09/27/2009 04:54 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree. Don't you think that Kitana had gone through psychological/emotional pain with the stuff that she found out? I mean, she could have simply not cared about her home realm or her real parents and side with Shao Kahn. Afterall, she had been raised by him to be an assassin, and he is very close to obtaining another realm.

Sure she went through some psychological pain, but it doesn't seem profound to me. I think Mileena who's always trying to be better than Kitana but constantly fails and struggles with the fact that she's a clone of her most hated enemy is more profound that any psychological issues Kitana has struggled with.

When it comes to twisted psychological torment, I honestly don't think anyone can beat Sindel. I mean even in MKD, she was held captive in her own prison and guarded by her own daughter who was brainwashed and enslaved by the very person invading her realm.

Those are quite some psychologically twisted issues there. Sure, they're not as severe as her problems in MK3, but still, the twists and madness are there.

I imagine she had a very high status, being Shao Kahn's (adopted) daughter, so why should she have cared and why should she turn against him? So you see, there is complexity in there

That doesn't seem complex to me at all. She made those decisions because she's a good person. Simple as that. I think you and Xia have a knack of exaggerating her as much as possible, even by passing off mere speculation as "proof" that she's such so deep, complex, etc. character.

When looking at Kitana's storyline, she actually has one of the more developed ones. Sindel would need to have more appearances and more to do and have explored in order to see more of her character.

Of course. Which is why comparing them is quite unfair since Sindel has only had half as many bios as Kitana.

Raiden took his new approach, because he no longer trusted the mortals of Earth to defend their realm.

Well yeah, he got sick and tired. No reason why Sindel can't get sick and tired of invasions and the weakness of her realm/people that allows them.

While it might be a bit interesting to see Sindel have to resort to doing shady things in order to secure the safety of her realm, I'm just not sure if it would really be a good idea to have Sindel go to the sort of extremes that Raiden does.

No, I don't think she should go "dark" like him, but I think taking a more extreme approach is the only path she can take especially after constant failure to secure her realm through "normal" means. I'd really love it if she took an isolationist approach and see where that goes.

"Ms. Peace and Church"? Come on. That's silly, and it almost sounds to me like you're not even giving her enough credit, despite her being your favorite character.

Is that not what she and Edenia stand for? Peace, beauty, and spirituality?I'm being quite objective. The whole "peace and beauty" thing is the bios. The spirituality "church" thing was alluded to in the MKD Konquest design. The devs said they made the houses look church-like to convey the spirituality of the realm. So how am I being silly? It's just the truth.

I think that needs to be settled in Armageddon itself. Shao Kahn might be one of my favorite characters, but to me, there is only so much that you can use characters like him. I think I had talked to you before about an idea in which Sindel and Shao Kahn could have joined forces to combat Onaga out of necessity. We could get some exploration into Shao Kahn's feelings for Sindel. If Sindel's and Shao Kahn's MKD stories had an element like that, both of their stories would have been deeper, at least in my opinion.

That would directly contradict what has been established of Sindel. Considering all the damage he has caused her both during her life and after her death, I imagine she would not be able to stand the sight of him. How would teaming up with him make any sense on her behalf? I think she'd only be willing to do that if it was for her daughter's sake or something profoundly important to her like that.

That's all you seem to see in Kitana, or at least, you focus too much on that.

Excuse me, but even her biggest fan on this site was upset by her portrayal in the last game. It's clearly not just me.

I think what you only see is "Kitana, the flirtatious, goody-goody princess", not "Kitana, the reformed ex-assassin" or "Kitana, the diplomat" or "Kitana, the military leader".

Post MK3, when has she been shown to have the deadliness of an assassin? Or the toughness of a diplomat or military leader? Where can I find this assassin, diplomat/leader personality you claim she exhibits? Cuz I know Sonya acts more like a military leader and Jade acts more like an assassin than she does.

Had Sindel been a pacifist, she wouldn't be a warrior queen, now would she?

Pacifist? Interesting point. Yes, I actually do think she and her people act like pacifists. Or, at least to an extent, pacifism seems to be part of their culture.

As for Sindel confronting Shao Kahn, I think it would be better to wrap that up by having the two fight each other in Armageddon.

See what I mean? What's with the whole "Oh just let her die, oh just let them fight"? Wouldn't a story, a conflict, something a little richer in chemistry be more interesting? I don't know about you, but her relationship with him seems very soap-operaish to me, and those type of stories are better off finished with... a story. Not some cheap death or nonsense fight.
09/28/2009 12:53 AM (UTC)
To QueenSindel(TheBitch):

Sure she went through some psychological pain, but it doesn't seem profound to me. I think Mileena who's always trying to be better than Kitana but constantly fails and struggles with the fact that she's a clone of her most hated enemy is more profound that any psychological issues Kitana has struggled with.

Don't you think that Kitana would have had some psychological issues when finding out that Mileena is some twisted clone that was meant to eventually replace her, even though Kitana is one of Shao Kahn's deadliest warrior assassins? That's in addition to learning that she's from a realm that was taken over by him, her father killed by him, her mother driven to suicide because of him, etc.

When it comes to twisted psychological torment, I honestly don't think anyone can beat Sindel. I mean even in MKD, she was held captive in her own prison and guarded by her own daughter who was brainwashed and enslaved by the very person invading her realm.

Sindel's overall MKD story was sort of a reversal of Kitana's MK3 story. I would think that Kitana would have had some psychological issues in MK3 in which she had to confront a brainwashed Sindel. As for characters with twisted psychological torment, that's debatable though I'd kind of go with characters like Reptile.

Those are quite some psychologically twisted issues there. Sure, they're not as severe as her problems in MK3, but still, the twists and madness are there.

Yes, but at the same time, I felt they didn't make good enough use of Sindel's character in her MKD story, which is a shame.

That doesn't seem complex to me at all. She made those decisions because she's a good person. Simple as that. I think you and Xia have a knack of exaggerating her as much as possible, even by passing off mere speculation as "proof" that she's such so deep, complex, etc. character.

You say that she made the decisions, because she's a good person, as if you know for sure. I'm sorry, but you're merely speculating yourself. Like I said, she was raised by Shao Kahn to be one of his assassins for thousands of years. She was serving a powerful, ruthless warlord who has had a continuous winning streak by taking over realms and merging them with Outworld, making him even more powerful.

Her life in Outworld as Shao Kahn's "daughter" and assassin is what she knew until she learned the truth. So you saying that she changed simply because she's good, despite being an assassin for and raised by a ruthless warlord, sounds like an exaggeration to me and undermines her story. I would imagine that there would be events and/or people that would lead to her change.

But hey, we won't really know for sure unless an MK Mythologies-type game based around her backstory is made.

Well yeah, he got sick and tired. No reason why Sindel can't get sick and tired of invasions and the weakness of her realm/people that allows them.

No, I don't think she should go "dark" like him, but I think taking a more extreme approach is the only path she can take especially after constant failure to secure her realm through "normal" means. I'd really love it if she took an isolationist approach and see where that goes.

I'm sure that Sindel is already sick and tired of invasions, but I don't think she's going to put the blame on her realm and its people. If she acts like that towards them, how is she going to get help in securing the safety of Edenia? I think the isolationist approach would probably work better.

Is that not what she and Edenia stand for? Peace, beauty, and spirituality?I'm being quite objective. The whole "peace and beauty" thing is the bios. The spirituality "church" thing was alluded to in the MKD Konquest design. The devs said they made the houses look church-like to convey the spirituality of the realm. So how am I being silly? It's just the truth.

Of course the Edenians want peace, but at the same time, they aren't the type to back down from defending their realm from invaders. As for spirituality, I wasn't really arguing against that. I just think you didn't use a good choice of words there to properly convey your point.

That would directly contradict what has been established of Sindel. Considering all the damage he has caused her both during her life and after her death, I imagine she would not be able to stand the sight of him. How would teaming up with him make any sense on her behalf? I think she'd only be willing to do that if it was for her daughter's sake or something profoundly important to her like that.

It wouldn't be something that would come off easily for her. I do like the dynamic of a hero and a villain working together in order to stop a greater villain, sort of like what Mortal Kombat 4 did with Sonya and Jarek. However, I think it would have been a lot better to have had Kano do that with Sonya even though I don't like him.

It has to be noted that Shao Kahn is probably the only living person that knows Onaga better than anyone else. Such a thing would come in handy to Sindel, who is trying to stop Onaga and his forces. Also, if Sindel and Shao Kahn work together, we can get some dynamics going on such as him being protective of her despite being a ruthless, meglomanical warlord. This would come in at a good time in which we learn a bit more about Shao Kahn, futher taking him away from being an absolute villain.

Excuse me, but even her biggest fan on this site was upset by her portrayal in the last game. It's clearly not just me.

I didn't really like it either, but I don't see that as the definitive portrayal of her character.

Post MK3, when has she been shown to have the deadliness of an assassin? Or the seriousness of a diplomat? Or the toughness of a military leader?

As for the assassin stuff, we don't see that, because she put that aside. Still, thousands of years of training as a warrior assassin while being raised by an evil warlord do not go away easily. When it comes to her being a diplomat or a military leader, that's part of her post-MK3 story. If she didn't have the seriousness of a diplomat and the toughness of a military leader, do you honestly think that she would have been able to get the Shokan as allies? Do you think that the Edenian army would even listen to her orders?

Pacifist? Interesting point. Yes, I actually do think she and her people act like pacifists. Or, at least to an extent, pacifism seems to be part of their culture.

If that was the case, Jerrod would have surrendered to Shao Kahn. Kitana wouldn't have waged war against Shao Kahn and his forces post-MK3. Sindel and Jade would have surrendered to Onaga when he invaded Edenia. There wouldn't be any Edenian armed forces to begin with. So no, they aren't pacifists. They love and want peace for themselves and their realm, but at the same time, they are willing to fight for that peace.

See what I mean? What's with the whole "Oh just let her die, oh just let them fight"? Wouldn't a story, a conflict, something a little richer in chemistry be more interesting? I don't know about you, but her relationship with him seems very soap-operaish to me, and those type of stories are better off finished with... a story. Not some cheap death or nonsense fight.

Let's face it: The premise that was put forth by Armageddon, although with some good elements (Shinnok manipulating the heroes and villains to wipe each other out, for example...), was not done well enough. An issue lies within Sindel's MKD story essentially being a waste. They could have simply used Jade for that side of the story, even though Jade's MKD story isn't much to rave about either.

Then there's the issue with Shao Kahn. Like I said, he's one of my favorite characters, but I think there's only so much that characters like him can be used. I feel that a character like him has had his run and that there should be closure to his story instead of dragging it on.

If he's going to continue, the story writers have to be careful in how they use him. He'll probably need to go in a different direction, but there's the issue with him regaining his control over Outworld. That's one thing I didn't like, and it also makes it bad for Onaga's character.

I'd rather see Shao Kahn in an MK Mythologies-type game that centers around his backstory instead of seeing him continue in the next-generation story. If Sindel and Shao Kahn were to return in the next-gen stories, how would you go about the dynanics of their interaction with one another?
10/01/2009 01:15 AM (UTC)
We'll have to agree to disagree. Let's not run around in circles with this debate again.

Bottomline, I think any stale character has story potential if a good writer works on them. Johnny was one of the stalest of all and look at his latest bio. Other characters have also gone through positive changes. It can happen to anyone.

I think condemning a unique, creative, distinctive character simply because you and others have a weak imagination for storytelling is lame.
10/02/2009 11:01 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
We'll have to agree to disagree. Let's not run around in circles with this debate again.

Bottomline, I think any stale character has story potential if a good writer works on them. Johnny was one of the stalest of all and look at his latest bio. Other characters have also gone through positive changes. It can happen to anyone.

I think condemning a unique, creative, distinctive character simply because you and others have a weak imagination for storytelling is lame.

I think that some characters have more potential than others. Johnny Cage's MK: Armageddon story is a good change, but even then, I don't feel that a character like him should continue on to the next-gen games. Also, just because some characters can change for the better doesn't mean that all of them can. To me, some characters are just not worth it.

I'm not condemning Sindel. It's just that I have to ask questions such as "How much can be done with her character and story?" and "Is she worth exploring?". I like Sindel. She has a cool, distinctive design. I like her powers, which to me, could use more exploration in terms of the special moves.

While I wouldn't be interested in seeing someone like Johnny Cage or Liu Kang return, I wouldn't mind seeing her continue as long as she's kept fresh, interesting, fun to play as, etc. And besides, while characters like those two have been in the series since the first game, Sindel has only been in MK3 (UMK3 and MKT included), MKD (and MKU), and MKA.
10/03/2009 02:35 AM (UTC)
Sindel is one of the better females to chose from in Mortal Kombat. Anyone's story can be fixed to what happens in the next game and hopefully Sindel will be included. I also don't see whats wrong with her story as it is right now.
10/03/2009 11:17 PM (UTC)
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
Sindel is one of the better females to chose from in Mortal Kombat. Anyone's story can be fixed to what happens in the next game and hopefully Sindel will be included. I also don't see whats wrong with her story as it is right now.

To me, the problem is that her goals are essentially the same as Kitana's. We don't see enough from Sindel, something that should have been covered a bit on in Kitana's MKDA Konquest story. Her MKD story was more or less a waste, especially since Jade was also in that game. So currently, it's an issue of her being overshadowed by Kitana.
10/04/2009 06:39 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
Sindel is one of the better females to chose from in Mortal Kombat. Anyone's story can be fixed to what happens in the next game and hopefully Sindel will be included. I also don't see whats wrong with her story as it is right now.

To me, the problem is that her goals are essentially the same as Kitana's. We don't see enough from Sindel, something that should have been covered a bit on in Kitana's MKDA Konquest story. Her MKD story was more or less a waste, especially since Jade was also in that game. So currently, it's an issue of her being overshadowed by Kitana.

Man many characters have they same issue, their not expressed enough in the story. So what if her goals are the same as Kitana, most bad guys all share a common goal... who cares. I just like her as a character, shes fun to play as and she has a pretty big role in MK, bigger than most.
10/04/2009 10:38 PM (UTC)
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
Sindel is one of the better females to chose from in Mortal Kombat. Anyone's story can be fixed to what happens in the next game and hopefully Sindel will be included. I also don't see whats wrong with her story as it is right now.

To me, the problem is that her goals are essentially the same as Kitana's. We don't see enough from Sindel, something that should have been covered a bit on in Kitana's MKDA Konquest story. Her MKD story was more or less a waste, especially since Jade was also in that game. So currently, it's an issue of her being overshadowed by Kitana.

Man many characters have they same issue, their not expressed enough in the story. So what if her goals are the same as Kitana, most bad guys all share a common goal... who cares. I just like her as a character, shes fun to play as and she has a pretty big role in MK, bigger than most.

Most bad guys make share a common goal, but at least there's enough of a distinctiveness in their stories. With Sindel's current state, she's sort of useless, and it's almost as if she's a figurehead.

I can understand if her story is reliant on the Edenian sub-plot since she's the Queen of Edenia. However, I don't want her story to be dependent on Kitana, and I really want to see Sindel (and Jade) truly develop as characters.

One thing they need to show is how they do things differently from Kitana. This especially applies to Sindel. She's the Queen of Edenia and has far more experience ruling her realm than Kitana. But yet, Kitana seems to be doing fine in terms of being able to deal with military and diplomatic matters.

I think what could have been shown in Kitana's MKDA Konquest story is a sense of reliance on Sindel for guidance and perhaps a bit of disagreement between the two on certain issues. Given Kitana's increasing stress, I think it would be best to focus on Sindel as the ruling power of Edenia while also having her be able to do other things.

I also like Sindel as a character, and she can be fun to play as, despite having a horrendous throw in MKD and MKA. I care about the story, even if it has many issues. If MK didn't have a story to it or if I didn't care about its story, then it wouldn't really be an issue for me.

You said that Sindel has a pretty big role in MK, bigger than most. Well, when looking at the story, Sindel, as well as Jade, are supporting characters in Kitana's storyline. Sindel, despite being a heroine and the Queen of Edenia, is not really a protagonist. She could become one, but she isn't there yet.

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