What will be the fate of 3D-era kharakters? Post your predictions and theories.
posted03/04/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)by
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08/14/2003 07:47 PM (UTC)
I know we've had several threads about the 3D kharakters.... but I kontinue to wonder..... where is the playable, Playstation-4 version of RARE and obscur kharakters such as Tanya, Fujin, Kai, Li Mei, Havik, Ashrah, etc?

Will any of these kharakters get to meet Kassandra Blade Cage?

What is the Mortal Kombat team going to do with the 3D-era kharakters?
Does Warner Bros like the 3D kharakters?
(Quan Chi and Kenshi don't count because they appeared in the last game)

Komik book appearance, that's it?

Kameo, that's all?

Maybe a DLC?

MK11 or MK12 or 13, 14, 15, etc?

MK4's Shinnok appears in the Story trailer, with a great detailed new look.... will he be playable, at all?

I hope we get another Trilogy/Armageddon kind of game, at some point.... ALL the kharakters would be inkluded.

The game could be called "Mortal Kombat Ultimate Deluxe Encyclopedia". Available in stores, April 2017 or 2018?

I would like Ed Boon himself to reply to this topik to give some tidbits. lol
03/03/2015 09:47 PM (UTC)
At this point? Dead in the water forever. Goodbye Havik, Fujin, Reiko and Tanya
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 09:51 PM (UTC)
Everyone know I'm a 3D ERA fanatic, but do we really need yet another thread about this? All it's going to do is divide the fanbase even more.
03/03/2015 09:54 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
At this point? Dead in the water forever. Goodbye Havik, Fujin, Reiko and Tanya

Sadly this may be the inevitable reality.
03/03/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
DLC, app exclusives, story mode cameos, and potential roster spots for MK11 (depending on where the new story line goes).
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03/03/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
If the leaked roster is correct, NRS really wants to put the 3D era behind them, I mean, this game presented a great chance for a lot of MK4 characters have their chance in the reboot.
03/03/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
Maybe MKX will be the last game with old human kharakters? Maybe they will retire soon and relax instead of participating in Mortal Kombat?

Will we see Sonya, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Kano, etc in MK11? I don't know.

Tanya is basically an immortal Edenian. She could be in MK11 and even MK25... so could Fujin and all the other immortals.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 10:06 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
If the leaked roster is correct, NRS really wants to put the 3D era behind them, I mean, this game presented a great chance for a lot of MK4 characters have their chance in the reboot.

It really did. I just wanted a lovely balance of MK9 returnees, newbies, and 3D characters. Hell I'm fine with the roster now- just add in like 5-6 more 3D era characters (Reiko, Fujin, Tanya, Li Mei, Havik, Bo) and I'd be satisfied as hell.
03/03/2015 10:08 PM (UTC)
It may end up a blessing in disguise. I mean, Reiko has become infinitely more interesting in the comics than half the roster from MK9's story mode so.....they worked wonders for him. If it continues to work that way for other 3D characters, there's really no telling. Especially for the ones with longer lives.....here's looking at Tanya, Bo, Fujin and Rain.
03/03/2015 10:12 PM (UTC)
*sigh* Brushed under the rug or unceremoniously killed off in the background. Because NRS just can't be arsed to follow through and stick by their characters. Seems they used up all their juice saving Stryker.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

03/03/2015 10:15 PM (UTC)
In MKX? I think only cameos at best. I think the new characters being intruduced are going to be what the 3D characters were supposed to be intended by NRS. I think the comic will be used to give more character depth to the 3D era characters. In the Mobile trailer the 3D era games were ignored so I do not think WB or NRs hold them in esteem.
03/03/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Everyone know I'm a 3D ERA fanatic, but do we really need yet another thread about this?

What can I say... I remain perplexed and konfused about the apparent obsoleteness of the 3D-era kharakters.

Except Quan Chi and Kenshi... who's worried about them? Nobody, they are in every game now.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 10:17 PM (UTC)
Someone please make an emotional tribute video to the 3D era characters with "I Will Remember You" By Sarah McLachlan.

Then end it with a voice over of Tanya saying-

Tanya: We were apart of something truly special.

My feels!

03/03/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
In MKX? I think only cameos at best. I think the new characters being intruduced are going to be what the 3D characters were supposed to be intended by NRS. I think the comic will be used to give more character depth to the 3D era characters. In the Mobile trailer the 3D era games were ignored so I do not think WB or NRs hold them in esteem.

I wonder if this is Warner Bro's fault......? lol confused

Warner Bros : NO TANYA or FUJIN in MKX!
Ed Boon : But why? sad
Warner Bros : Quan Chi and Kenshi, only!
Ed Boon : Ok sad

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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/03/2015 10:21 PM (UTC)
My hope (desperate, delusional, pathetic hope) is that Li Mei squeezes in to make the cut. Doubly so if my hypothesis for her inclusion actually ends up happening in some capacity. But it's just sad because I could see a lot of 3D era characters having a role to play in the Outworld civil war. The roster spots are dwindling and two of the DLC spots are gobbled up by guest characters...I am assuming basically a skeptical approach now. Realistically I know the 3D era characters are screwed.

So I will echo the sentiment that is being shared by many here; I expect nothing.
03/03/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
I think Mavado, Li Mei, Bo'Ri'Cho, and Onaga will make cameos in mkx. Maybe Shujinko and Daegon as well.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

03/03/2015 10:32 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
In MKX? I think only cameos at best. I think the new characters being intruduced are going to be what the 3D characters were supposed to be intended by NRS. I think the comic will be used to give more character depth to the 3D era characters. In the Mobile trailer the 3D era games were ignored so I do not think WB or NRs hold them in esteem.

I wonder if this is Warner Bro's fault......? lol confused

Warner Bros : NO TANYA or FUJIN in MKX!
Ed Boon : But why? sad
Warner Bros : Quan Chi and Kenshi, only!
Ed Boon : Ok sad


It is possible but I doubt it because NRS said they pick characters first on story importance if I recall correctly. It seems to me that the 3D era characters are not central to the plot because NRS wants to concentrate on the core characters story while adding new characters.
03/03/2015 10:38 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
It may end up a blessing in disguise. I mean, Reiko has become infinitely more interesting in the comics than half the roster from MK9's story mode so.....they worked wonders for him. If it continues to work that way for other 3D characters, there's really no telling. Especially for the ones with longer lives.....here's looking at Tanya, Bo, Fujin and Rain.

But that's the thing.... 3D-era kharakters are just going to be a bunch of kameos, from now on, it seems....? lol sleep

Or be in a komik book...

If they are lucky.... they could be a DLC.....

Why counldn't Kano or Kung Lao or Kitana be a DLC, this time instead?

The main roster seems to only be reserved for MKTrilogy kharakters.

I hope this trend doesn't continue after MKX. Because you know.... I'm waiting for Tanya to be a playable kharakter in a main MK roster again, in the future lol.
03/03/2015 10:40 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
It may end up a blessing in disguise. I mean, Reiko has become infinitely more interesting in the comics than half the roster from MK9's story mode so.....they worked wonders for him. If it continues to work that way for other 3D characters, there's really no telling. Especially for the ones with longer lives.....here's looking at Tanya, Bo, Fujin and Rain.

But that's the thing.... 3D-era kharakters are just going to be a bunch of kameos, from now on, it seems....? lol sleep

Or be in a komik book...

If they are lucky.... they could be a DLC.....

Why counldn't Kano or Kung Lao or Kitana be a DLC, this time instead?

The main roster seems to only be reserved for MKTrilogy kharakters.

I hope this trend doesn't continue after MKX. Because you know.... I'm waiting for Tanya to be a playable kharakter in a main MK roster again, in the future lol.

The thing is though, they're around if NRS ever needs them. If Edenia ever becomes a big plot point again, Rain and Tanya are there. If more newbies show up, Bo is there to train them. If something happens to Raiden and he goes full on, whack job evil again, Fujin is there. Do I think they are all gone forever? A good portion, maybe. But there are definitely a good chunk that are just on the sidelines.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/03/2015 10:40 PM (UTC)
If I have one gripe about this game(and seriously, its the only one) its the lack of 3-D era characters. True, we don't know the entire roster or the kombat pass, but I just get the distinct feeling that I shouldn't get my hopes up.

Its just so fucking tragic though. There is so much potential in that group of characters.

Oh Havik...we barely knew ye.
About Me
03/03/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao- Killed be Scorpion

Moloch- Killed by Quan Chi

Mavado- probably will die at Kano's hand

Jarek- probably killed again

Li Mei- Outworld refugee; story cameo

Bo'Rai Cho- Trained Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kung Jin

Shujinko- Wasting time searching for the Kamidogu

Blaze- Still bound by magic in Outworld

Daegon- leads Red Dragon, serving Shinnok, searching for Blaze

Taven-still in a rock in earthrealm

Kobra- probably gonna die

Meat/Mokap- Joke characters, no reference

Nitara- somewhere in Outworld looking for that Orv

Frost- probably will return

Drahmin- probably killed by Quan Chi

Kira- somewhere in Earthrealm

Sareena- Brotherhood of Shadow, probably story cameo

Kenshi- Has a bastard son, will be in MKX

Havik- Causing Chaos somewhere

Fujin- he's just there

Kai- probably will cameo, do one thing and disappeae for twenty five years

Ashrah- being purified/deceived by the kriss

Darrius- Telling Seido denizens to fuck the police, Vogel likes him, so he may return in a cameo in a future game

Onaga- he will probably return by the end of MKX

Hotaru- leading Seidan guardsmen and enforcing order

Reiko- probable cameo, manipulates Mileena and may die in the story

Tanya- probably appear in the story if not playable

Shinnok- definitely will be a major antagonist in the story

Quan Chi- MK without QC? Nah

Dairou- somewhere doing mercenary work

Probably forgot some, but I expect a good number to be NPCs in the story

03/03/2015 10:51 PM (UTC)
I think NRS is slowly revamping them. 1 or 2 per game.

MK9: Quan Chi, Kenshi

MKX: Shinnok? Fujin?

MK11: x, x
03/03/2015 10:51 PM (UTC)
I think Tanya, Fujin, Shinnok, and Reiko are too popular not to end up playable again sometime in the future. Honestly. And I hate Tanya, but there's no denying her cult following.

Kai and Jarek will probably be relegated to the comics and either make rare appearances of be killed off outright. Kai might not even get that much, despite being marginally more popular than Jarek.

Drahmin and Moloch will probably get killed in the comics. Which is terrible, because I think they both are amazing characters.

I'm curious what we'll see of Frost in the future, but I suspect it'll be comics-only roles until she's killed. I'd be surprised if she ever ended up playable.

Bo' Rai Cho and Li Mei are kinda up in the air, but the former is definitely still favored by NRS (what with all of the references and allusions in MK9). I suspect we'll see both of them again, at least in the comics, and both have a fair chance of being playable sometime in the future.

Nitara seems unlikely, unfortunately. She has a surprisingly intricate and important storyline for only appearing in one game, but her gameplay may have already been imposed on by Skarlet, so I'm not sure we'll see her again. I'd be happy with a comic appearance.

Hsu Hao and Mavado will likely remain comics only, but Mavado is on his second or third appearance now, so, uhh. Iunno, maybe he'll even end up playable? Completely depends on what happens in the next issue.

Blaze could be considered an MKII character, depending on who you ask. I'd love to see him again in the future, but I have no idea what NRS might have planned or not planned for him.

Mokap will either never be seen again or get a very brief cameo and get killed off.

Dairou, Hotaru, and Darrius. I suspect NRS will bring back one of them sometime in the future (hopefully a properly executed Dairou) and the other two will be killed off in the comics or a cut scene or something. Or maybe all three of them will simply never be seen again. Also possible.

Shujinko will, uhh. I dunno, there. We could see some alternate version of Shujinko where he didn't succeed in restoring Onaga or where he became a villain or something. Maybe Shujinko will be the surprise villain in MKX, representing NRS' killing off the 3D era. But probably not.

Onaga will only be referred to as a historical figure. If he does return as a playable character or in the comics, I suspect he'll have a serious redesign.

Havik is wicked popular. He'll be playable one day.

Ashrah is a really cool character, in my opinion, and I hope she at least shows up in the comics during the Netherrealm War. Playable? More of chance than some, but nothing promising. I hope so, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Kobra and Kira will probably make appearances in the comics and inevitably get killed off. Which is fine.

Taven probably won't be awakened, but who knows. I frankly wouldn't mind seeing him playable again, but he was pretty boring even with his storyline. But having him in a 2D game would be p cool, I guess.

Daegon will definitely appear in the storyline again. The Red Dragon is being too heavily used for him not to. Whether or not he ends up playable again is another story though. He could even end up playable with Taven's Drakeswords after he hunts him down and kills him in his sleep. I wouldn't mind that. Daegon was way better developed than Taven.

Those are my guesses.
03/03/2015 10:55 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
If I have one gripe about this game(and seriously, its the only one) its the lack of 3-D era characters. True, we don't know the entire roster or the kombat pack, but I just get the distinct feeling that I shouldn't get my hopes up.

Its just so fucking tragic though. There is so much potential in that group of characters.

This a thousand percent. But sadly people would rather have nobodies like Tremor instead.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 10:57 PM (UTC)
TK_Hunsaker Wrote:
I think Tanya, Fujin, Shinnok, and Reiko are too popular not to end up playable again sometime in the future. Honestly. And I hate Tanya, but there's no denying her cult following.

Kai and Jarek will probably be relegated to the comics and either make rare appearances of be killed off outright. Kai might not even get that much, despite being marginally more popular than Jarek.

Drahmin and Moloch will probably get killed in the comics. Which is terrible, because I think they both are amazing characters.

I'm curious what we'll see of Frost in the future, but I suspect it'll be comics-only roles until she's killed. I'd be surprised if she ever ended up playable.

Bo' Rai Cho and Li Mei are kinda up in the air, but the former is definitely still favored by NRS (what with all of the references and allusions in MK9). I suspect we'll see both of them again, at least in the comics, and both have a fair chance of being playable sometime in the future.

Nitara seems unlikely, unfortunately. She has a surprisingly intricate and important storyline for only appearing in one game, but her gameplay may have already been imposed on by Skarlet, so I'm not sure we'll see her again. I'd be happy with a comic appearance.

Hsu Hao and Mavado will likely remain comics only, but Mavado is on his second or third appearance now, so, uhh. Iunno, maybe he'll even end up playable? Completely depends on what happens in the next issue.

Blaze could be considered an MKII character, depending on who you ask. I'd love to see him again in the future, but I have no idea what NRS might have planned or not planned for him.

Mokap will either never be seen again or get a very brief cameo and get killed off.

Dairou, Hotaru, and Darrius. I suspect NRS will bring back one of them sometime in the future (hopefully a properly executed Dairou) and the other two will be killed off in the comics or a cut scene or something. Or maybe all three of them will simply never be seen again. Also possible.

Shujinko will, uhh. I dunno, there. We could see some alternate version of Shujinko where he didn't succeed in restoring Onaga or where he became a villain or something. Maybe Shujinko will be the surprise villain in MKX, representing NRS' killing off the 3D era. But probably not.

Onaga will only be referred to as a historical figure. If he does return as a playable character or in the comics, I suspect he'll have a serious redesign.

Havik is wicked popular. He'll be playable one day.

Ashrah is a really cool character, in my opinion, and I hope she at least shows up in the comics during the Netherrealm War. Playable? More of chance than some, but nothing promising. I hope so, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Kobra and Kira will probably make appearances in the comics and inevitably get killed off. Which is fine.

Taven probably won't be awakened, but who knows. I frankly wouldn't mind seeing him playable again, but he was pretty boring even with his storyline. But having him in a 2D game would be p cool, I guess.

Daegon will definitely appear in the storyline again. The Red Dragon is being too heavily used for him not to. Whether or not he ends up playable again is another story though. He could even end up playable with Taven's Drakeswords after he hunts him down and kills him in his sleep. I wouldn't mind that. Daegon was way better developed than Taven.

Those are my guesses.

Nice but you forgot one! Sareena!
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