Wheres Jacqui?
posted03/21/2015 06:01 AM (UTC)by
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01/23/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
She's the only new character sans Kotal that i'm really looking forward to (will most likely try them all out, but i'm only excited for these 2), she was revealed before Johnny Cage, and she was shown as playable before Mileena, why was she missing from the select screen?
03/20/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
They weren't showing her off today so they just decided to show a build of the game without her on it.

03/20/2015 04:06 AM (UTC)
We literally know nothing about her, they need to show her gameplay asap!
03/20/2015 07:54 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
We literally know nothing about her, they need to show her gameplay asap!

Chill... the game is coming out April 14.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

03/20/2015 07:57 AM (UTC)
Just wait on it!! *Drake voice*
03/20/2015 08:29 AM (UTC)
She's the character I'm least sold on, so I would love to see more about her. However, if I have to wait until I get my hands on the game, then so be it. It will give me a mystery to figure out.
03/20/2015 12:46 PM (UTC)
who cares, her and her worthless roster spot dad should fuck off...I still cannot believe how much roster slots have been wasted on the kids and parents....and how many characters had to take back seat to such crap...

I dont understand the jacquie hype....

You have seen her throw 3 punches...her gimmick is her dads with robo arms....WHat is their to be hype about? I mean unless you jack off to stereo typical jive ass ghetto hood ebonic blacks...which IMO is the shittiest type of character...Shoulda made forrest fox instead....hes 4 pages had more goin for him than jax or his sibling.
03/20/2015 01:36 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
who cares, her and her worthless roster spot dad should fuck off...I still cannot believe how much roster slots have been wasted on the kids and parents....and how many characters had to take back seat to such crap...

I dont understand the jacquie hype....

You have seen her throw 3 punches...her gimmick is her dads with robo arms....WHat is their to be hype about? I mean unless you jack off to stereo typical jive ass ghetto hood ebonic blacks...which IMO is the shittiest type of character...Shoulda made forrest fox instead....hes 4 pages had more goin for him than jax or his sibling.

We haven't seen much of her, and because of that we want to see more. Where are you seeing robo-arms? She looks like she has gauntlet weapons and metal gloves, to me.

Also, Jax is much more of a military stereo type than "jive ass ghetto hood ebonic black." He's like a buffer Nick Fury. Meaning even if he looked like David Hasselhoff, he would still be the same character.

I didn't even know he had a sibling. Is it a brother or sister? I hope he/she are playable. /s
03/20/2015 01:39 PM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
CISIS Wrote:
who cares, her and her worthless roster spot dad should fuck off...I still cannot believe how much roster slots have been wasted on the kids and parents....and how many characters had to take back seat to such crap...

I dont understand the jacquie hype....

You have seen her throw 3 punches...her gimmick is her dads with robo arms....WHat is their to be hype about? I mean unless you jack off to stereo typical jive ass ghetto hood ebonic blacks...which IMO is the shittiest type of character...Shoulda made forrest fox instead....hes 4 pages had more goin for him than jax or his sibling.

We haven't seen much of her, and because of that we want to see more. Where are you seeing robo-arms? She looks like she has gauntlet weapons and metal gloves, to me.

Also, Jax is much more of a military stereo type than "jive ass ghetto hood ebonic black." He's like a buffer Nick Fury. Meaning even if he looked like David Hasselhoff, he would still be the same character.

I didn't even know he had a sibling. Is it a brother or sister? I hope he/she are playable. /s

Jax had metal gloves. Also jax is nothing like Nick Fury.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/20/2015 01:43 PM (UTC)
She's coming. They're saving the best for last. Jacqui, her father and her "Auntie" Sonya.
03/20/2015 01:44 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
who cares, her and her worthless roster spot dad should fuck off...I still cannot believe how much roster slots have been wasted on the kids and parents....and how many characters had to take back seat to such crap...

I dont understand the jacquie hype....

You have seen her throw 3 punches...her gimmick is her dads with robo arms....WHat is their to be hype about? I mean unless you jack off to stereo typical jive ass ghetto hood ebonic blacks...which IMO is the shittiest type of character...Shoulda made forrest fox instead....hes 4 pages had more goin for him than jax or his sibling.

Thanfully you are not in charge of the game, because you have a pretty shitty (and racist) opinion.
03/20/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)

no, i would just rather a person be in the game, and be a man or woman who happens to have black skin.

not a character bases solely on their skin, yelling yeahhhhoohh yeahhhh as they shoot guns, and yell yeaahh bring ittt, how ya like dattt goottthhhccaaa

its degrading,
03/20/2015 02:05 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Jax had metal gloves. Also jax is nothing like Nick Fury.

Jax has metal arms that he can't take off and give him super strength. Jacqui's gloves seem more like Johnny's new knux, than Jax's arms. I doubt they play apart in her fighting style, and exist in her other attires.

I would say he's like the young Howling Commandos Nick Fury. He's extremely loyal to his men, hot headed at times, is willing to disobey orders for the greater good, and likes to replace missing body parts with tech. He's not much like the head of SHEILD Fury.
03/20/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Jax had metal gloves. Also jax is nothing like Nick Fury.

Jax has metal arms that he can't take off and give him super strength. Jacqui's gloves seem more like Johnny's new knux, than Jax's arms. I doubt they play apart in her fighting style, and exist in her other attires.

I would say he's like the young Howling Commandos Nick Fury. He's extremely loyal to his men, hot headed at times, is willing to disobey orders for the greater good, and likes to replace missing body parts with tech. He's not much like the head of SHEILD Fury.

U do know jax did not always have metal arms right?
03/20/2015 02:41 PM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
She's the character I'm least sold on, so I would love to see more about her. However, if I have to wait until I get my hands on the game, then so be it. It will give me a mystery to figure out.
I thought the same thing......and then they revealed Kung jin. He sucks a fat one. I expect that she will be very forgettable also. I wish we could have just gotten more new fighters that had nothing to do with family.
About Me

03/20/2015 02:50 PM (UTC)
There's 25 freaking characters in this game, you don't like one or two, that's fine, there's plenty more to choose from...The bitterness over characters on this board is completely ridiculous.

That said, Jacqui's the newbie I'm most hype to see along with Erron. I suspect they didn't show her to keep some stuff for future kasts or game release. It comes out soon enough anyways, I can wait.

03/20/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
She's coming. They're saving the best for last. Jacqui, her father and her "Auntie" Sonya.

03/20/2015 03:11 PM (UTC)
BadMeetsEvil Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
She's the character I'm least sold on, so I would love to see more about her. However, if I have to wait until I get my hands on the game, then so be it. It will give me a mystery to figure out.
I thought the same thing......and then they revealed Kung jin. He sucks a fat one. I expect that she will be very forgettable also. I wish we could have just gotten more new fighters that had nothing to do with family.

Family has been a part of MK for a long time, that's not a big deal, in my opinion. The only thing about the roster that bothers me a little is that Milleena and the Black Dragon have very few representatives. There hasn't been a new character reveled that has put me off yet, but why couldn't Ferra/Torr be a tag team of Oni under Shinnok, or at least helping Mileena. Why couldn't Kano have taken Jacqui from Jax as a baby and raised her to be Black Dragon and hate the Special Forces? I love the different factions in this game with the different shades of gray morally they have, but it seems off balance.
03/20/2015 03:21 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:

no, i would just rather a person be in the game, and be a man or woman who happens to have black skin.

not a character bases solely on their skin, yelling yeahhhhoohh yeahhhh as they shoot guns, and yell yeaahh bring ittt, how ya like dattt goottthhhccaaa

its degrading,

Your statement holds no weight because Jacqui isn't in the game just because of her race, and she doesn't yell what you said. Stay butthurt though.
03/20/2015 03:57 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
There's 25 freaking characters in this game, you don't like one or two, that's fine, there's plenty more to choose from...The bitterness over characters on this board is completely ridiculous.

That said, Jacqui's the newbie I'm most hype to see along with Erron. I suspect they didn't show her to keep some stuff for future kasts or game release. It comes out soon enough anyways, I can wait.

The problem is I only like 1 or 2 characters well u have jax and his daughter already. There is no kitana daughter for me to like. Also the comment above he was talking about jax.
03/20/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
The thing I can't stand is that the offspring characters all seem to be too sassy and immature. Not sold on Takeda's forced relationship between Scorpion and Kenshi. Not sold on Kung Jin, seems like they were reaching very far with these two.

Cassie is just bland, because of the fact that she's the daughter of two bland characters.
03/20/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
She's still a work in progress ;)
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/20/2015 04:19 PM (UTC)
Cordova21 Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
She's coming. They're saving the best for last. Jacqui, her father and her "Auntie" Sonya.


03/20/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
I really hope she plays like Dee-Jay (but better) from Street Fighter.
Adam Ronin
03/20/2015 05:05 PM (UTC)
I don't feel like we will see her, Sonya, Jax, Shinnok or Kenshi until launch. Definitely no Liu Kang either. They want to save SOME stuff for people to see on their own.

I think we will get 1 more big stream before launch and that will be Goro. I mean, we only have 3 weeks left after all. No stream next week. Then the week after will be Goro. Then the week after that will be Launch trailer and then the week after that the game comes out. That's how I see it all playing out.
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