which characters should stay, which should go???
posted10/24/2007 12:32 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/17/2007 08:34 PM (UTC)
if there is anew mk game coming out, then which fighters should stay on the series, and which should go away?
07/27/2007 07:33 PM (UTC)
if there is anew mk game coming out, then which fighters should stay on the series, and which should go away?

well for one there IS a new game coming out around november or 08

as for which characters should stay and go?
def stay: sub-zero, scorpion, raiden, shang, lui kang, barrakka, meliena,
def leave: all cyborgs, ermac, quan chi, kano, kenshi, sho khan, dragon king, joke characters (met, bo rai cho, etc)
07/27/2007 08:09 PM (UTC)
tough. but i say all should stay cuz there all kombatants. and thats more variety in characters to also fight. the ones i guess i dont care about is. kung lao, meat, hsu hao, mokap, drahmin, dairou, shujinko, fujin, kai.
My top 5 get rid of:

1. Chamelon
Okay lets face it he is just a copy so throw him out!

He realy isint that sugnifigent of a person all he really is a dead elder god.

He realy just flat out sucks he has no combos and is basicly a waste of space.

Hes just a Ermac copy throw him out.

Hes just a Kabal copy cat throw him in a ditch.

07/31/2007 09:04 PM (UTC)
yeah away with drahmin. but keep kenshi i like his story and he seems like a unique character even though his powers are similar to ermacs. mokap definatly needs to go he is the biggest waste of space
08/01/2007 08:31 PM (UTC)
I'm just gonna give my top 5 for who should stay and who should go.

Top five who should stay:
1. Subzero
2. Scorpion
3. Shinnok
4. Reptile
5. Baraka

Top five who should go:
1. Mokap
2. Hsu Hao
3. Shao Kahn
4. Bo Rai Cho
5. Jarek
08/05/2007 02:46 PM (UTC)
I think that they should all stay...except the joke characters and characters who are crap in general I.E Hsu Hso, Stryker, Movado...e.c.t. I dont know what everyone has against chamelon, I think he Owns. He would make a great sub-boss in a future Mk Game if he had all the abilities of the other ninjas and could use them at any time.
08/07/2007 12:51 AM (UTC)
As long as there is mortal kombat, there will be Scorpian and Sub-zero. I wouldn't put them on the "should stay" list because it goes without saying for all the original characters, and most of the MK2 characters for that matter. Characters that should stay are the ones that are representatives: people that represent a larger group of people in mortal kombat. Baraka, for example, is the only Tarkatan nomad of the game, and we need to see him every other game b/c the Tarkatans are a powerful force in outworld. He acts as a gate keeper to information about his race.

Also, Kenshi is way cooler than ermac. Come on, he's the blind man with a sword. He's the Renaissance fair's worst nightmare: how can you not love him? Furthermore, Ermac really only had one telekenetic ability in UMK3 [the slam], and it wasn't until after Kenshi was already introduced that they expanded on this move. One could argue that Ermac stole Kenshi's telekinetic throw.

A blind man with telekenisis [or a mind's eye] is far more interesting. I would retcon ermac's special moves to match his storyline: "hey, let's combine 1000 warriors to make one Uber-warrior!" Ermac's special moves should reflect his martial prowess rather than some arbitrarily chosen telekenitic ability. I like the character idea, but his moves don't match his story which is why his popularity is low.

They did a similar thing with Rain, they redesigned his abilities in way that suggests his name comes from the ability to manipulate water [which contrasts Taven's, his half-brother, control over fire]. This was a good idea, and both Rain and Taven benefit from the retcon. I suspect Rain will stay and Tanya will die because they are both Edenian traitors, but Rain has gotten far more interesting while Tanya got stuck in first geer doing the same crap over and over again.

Characters that should go are the ones that have no connection to anybody or anything. Kai comes to mind. He doesn't really have any enemies or any friends. I mean, MK characters are only so complex, but Kai in particular suffers from writer neglect. It's like they thought making him a black guy would be enough to make him interesting. If I were Black, I would find that insulting more than anything else. Let's just forget about him, it won't be that hard anyway.
08/07/2007 01:54 AM (UTC)
Should Go:

Hsu Hao
Khameleon (unless they go deeper with her storyline and make her unique)
08/09/2007 12:00 AM (UTC)
Top 5 that should stay:

1. Sub-Zero: He is the heart of mk.

2. Scorpion: He is also the heart of mk.

3. Raiden: He is one of the swiftest moves.

4. Ermac: Who dosen't love green glowing hands and telekenitik moves?

5. Lui kang: Shaolin monk really thats cool!

Top 5 that should go:

1. Meat: Just stupid.

2. Kenshi: A stupid copy of Ermac with a sword.

3. Hsu Hao: A stupid copy of Kano with addicted to clapping alot.

4. Mokap: The only thing new is his specials and the moves are the same for other carecters.

5. Frost: A really weird copy of Sub-Zero.

But thats all me, not not you guys!!!
08/09/2007 01:12 AM (UTC)
come on kenshi should stay. i think he is a unique character, a blind swordsman, awsome. who cares about telekenesis, ermac and kenshi use it different ways
08/15/2007 06:39 PM (UTC)
I vote for the following ten characters:

1) Scorpion- super cool nin that I think midway is going to revamp in MK 8
2) Sub-Zero- he's the Lin Kuei grandmaster and surely has to return because it is possible that the former grandmaster could be a new character..... I think he could be called Homairu
3) Sektor- midway just intro'ed the tekunin and Sub needs a continuing threat to his clan
4) Sonya- promote her general and give her a very bad attitude
5) Ermac- have him lead an army to destroy Shao Kahn's followers
6) Cyrax- have his story wrapped up with him finally becoming human
7) Quan Chi- even though I hate the Necromancer, he's Hanzo's aka Scorpion #1 enemy
8) Raiden- bring him back as the Shinn version instead of him being dark Raiden
9) Kitana- crown her queen of Edenia finally
10) Kung Lao- if they finally bring Liu's bro onto the game.... call him Chan Kang please.... Kung Lao would have to train him to defend earthrealm
08/15/2007 07:04 PM (UTC)
more importantly get rid of meat, mokap, and one of the shokans(goro, kintaro, sheevah)because there are three shokans in armageddon and its piontless to have three four armed characters from the same race and use the same moves, almost same moves, get rid of at least one of them because thats such a waste, and mokap, isnt even a real mk character, he is piontless, fight with liu kang or johnny cage, cuz thats what mokap is basically like, and meat, thats the stupidest thing in MK. he only does wrestling,and he has no sweet, cool, interesting background. he is the waste of time, he has weapons that are basically like kano's, and maybe also get rid of mavado or give him different weapons and moves because kabal and mavado use the same weapons and moves and i like kabal alot more than mavado.what needs to happen is spend more time on the characters now and when they want more, get creative like they use to or stop making characters, which would suck if they did, but, get creative.
top ten that should stay
1 ermac
2 rain
3 reptile
4 noob
5 sub-zero
6 scorpion
7 jax
8 smoke/human smoke
9 kintaro
10 goro
08/22/2007 10:35 PM (UTC)
Kung Lao
Scorpion(if they give him a good storyline)
Quan Chi
Johnny Cage

Li Mei
Kitana(she should retire, not be killed off)
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung(getting tired of his character)
Sonya(love her but i don't like where her storyline's going)
Shao Kahn
Hsu Hao
Bo Rai Cho
Noob Saibot
Frost(interesting character that got screwed over)
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Energy drinks all day. Mortal Kombat also all day.

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08/23/2007 06:34 PM (UTC)
Stays: Cyrax, Sektor, Ermac, Shinnok, Shang Tsung, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Sonya, Kano, Raiden, Mavado, Stryker, Shao Kahn, Sheeva, Jade, Baraka.

Goes: Kai, Onaga, Blaze, Smoke, Noob, Reptile.
1) Kung Lao
2) Noob
3) Khameleon
4) Chameleon
5) Baraka
6) Kenshi
7) Sareena
8) Taven (As a god)
9) Mavado (Just ditch those hookswords, Please!)
10) Onaga (Reincarnated in his original body. Keep his dragon form as an alt.)

1) Quan Chi
2) Hsu Hao
3) Blaze (You should've seen this coming)
4) Sindel (Retire only. Not die.)
5) Kai
6) Liu Kang (A zombie? Why?)
7) Mokap (Does he have a story?)
8) Jarek
9) Shinnok
10) Daegon [See Blaze]
08/24/2007 12:15 AM (UTC)
drahmin is one of the best charcters to play with in the game with a tracking combo
hes hard to beat if you know 2 combos with him
08/24/2007 09:29 AM (UTC)
The ONLY two characters who definetely need to be in MK8 are Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

However, I would love to see Kenshi, Quan Chi, Mavado and Reptile return for the game as well.
08/27/2007 03:53 AM (UTC)
some people gone.

1. Quan Chi: FFS, if he is back, then that means Scorpion wants revenge(again). Damnit, we had enough of revenge.
2. Kang: Was teh fucking hero in nearly every 2d game, and Mk4, so he should either A. Retire, or B. Die.
3. Shao Khan: Was the boss character most of the time, remove him.
4. Joke characters: Some should stay, but most get killed.
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08/27/2007 05:59 AM (UTC)
i say let them all stay.

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08/27/2007 06:55 AM (UTC)
Who I'd like to stay + Fav's:

- Stryker
- Taven
- Fujin
- Noob
- Bo' Rai Cho
- Kai
- Kano
- Kabal
- Baraka
- Shao Kahn
- Hsu Hao
- Sektor
- Ermac

That's it.
08/29/2007 09:06 PM (UTC)
no way smoke or noob goes. meat and all the other jokes are as good as gone by the sounds of Boon. Frost did get screwed, thats bad enough, ehy get rid of her?

I think they should work on centralizing SZ and Scorp more, seeing as they are the new faces (you know what i mean) of the game, and of the franchise as a whole
08/30/2007 07:08 AM (UTC)
Hello, this is my first post here, but I'm going to be constructive and objective with Mortal Kombat as a series. I'm pretty sure many of us can agree that too many comedic characters came about in the new trilogy of games. If MK is supposed to be serious they either need to throw out these "Funny" characters or change them up somehow. I think this new MK should be like a universe reboot or something. But here is who I think should stay and who I think should go.

Stay: Reptile, Smoke, Noob Saibot, Ermac, Rain, Reiko, Shao Khan, Fujin
Johnny Cage, Kano, Jax, Kenshi, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Raiden, Sonya, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Havik, Goro, Nitara, Jade, Nightwolf, Hotaru, Kabal.

Go: Blaze, Onaga, Shujinko, Meat, C(K)hamelon, Moloch, Dhramin, Kira, Kobra, Sindel, Tanya, Li Mei, Taven, Daegon, Hsu Hao, Mavado, Kai, Mokap, Bo Rai Cho (For the love of god get rid of him!), Darrius, Jarek, Dairou, Stryker.

Now I believe some explinations are in order. Scorpion and Sub-Zero of course were not mentioned because it's a given, they are always going to be in an MK game. Any other characters I didn't bother to mention was simply because I was on the fence about them. confused

For the people who stay, I justify it like this.

Smoke and Noob Saibot are big parts of Sub-Zero's storyline, and if Sub-Zero is always going to be in an MK game, these guys are sure to follow, same applies with Scorpion and Noob. Reptile has developed into a more unique character design and storyline I think. If they decide to reboot I say they should keep him the way he is, and maybe have a human form alternate costume for him or something, as I'm sure a few people miss his old unoriginal self for some odd reason (Including me). Shao Khan as far as I'm concerned is the only concrete boss figure that anyone respects, he's like Bison of MK. He must be in the future games to some sort of margin.

Reiko could be used to usurp his role or something as a plot device or something else so it would be wise to keep him too. Fujin and Raiden are part of the Gods, and I feel if they do a reboot they should maybe reveal some more gods and introduce them as fighters. Perhaps they could make the Elder Gods a lot like Raiden has become, not so benevolent in nature. Pretty much anybody I've mentioned thats been in MK1 through 2 should stay period, they are all signiture MK characters. Ermac should stay because while his character's story has a good concept, it hasn't been used all that well, by all means he should also be one of the most powerful fighters alive. Rain is good as the betraying Edenian Prince, besides I'm sure Ed Boon likes him.

Jade, Nightwolf and Kabal are all good characters, while most people would say Jade is a weak rehash I think they could develop a better character for her. Quan Chi makes for a really good villian and his design is unique, Shinnok is the same way yet for some reason a lot of people don't seem to think he is a viable threat. Maybe that could change...he looks pretty evil to me. Out of all the new characters I really only liked Nitara, Hotaru, Havik and Kenshi. Kenshi I thought was very original and had a great storyline that gave him purpose, Nitara while not having a whole lot of depth can possibly lead to some new lore opperunities with her vampiric race, and Hotaru and Havik are great foils that play off of eachother. Hotaru being the guy you would guess is a good guy at first but his love of complete order makes him appear to be nuts, Havik on the other hand looks evil but wants and loves chaos yet the way he explains things, you think he's right to an extent.

Now for characters to leave.

The whole Shujinko character was stupid when they made him know everyones moves...that was lame. Onaga was retconned in a bad way so to me he's rendered pointless. Blaze is just lame and boring, nothing about this guy has any kind of staying power and Taven and Daegon should be retconned out of existance or something, Meat, Mokap and Bo'Rai Cho have got to go if MK is going to get serious, Drahmin and Moloch are boring...plain and simple, nobody really cares about Kai, Darrius, Dairou, Jarek, Li Mei, Kobra or Kira, they're all just boring. K(C)hameleon has got to go period, thats just goofy, while it was cool to get the Red Dragon involved in Mortal Kombat Hsu Hao and Mavado just do not cut it, while it looked like Mavado was the leader until it turned out that Daegon was (Stupid) Mavado actually looks more like a low level henchman than anything, he looks nothing like the leader of an ancient super secret criminal organization. (Don't ask me what someone like that would look like, all I know is...at least he would look imporant or intimidating)

I think it serves story and lore better if Sindel stayed dead, let Kitana step up as Queen. Tanya is too weak of a character to keep around, unless they can think up something better, I believe it's time to put her to rest. I always kind of though Stryker was a stupid character...period.

While it seems like I may have bashed MK some thats not true, I said I was being objective and constructive. I found it hard to care for almost any of the new characters or think that any of them were actually any cool. I'm not some old school fanboy, I actually liked some of the new characters...it just seemed like a lot of them were lame or not a lot of thought were put into them...or bad retconing happened. I've based none of this on cool moves or combos, I've based this off of what characters have staying power, will people really care if they're gone or not and if they can serve the lore better because despite the fact that MK is a fighting game mostly, it has a very deep storyline and it progresses by leaps and bounds every game. I realize some people think there should be no story in fighting games but without it, what gives any of these people a reason to do anything, their character designs are far to out there for them to just fight. It's far too late for the game to go without a story anyway.

I'm VERY sorry for the length of this but I cannot figure out a way to make it short without explaining myself some, as I'm sure someone will raise some eyebrows at some of the things I've said. grin
Zork86 Wrote:
Hello, this is my first post here, but I'm going to be constructive and objective with Mortal Kombat as a series. I'm pretty sure many of us can agree that too many comedic characters came about in the new trilogy of games. If MK is supposed to be serious they either need to throw out these "Funny" characters or change them up somehow. I think this new MK should be like a universe reboot or something. But here is who I think should stay and who I think should go.

Stay: Reptile, Smoke, Noob Saibot, Ermac, Rain, Reiko, Shao Khan, Fujin
Johnny Cage, Kano, Jax, Kenshi, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Raiden, Sonya, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Havik, Goro, Nitara, Jade, Nightwolf, Hotaru, Kabal.

Go: Blaze, Onaga, Shujinko, Meat, C(K)hamelon, Moloch, Dhramin, Kira, Kobra, Sindel, Tanya, Li Mei, Taven, Daegon, Hsu Hao, Mavado, Kai, Mokap, Bo Rai Cho (For the love of god get rid of him!), Darrius, Jarek, Dairou, Stryker.

Now I believe some explinations are in order. Scorpion and Sub-Zero of course were not mentioned because it's a given, they are always going to be in an MK game. Any other characters I didn't bother to mention was simply because I was on the fence about them. confused

For the people who stay, I justify it like this.

Smoke and Noob Saibot are big parts of Sub-Zero's storyline, and if Sub-Zero is always going to be in an MK game, these guys are sure to follow, same applies with Scorpion and Noob. Reptile has developed into a more unique character design and storyline I think. If they decide to reboot I say they should keep him the way he is, and maybe have a human form alternate costume for him or something, as I'm sure a few people miss his old unoriginal self for some odd reason (Including me). Shao Khan as far as I'm concerned is the only concrete boss figure that anyone respects, he's like Bison of MK. He must be in the future games to some sort of margin.

Reiko could be used to usurp his role or something as a plot device or something else so it would be wise to keep him too. Fujin and Raiden are part of the Gods, and I feel if they do a reboot they should maybe reveal some more gods and introduce them as fighters. Perhaps they could make the Elder Gods a lot like Raiden has become, not so benevolent in nature. Pretty much anybody I've mentioned thats been in MK1 through 2 should stay period, they are all signiture MK characters. Ermac should stay because while his character's story has a good concept, it hasn't been used all that well, by all means he should also be one of the most powerful fighters alive. Rain is good as the betraying Edenian Prince, besides I'm sure Ed Boon likes him.

Jade, Nightwolf and Kabal are all good characters, while most people would say Jade is a weak rehash I think they could develop a better character for her. Quan Chi makes for a really good villian and his design is unique, Shinnok is the same way yet for some reason a lot of people don't seem to think he is a viable threat. Maybe that could change...he looks pretty evil to me. Out of all the new characters I really only liked Nitara, Hotaru, Havik and Kenshi. Kenshi I thought was very original and had a great storyline that gave him purpose, Nitara while not having a whole lot of depth can possibly lead to some new lore opperunities with her vampiric race, and Hotaru and Havik are great foils that play off of eachother. Hotaru being the guy you would guess is a good guy at first but his love of complete order makes him appear to be nuts, Havik on the other hand looks evil but wants and loves chaos yet the way he explains things, you think he's right to an extent.

Now for characters to leave.

The whole Shujinko character was stupid when they made him know everyones moves...that was lame. Onaga was retconned in a bad way so to me he's rendered pointless. Blaze is just lame and boring, nothing about this guy has any kind of staying power and Taven and Daegon should be retconned out of existance or something, Meat, Mokap and Bo'Rai Cho have got to go if MK is going to get serious, Drahmin and Moloch are boring...plain and simple, nobody really cares about Kai, Darrius, Dairou, Jarek, Li Mei, Kobra or Kira, they're all just boring. K(C)hameleon has got to go period, thats just goofy, while it was cool to get the Red Dragon involved in Mortal Kombat Hsu Hao and Mavado just do not cut it, while it looked like Mavado was the leader until it turned out that Daegon was (Stupid) Mavado actually looks more like a low level henchman than anything, he looks nothing like the leader of an ancient super secret criminal organization. (Don't ask me what someone like that would look like, all I know is...at least he would look imporant or intimidating)

I think it serves story and lore better if Sindel stayed dead, let Kitana step up as Queen. Tanya is too weak of a character to keep around, unless they can think up something better, I believe it's time to put her to rest. I always kind of though Stryker was a stupid character...period.

While it seems like I may have bashed MK some thats not true, I said I was being objective and constructive. I found it hard to care for almost any of the new characters or think that any of them were actually any cool. I'm not some old school fanboy, I actually liked some of the new characters...it just seemed like a lot of them were lame or not a lot of thought were put into them...or bad retconing happened. I've based none of this on cool moves or combos, I've based this off of what characters have staying power, will people really care if they're gone or not and if they can serve the lore better because despite the fact that MK is a fighting game mostly, it has a very deep storyline and it progresses by leaps and bounds every game. I realize some people think there should be no story in fighting games but without it, what gives any of these people a reason to do anything, their character designs are far to out there for them to just fight. It's far too late for the game to go without a story anyway.

I'm VERY sorry for the length of this but I cannot figure out a way to make it short without explaining myself some, as I'm sure someone will raise some eyebrows at some of the things I've said. grin
Aw, hell, man. That deserves a DP.
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