Whats going on with the next MK?
posted02/05/2008 08:01 PM (UTC)by
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Member Since
11/19/2004 05:53 PM (UTC)
I don't really understand, usually a game that is set to come out in the fall of this year has some kind of pictures or videos out by now. Yet, while you would expect lots of news to be flowing about now, it is very scarce. We have a boon interview... not much else.

Anyone else think that there should be some media out by now?
02/02/2008 05:14 PM (UTC)
We've already discussed about this WAY too much. If you want answers, read the other threads on this page about the game. Other than that, you're answer has been solved.

Adam Ronin
02/02/2008 06:42 PM (UTC)
It's because there is no MK8.

It's an illusion.

A clever ruse, if you will, to get the MK community all excited and then to be immensely disappointed.
02/02/2008 07:47 PM (UTC)
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
It's because there is no MK8.

It's an illusion.

A clever ruse, if you will, to get the MK community all excited and then to be immensely disappointed.

Why do you keep on with that bullshit?
02/02/2008 09:27 PM (UTC)
Not to mention though, that I'm agreeing with Zentile on this one, that I highly believe that the game will come out early 2009. I do not expect them to make this game come out in 2008.

Just because there hasn't been a picture or a video about this game doesn't mean it doesn't exsist. Remember how long we had to wait for Armageddon? Yeah.

02/02/2008 10:08 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Not to mention though, that I'm agreeing with Zentile on this one, that I highly believe that the game will come out early 2009. I do not expect them to make this game come out in 2008.

Just because there hasn't been a picture or a video about this game doesn't mean it doesn't exsist. Remember how long we had to wait for Armageddon? Yeah.


Only insane people claim it will come out in 09.
02/02/2008 10:16 PM (UTC)
I've asked the support team at Midway if they know when we can expect some media or news coming up on the next MK game and they replied saying that they have not received any news yet. So.... that doesn't sound too good.
02/02/2008 10:28 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
I've asked the support team at Midway if they know when we can expect some media or news coming up on the next MK game and they replied saying that they have not received any news yet. So.... that doesn't sound too good.

The MK team is keeping any news of the game very hush hush. I would say don't expect any news until sometime in April.
About Me
02/02/2008 11:49 PM (UTC)
MK 8 is cancelled
About Me

Turn on your light and they'll see you. Make a sound and they'll hear you. If you think it's scary being lost...

Just wait till you're found

02/03/2008 01:01 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
MK 8 is cancelled

Where the hell did you hear that?!
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/03/2008 01:12 AM (UTC)
PrincessMeta Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:
MK 8 is cancelled

Where the hell did you hear that?!

..... *slaps forehead*
02/03/2008 01:14 AM (UTC)
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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02/03/2008 08:05 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
PrincessMeta Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:
MK 8 is cancelled

Where the hell did you hear that?!

..... *slaps forehead*

02/03/2008 08:16 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Not to mention though, that I'm agreeing with Zentile on this one, that I highly believe that the game will come out early 2009. I do not expect them to make this game come out in 2008.

Just because there hasn't been a picture or a video about this game doesn't mean it doesn't exsist. Remember how long we had to wait for Armageddon? Yeah.


Only insane people claim it will come out in 09.

Yeah, okay, I'm decalred insane because of my opinion.

02/03/2008 08:26 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Not to mention though, that I'm agreeing with Zentile on this one, that I highly believe that the game will come out early 2009. I do not expect them to make this game come out in 2008.

Just because there hasn't been a picture or a video about this game doesn't mean it doesn't exsist. Remember how long we had to wait for Armageddon? Yeah.


Only insane people claim it will come out in 09.

Yeah, okay, I'm decalred insane because of my opinion.


Its because its a wrong opinion, and everyone has already told you it will come out in 08, but you choose to live in youre own facts. Noone gets declared insane for no reason. BTW, where is youre proof that it will be out in 09?
Adam Ronin
02/03/2008 09:50 PM (UTC)
Nightcrow Wrote:
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
It's because there is no MK8.

It's an illusion.

A clever ruse, if you will, to get the MK community all excited and then to be immensely disappointed.

Why do you keep on with that bullshit?

hahaha, calm yourself my friend. I just like to vent frustrations because I am impatient like everyone else.
02/03/2008 10:55 PM (UTC)
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
Nightcrow Wrote:
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
It's because there is no MK8.

It's an illusion.

A clever ruse, if you will, to get the MK community all excited and then to be immensely disappointed.

Why do you keep on with that bullshit?

hahaha, calm yourself my friend. I just like to vent frustrations because I am impatient like everyone else.

Ohh.. ok.

Sorry for the 'less apropriate language' then... i guess.

I used to be very impatient myself, but i've learned to wait.
As long as it takes for MK 8 to ever show up, as much greater the game will be.
02/03/2008 11:19 PM (UTC)
i don't think we're going to hear anything until E3
02/04/2008 04:00 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Not to mention though, that I'm agreeing with Zentile on this one, that I highly believe that the game will come out early 2009. I do not expect them to make this game come out in 2008.

Just because there hasn't been a picture or a video about this game doesn't mean it doesn't exsist. Remember how long we had to wait for Armageddon? Yeah.


Only insane people claim it will come out in 09.

Yeah, okay, I'm decalred insane because of my opinion.


Its because its a wrong opinion, and everyone has already told you it will come out in 08, but you choose to live in youre own facts. Noone gets declared insane for no reason. BTW, where is youre proof that it will be out in 09?

Where or where did I mention I had proof that this game was going to be out in 09? I'm stating that because IN MY OPINION key words IN MY OPINION that they may consider releasing this in early 2009. I never said anywhere that they will release it, I'm saying IN MY OPINION.

You see, this is why people can never talk about opinions anymore. You get one person that will always argue back without reading what they actually said.

Seeing how there is already another commotion thing going on in this thread, obviously I don't need to bother arguing about a lame subject like this. We all know the answers and I'm just stating a simple opinion here. Not like my opinions will end civilization or something like that. Calm down, it's just a game.

02/04/2008 11:15 AM (UTC)
mk8 has the same release date with duke nukem forever. wowgrin
02/04/2008 02:20 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Not to mention though, that I'm agreeing with Zentile on this one, that I highly believe that the game will come out early 2009. I do not expect them to make this game come out in 2008.

Just because there hasn't been a picture or a video about this game doesn't mean it doesn't exsist. Remember how long we had to wait for Armageddon? Yeah.


Only insane people claim it will come out in 09.

Yeah, okay, I'm decalred insane because of my opinion.


Its because its a wrong opinion, and everyone has already told you it will come out in 08, but you choose to live in youre own facts. Noone gets declared insane for no reason. BTW, where is youre proof that it will be out in 09?

Where or where did I mention I had proof that this game was going to be out in 09? I'm stating that because IN MY OPINION key words IN MY OPINION that they may consider releasing this in early 2009. I never said anywhere that they will release it, I'm saying IN MY OPINION.

You see, this is why people can never talk about opinions anymore. You get one person that will always argue back without reading what they actually said.

Seeing how there is already another commotion thing going on in this thread, obviously I don't need to bother arguing about a lame subject like this. We all know the answers and I'm just stating a simple opinion here. Not like my opinions will end civilization or something like that. Calm down, it's just a game.


_RaptoraS_ Wrote:
mk8 has the same release date with duke nukem forever. wowgrin

*slaps forehead*smile
02/04/2008 05:06 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Not to mention though, that I'm agreeing with Zentile on this one, that I highly believe that the game will come out early 2009. I do not expect them to make this game come out in 2008.

Just because there hasn't been a picture or a video about this game doesn't mean it doesn't exsist. Remember how long we had to wait for Armageddon? Yeah.


Only insane people claim it will come out in 09.

Yeah, okay, I'm decalred insane because of my opinion.


Its because its a wrong opinion, and everyone has already told you it will come out in 08, but you choose to live in youre own facts. Noone gets declared insane for no reason. BTW, where is youre proof that it will be out in 09?

Where or where did I mention I had proof that this game was going to be out in 09? I'm stating that because IN MY OPINION key words IN MY OPINION that they may consider releasing this in early 2009. I never said anywhere that they will release it, I'm saying IN MY OPINION.

You see, this is why people can never talk about opinions anymore. You get one person that will always argue back without reading what they actually said.

Seeing how there is already another commotion thing going on in this thread, obviously I don't need to bother arguing about a lame subject like this. We all know the answers and I'm just stating a simple opinion here. Not like my opinions will end civilization or something like that. Calm down, it's just a game.


_RaptoraS_ Wrote:
mk8 has the same release date with duke nukem forever. wowgrin

*slaps forehead*smile

Exactly, so let me beleive in what I beleive okay? Don't run my life. What i beleive is what I beleive. You don't have to always agree with what I write, so therefore LEAVE ME ALONE!

Thank you.

02/04/2008 05:26 PM (UTC)
Yeah graet, I ruined youre life by slapping my forehead.

*breaks pencil*
About Me

Creator of John the MK Janitor.

02/04/2008 06:09 PM (UTC)
This is exactly what midway wants us to do, fight eachother!!! they want us so mad that by the time the game comes out, we will all want to beat the shit out ofeachother online in MK8..its working.... smile

I wan info just as much as anyone, but mayb e they are doing some really cool things with it and they don;t want it to get out and have other companies steal their ideas. or maybe production isnt going as planned and they are behind. Remeber what happens when we rush them, they end up half assing things and we get a shitty game. Let them take the time to do this and HOPEFULLY it was be a game worth waiting for.
02/04/2008 06:50 PM (UTC)
mk8 will be show in april,in the Midway special event in Las Vegas,Nevada.
it's not official but my guess are 90% sure the game will be presented and maybe will be playable,or at least we'll have some gamplay footage.
now they're working on the game engine
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