was.

Can he be trusted? Probably not, but he will have to battle with his own humanity and his need to take souls in order to defeat the coming menace.

Look and Technique: His first look would be closer to MK:DA, but he'll look older, his hair will be gray. He can morph into a younger, faster version of himself however. The younger Shang Tsung will look very much like the MK2 version of Shang Tsung, only his outfit will be slightly more ornate. There will be no beanie cap.

The "two" Shang Tsung's will have completely different move sets. Older Shang Tsung will move more slowly and his attacks will be based more around fireballs and distance moves.

Young Shang Tsung will use alot more acrobatic moves and close range attacks.

Old Shang Tsung's weapon will be a long black staff with a glowing red ball at the end. Young Shang Tsung will have the same weapon only it folds into a tri-fold staff and the ball comes off, revealing a metal point.

RAYDEN: New name Lord Rayden

Story: The Thunder God gave up his essence to save the realm that he once watched over as Lord Protector. Pulling the evil from Liu Kang, so that his soul could go to the heavens nearly destroyed Rayden. Remade into an Elder God once more however, he has had more of a chance to see Earth at a distance, and with the pure warriors of the forces of light wiped away, he wants nothing to do with the realm or it's plight.

He sees a hell spawn as Champion and a demon sorcerer as Earth's only hope. He is not only convinced that the world is corrupt, he believes that it must be purged of all life. Destroyed and remade anew. He knows of only one being capable of doing this.

Though he has become one of the underlying conspirators in an evil plot, he can rationalize it to himself. However, he feels guilty for deceiving the new warriors chosen to save Earth realm. Will he change his mind before it's too late?

Look and Technique: Lord Rayden will be wearing black, have electric red eyes and his trademark coolie hat. However, he will look a bit older and more regal than the armored look of MK:D Rayden. He'll have more jewels and gold on him.

His moves will be based around electricity still. All of his moves from MK vs DC will return plus a few more. His superman is altered slightly though, as it hits higher, but the player using him can punch the opponent repeatedly in the face for extra damage while pushing them across the screen. New moves would include a teleport superman (where he falls through the bottom of the screen and supermans down onto the opponent) as well as a move called sacrifice, where he charges up and lets a relatively large buble of electricity explode from himself.

Rayden's weapon wil be a medium sized pole-axe. It will be electrified.


Story: The former leader of the Red Dragon finds his organization destroyed. He only takes solace in the fact that the rival black dragon have also been eliminated. Having escaped long before the destruction of nearly all of Mortal Kombat's best fighter's in Armageddon, he is captured by U.S. Intelligence, a Government agency. After rotting in a dirt prison for months, he is given a choice.

The agency believes that a small tournament determining the fate of the world cannot be held without the power and influence of the world's most powerful nations. The agency seeks to control the tournament, or at least it's outcome. They will issue him a full pardon for his crimes and pay him handsomely for elimating a certain target. This sum would be more than enough to recruit new members and restart his organization.

However, when he arrives at the tournament and learns of his target, he'll be conflicted. His target is also American, and he has a past with her. Can this disreputable thug find out who he really is at the new Tournament?

He will also find out more on this agency and the fact that they are a shadow government within the real government. If he carries out his job, he will be wanted by the US Government, if he does not, he will surely be hunted down by U.S. Intelligence.

Look and technique: Having been in prison for a while, he will be stronger, but his hair will be longer (shoulder length). He will dye it orange/red, and it will drape over one half of his face as somewhat of a disguise. He'll have a new black leather trench coat that covers a black leather karate gi with a red belt. The gi will have a ribbed, black piece of armor on the chest plate. He'll have an eye patch on the side of his face that can be seen, with a six sided scar coming out from the patch.

His moves will utilize his new weapons, the grappling hooks. unextended, they'll look like Nitara's sickles, only the handles will be longer and metal. They can extend to medium range chains and be used in twirling moves or mid range grapple pulls. They can also be used at long range in a somewhat similar way to Ivy's whip sword in Soul Calibur. He can use them to move around the arena and escape danger as well.

Other special moves include a red dragon shaped fireball, two red dragons that fire from each hand in an arching motion, grapple pull uppercut to characters already in midair, as well as several moves based around the grappling hooks at short, medium and long range.

His weapon will be the Sickle Hooks.

Anyone else care to give it a try?
01/20/2009 08:13 AM (UTC)
Kitana: After the devastating events of Armageddon, my home world lay in ruins. My mother Sindel, and trusted friend and ally Jade sadly met their end, and yet here I stand with nothing to show for all the years spent fighting and struggling for peace. The cycle of evil it seems is never ending, and I begin wonder, what is the meaning of all this, why is it that I continue to strive for a peace that will never come to pass. Everything that I fought so hard to regain has crumbled before my eyes, and I've had enough. No longer will I concern myself with the well being of the realms or the threats they face. It is clear my destiny, my purpose lies elsewhere, and I will find it. My journey begins.

Mileena: Edenia is destroyed! I haven't a kingdom to rule now! All my plans to take the realm for my own have been ruined. The Queen is dead, but Kitana is very much alive, I can sense it. She has escaped me for the last time! For years she has been the bane of my existence, and now that I have lost my chances at ever having what I am rightfully entitled too, nothing will bring me greater satisfaction than to finish her once and for all. Run all you'd like Princess, your days are at an end!

So basically Kitana has turned her back on fighting the good fight and has become more of a neutral character traveling the realms in order to find a purpose in life, a reason for her existence, all the while honing her skills to perfection. Meanwhile Mileena is fuming that her plans to claim Edenia have gone down the drain and thinks that the only joy that she will ever have in life is seeing Kitana dead, so she begins to track the traveling Princess down which ultimately leads to the biggest, most lethal confrontation the two have ever had. During this epic battle we get a glimpse of flashbacks inbetween the fighting segments that give us a more in depth look at what Kitana & Mileena's relationship was like growing up with Kahn favoring Kitana over Mileena.

So now we get a understanding of why it is exactly Mileena hates Kitana so much. Some dialogue is exchanged between the two women and Kitana finally realizes what a tormented, lonely soul Mileena is. Kitana lowers her weapon and refuses to continue the fight, despite Mileena urging her to do so. Kitana then tries to get Mileena to see that Kahn was the one to make them into the enemies they are today. Though extremely reluctant to back down, ultimately Mileena has to face the reality of it all and breaks down apologizing and asking Kitana for forgiveness. Kitana in turn comforts Mileena and forgives her only if she will do the same. In their sisterly embrace, something starts to happen, the heavens open up and rays of light shine down onto them both, levitating them into the air. Bright orbs of magic and light swirl and dance around the duo and then they are gently lowered back to the ground. Mileena removes her veil and much to Kitana's surprise Mileena is now beautiful, and purified of all traces of evil.

An elder god then appears before them and says "All is as it should be. From the moment of Mileena's creation your destinies were entwined with one another. Together, you rulers of Edenia, you can restore what has been taken from you, and find the peace you both so truely deserve" With this reassuring message of hope from the elder god, Kitana and Mileena head back to Edenia where they reunite the people and begin the process of rebuilding Edenia to its former splendor.

Can't comment on the other characters. These are the only two I Like.
oh, I take that back, I love me some Jade, but for the purpose of this
story I found it best she have passed away along with Sindel.
01/22/2009 03:17 AM (UTC)
Just dive huh? And do I have to include Scorpion and Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat's poster boys) in my 5 choices?

Durac: Technically a new character. He returned from his apparent death to claim the throne from his deceased brother. He's an ally of Reiko and Ermac.

Ermac: The new mentor for the heroes, taking Raiden's former role.

Khameleon: Is in a quest for survival, for herself and her young.

Raiden: The new boss, trying to destroy all the realms except Earth.

Reiko: The new Emperor of Outworld. However he's neutral and is defending Outworld, Raiden's first target.

Others that I can think of returning are Fuujin, Havik, Kabal, Kira, Kitana, Rain, Smoke, and Taven, I should also say that I support the "Noob-Zero" ending in Armageddon.
01/22/2009 04:59 AM (UTC)
Nice to see *Reiko* in ^ there pal, He's a pretty great kombatant. Is he just Emporer of Outworld and not a boss? If that is so, it's great. I want him to return as a playable character. If he had became a non-playable sub-boss or main boss, I would totally freak out,lol. ----------------------------------------------------- REIKO- MKA Main costume and Ruler of Outworld (playable). LIU KANG- God/Protector of Earthrealm, DARK RAIDEN- Main Boss, JADE- Takes over as new Princess of Edenia, seeing how Kitana died, KENSHI- A true Swordsman/ability to have vision again/loss of Telekinesis Powers.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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01/22/2009 08:07 AM (UTC)
Good Question. Here's more than 5.

1. Kai -

2. Raiden -

3. Sektor -

4. Sareena -

5. Fujin -

6. Drahmin -

7. Rain -

8. Nightwolf -

9. Kung Lao -

10. Shinnok -

11. Sub-Zero -

12. Noob Saibot -

13. Ermac -

14. Scorpion -

15. Nitara -

16. Shang Tsung -

17. Kitana -

18. Jade -

These are the ones that when I look at the MKA roster, I see potential in one way or another. I'll have to explain them over time. For this post though, let's go with....


Kai has goo-gobs of potential because he's pretty much a blank slate. But there's something about this character that makes him very likable to me as a character. Plain and simple.

a.) How he'd come back for MK9?:

- He's a Shaolin Monk so, I'd probably just have him travel back to the Shaolin Temples with (or w/o) Kung Lao. Kung Lao was one of the two efforts in his mentoring anyway, so that feels natural to me. I think that if they do it this way though, they shouldn't just write it like "Kai went back to the Shaolin Temples with Kung Lao".....Make a story out of it. Y'know?

"They headed back to the Shaolin Temples, and on the way they talked about...//ran into...//fought some...//met someone" ...ect ect. Whatever.

In doing this, we should get pieces of Kai's back story, get a sense of how skiiled, talented, or gifted he is, and see how someone like Kai, could even possibly roll with someone as skilled as Kung Lao. I think if this were to happen, he should be portrayed as merely adequate compensation for a missing Liu Kang, and I think this would be a good opportunity for some character building for Kai finally.

- What settles him in the MK9 story, and makes him a playable character in the game is a Shaolin Monk contest that happens before MK9's storyline starts, but well enough after MKA so that we can understand that this is not a stand alone Mortal Kombat contest dedicated to Kai.....it's just something that the Shaolin do from time to time to assess their warriors. It's also just a good idea I think, because of the absence of Liu Kang. They'd need to do this anyway to see who will represent Earth on their behalf.

At any rate, I'd like be specific here. We shouldn't spend a whole lot of time in this area for Kai, but we should know that this Shaolin contest is merely tradition, or "scheduled to happen regardless". You'd see people (friends//other shaolin brothers ect..) talking about the next Mortal Kombat contest and so on, to clearly establish that this was not a Mortal Kombat contest.
Critical pieces of information that I'd have come from this contest in Kais backstory would be Kai's vitals. Origin, age, weight, full name if possible, how he got any special power, the stripes ect... Kinda like with boxers and the announcer. Add Kung Lao to a regimen like this if he is also to participate.

Anyway, what happens is Kai emerges victorious, or near victorious second only to Kung Lao. This sets him up to inherit Liu Kangs old role in a legit fashion as far as face value is concerned. So he's looked at as "the one" now, based on several victories during the contest, and all the character building up to that point. He's also now locked in as a factor in MK9's story, and as a playable character.

end a.)

b.) What is he doing as MK9s story is starting?

- Practicing and training. Enter Fujin who let's Kai, and maybe Kung Lao (if he sticks around after that Shaolin contest) know about whatever the situation is around a new Mortal Kombat contest. Right now with Fujin is where I'd flesh out the process associated with being "the chosen one", and how they get resistant age effects, and all that. I'd also, since we'd know a little bit about Kai's backstory by this point, I'd at least look at one or two of his flaws by way of Fujins insight into Kai's soul.

This is right where Kai starts to differ from Liu Kang the most. Because when Fujin looks into Kai, he sees either nothing....or he sees things within Kai that have nothing to do with Kai. It's weird but, Fujin won't interfere here. I feel that it's important that Fujin be aware that there's something different about Kai, but that he not assert himself much at all. Especially without just cause, and even more so because of two things. For one, it separates Fujin from Raiden in how they'd handle similar situations individually. And two, Kai hasn't done anything except distinguish himself as an adequate representative for Earth at this point. Which, for all intents and purposes...something unique like that is what you'd probably expect to see from the chosen one. Raiden probably saw something akin to this in Liu Kang, and before him, the Elder Kung Lao.

- Soul searching. This is where we could find out little hints and clues that seem relative, but are really quite unrelated to Kai's MKA ending. I'd omit anything having to do with the One Being and just make some things from that ending better fitting for Kai. I think the One Being's involvement in most cases is a cop out, but I liked the inference that Kai might be this sort of....realized characterization of "a dreamer".....People in real life proclaim this all the time about themselves so, I'm glad to see something like this personified in a serious game like Mortal Kombat is supposed to be.

- Only things I'd divulge here is that while he's doing his soul searching, Kai has always been motivated by dreams, intuition, and inspiration (people do that). Although his is more apparently effective. Kai's motivations have allowed him to gauge and judge things efficiently throughout his life for no known reason to him just yet. Maybe a keen sense of things is what guided him in winning so many fights(to give a number of fights he's won, maybe some clever connotation of the the number 3. It's supposed to be the spiritual number representing completeness. 3, 33, 63..ect not ridiculous, and within reason for a young enough fighter.), or ever to become a Shaolin Monk.

(I'd try and explain what he was doing a little bit so we can at least draw a mental picture. Not just generic banter. Maybe he went back home to find resolve for some of his internal issues, but oddly, no-one is there even though he finds that they're not dead. The notion could be that they've moved on without him, and that could add to the problems he's having rather than take away from the reasons he went home.)

- What I'd try to do here, is establish how useful, and fun having these dreams and so on have worked for him before being deemed "the one". And then since being deemed "the chosen one", I'd try to establish how mysterious these inspirations have become for him. Maybe it's escalated, and he has much more graphic and terrific dreams now. His intuition might lead him to be more bold than he ever was before Shaolin brotherhood, and especially after Shaolin training. I figure, he should be able to control himself extremely well by how the Shaolin train their youth up. So, Kai being aggressive towards any problem should freak him out...but oddly, it should seem like he did the right thing after he gets over an incident.

- I'd maybe explain that he ran into some random leftover warrior from the Black or Red Dragon clan or something, since they're Earth bound. Hey here's an idea, have him kill a wondering Jarek, and not understand why he was propelled to do so. Even though in hindsight, it felt like the right thing to do. It's indicative of Kai not understanding that he has a great power beyond his imagination, and that he obviously does not understand how to control it.


I'd probably show this Kai vs Jarek situation through a cutscene or a reading with the picture. Some simple little illustration would suffice though. But it should show Kai much more skilled, and far stronger than he is familiar with himself being in this fight, and it should show Kai being unusually "judgmental" at the end of the fight. I'd have the scene start with Kai's intuition kicking in again (maybe he's at the edge of a forest that he's regularly passed through before.....but he senses something this time).
The fight starts with Kai reacting to an ambush attempt from a cautiously aggressive Jarek. They know nothing of each other, so Jarek is trying to beat, kill, but especially rob Kai for whatever reason (say...he's hungry and makes that known some way).

What hints at peculiar, is that Kai is a Shaolin Monk. Which means, he would usually just give a pitiful robber what he wanted and avoid a conflict. That's just what they do once they understand the situation. But like I was saying, that boldness comes through in Kai's posture towards the situation, and he refuses to give the guy anything. So after a little banter (Jarek: "Oh so you're a monk hu? The last monk I ran into...blah blah blah"), and some sizing up, they fight....naturally.

The fight is vicious and oddly uncontrolled, but of course Kai eventually wins. It's at this point that what Kai does, once it's obvious that he's won the fight, disturbs Fujin. Who is watching again from the Heavens (*wind blows the trees*....or something to that effect).

Kai makes some sort of out of character proclamation, and violently seals the guys fate for (1)ill intent, (2)human injustice, and (3)recognizing that there must be evil corrupting his soul (he can't see it, but he senses it). Regardless of any just cause that Jarek may have had ....(to steal for the sake of hunger is legit, morally. Even though it's primal as all hell.) one of Kai's dreams comes true through this event.

Once he recognizes what he's done...he runs off into the forest, but not far into that, Fujin shows up. (Says something like: "I knew there was something peculiar about you when I looked into your soul Kai, but I will let you live......You have an inner turmoil to resolve before this next Mortal Kombat contest officially arrives. If you do not "get your shit together", I will not have to finish you myself, your opponents will...../Fujin) lol

--Note, this whole sequence has to happen organically in order to work. So Kai wouldn't suffer from some God complex through all this. No glowing eyes, no super duper powers to speak of because he doesn't have any at this point. He's just alot more potent during these instances because intuitively, he's correct in what he's doing. Vicious fighting is indicative of inexperience with new power. Ignorance in the result that an inexperienced act occurred , pretty much dictates confusion, anxiety, and allows an individual to panic or over exert.

So, he senses things, he deals with the problem sufficiently, and then he panics while trying to figure out what just happened.

end b.)

c.) What's he doing during MK9?

- Realizing his strengths and weakness. Right as the contest is beginning, and contestants are starting their matches in this new Mortal Kombat contest, Kai should be figuring out what his tantrums and weird proclamations are all about. Right about now Kai should be alone alot. So we won't really see him doing much unless we get tidbits through other methods of story delivery throughout the game. mini-games with information attached to a currency award, particles of clothing with a small piece of his story attached to it, additions to a bio...ect Stuff we have to work for through playing the game that fill in what the hell his problem is for this game. Call 'em secrets, and hide 10 of em for Kai all over the disc and any DLC.

Anyway, he still doesn't have anything real for your typical "special moves" at this point. So until we obtain everything for him through playing the game, he is simply starting to realize what he represents, and what he's supposed to be doing with all of it. One good way for Kai to get a glimpse of what's going on is to dream. So instead of waiting to go to sleep and be mortified by these horrifying visual presentations, monks meditate. It's through these terrifying sessions (at first) that he is able to start piecing together what the hell is going on with him.

What I'd have him see is alot of different types of really heinous, violent deaths. People being pushed off cliffs, sword fights that end in limbs and heads and so on being lopped off....more would be unimaginable power to him, being displayed by someone he cannot recognize in these meditation sessions. I'd also let him specifically envision purgatory. Reason for that is because Kai is becoming more and more judgmental, and one way to cleanse and prepare the soul of his victims for heaven or hell could be that he sends them to Purgatory first. This is for souls that he deems are on the brink either way....but this is down the line a bit, once he gets a firm grip on what his supposed to be doing. Saaay, maybe MK10-ish

But anyway, the thing we find out by the end of MK9, is that it's him doing all those horrifying things in his visions. What that prompts you to do if you haven't found all 10 of Kais secrets, should be that you don't have all the special stuff associated with Kai....but you have his ending.

I'd simply leave a note after the ending is done playing and saves that says something to the effect of:

"Yes, you have completed the ladder with Kai and obtained his ending. That is a great feat by itself, but are you able to perform all the moves you saw Kai perform in his ending?

You still have 5(max) special moves left, and 10 (max) peices of his story to find.....


Which sends you spiraling in despair even though you just "beat the game", and immediately back into the game to find the other stuff....all over the internet...ect hahaha....

end c.)

d.) What the hell is left to do?!?

- Through all those extras and so on that I mentioned we'd have to work for through playing the game, we find out one or more of the following:

1.) That Kai is the reincarnate of Damashi. Who was an actual being during the time before Shinnok invaded the Heavens. Damashi was killed (or destroyed) in that battle in my description of things for sake of talking about Kai.

Based on Damashis portrayal in MKD, if he were real at any point, Damashi had to have been similar in function prior to his name being misused by Onaga//The One Being....

Something I always thought was that maybe Damashi was an oracle or something for the Elder gods? A segue between the gods of the realms and the Elder gods maybe? I figure that Damashi, if he were ever realized, he'd be something of an organic program-type that the Elder Gods created to speak on their behalf whenever needed. A middle man, like a translator.

His function doesn't need to be exclusive if this were to come true either. He could be what the Elder Gods use sometimes to quickly access vast looks into the future, or past. He could've also been used as a sort of surrogate guidance figure for new gods. "Their first trainer", so to speak, and also play a sort of janitorial // servant role for the Heavens. Ultimately though, Damashi could have very well been a multi-purposed entity that served the Elder Gods.

So, if Damashi was killed in the war on the Heavens, Shinnok could have figured that he would sever a line of communication between the gods of the realms and Elder Gods in some critical way. All while causing Heaven a bunch of other grief by having that entity gone. He used to be an Elder God so...he should know. Shinnok also could have been Damashis creator for some unique reason, and by killing Damashi, the other Elders are not able to re-create him exactly.

Which, if I had my way I would make this so, because it could mean that as a result of the remaining Elder Gods' attempts to re-create or resurrect Damashi, they simply created the free-roaming spirit of him or like him. Which btw, this free-roaming spirit would have his agenda. Which I could see being something like:

"To act absolutely indifferently, and to banish those that threaten the balance of the relams to the Nether...."

Or whatever...

Only thing I can see that this depends on, is when that war on the Heavens took place exactly. Is it before or after the events of MKD and specifically Shujinkos encounter with the fake Damashi?

Reason why I say that is because Damashi, as I have him pegged, is expendable. And if Damashi were absent long enough, some thing or someone could abuse that fact for their own gains.

To go a little further with that. The way I'd set Damashi up is that after death, and the remaining Elder Gods' attempt at recreating him, he is immensely powerful with an organic body. Without one, he is virtually ineffective. (which makes Shujinko even more of an idiot in MKD for not knowing that but, that was the point in that game so, whatever)

With a body, he is a contestant for a God of any realm, but not more powerful, or more knowledgeable, or more skilled. He simply elevates the potential of the body he inhabits 10 fold in all ways. He is a passive bodysnatcher. Which means, that the organic body he inhabits remains in full control in thought and in action, but Damashi is extremely influential. However, if he were to find a body and mind that is most compatible with his objective, the result of his now one tracked objective, will be devastating to a given opposition.

2.) That Kai was selected to be the avatar for one of the fallen elemental gods from Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, along with the grant of age resistance.

I wouldn't have Fujin recognize it in Kai with the whole thing going on with Raiden. But Fujin does know what happens when gods "die". So he shouldn't be amazed at all once these full transformations comes to fruition.

The way I see it, when an under-god "dies", they need a gateway, or a surrogate. That gateway could be an avatar. The fallen Earth Gods avatar could be Kai. Now, once the transformation is complete (the avatar grows in power, and therefor empowering the Gods existence), they can either keep the avatar active, or they can say "thank you" and take their powers back from the avatar(lol).

(Thing to note is, there has to be a certain amount of balance, and without the elemental gods or Raiden there completely, things are uneven. A natural way to maintain a balance, especially after MKA's events, is through a system the under-gods have in place to create balance points through the next most dominate species on Earth...humans. And being gods and all, seeing in to the soul of an individual doesn't hurt because, it privileges them to be very selective in picking the best, most pure person(s) to be their gateway back to realization...Being extremely patient and selective, they pick an avatar per elemental god.

Being patient has an obvious limitation too because, they're dealing with mortal men and women. So, if they aren't able to obtain an avatar from the current generation, surely within 100yrs someone new and just as pure could come along.

So, you can have the MK Champ, who is also an avatar for a fallen under-god like the elementals, and then you can also have a possible 3 [1earth = Kai /2wind/3water/4fire] other free-roaming avatars who may not be as skilled in martial arts, but are just as pure as "the chosen one". Could be an old person, a child, man, woman...whatever, and this is regardless of the age resistance granted to whomever the current Mortal Kombat champ is. Also, all the avatars can exist at the same time if found quickly enough, and live lives completely separate from each other.

To be perfectly clear, I'd play avatars like "advanced" humans = place holders with a small portion of the under-gods power that they represent.)

So, since Liu Kang has been the chosen one up until recently, there hasn't been a point that one of the fallen gods could begin their reincarnation process(let's just say they take turns reincarnating, and the Earth God goes first since Fujin is still alive). They might have to operate in a way that has them wait til a new chosen one is selected. In which case they can make him a stronger "chosen one" for earth in Mortal Kombat, and also make Earth stronger by there eventually being another god running around Earth that nobody knows about.

SO, being chosen to have god powers has it's perks, (multi-plane sight, superhuman this or that...ect) but what if you didn't know that you got chosen? And nobody knew what was going on, let alone knew where to find you so they could tell you?

Make for a dramatic story I'd think. And once you figured it out, what would you do with the power?

3.) That Kai finally finds out from some one in his family, that he is the prophetic one of his generation.

4.) 1 & 2 & some of 3 mixed together. =

~Bigger badder dreams and foresight = Damashi

~~Super Duper powers that he has to learn = the chosen one+fallen elemental god (Earth)

~~~Prophetic = family explains this to him, which is what's making him compatible with Damashi, and strong enough to handle all the power from Deamashi and the Earth god that he doesn't know how to use yet.

end d.)

And let's not forget about the Mortal Kombat contest!

Kai should be quite dramatic by the time I finished with him though. Because with so much going on with him on his own, who says he even wants to be the champ of Mortal Kombat? And if he did, what a challenge for Earths impending doom figure eh?

What if Earth lost Mortal Kombat, because Kai wasn't ready?
What if Fujin had to smite Kai then? Would it work?
If Kai lost, and they replace him, who would take his place then?
If Kai was set up like I'm talking about, couldn't he become a legit "problem" for Raiden? You think he could win vs Raiden?
Where the hell is Kung Laaaoooo?!?

hmmm? HMMMM!?!




Holy crap that was long....do another one later.
About Me
01/22/2009 11:34 PM (UTC)
1. Reptile: After Armageddon, Reptile finds himself with no master, thus, no thinkable way to revive Zaterra. It is then he remembers a time when he had power, the power to revive his realm back to its former glory. He was once Onaga, the Dragon King, whose power to revive and manifest himself came from teh six Kamidogu. Reptile, now with a new motivation and newfound independence, went searching for the kamidogu in hopes that he could accomplish his goal and bring back that which he most holds dear.

Or if his MKA ending is canon

Reptile: With his realm returned to its former glory, Reptile was hailed as a king. Going into seclusion, he became the protector of his people, making sure nothign could harm Zaterra agina. However when a new threat (MK8's villain) threatens Zaterra, Reptile decides to enter in MOrtal kombat once more, so as to protect the race he long sought to revive.

2. Quan Chi:(assuming Shao Kahn died) With Shao Kah gone, Outworld was in a state of absolute chaos, Quan Chi took advantage of this, seizing the throne for his own. Quan Chi, whose plan had always been to be ruler supreme of all the realms, finally had that chance, taking control of not only Shao kahn's former guard, but of both the Shokan and the Centaur, with the realms most powerful army at his disposal, Quan Chi set out to take over the realms, and rule them all.

3. Raiden: After his suicide, Raiden had experienced an epiphany, however, it was nto the gods which he connected with, but the realms themselves. Raiden had become an emissary of The One Being, gaining powers beyond that of an Elder God, Raiden marches forward to destroy all the remaining kombatants, therefore restoring absolute order to the realms.

4. Kung Lao:(assuming Liu Kang is dead) With Liu Kang dead, and Raiden corrupted, Kung lao was left to defend Earthrealm, saddened by the loss of his greatest friend and ally, Kung lao disassociates himself from the other warriors, honing his skills, awaiting the next threat to the realm, so as to be prepared when it arrives.

5. Mavado: After Armageddon, Mavado found that much of the red Dragon clan was either killed by taven or destroyed in teh battle with Blaze. Left with only a few skilled warriors and his tactical mind, Mavado went to work. Thinking up a wonderful plan, he decided to destroy the Black Dragon clan from the inside. Disguising himself and his allies, he infiltrates the clan, planning to destroy it from the inside out.
01/23/2009 03:07 AM (UTC)
Green_Lantern Wrote:
Nice to see *Reiko* in ^ there pal, He's a pretty great kombatant. Is he just Emporer of Outworld and not a boss? If that is so, it's great. I want him to return as a playable character. If he had became a non-playable sub-boss or main boss, I would totally freak out,lol.

REIKO- MKA Main costume and Ruler of Outworld (playable).
LIU KANG- God/Protector of Earthrealm,
JADE- Takes over as new Princess of Edenia, seeing how Kitana died,
KENSHI- A true Swordsman/ability to have vision again/loss of Telekinesis Powers.

Agreed. Reiko is totally awesome and I'd love to see him return, especially with that blue energy version of Shao Kahn's helmet, lol.

I really see Raiden as the new main threat, wanting to destroy all other realms... and of course he'd want to destroy the one that has given him the greatest grief and just happens to already be merged with several or more other realms (10 birds with one stone?).
I also see Reiko as neutral. He's a legendary general, but so far has shown no true goal or agenda other than hints of wanting to be the ruler of Outworld. He strikes me as someone that knows how to follow orders and has done just that under Shao Kahn's rule, but is obviously a great leader himself. He was also rather pleasant to Taven and wanted him to join his forces rather than destroy him as Shao Kahn ordered, this shows neutrality.
I can also see him agreeing to free the realms from Outworld. Perhaps if he loses to Raiden, he could do this to spite Raiden; stopping him from destroying all of those realms at once.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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01/23/2009 03:08 AM (UTC)
You know what? Need to kinda add or correct somethings between (b.-6) and (c.-1).

During that time in Kai's journey is were it'd probably be appropriate to start seeing him have powers and so on. Which would add to a confusion for him. Considering that I think he should be this character that has powers over the element of earth eventually, maybe during that Jarek match, tremors happen. Doesn't need to be tremors of course, but it could be something really cool with the element earth at that point to establish how much more powerful and potent he becomes when its time to fight. Also is an easy way to let us see what's different power wise about him from before, and it really starts this notion that he's gradually going to become something more.

The fatality he does on Jarek to finish him off could have something to do with earth as well. Maybe call it "buried alive" or something, and Kai does some mojo that pulls a big slab of the ground from beneath Jareks feet. We see Jarek slip and fall into the resulting hole (which is conveniently 6 or 7 feet deep), little more mojo that sees Kai raise that huge section of dirt over the hole Jarek is now in....and slam! Kai slams//kicks//punches down that slate of dirt and rock on top of Jarek to "bury him alive". *blood squishes from out of the ground, and all the bells and whistles...ect *

---Again, this doesn't require him to seem crazed or anything. If anything, maybe a little possessed, vengeful, or "grown to the point of being so pissed off that you can not stop it". In fact, it would be much more entertaining to me to see him in this fierce, sort of "absolute control" kind of presentation. Especially during the fatality part. Gives him the effect of an ultimate weapon of doom I think.

"A man who is pissed off, and almost abusing alot of power that he doesn't know he has, nor that he knows how to use at the moment". Liu Kang at the end of the MK1 movie was something like this when he hit Shang Tsung with the fireball. Kai is just gonna have a different effect because I'd have him use the earth element instead of fire as far as his chi power goes.

This sort of power exertion could be what warrants Fujins attention after all is said and done.

- One other point while I'm here is something I've stated before in various other threads about Kai. And it's that I do not want to see Kai be this full on capoeria fighter. I think the handstand in particular was cool, and I like some of the moves that came from him fighting on his hands, but I wouldn't ground his base fighting style on that martial arts style. I feel it's played out, and by now it plays to a stereotype for black martial artists in video games.

What I'd do instead is give him the hand stand, but make it optional. Something you'd have to trigger, and allow him to move around and maybe perform some basic attacks that way (alot like how they handled Yeung Seung's Crane Style in Soul Calibur 2-3-4.. ). Main purpose for this option though, is to showcase a couple of really cool combos, and some unique Earth element special moves.

If I had my way, Kai should have loosely based prevalence in the formula of his character specific style, from martial arts styles like:

1. Shaolin Tiger Style - his stripes have relevance that should reflect in his style. He would probably take the most influence from this style for basic attacks and so on. Loosely based though.

There is also a finesse about Kai that I'd like to see so that it solidifies him being a chosen Shaolin monk, and a mortal Kombat good guy (they all pretty much have their own swagger if you think about it. Liu Kang, Sub-Zero, Kung Lao, Raiden, Cage...ect). But mainly, Tiger is a style that can let us see how strong he has become from being a very obscure apprentice-type character, and blank slate. To this very significant, central figure in a new Mortal Kombat.

2. Hung Gar [shirtless guy] (Tiger + Crane) - For dealing with his special powers over the Earth element. Strong stances and powerful movements should be taken from a style like this. In his story however, this should only happen after he's got a grip on things. Previous to that, he should be using the softer attributes of this same type of style.

3. Capoeria // Ba Gua - hand stances and circular movements come from these styles. His reversals, parries, dodges, and so on should have alot of wide, round-about ducking or swiftly moving around his opponent. Like, if I press block+forward, and that is the command for dodging an incoming fist...Kai would react by swiftly changing sides with the opponent in close range. Kinda like Kano's parry in MkvsDc, but with more finesse. It'd probably look like he guided the opponent with one hand or something. Used the momentum...ect.

4. Monkey - ground tech stuff. I really think it would be appropriate to see him with that roll//uppercut move that Liu Kang had in MkSM(2:15sec-4:40sec). That looks like something Kai could've given to Liu Kang, or taken from Liu Kangs teachings to me. Kai shouldn't be bouncy though, even though he should feel pretty nimble.

SO, take chunks from Tiger(base offense) and Hungar(specials), and bits and pieces from Capoeria(base defense) and Monkey(ground tech) style, and there's your future Kai's character specific fighting style.

Far as Special moves and Fatalities go, watch this for inspiration. That character's progression is (1)sense of depth of field // vibrations (she's blind), (2)manipulating small earth structures and dirt (offense and defense), then (3)boulders and massive earth structures, (4)sand and dust, and then (5)metal.

Kai has qualities that are compatible with those progressions about him already, which is why I think it'd fit him well to do Earth Element stuff.

Finally, for Kais look:

Primary Costume: I'd double back to his MK4 look for his primary to start. Improve it, but keep it the same for the most part. Use similar textures and all that. Bump up is build maybe half a body size, make him a little more muscular. Signifying that he's a little older, and more fine tuned. Keep the headband, but maybe try and give him the braids from MKA? He'd keep the shoulder sash, as well as the waist belt and waist sash. I'd probably change the wrist gauntlets to forearm gaurds if it looked good enough.

I'd keep the pants relatively the same, but turn the shin covers into shin guards with out changing it. Except for maybe adding metal accents, and a tiger embroider on them somehow. Shoe style stays about the same too, but I'd experiment a little to make them look like a tougher// more durable shoe.

Alternate Costume 1: Take off the shoulder//chest sash so that he's bare chested, and only has the stripes. Then, take out the braids. Should look pretty ratty, and curly // nappy.....Like a jerry curl without the jerry......A relaxed afro. One that falls on the shoulders because the nappy hair has been pulled somewhat straight from taking out the braids. Ah, I got it, "Afro Samurai"-ish // Sho-Nuff -ish. Looks alot like T.J. Storm with bulkier hair.

I'd leave the pants and shin guards virtually the same as his primary, except to make it more rugged, and slightly more aggressive.

Alternate Costume 2: Alt would take a nice lesson from something like the Marvel character, Black Panther.( [1.] [2.] [3.] [4.] [5.] [6.])

Keep Kai's stripes, no cape, no claws, no glowing eyes, and no jewelry. If anything shines on him, it'd be metal accents to a logical overall design. I'd make him so that most of what he has on reflects that of his MK4 primary look, just waaaay more aggressive.

I'd get rid of panthers cat ears, and experiment with replacing them with the braids Kai had in MKA. If it didn't work, axe that idea. Try doing something with the hair from Alt 1. Also going away from the panthers look, I'd try and redesign the face mask so that it makes room to show his hair line. Maybe bring it down so that it only covers up to about his brow. Something really eye catching is what I'd go for ultimately. Maybe re-use the stripes? idk, I'd have to fool around with it. He doesn't need a complete face mask though.
Anyway, each look keeps the same color scheme (black//purple//white//maybe a little silver for accents). All of these play to his theme, and they also serve purpose to where in the beginning, Kai just looks like the Kai we've seen since MK4. Improved via new technology, updates, and presentation to fit the games overall scheme.

With the alternate costumes, they still play to Kai's central theme, but they give way to a progression. Telling us that the character is growing, and changing.

As he's being deemed the chosen one, learning and going though the changes, he changes his look. The more he knows what he's doing with these new powers, and the less he needs to "soul search", his look changes to accommodate those changes.

Sorry for the delay on that. EDITED heavily.
01/23/2009 04:25 AM (UTC)
Never mind.
01/23/2009 02:16 PM (UTC)
scorpion- his story i dont know. his moves could be his spear and a whole new set of special moves. weapon kitana. he has to do something huge in his story that effects all other characters, his look something similar to mk the movie.

sub zero- his story i dont know either but make it interesting. maybe have him turn neutral for a while. have more types of freezes and maybe shoot out a spike of ice for his various moveset. weapon his kori blade but have it tweaked a little.

baraka- his story could be very mysterious. have him move similar to voldo in sc and have him growl before a fight. his blades should rip through anything it touches. for example clothing, flesh, bone, and even the enviorment. give him some more moves besides his slice,spark,flurry attack.

reptile- have his story fresh and new for a change. new look entirely. have him walk, move, and crawl, like a reptilian. sniss before a fight. bring back his forceball and add low acid spit to his already moveset. his chameleon move that you can't see him have that effect on the arena to. if he touches a railing or wall of some sort.

sareena- her story maybe go after quan chi for making her his bitch in szm. update her look a bit. give her a short sword or dagger. maybe two new moves along with her already set of moves.
Shang Tsung: the story would revolve around him(it is 1000yr before first mortal kombatLOL) he would still be a decsiple of Bo rai cho, he would fight and became champion for earthrealm and save them from Onaga's invation one time by defeat onaga in battle, and then he learned sorcery, especailly morphing from Quan Chi, but most of them cannot be performed by Mortals, thus he became cursed by his god, and the only way to escape death would be joining Shao Kahn and learn the way to take souls of others. clothing: somewhat similar to MK the movie, black trenchcoat with red outside, he have two version, costume one would be the desciple look with fast movement, costume two would be alot older, looke somewhat like MK SM but slightly younger than that. fighting stlye: largely using fireballs, and other magics, the movement would be acrobatic using a long Chinese sword( hre cannot fight with fist) (sorcery of fire) fireball, thrown up to three (sorcery of water) Morph move (sorcery of air) teleport behing enemy (sorcery of earth) ground fireball chain summon from MK3 (soul steal) soul steal move of other games

Shao Kahn:
originally an advicer to Onaga, he later plotted to assasinate Onaga during that Mortal Kombat, he fought and was defeated byShang Tsung, impressed with his ability, he want Shang to be his lead sorcerer. He later accept the desperate Shang Tsung and taught him how to steal souls, and with Shang Tsung's help, he poinsoned Onaga with demon blood. costume: he would actually be alot smaller and whimpy looking compared to how he has been later, he would wear long robe, but would have shown muscular phiseque on his bare arm and leg fighting style: a powerful smash based style, and he could drea his hammer and go into his weapon style (green field) generate a field of energy across the screen to cause damage, (mighty kneelift) uplifting knee, (mighty rush) shoulder rush, (redicule) taunt,(ambitiotious trechery)teleport behind enemy and kick him.

his actual name is Tekeda, not Hanzo Hasashi, so it's a different person, he is the founder of Shrai Ryu clan and he later joined Mortal Kombat to defend earthrealm at request of Raiden, but soon betrayed him when the ambitious adviser known as Shao Kahn paid him great sum of gold to assasinate Shang Tsung, the champion, but he soon failed and went back to earthrealm in shame Costume: he would be a human, but with most part resemble the old scorpion fighting style: normally a very quick ninjitsu style paired with a drawable Katana style, he would be able to use spear, (hellfire flier)a fly kick with fire on foot, (Scorpion's sting)a teleport kick by teleport behind enemy and kick on back), (Scorpion's claw) teleport punch by teleporting behind enemy and punch him, then teleport back)

Sub Zero
Actually Absolute zero, one of the the last members of Cryomancers, he was told to win the tournament for Shao Kahn in exchange for his race's survival. He was defeated, of course, and escaped to Earthream and joined Lin Kuei clan, his descendent will be always known as some sort of Sub zero. Costume: less Ninja like with costume similar to MKD 1p costume, but with frozen arm and eyes with deep blue glow, his hair would come through the top of his helmet, and it would be ice spikes fighting style: a very traditional sword style, with steady and safe moved, he would have a ice blade as weapon, specail moves: freeezeball, ice shield(create a armor of ice making him temporarely invulnerable), iceblade (form an track of icy blade down a path) ice statue(coverhimself in ice and actual being appear on the other side, leaving an ice clone in the old place)

he was the edenia's champion sent by king jerrod at time, but he was soon defeated by outworld, and then Edenia became apart of outworld and he reluctantly became Kahn's assassin costume: no more mask, no more ninjaness, instead something resemble more of a prince, very noble outfit with alot of metals fighting style: use fist only, somewhat soft style with alot of watery teleport and confusion, his specail moves are (tornado) airwave projectile, (drowning) suddenly make opponent fall into a water puddle created on the floor, soffocating him/her, (wet floor)water pudding that makes make opponent slip, (mystry of rain) suddenly dissapear in the air and fall, sort of like teleprt stomp
01/30/2009 04:42 AM (UTC)

On the one hand, Kitana is one of the older, "iconic" characters of Mortal Kombat, who's been a major part of the series since the early days. As such, it's understandable that she should maybe retire along with the other sacred cows and allow "younger" characters to get the spotlight. Out with the old, in with the new. Her storyline...as it is now...while not completely stale, has (at least) run out of steam and is a good position to end with proper closure...allowing her to gracefully step aside.

On the other hand, Kitana is one of Mortal Kombat's stronger creations. She is one of the more developed characters, and is one of the few characters to have grown and evolved over the course of the series...one could make a case they should probably hold on to something like that. She's also a distinctive character with a unique weapon and remains a fairly popular and beoved character...perhaps she should be considered one of the small few "untouchables," alongside Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Raiden, who never really goes away perminently.

If they decide Kitana is worth keeping around, she still has places her story can go...but she is due for a serious overall. All around.

End of Armageddon
I think, one way or another, Kitana's story in Armageddon should culminate with the destruction of Shao Kahn. Whether they bring her back or not, closure for this current chapter of her story is Shao Kahn's death. He is the source of all her troubles, and everything in her story thus far has been leading to her confronting and destroying her step-father. If you follow Kitana's story arcs...in the first one, we see her rise to Princess of Edenia. She begins as a mysterious assassin serving Kahn, rebels against him, and against all odds, frees her realm and becomes a leader of her people. Her first arc ends in triumph.

Now her second story arc, we find a pattern of loss, frustration, and defeat. This could lead to two things: if she's not coming back in MK9 and beyond, then when she's at her lowest and most hopeless (in Armageddon), she finally faces and destroys Kahn...or at least, plays a crucial part in his demise...thus releasing the souls he's stolen throughout his life (including her father), and is finally able to make peace with herself and retire to Edenia and I guess become Queen...leaving any future battles to Jade or subordinates.
Thus her second arc can be seen as a darkest before the light situation...where she achieves a great and climactic triumph when things are at their worst and only then can she live happily ever after.

If they are going to bring her back, then they can instead play Kitana's second arc as her "Empire Strikes Back" where everthing goes wrong. If her first arc was her rise to Princess, the second arc can be her fall. Shao Kahn's destruction should still be a part of it, BUT rather than living happily ever after, something catastrophic must happen to Kitana before it's all said and done. They'd been building up that Kitana has been feeling a lot of stress and is getting sick of the constant fighting, so coupled with the losses she's suffered recently, it may only take one more crushing tragedy to finally send her "over the edge" so to speak.

The point of final catastrophe in Kitana's life during Armageddon would be to remove her from Edenia and her role as the realm's Princess and main defender. I think at this point, few would argue her current act as Edenia's heroic Princess fighting to save/defend the realm from evil has more than run its course and is becoming rather redundent. She's become bogged down by the realm and there's a feeling that there's a lot of excess baggage holding her down. Not to mention, her feud with Mileena has run it's course and worse, her very title as "Princess" has created this nasty stigma that she's some fragile demsel-in-distress. Her portrayal in Shaolin Monks and MK vs. DC...despite being non-canon...only enforces this.

So yeah, at the end of Armageddon, Kitana suffers one more crushing blow, which...coming on top of all the other tragedies and setbacks she's endured...finally makes her stop caring. Think of it kind of like a veteren soldier who's been out in the shit too long and just goes numb. That's the direction I'd like to see Kitana go in the future if they keep her around. A darker, colder, and more ruthless side of her character can come back as the tragedies and losses she's endured leave her bitter, angry, cynical, and resentful.

What said horrible tragedy can be...well, there are numerous possibilities. The complete destruction of Edenia, for starters. After all the years and hard work she's spent freeing and restoring the realm only for it to get wiped out in Armageddon. Or suppose, when she destroys Shao Kahn, only then does she learn about that little soul-pledge thing where everyone who pledged their soul to Kahn dies with him...and it happens that Jade and Sindel are among those unfortunate souls. What should've been her greatest triumph backfires on her horribly and comes with a great cost. Also keep in mind, Liu Kang is a zombie...and should NOT come back to life...and Goro's betrayed her.
Only thing is, I don't want to see is her and Mileena's faces getting switched liked Mileena's Armageddon ending suggested. Kitana and Mileena should go their separate ways after Armageddon and having the essentially switch places is lame.

Anyway, Kitana's life sucks and she's sick of it...and she abandons Edenia (or what's left of it). She's bitter, angry, and just wants to be left alone. Thus, the stage is set for her third story/character arc.

Going into MK9
So we pick on Kitana in MK9, hiding herself away from the rest of the world...stewing in her bitterness. Maybe the other heroes...whoever else is there...now resent her now for abandoning her realm. But she doesn't care and just wants to be left alone. And this of course is when she's forced to fight again.

First though, as said, Kitana is due for a major overhaul all around. We've seen the extent of what can be done with the blue bathing suit. The popular thing to say if she should dress more regal or "decent" but I say bah-humbug to that. First of all, no one really likes the "princess" aspects of her character and having her dress more regal only kind of indulges that...and more importantly, if she renounces her title as princess, there's no point in her dressing that way. And decency is for losers. Not saying she should start dressing like Mileena or something like that...but she's not a nun. Anyway, although I don't have specific ideas of how she should look, I'd reflect Kitana's state of mind and story in how she dresses. I'd put her in ragged and beat-up clothes...running make-up...long and messy hair....overall creating the impression that she just doesn't care anymore.

Kitana's special moves could use some spicing up. Keep the trademark Fan Throw (in the air as well) and Fan Lift obviously, but she needs some new stuff. It's really sad she had to rip-off Mileena's Ground Roll in MK vs. DC. The Pretty Kick is good, too. Keep that. I'm no real good when it comes to thinking up special moves, but I would like to think there's more that can be done with the fans than simply a throw and a slash. I also wouldn't mind seeing Kitana get some moves that don't rely soley around her fans. And also, she's overdue for some new Fatalities. The Kiss of Death and Decapitation are old. She needs new stuff.

Getting back to the storyline, if you want to imagine this as Kitana's third arc...the first being her rise and ending on a high note; the second being her fall and ending on a low note...this would be when things come full circle and maybe discover her ultimate destiny. We can start by looking to some unresolved questions and issues from her past, such as...for starters...how exactly did she learn the truth about her past? Were other, unrevealed, characters involved? And if so, who are they and why?

Perhaps these characters, and the agenda they're a part of, isn't necessarily benign. Maybe there was a darker and sinister reason behind the discovery that led to Kitana turning against Kahn that she's not aware of. Now suppose in MK9, these mysterious figures emerge to make their move and part of it involves forcing Kitana out of hiding. Now she finds herself forced to return and fight again to find out what these people want with her and why they've manipulated her life...even though she doesn't really want to. And this could be the start of her next journey which could go as far as they want it to. Maybe it's not even just Kitana...maybe these characters have an agenda that extends to other characters that tie into the Mortal Kombat mythology.

Or maybe this, as we know, Kitana spent a large part of her life loyally serving Shao Kahn. Therefore, killing people who opposed him. Now suppose, a new character who was the son or daughter of someone Kitana assassinated while she served Kahn. This could also tie into the full circle thing, where Kitana is confronted head-on with the sins of her past. Maybe, this new character, was willing to give her a chance when she turned against Kahn, but when she abandoned Edenia at the end of Armageddon, this new character now bares a grudge. Not just rectifying her years serving Kahn, but her abandoning her realm when it needed her most?

Those are the main issues I'd go with Kitana in MK9 and beyond. Her primary objective would be this mysterious force for whom she unknowingly a part of. And for a secondary objective, she deals with this new character with a grudge. If Rain comes back, I'd be interested in seeing how they might interact, since he's going around claiming he's a prince. I'm also the fan of the idea of he having some kind of crush on her, so I think that'd interesting. I'd hold off on her running into Mileena again, at least for a while.

But all this would be the journey of her third story arc, where she picks up the pieces of her life again and rebuilds herself...thus bringing it back to the theme of redemption.
01/30/2009 09:00 PM (UTC)
I think Kitana is stale. She's gone through all the turning points that lead to the final stage of her development already. Now that she's the Princess of Edenia, she's got no where else to go.

Same thing with Sub-Zero, imo. All of his personal problems lead him to becoming Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. It's over for him. Where are the personal problems anymore?

No, he and Kitana are now like Liu and Sonya, characters with generic goals and problems: stop the bad guys, save the day. There's nothing personal and unique about their goals and problems anymore. It's all generic crap for them both.

I think the characters with the most story potential are Ashrah and Nitara. Their brand new conflict is not only interesting and mysterious, but it's one of the most original stories MK has ever had. It was very smart of Vogel to add a demented twist to Ashrah's story which we all thought was a linear boring piece of shit during MKD.

It just makes me wonder so much:

How will Nitara stop Ashrah?

How will Ashrah react when she realizes she has been brainwashed?

Since Ashrah, is no longer the purity-seeker we all thought she was, who IS she then? And what will she do next?

What will Nitara do about the kriss sword that is a possible natural enemy to the vampire race? Will the kriss/vampire battle end or contine?

How did the kriss become such a mystical object?

What will Nitara's ending position be if and when she has accomplished her goal?

I think they have the coolest sub-story in all of MK. That chaos vs order story wasn't very interesting. The red dragon vs black dragon side story isn't all that either. The special forces side story... same thing. Finally, with MKA, we received an unpredictable, unique story full of mystery instead of the typical, linear crap we've been getting.

So I definitely want their story to continue but because they're both unpopular characters, I doubt it will.

Kitana and Sub-Zero will return though I'm sure.

For Kitana, I would very much like to see her go in the direction WarriorPrincess has in mind. She needs a whole new story cuz her current story is as over as Sindel's. There's just no where else to go for her, so she needs something all-new.

However, I'm guessing that from now on, Kitana will not grow out of her current position because midway loves portraying her as the princess that she is. They love making her all flowering, and soft, pretty, and romantic, boring as hell, which is why I find it hard to believe that they will ever disconnect her from her "princess" title. Which is sad, really, but who knows?

Anyway, I only care to see Ashrah and Nitara's story continue. THEY are full of story potential, not all these other "popular" bitches you guys here are mentioning. I mean.... Scorpion? Come on....
01/31/2009 03:04 PM (UTC)
I have my own thoughts about how the storyline of the next MK should take place, so my bios/hopes for the future may be influenced by this.
My hope is that MK9 takes place in the far future, like 300 or 400 years into the future, having a backstory which involves Onaga taking the place of Emperor of Outworld somewhere in our era, and conquering Earthrealm, fusing it with Outworld. But as a resistance, the earthrealm warriors and natives build a city for their own, and raise walls around it, and ultimately, Fujin makes a deal with Onaga, that they must determine the fate of Earthrealm in one last Mortal Kombat tournament.

Sub Zero

Not the same Sub Zero of nowadays, but a descendant of his, the heir and Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei clan. I would bring him back as one of the main heroes of MK9, taking the place of the stoic, silent, cold mooded character, yet just and strong willed.

The ninja specter returns as the undead wraith of the past, still a wild card on both Evil and Good sides, his connection with the plot may be him making a deal or agreement with someone from Outworld.

Shang Tsung

Don't know exactly how to put him here, but probably as a servant of Onaga, fighting the Eartheralm rogue warriors.


Taking his rightfull place as the wise guide and protector of earthrealm, like what Raiden did in the past.

Kung Lao

Kung Lao has been fighting and winning in the last Mortal Kombat tournaments, remaining young and unaging throughout the centuries. Now that Onaga has conquered Earthrealm through unholly methods and against the rules of Mortal Kombat, Kung Lao will fight in the coming battles in Earthrealms behalf.
02/02/2009 12:15 AM (UTC)
I think they should bring back:

1) Rain-It's time for a comeback for him, he was sweet to plays as him back MKU3 and with him now learning about his heritage in MKA I cannot wait to see what's in the future for him.

2) Kung Lao-With Liu Kang it's now up to him to keep Earthrealm safe and how will handle with the pressure on his shoulders.

3) Hotaru-Presumably left for dead in Outworld by Dairou as his realm is going into turmoil by Darrius. I wonder what he's going to due. And also I like move's like Grasshopper and Quick Tricks.

4) Havik-A villain that just wants chaos that doesn't relies on magic like Shang Tsung or Quan Chi, that you never now what will happen if he's around.

5) Li Mei-A good female lead weather if she's good or evil, that has cool kick moves and sexy. As other female characters like Sonya, Kitana, and Milenna have gotten stall.
02/23/2009 08:51 PM (UTC)
quan chi i'd like to see him overthrow shinnok and take power of nettherealm if he can some how figure a way to gain more power in the netherealm than lose power there. moves he could have are a skull wall as a defensive manuver, freeze time for an extra hit, make a image of himself to distract the other player. fatality could be he freezes you in time than explodes you.

ermac i'd like to see him some how become a protector for earthrealm and lead earth realms fighter into battle as a sneak attack on outworlds finest villians. have him use his talepathy in ways you cant imagine for the greater good of mankind. make his moves more interactive and creepy. carrie was an good example of using this power for evil.

sindel i'd like to see protector of edenia while bringing back her hair whip and hair slam. make her screams more echoy throughout the arena to make her sound more devestating.

kung lao i'd like to see him take the place of liu kang while adapting more moves with his hat similar to a boomerang.

kai i'd like to see him go evil while bringing more moves and maybe giving him a handstand stance for while he is using his attacks.
03/22/2009 10:45 PM (UTC)
I would like 2 c the next game happen yrs after armageddon so during the konquest u can have non playable characters making little cameo apperances here and there. Id like to see raiden as the main bad guy and to see him conflicted and at the end we find out he's actually possessed by a demon and when Raiden gets defeated by whoever the demons comes out of him and manifests itself in a physical form to do battle in the end Raiden is returned to normal as Earths protector. That should tie up that loose ends and leave the next game completly open for a new start.

Scorpion: After Armageddon Scorpion was returned to the netherealm. While there he finally seized control (he's been there long enough and should take over) when the new threat arrises Scorpion returns to earth but this time he is confronted by Sub Zero and he convinses scorpion that if raiden is purged of evil he can help him revive his family Scorpion agrees and fights with the good guys.

Sub Zero: Pretty much described in Scorpion but although on the surface he is scorpions ally but he plans to use this to has advantage

Reptile: When Raiden began to put his plan of destroying the realms into action he offered his services to raiden who accepted.

Shang Tsung: Acting as an aid to Raiden the sorcerer is pretty much telling him what to do wanting to kill Raiden after he's taken over the realms and claim them for himself

Lui Kang: Since armageddon the elder Gods made Lui Kang the temperary protecter of earthrealm while Raiden is possessed he will lead his own chosen warriors to defeat him and bring things back to the way they were
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04/01/2009 03:09 PM (UTC)
I think Raiden, Noob Saibot, and Scorpion have the best potential. I do not think Sub Zero has much potential anymore because of age issues (look at his appearance in DA).

I obviously mentioned Scorpion above because he is my all-time favourite character ever. So naturally I can come up with a fair few possibilities. But here is just one of them:

Appearance - Default costume in Deception (gold armour).

Weapon - Mugai Ryu (the ninja sword he has in Armageddon).

Moves - (all moves from MKvDC), few various other spear moves like the ones in Shoalin Monks (spins the rope around his person hitting people nearby), a move where other members of the Shirai Ryu come in and attack the opponent (similar to Noobs clone in MKTrilogy).

Fatalities - Toasty, Lava pit, the one where is slices their throat before cutting them in half.

As for the story, I might write it up another time as it's late here and I'm up early in the morning.
04/01/2009 05:42 PM (UTC)

This character is one of my favourites. I think it's a shame he wasn't used to his full potential in the last generation, as he's one of the best characters the team has ever made.

I'd like to see him become the new main Earthrealm hero, since Liu Kang is gone, and Kung Lao would probably just want to live a quiet life again. He'd still be after Shang Tsung, but hopefully they can build his story into more than just a quest for revenge. I also think he should still have connections to the OIA, though I'm not sure how it would work.

His main costume would be an updated form of his MKDA look. I liked the fact that it was sort of like armour... Not many characters are smart enough to wear any. His alternate costume could be similar to his MKDA alt with the robe, though it should be in black and his eyes should remain covered.


Another favourite of mine. Yes, he is typically seen as a completely lame character, but his popularity seems to have risen with his new appearance and moves in MKA. He has a vague yet interesting enough backstory that could help turn him into a very cool character.

I think Jax's time has come. His death could come at either the hands of the Tekunin or Red Dragon, leaving Sonya to find someone to take his spot. There are many potentials in the OIA, but she decides to seek out someone she has worked with before, during the Earthrealm invasion. As Sonya's new partner he can help her take down the Tekunin and Red Dragon, and find out what their motives are.

Stryker's main costume should take a new direction yet again. I like the military look that both Jax and Sonya have had in the past, and think it would suit Stryker nicely. Black jacket with some blue highlights in there. Big badass combat boots. His head would be the same as in MKA with the goggles and spiky blond hair.

As for his alternate costume, it should be his MK3 costume. Maybe it could look a lot better... less like a fat security guard.

Sektor or Mavado

We've seen enough of the Black Dragon. Nothing good ever came of them. I would like to see either the Tekunin or Red Dragon clans be a major part of the next installment. Depending on which is chosen, either of these characters are fine. Both have high potential. Sektor and the Tekunin might be a better choice, as he has problems with Sub-Zero as well.

I'm happy with both of their looks and moves.

Li Mei

One of the few female characters that doesn't bore the hell out of me. She had the whole deal of being tainted after MKDA, which I think should be built upon. Seeing her slowly turn to evil would be interesting, perhaps she could even kill Bo' Rai Cho or something.

She needs to stick to the armoured look of her MKD alternate costume. I'm sick of seeing characters fight in underwear.


I like the whole Darth Vader cyborg/redemption thing he has going on. His MKA ending suggested that he turned into a human again, but I prefer him as a cyborg as it's unique to him, and you can't have Cyrax without crap coming out of his chest.

He's on this list mainly because he's my favourite character, but he certainly does have potential. I don't know what they could do with him, but surely they can think of something.

His primary look is very cool and I hope it doesn't change too drastically. Though, the colour should be more gold than yellow. As for his alternate costume, it should be without the helmet again. But hopefully they can make it look a lot better than it was in MKDA. I don't understand why he would have skin showing apart from his face.

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04/22/2009 07:11 PM (UTC)
My favourite kombatant
i like to see him in MK9 but as a main character and he would be the one who is ''talking'' in the beginning and instead of just want to revenge he would care about his allies and the threat against the realms

his MKDA but he should have two ''belts''around his body with the dragon emblem he has

his alternate MKDA but with his ''vest'' over and eyes coverd

should be concerned of Quan chi scorpion and his bigger brother noob
instead of fightning against the new threat

his MKD primary but not as long sleeves and his hands should be like MKDA

secondary coustume

his MKDA secondary


after noob and sub-zero

his primary in MKD

alternate coustume
his secondary in mkd but with his kunais on his belt


only after his little brother

PRIMARY coustume

his MKD secondary


sub zero clothes but black


after the new threat

primary coustume

his MKD primary


his MKDA clothes
05/04/2009 02:58 PM (UTC)
To be perfectly honest, even though they will probably be killed off merely for marketing purposes, as far as story development goes, I think both Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung have so much to add to the series.

We know next to little about Shao Kahn. The idea of him winning Armageddon, or even just surviving and trying to regain his power intrigues me. Just who is he, and where exactly did he come from? A proper story for Kahn could actually make its own RPG. Shang Tsung is of course attached to Shao Kahn at the hip. Tsung himself is intriguing, and there are characteristics of his that I would love to see developed.

Havik is another character that I feel is interesting. Just why does he believe in chaos so much? Is it a happy existence for him? At the very least, he makes a very good plot device, to instigate a story by fucking something up for someone, or meddling with something he shouldn't.

I'll catch a lot of mockery for this, but Liu Kang, truthfully, is an evolving and adapting character. After Armageddon, he could end up as Guardian of Earthrealm for example. Has he at all been scarred by The Fall of Raiden? Does he see the same problems with humanity that Raiden saw? Liu Kang always needs to come to the rescue, and fighting that urge as Guardian could be interesting. He should be an unlockable character in the next game, but I don't think his story should be dropped just because he's played out as the main hero,

Sub-Zero, while not one of my favourites, has been given enough attention to actually have a proper story. I'm curious as to see just where the Dragon Medallion stuff goes. It's aged him tremendously, and it'd be interesting to see if he keeps aging. It might even have a Gollum from Lord of the Rings type effect on him. Does Subby sacrifice his god-like power to stay alive and mortal, or does he keep it and go in blazing, even though it limits his time alive?

So, on the side of evil, you have Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Havik; on the side of good, Liu Kang and Sub-Zero.
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