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10/13/2006 10:10 AM (UTC)
I'd rejoice.

Although I'd miss Sub-Zero a little.
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10/13/2006 02:43 PM (UTC)
I would be mad...Scorpion and Sub Zero are a few original characters that have been there since day one. They were part of the orginal nine characters to grace the realm of Mortal Kombat. i would be upset if Kano, Lui Kang, Johnny Cage, Raiden, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Goro, Shang Tsung, or Reptile were gone for a good amount of time. I know changes can be for the better, but when something just totally changes...it's upsetting. I love all of the Mortal Kombat characters, and I hope they all stay within the games...but where did Khameleaon go? furious
10/15/2006 02:39 AM (UTC)
I would miss them both...

Sure they played a large part in MK History and will probably never be forgotten but its time to let go.

I say for Scorpion to pass the torch to his son (If he gets his family back.)

Subzero should retire and let Frost step in as Grandmaster. (But first they have to have a nice chat about the Frozen Cattacombs and to not steal things that don't belong to you)

I would still buy Mortal Kombat Games, I would only stop if they didn't have Baraka, Mileena, another Tarkatan, or a New Super Cool Evil Bitch!
10/15/2006 08:35 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind,the franchise could use new fan favorites.Besides if they keep the KAK alive(in which I really hope they do)you can always create them yourself if its that important to have them.wink
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10/16/2006 04:28 AM (UTC)
well Sub zero and Scorpion are the cornerstones of MK.

So they are here to stay regardless of what we feel.
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10/16/2006 02:48 PM (UTC)
Without sub zero and scorpion the stoyline will be pretty lame. Outworld vs Eatrhrealm gets a bit boring... Rivalries make it a intersting. Does anyone know if any more MK Konquests will be made?
Fighting franchises live and die by their charecters. If they took away Sheeva, Dairou, and Jade, im sure that youd change your tune...person whos name I forget and has those three chars in their tag.

Mortal Kombats fighting system is a horrible form of punishment, and in no way attracts me to it. I am there for the charecters...I braved the storm of MK3, because I knew that the ninjas would pop their ugly, color swapped heads in again.

If Scorp and Sub were gone, it would probally be the end of all Ninjas...and all origanel charecters to begin with, since Sub and Scorpion would be the last to be thrown out when picking charecters to toss.

All said, I would dump MK in a heartbeat if they destroyed all my favirote charecters, because unless you are an uber-dork who just plays fighting games to learn all the dinky little combos and own little kids online, you play to see your favirote charecters be the badasses you know they are.

Of course...for me to really give up Mk...Scorp, Sub, Frost, Reiko, Kahn, Tsang Tsung, Kano, Jarek, Cage, and Jade would all have to be lacking from a certain game...just one of them and im game lol
10/20/2006 07:13 AM (UTC)
I will.....be the next Sub-Zero/Scorpion grin
10/21/2006 10:40 PM (UTC)
Mk would not be the same if i dident hear "Get over here"
It just wouldent be the same without Sub Zero or Scorpion in the game....It wouldent be a true Mortal Kombat without em....and I prolly wouldent buy the next game if they were not in it

I love MK....but its not Mortal Kombat without them in it.....
10/27/2006 08:27 AM (UTC)
Sub being gone, that's possible but I wouldn't like it to not have any Blue Ninjas. lol. Scorpion, I doubt he'll ever be casted out. He's like Ryu, to Boon he's the main star of Mortal Kombat. I only say this because he's Boon's favorite, and Ed Boon has voiced him several times over the years.
10/28/2006 08:32 AM (UTC)
- If they keep Scorpion the way he’s going, I’ll be very glad. Probably more glad then the people who hate this character.

He has been a top favorite of mine since the very beginning in ‘92, But they really haven’t been giving Scorpion the justice he deserves in the recent games. Making him randomly the elder god’s champion or continuing to unsuccessfully chase Quan Chi hasn't given him the correct development of his character.

I used to like the mythology that surrounded Scorpion and I still do.

From the very beginning chronologically as he is a man who disobeyed his father’s commands of joining the Shirai Ryu to support his struggling family. When you first encounter him in SZMythologies, he is an over confident young fighter that taunts his opponent. Although this over confidents eventually becomes his downfall, it’s an interesting aspect. Then how after his death, he still has a very strong care for his wife and child, and his view of honor above everything else. Despite coming back with a vengeance from hell.

And this is only Pre MK1.

What I hate is there has been no evolution in MKDA, and it seems MKD was useless also. Although he successfully completed his goal giving to him by the elder gods, according to MKA he is back to square one once again.

- I’d be more disappointed if they got rid of Sub-Zero, unlike Scorpion he is actually receiving great development in every game since his arrival.

But, after all it's just a game. And in my view MK has never failed to create new interesting characters in each game.
10/28/2006 07:59 PM (UTC)
I think the storylines have both gone to the dogs. Can Scorpion say "SIR! thanks for the plate of revenge!SIR! may i have another!" I'm tired of it i wanna see what happens when he finally gets what he wants. Sub-zero needs to stop playing killer bad boy be good thing it's tacky, he murders people, he's a murderer. People dont get to be the the top ninja dogs by beeing little dandy boys who fight for honor. The realms are konquered and freed by murder. This whole game is about murder. I wann see more bad ass murderers thats what i luv about mk. Where else can you tear off a mans limbs and rip out their organs with surgical precision?
10/28/2006 08:02 PM (UTC)
Oh yeah keep in mind i started this threat pre-armaggeddon a game in which they tragically stole my hopes and dreams and shat on everything i love.
Sub-Zero has ALWAYS been honourable. And if you paid as much attention to the story as you seem to think you have, you will remember Sub-Zero got to the top of the Lin Kuei by running away while they were infighting, and then coming back when the dust cleared and proclaimed himself grandmaster. Honour is very important, because without one or two charecters to show honour, the badasses would not be as cool. Kano would be just another prick if there was not Sonya and Jax to counterpoint him.
10/29/2006 03:07 AM (UTC)
I also doubt that they'd get rid of a Sub Zero now, since MK: Devestation is going to be about Sub-Zero (And possibly the vendetta between him and Scorpion).

As for Scorpion, maybe if he gets his family back they could kill him off, but I'd rather see him do a kind of Angel (Sorry for the bad reference) kind of deal when he feels complete bliss, he goes evil again...or maybe become a God of Vengence kind of thing, so that way they can always have him there, like Lui Kang, without overusing his character.
10/29/2006 06:19 PM (UTC)
matthewhaddad Wrote:
I would celebrate...

It would show that Mortal Kombat doesnt depend on the success of two over rated ninjas that they get from those little fan boys.
10/29/2006 07:27 PM (UTC)
I WOULD FRIGGIN FREAK OUT!!!!! the world may come to an end if Scorpion & Sub-Zero die!!!! but its not our call unfortunatly.
10/29/2006 08:17 PM (UTC)
I would probaly rent it to try it out. It would still have to the feeling of that it is Mortal Kombat. But if Scorpion and Sub-Zero were gone it would still affect me greatly.tonguefurious
11/01/2006 02:30 AM (UTC)
i would still play but i would really be empty inside
11/01/2006 04:01 AM (UTC)
I would not care in the least. Because at this point...why should I?
11/01/2006 09:35 PM (UTC)
I see your point red vodoo. The storyline is as is and if you play it for the storyline anymore its like trying to see through to the middle of a meteor it's just not clear. Like a hobos t-shirt in the winter too many holes. Honour bites sub needs to go nuclear. Scorpion's soul needs to rest in peace. Sub zero's been happy go lucky for too long. Scorpions been angry for too long. Now this has nothing to do with them being gone or not this is just why do they keep hitting me in the face with the same dead fish. It's starting to stink.
Actually, Sub-Zero has gone through many phases. In MK2, when he first appeared (the current Sub-Zero that is), he was still a heartless ninja...a little less heartless then his older brother, but still heartless. In MK3 there is no mention of him being any more compassionate or happy...in fact, with the way they play him off, he seems pretty angsty about his whole clan going robo. Same goes for MK4, DA, and Deception...he just seems really angsty and brooding, but a good guy at the end of the day. He has yet to come to terms with Frosts betrayel, his Brothers evil, or his clans general disarray.

However, I do agree that Scorpion needs to get his rest. If they DO bring him back, he should either be the Elder Gods Champion or FINALLY get his Revenge...or both. If he DID get his revenge, they could make an excuse for him to come back for every sequel after that by saying he went mad from having nothing to do and just started bashing people randomly :P
11/02/2006 08:54 PM (UTC)
i'd care only a little..... sure subby is my 3rd fav char., and scorpion my 4th, but it wouldn't matter if only two were gone, would it?
11/03/2006 07:22 PM (UTC)
Yes indeedy my point exactly every ninja except for him is ravaging sub-zero is docile and level headed the role he plays calls for more blood. He is the head of a secret ninja society known to take out a hit contract every now and again. They got him going the right way but hes missing the ninja element. Like kenshi is missing the swordsman element. SO they should do something cool for once with sub-zero like ally with his dead brother( Armaggeddons ending so does not count.). Or let him go. Because i know they can do alot more with the the Lin Kuei midway needs to stop making the entire clan about one cryomancer. I dont even want to get into frost. Let a new Ninja rise from the lin kuei. The LK has so much possibility and i think if MK wants a future they should start playing on it.

Scorpion.........His clans back. I hope to god they give us a little more on his ryu. I also would like to see some new blood from them. But not along the copy cat story they got going for frost and sub-zero. Other then that I've said what i have to say about him.
Ninjas are not known for being crazy...they are known for being level headed...that is what a ninja MUST be...you cannot have some hot-headed ninja going around getting himself caught all the time.

I would hate to see them suddenly make Sub-Zero evil...there is already an evil sub-zero, his name is Noob Saibot, and he is playing his role just fine.
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