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08/09/2011 08:24 AM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
night's templar

- A demonic beastly looking mongol based warrior from Outworld.

- An Outworld Barbarian type character with multiple scars and who swings a large spiked mallet.

The last two are fulfilled by Drahmin. Also KNIGHT TEMPLAR in singular KNIGHTS TEMPLAR in plural. The S is not a possessive suffix. Rare case when the adjective follows the noun, as in templar knight or knights.

Frankly any idea that involves the four elements needs tob e shot in the head. Predictable, trite and basically yes, unoriginal. All aspects of Earth element have been exhausted: dust, rock, cliff, tremors, earthquakes, fissures, rifts, slides etc...

This is one of my pet peeves. Fantasy itself is distancing itself from this as it became so overused. I also loath the idea that Scorpion now has fire at his command, aside the firebreath the original concept had nothing to do with fire. Now, even his combos flame.

A good solution is what I saw in the MAGUS books, the elements were not defined clearly, and the only elemental magic that was practiced as true combat oriented was Fire, having a whole community of Fire mages. Water and Earth and Air were not viable and had no history as standalone combat magic. Water mages were diviners for example but not combat able (as in based on real life historical Roman augurs and water diviners).

08/11/2011 03:09 PM (UTC)
i always wanted MK to make a Russian brawler type character, not something like Zangief, but make his physique impressive, and his powers would revolve around snow, and his look would be maybe something in between a ninja/cyborg?
a serial killer.

base him on a guy like btk or ed gene

make him a earth realm covict type charachter

08/12/2011 11:29 PM (UTC)
Reinvented Kai as capoeira fighter.If they do that Kai will be my second favorite character after Smoke.wow
08/15/2011 03:23 PM (UTC)
Maybe, if they make Goro's father in this one?wink
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If Skarlett was spellt with a 'k' instead of a 'c' then why wasn't Scorpion spellt with a 'k'?!!!

08/17/2011 05:44 PM (UTC)
I would like to see a new centaur character perhaps a female version.
(Just like the shokan have sheeva and Goro the centaurs can have Motaro and ???)
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08/20/2011 11:33 PM (UTC)
Let's see.. More variety in there female characters?

- A female ninja with a small figure (flat boobies)
- A female Tarkatan
- A female Saurian without transparent skin. (Khameleon should always be nintendo exclusive)
- A female "funny" character. One with a sense of humor like Cage.
- An assassin-like character with hidden blades.
- A new God character (Kang the fire god?)
- A wrestler-like character with a bigger figure.
- A new 'fat' character that isn't 'funny'
- A white ninja (Go white ranger!)
- A magic based character that isn't a evil sorcerer. A good witch or wizard maybe?
- A scary looking oni character (Drahmin and Moloch look too cartoonish IMO)
- A Samurai character

Most importantly
- A new villain. Preferably from earth realm. I would like to see a character take advantage of the butterfly effect problems Raiden has caused and make a move to concur all the realm.
- I'd also settle for a main female villain (Jade's ending?)

10/27/2011 09:08 PM (UTC)
I would like to see some more characters that people will actually like. They should have a fan made character contest, then the fans vote for their favorites, and the top three get in. I have even worked on some ideas for my own. NO SUPERHEROES. That stuff gets annoying. They do it in every game that i have played, F-Zero, Star Wars, Alien, etc. I would like to see characters from other games. If I wanted to see a MK vs. Nintendo Battle I would want to See Ganondorf from Twilight Princess vs. Shao Kahn.

Other Characters would include:
-Imhotep: The Mummy
-Scorpion King
-Marcus Fenix
-Master Chief
-ODST Trooper
-Venom: Marvel Comics
-Tal-Set: Turok
-Classic Reptile: Shirai Ryu/Lin Kuei mix
11/03/2011 12:22 AM (UTC)
* Drunken master

* Demon monk

* Female cyborg

* and a mystic fighter similar to kenshiro (fist of the north star) would rock.
Nix Dolores
11/12/2011 02:41 PM (UTC)
I think the developers of the game should completely redo Tremor. He should not even resemble a ninja. Check my post on this page.
11/13/2011 03:14 PM (UTC)
a submission specialist. can perform various armbars,chokes,leg locks,joint holds, so much more. it could be a unique character to mk.

an agile kick boxer. performs lot's of knees,kicks,sweeps, quick strikes and elbow blows. like to get in close and get out.

samurai. is needed since we have so many ninjas and not even one samurai. closest thing is kenshi or hotaru. mk can do better.

an all around martial artist that knows mantis,tiger,crane,snake,monkey, other shaolin styles. just blends the styles in similar to that movie with jackie chan and jet li.

a brawler. that uses low blowes,eye pokes, stomps,weapons and just all round is an dirty fighter.

weapon expert that utilizes all weapon with expert proficceny and percision. like sais,kunai,swords,guns,knifes,bombs,and weapon building skills. gets in and out type of fighter that likes to use traps and such.

that's the types of characters i'd like to see.
11/15/2011 02:19 PM (UTC)
I would like to see....

any animal/beast humanoid...maybe a werewolf

an alien

a human rock star

a ballet dancer with a petite body

a rogue super spy agent

a ninja in all white with power of blinding light and speed (opposite of Noob)

a trickster that uses illusions,slight of hand and parlor tricks (basically a Criss Angel type)

a vampire male (without wings and should reflect todays pop culture...as long as he/she don't sparkle lol)

a female cyborg

a gymnast or acrobat that can do fancy flips in combos (maybe a male spin off of Orchid from Killer Instinct)

11/17/2011 03:51 AM (UTC)
For some time i've been thinking on an angel (i almost submitted one to the KAK contest). The idea is a former champion of the elder gods they revive as they see everything is going out of control. The other idea was that he was from the race that created Datusha, Ashrah's sword, wich were the enemies of the vampires before they wen't extinct. i was surprised when i saw firebrand in Ultimate MvC3 because i thought about a similar playstyle.

Another characher i would like would be one of the mistiks? I don't remember the exact name but they were the ones who created the nexus, and could be related to the kamidogus and to shinnok's amulet. My idea is for someone more neutral than good, but ceirtanily not evil. I still have to define his playstyle though, but that may vary depending on his story.

And the idea i'm planning on now is an arrogant and rich boy from a very respected and powerfull family that happens to be tied with the black dragon. Will probably use a gun and a knife, but i'm not very sure about what his specials would be, neither his fighting style.

and i would also like to see the furies, they are mentioned in MK1 or MK2 (i don't rememer in wich bio), and they seem to be related with the realms barriers. They could be a gostly kind of charachter, dissapearing, floating, invisibility Slow and powerfull.

Most of what i want to see are things related to the universe, that were mentioned before but never explored. More people from the chaosrealm would be great. Perhaps Havik's female superior? That could be amazing.
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