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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
03/04/2010 07:46 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
tgrant Wrote:
I'd like a sorceress. I cannot for a second believe that only men know how to use magic in the MKverse. It's high time a female sorceress came in and made a mark.
I'd also like to see some more elemental fighters that aren't gods. These characters would cover elements not already existing in the game like earth, nature, metals, light etc. There was a good thread some time ago where myself and others put forward ideas for that very type of character.
It would also be interesting to see an Elder God in play for once. Whether they be a boss, sub boss or hidden character. They of all the species and people mentioned in MK are a complete mystery though Onaga's MKD ending seemed to suggest their true form were that of black glowing dragons

Great ideas as well tgrant!
I dig the idea of a sorceress. Maybe she's a shape shifting temptress who creates havoc for another character or two by changing in to another person or maybe she's just someone with powers to really mix up the opponent. I'm thinking someone like Xavier from Eternal Champions.
He was a warlock, but he had all of these moves to sort of mess with the opponent like messing up their input buttons, changing places with them etc. Obviously they would have to be more creative than that, but a character that has a different style of special moves than the simple fireball, teleport etc.
As for an Elder God, wasn't Shinnok an Elder God before he fell? I think that there should be a sort of "High Elder" that's above all others and that should be a main villain. Maybe he or she decides that Earth is no longer worth protecting because of how corrupted it's become and that without a true champion, they're no longer able to defend themselves.
But due to all of this, it would be a better gift to the people of Earth to end their suffering, destroy it and remake it once more with more pure hearted warriors to protect a stronger, more capable human race.
It could be the sort of plot where this High Elder, and the rest of the Gods (minus Fujin, who could stand against them) are all self righteous to a fault. Sure, they believe they're doing the right thing and helping a situation that they perceive to be negative and quickly deteriorating, but the cost is billions of lives.
So we know that the High Elder and Rayden and others would be inherently good, making the group that wants to save Earth almost seem inherently bad (I'd love to see a plot like this where Shang Tsung becomes Earth's extremely reluctant Chosen One), so there would be a lot of gray area.
Sure, you can have cut throat thieves like Kano or Kabal, but they'd be fighing side by side with their sworn enemies like Mavado or Sonya. On the flip side, you could have Gods that hate mankind and want to see it wiped out, you can have a god like Rayden who sadly believes that this is the right thing to do, or you can have a god like Fujin who stands against them.
All in all, it would create a variety of unlikely alliances, pairing up characters that wouldn't normally fit together against a big bad monster that's actually not a monster at all.

Thanks, dude.
I'm glad the idea of a sorceress is well received. I'm not sure I'd make her a shape shifter. We have Shang for that and he never really got to use his power for messing around with people outside of Liu Kang's death. I think that should be something they can explore with him if he returns. The idea of messing around with the opponents commands sounds cool though. Tha'd create a nightmare of a battle. I was hoping the sorceress would be in favour of black or white magic. I think it'd be cool seeing a character that was keen to explore these magics.
Shinnok is a fallen Elder God. Raiden is an Elder God who stepped down. If we take Onaga's ending, as I said the true forms of the Elder Gods is that of a black dragon. We know that the gods take on a human form to exist in the realms and it seems they have some sort of heirarchy system. As such when we play as Shinnok, he isn't an Elder God. That's merely a title. He's typically a normal god now like Raiden and Fujin only he's been ben banished. As such, we have yet to actually see or play around with a true Elder God. Imagince if one made the game as a boss in their true form. I think that'd make for a spectacular final encounter for the game and one heck of a battle.
I'm working on a story concept that borders on the line of your idea to destroy Earth and remake it and I would be involving the Elder Gods in this so it's interesting that you've mentioned this idea. Shang Tsung as Earth realms Chosen One? I'm not sure that'd happen ever. But it's an interesting idea. I'm not sure I can see Raiden in favour of destroying Earth, though if it were to create a new one with only good inhabitants, he could be persuaded perhaps. He could be conflicted by the thought of having to see the current exisitng Earth warriors die. the Elder Gods could put forward the decree that all mortals of Earth must die. However, given his more ruthless nature nowadays, maybe we would see a further side to him that didn't care at all and him all in favour for it. The thought of unlikely alliances in the process is a good one and definitely something we need.
03/06/2010 08:36 PM (UTC)
a alchamest would be a cool character to have in mk. there could be any element you want for this character fire,water,ice,earth,wind,etc

a cult leader would be cool to have in mk. he could have dark arts similar to quan chi and maybe try to recruit him to the hell angels, along with shinnok, and shang tsung.

a demon character would be cool to have in mk. the cult leader would serve his master with undying loyalty. he'd be a massive demon with wings and horns and even surpasses the gods in power.

a angel could be a cool character to have in mk. he could become the new protector of earthrealm. start a feud with raiden and banish him to the hellbound realm where he would have new appreciation for his dark form.

a werewolf could be cool to have in mk. have a feud with the vampire race. nitara could be a decendant of a queen of vampires and this werewolf character would be a son of the king of werewolfs. maybe explain why there are so few left of both the vampire and werewolf races.

tell me what you think. if you like the characters i'll make bios for each of them.
03/06/2010 11:48 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
a alchamest would be a cool character to have in mk. there could be any element you want for this character fire,water,ice,earth,wind,etc

a cult leader would be cool to have in mk. he could have dark arts similar to quan chi and maybe try to recruit him to the hell angels, along with shinnok, and shang tsung.

a demon character would be cool to have in mk. the cult leader would serve his master with undying loyalty. he'd be a massive demon with wings and horns and even surpasses the gods in power.

a angel could be a cool character to have in mk. he could become the new protector of earthrealm. start a feud with raiden and banish him to the hellbound realm where he would have new appreciation for his dark form.

a werewolf could be cool to have in mk. have a feud with the vampire race. nitara could be a decendant of a queen of vampires and this werewolf character would be a son of the king of werewolfs. maybe explain why there are so few left of both the vampire and werewolf races.

tell me what you think. if you like the characters i'll make bios for each of them.

Your ideas are all good acidslayer, but to me they feel like directions the MK Team is already going. Alchemy would be pretty similar to sorcery. It'd be interesting to see a sorcerer who isn't evil, or just has limits magicks, though. I'd rather see a female given a shot, though.

The cult leader is interesting. The Red Dragon have been hinted as experimenting into the supernatural and all that stuff. Mavado seems like he was on the path to doing the same sort of stuff your cult leader concept was doing -- save the dark arts. I could see him learning them, though.

We've already got demons in Mortal Kombat. Technically, Lucifer exists in the MK Universe, so you could have someone worshipping him. Or, alternatively, a cult dedicated to Shinnok or even Belokk, as a bit of a joke, could be used.

The angel concept is interesting. It sounds like he would be The Heavens' choice as Champion or something -- if he is getting involved in the proceedings. He could be a new protector for Earthrealm, but I like the idea of him being sent by The Heavens to tidy things up for them. Fights against Raiden and Scorpion seem logical, which would instantly give him a huge part in the story.

I don't like the idea of werewolves and vampires having a rivalry in Mortal Kombat -- it's not Underworld we're talking about here. I also dislike the ideas of the werewolves having a hierarchy or Nitara being heir to her people's throne. I also think that there should perhaps only be one werewolf. As sad as it would be to suggest, perhaps Nightwolf could fill the role? He plays the Sin Eater role once too often, and it begins to warp his body? Would allow Nightwolf to go forward in a somewhat interesting way.
03/07/2010 12:41 AM (UTC)
Aside from a four-armed rooster-themed behemoth, I'd love to see a couple female characters outside of Kitana that actually meant something to the core story. Some goddesses or mentors or warlords or champions. SOMETHING relevant. Mileena and Sonya are great and all, but peripheral at best. I like the sorceress idea, but aren't we all forgetting Delia (even if she's dead and only seemed to be able to make other things like Blaze to fight for her...hey, a summoner would be a neat addition now that I think about it)? I also agree that a playable Shadow Priest is way overdue.
03/07/2010 04:58 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Some of those ideas are not half-bad, Sadistic. When you are not talking about violating people and that sort of stuff, you've got some good ideas. I think the idea of an abused girl in Mortal Kombat is a bit much, though. I don't mind some of the themes, but I think a lot of the emphasis you wish to place on them could be seen as insensitive and exploitation.

I think some issues such of this could be explored in Kira and Sonya's characters. I've always sensed that Kira had something against most men, and Sonya's relationship with her father would have been interesting -- just because a lot of girls who enter the military after their fathers is to get some sort of attention. I don't think a new character is needed there.

As for the nympho, or a character that uses her sexuality -- I don't mind it, truthfully. Many want to keep sex and Mortal Kombat as far away from each other as possible, and I can understand that; but it would make sense for some character to use their sexuality to get ahead. To be honest, I've sensed that in Tanya's character -- manipulating Liu Kang and wanting to become the bride of Onaga; and even Mileena. I'm not sure if it's ever been explained what Mileena thinks of her face; but she keeps it covered for a reason to this day (to disguise herself, perhaps). But if she was presented stereotypical beauty, it'd be interesting to see if her character would take it. If so, I imagine that she'd probably use sex as a form of validation. It's not something that needs to be focused on, but I think it could become part of the character.

Thanks. I see now. So I guess Kira can be the character I'm looking for. She does have this kind sexy attitude. However, they better make her easy to play as and not so hard like what the creaters did with her MKA fighting style otherwise I won't like her again. She was fine in MKD though. Also, I do like how Mileena acts sexy and all that especially when she bites off her victim's head and says, "Mmmmm heh heh heh..." Plus, the seduction of a character such as Tanya would be a good way for her to kill her foes. wink
03/10/2010 08:49 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
acidslayer Wrote:
a alchamest would be a cool character to have in mk. there could be any element you want for this character fire,water,ice,earth,wind,etc

a cult leader would be cool to have in mk. he could have dark arts similar to quan chi and maybe try to recruit him to the hell angels, along with shinnok, and shang tsung.

a demon character would be cool to have in mk. the cult leader would serve his master with undying loyalty. he'd be a massive demon with wings and horns and even surpasses the gods in power.

a angel could be a cool character to have in mk. he could become the new protector of earthrealm. start a feud with raiden and banish him to the hellbound realm where he would have new appreciation for his dark form.

a werewolf could be cool to have in mk. have a feud with the vampire race. nitara could be a decendant of a queen of vampires and this werewolf character would be a son of the king of werewolfs. maybe explain why there are so few left of both the vampire and werewolf races.

tell me what you think. if you like the characters i'll make bios for each of them.

Your ideas are all good acidslayer, but to me they feel like directions the MK Team is already going. Alchemy would be pretty similar to sorcery. It'd be interesting to see a sorcerer who isn't evil, or just has limits magicks, though. I'd rather see a female given a shot, though.

The cult leader is interesting. The Red Dragon have been hinted as experimenting into the supernatural and all that stuff. Mavado seems like he was on the path to doing the same sort of stuff your cult leader concept was doing -- save the dark arts. I could see him learning them, though.

We've already got demons in Mortal Kombat. Technically, Lucifer exists in the MK Universe, so you could have someone worshipping him. Or, alternatively, a cult dedicated to Shinnok or even Belokk, as a bit of a joke, could be used.

The angel concept is interesting. It sounds like he would be The Heavens' choice as Champion or something -- if he is getting involved in the proceedings. He could be a new protector for Earthrealm, but I like the idea of him being sent by The Heavens to tidy things up for them. Fights against Raiden and Scorpion seem logical, which would instantly give him a huge part in the story.

I don't like the idea of werewolves and vampires having a rivalry in Mortal Kombat -- it's not Underworld we're talking about here. I also dislike the ideas of the werewolves having a hierarchy or Nitara being heir to her people's throne. I also think that there should perhaps only be one werewolf. As sad as it would be to suggest, perhaps Nightwolf could fill the role? He plays the Sin Eater role once too often, and it begins to warp his body? Would allow Nightwolf to go forward in a somewhat interesting way.

i had the same thoughts on Nightwolf but for different reasons. just because if werewolves get added to the game does not mean they are instantly rivals to vampires...like you said...this is not the movie Underworld it is Mortal Kombat. also...technically a lycan does not have to be a wolf/human hybrid...any other mammal hybrid to a humanoid stature would be just as cool as a wolf. i think the wolf is just more memorable than others but large wild cats,bears and even elephants are just a few that could be very interesting lycans. we don't want to make a Bloody Roar crossover but there are some examples with characters from that game.
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03/19/2010 07:25 PM (UTC)
1. Voodoo Doctor (just...fits and is far better than the stereotypes we've been getting for our black characters)

2. Element Character (earth mainly)

3. Psychopath (has a thing for abstract, pure, or beautiful things)

4. Technomancer (could be some kind of steampunk variation// mechanical assembly as a weapon)

5. The Prophet, The Priest, or The "Holy One" (think Boondock Saints..holy water burns, right?)

6. The Plague ( a seemingly unstoppable entity -- new bad guy, place, or thing - infectious)

7. The Oracle (know all things, but not omnipotent)

8. An Avatar (a playable character who simply represents a god or elder gods power or what have you)

9. A Succubus (not in the traditional sense though, but i think Mileena kinda fills this niche...making her smarter//more cunning//clever//darker personality might do this trick.)

10. Female Sorcerer sounds good to me too.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/19/2010 11:44 PM (UTC)
I'd actually like to see a healer kind of character. An old style honorable physician type wanting to do good. A character that's extremely well educated and seemingly not the fighting type. Due to whatever circumstances he/she decides they have to stand up (either for a person, group, whatever) and put their knowledge of the body to devastating use. The kind of character that would perform lots of bone fracturing and joint dislocations, or in extreme cases some surgical removal of parts of the body.

I think the prefered look for this character would be very unassuming, almost weak. The character utilizing this misconception as a means for a sudden and devastating first strike against unwitting foes.

Storywise a physician type would be very fitting support character and add a sense of realism if you will. The good guys are fighting for a goal, one gets extremely messed up, and the good doctor saves them in the clutch. Functional and stylish.

Maybe if he were male make him have a physical look and style similar to that of Jin from Samurai Champloo or if female Kyoko from Project Justice/Rival Schools. Something like that.
03/20/2010 03:04 AM (UTC)
I'd like a mixed breed charecter.
Example:Half shokan half motaros race like as an out cast
or tarkatan and reptile races or mixes of theme
03/22/2010 06:09 AM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
I'd actually like to see a healer kind of character. An old style honorable physician type wanting to do good. A character that's extremely well educated and seemingly not the fighting type. Due to whatever circumstances he/she decides they have to stand up (either for a person, group, whatever) and put their knowledge of the body to devastating use. The kind of character that would perform lots of bone fracturing and joint dislocations, or in extreme cases some surgical removal of parts of the body.

I think the prefered look for this character would be very unassuming, almost weak. The character utilizing this misconception as a means for a sudden and devastating first strike against unwitting foes.

Storywise a physician type would be very fitting support character and add a sense of realism if you will. The good guys are fighting for a goal, one gets extremely messed up, and the good doctor saves them in the clutch. Functional and stylish.

Maybe if he were male make him have a physical look and style similar to that of Jin from Samurai Champloo or if female Kyoko from Project Justice/Rival Schools. Something like that.

I like this idea a fair bit. I think the idea needs some tweaking, but I like the core elements you have there -- a guy who wants to do good, and doesn't neccessarily look like a warrior; nor wants to be one -- but finds himself doing something because someone has to. That story has been explored a little with Kung Lao, but I'd like to see a new character take it further.

That's sort of what I have in mind with my "pacifist" character. Love drives them forward into combat -- rather than hate. Perhaps even a twisted love, and they may even lose their soul in the chaos; but ultimately they are a good person in a bad situation.
03/22/2010 06:18 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
i had the same thoughts on Nightwolf but for different reasons. just because if werewolves get added to the game does not mean they are instantly rivals to vampires...like you said...this is not the movie Underworld it is Mortal Kombat. also...technically a lycan does not have to be a wolf/human hybrid...any other mammal hybrid to a humanoid stature would be just as cool as a wolf. i think the wolf is just more memorable than others but large wild cats,bears and even elephants are just a few that could be very interesting lycans. we don't want to make a Bloody Roar crossover but there are some examples with characters from that game.

That's another way of taking the character, too. The idea can start off as something based on a werewolf, but you can rotate that imagery and association through the Mortal Kombat universe. I mean, look at centaurs in MK -- they aren't exactly like Greek mythology.

Coming up with a backstory for a werewolf -- how about a creature that comes from the Living Forest? It's one of the more popular MK arenas, and introducing a character from there would be...interesting.

You can give the character a very specific and sort of Outworldish look. Perhaps they are not symmetrical? One arm could be much longer than the other -- for example. This is a bit of a weird suggestion; but perhaps you can even go a bit weird with the colouring, and have some bright green spotches of fur on its coat? A toxic sort of green, perhaps? The eyes could be a bizarre colour, as well. Have some patches of fur missing, some teeth knocked out, some fur that has been clumped together by dry blood. You can give them an uneven number of claws on each hand. Really introduce this creature as being a freak of nature, and something that intended to really survive -- but it has by its mere cunning and desire to live alone.

I'd like to see a new "Master" sort of character introduced. In my vision, he'd obviously have some battle scars, and perhaps even a limb missing. Something to really make this guy look "tired." The "werewolf" character could be one of his former students that was kidnapped or something, at one point, and left in the Living Forest. That could explain why he instinctively has some martial arts in his repetoir.
03/26/2010 01:07 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:

That's another way of taking the character, too. The idea can start off as something based on a werewolf, but you can rotate that imagery and association through the Mortal Kombat universe. I mean, look at centaurs in MK -- they aren't exactly like Greek mythology.

Coming up with a backstory for a werewolf -- how about a creature that comes from the Living Forest? It's one of the more popular MK arenas, and introducing a character from there would be...interesting.

You can give the character a very specific and sort of Outworldish look. Perhaps they are not symmetrical? One arm could be much longer than the other -- for example. This is a bit of a weird suggestion; but perhaps you can even go a bit weird with the colouring, and have some bright green spotches of fur on its coat? A toxic sort of green, perhaps? The eyes could be a bizarre colour, as well. Have some patches of fur missing, some teeth knocked out, some fur that has been clumped together by dry blood. You can give them an uneven number of claws on each hand. Really introduce this creature as being a freak of nature, and something that intended to really survive -- but it has by its mere cunning and desire to live alone.

I'd like to see a new "Master" sort of character introduced. In my vision, he'd obviously have some battle scars, and perhaps even a limb missing. Something to really make this guy look "tired." The "werewolf" character could be one of his former students that was kidnapped or something, at one point, and left in the Living Forest. That could explain why he instinctively has some martial arts in his repetoir.
those are some friggin excellent ideas man...i could picture a beaten up looking werewolf...the moss colored patches and everything. animals in nature tend to adapt and evolve through the habitat they live in and with such an animalistic character its a perfect direction. thinking back on my rat man character idea...i did not think about such things. such details paint a better picture.
03/26/2010 11:12 PM (UTC)
A skinwalker. My boy Nightwolf needs something to do.
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03/28/2010 12:57 PM (UTC)
A Chimera for sub-boss.
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03/28/2010 02:00 PM (UTC)
MMA Champion!

I'd like him to look like and fight like Anderson Silva. Only a heavyweight and A taller fighter. Maybe 6'4" or 6'5". Definately needs reach.
Maybe he should be a friend of Cage and was brought by Cage to help out.

Not to many special moves. Just a good fighter mainly.
Chokes, throws, slams, combos, elbows, knees, joint breaks is what he is good at.

Wants to be number one and be the MK champion.
Very cocky and funny like Rampage Jackson.
Gets freaked out by seeing outworld beasts like Baraka.
Maybe scared as well but he hides it by running his mouth.
Doesn't want to kill anyone but learns that he might have too.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/29/2010 03:07 AM (UTC)
1. Voodoo shaman (Princess and the Frog)
2. Man/Werewolf (can have moves like Saber wolf from KI)
3. Stripper/Medusa characters that can change
4. mutated Cannibal (hills have eyes)
5. ME I want a great Kreate a Fighter where you can download a pic of yourself.(Tiger Woods Golf)
Pages: 2
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