What if Kitana was the real CLONE?
posted01/01/2006 01:09 AM (UTC)by
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02/09/2003 11:05 PM (UTC)
I have had this thought in my head for a long time. I think it would be an interesting...incredibly interesting twist for both characters.

What if Kitana was Mileenas clone?

Just picture the drastic change in their characters, Jade, and Sindel. Take note that I AM NOT 100% convinced with this idea. I love the fact that Mileena is the evil clone, thats what makes her story so unique and special, unlike Kitana whos plot has only gotten more boring and stale if possible.

But I do think this would open so many shocking changes. I mean:

*Would Kitana take new actions and be neutral now that the truth has been revealed?
*Would Mileena regret all her crimes and finally turn her back on evil and find love in Sindel?
*Would Kitana generate a new evil in her soul and join Kahn/Onaga/whatever?
*Would Mileena use Sindels love to trick her, kill and rule the realm?
*How will their friends/enemies react? Liu Kang, Sindel, Jade, etc.

I think the idea has potential: picture Mileena, the once believed evil clone born of sorcery, the black jealous ship of the family living under her sisters shadow; being the real daughter of Sindel and true heir of Edenia.

And Kitana, the once believed princess of Edenia being the evil clone, created with the only purpose of ruling the Realm for her master, and if anything happened to him, she would have the power to restore him back. Her beauty being one of the keys that will successfully fool everyone.

Who says there cant be ugly princesses?

As for Mileenas teeth, with creativity, anything can be done about that.

*Through sorcery Kahn disfigured the real princesses face so her clone would rule the worlds under his command, he never expected that his clone would turn her back on him after learning the fake truth.

*She was simply born like that, which makes it easier for Kahn to create the PERFECT clone without anyone suspecting. Sindel and Jerrod could had been hiding her secret.


I would personally love to see Kitanas reaction, see her in a different direction that doesnt involve a spell or resurrection to change her from good to neutral or even evil. I think Kitana would rock with a twist like this, it would make her really interesting.

Of course, it would change a lot of both characters storylines, but I think it has potential. Im still unsure of the idea because it would change so much of them, but what I am sure is that it could work. You just need good writing and brains with creativity.
11/26/2005 05:34 PM (UTC)
that whould be gaysadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsad
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
11/26/2005 05:35 PM (UTC)
LOL i would like to see a Jerry Springer show with them all claiming that Sindel had an affair with a Tarkata.

Seriously man good idea, it would freshen things up and trun things around. It would add desperately needed spice to Kitana's story which would be nice. And it would open so many tunnels like you said what would this mean? What would they do?
11/26/2005 05:38 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't like it.
11/26/2005 05:39 PM (UTC)
I really can't see how this could be anything but bad. This might do something interesting with Kitana for a game or two, but it would kill Mileena completely, probably beyond repair. Her whole character (and why many of us love her) is the fact that she's a vicious, bitter, twisted clone who's goal in life is to overthrow her "sister".

What I think should happen next is that, following on from MKD, Mileena actually succeeds in replacing Kitana as the ruler of Edenia. She's already duped the Edenian army, imagine the chaos she could cause by deceiving Kitana's friends, Liu Kang, Sindel, even Raiden, using them to increase her own power. And then, with everyone beleiving Mileena to be Kitana, the real Kitana gains a new purpose, convince everyone she's the real Princess, get rid of Mileena and take back her leadership. As you say, Kitana does need new developments, and I think having her take a big fall can help with this.

I wrote this up ages ago, tying it into my MK7 bio ideas. I also think Mileena should gain the ability to turn her face into an exact copy of Kitana's to help make the deception more convincing, and then let her change back to the mutant teeth at will (like in a fight).
11/26/2005 05:46 PM (UTC)
Mileena should kill Kitana in the next game. I like Kitana, but she has become stale. Mileena should have her revenge... And don't think Mileena's story is over after she kills her sister! Oh no, because Liu Kang is pissed. He wasn't prepared for another of his friends to die again, having just been brought back himself. This scenario would also make Liu's return less stale. I want to see the peaceful, meditative Liu Kang suddenly drive into a rage and gun for Mileena with the full fury of the dragon. That would rock, IMO.
11/26/2005 05:49 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
that whould be gaysad

1) Using the word gay for this kind of discussions is really immature, and it can offend people. Don’t do it.
2) Don’t use so many smiles, lol, its not allowed.
3) Its cool, I understand you dont like the idea. smile

Randy Wrote:
LOL i would like to see a Jerry Springer show with them all claiming that Sindel had an affair with a Tarkata.

Seriously man good idea, it would freshen things up and trun things around. It would add desperately needed spice to Kitana's story which would be nice. And it would open so many tunnels like you said what would this mean? What would they do?

Thanks! Im glad you liked it. I also find it interesting, it could open so many twists.

nobrainer Wrote:
I wouldn't like it.

I understand. Even I am unsure of the idea, I know it can be something great for Kitana, but it could take away some essence of Mileena.

red_dragon Wrote:
I really can't see how this could be anything but bad. This might do something interesting with Kitana for a game or two, but it would kill Mileena completely, probably beyond repair. Her whole character (and why many of us love her) is the fact that she's a vicious, bitter, twisted clone who's goal in life is to overthrow her "sister".

What I think should happen next is that, following on from MKD, Mileena actually succeeds in replacing Kitana as the ruler of Edenia. She's already duped the Edenian army, imagine the chaos she could cause by deceiving Kitana's friends, Liu Kang, Sindel, even Raiden, using them to increase her own power. And then, with everyone beleiving Mileena to be Kitana, the real Kitana gains a new purpose, convince everyone she's the real Princess, get rid of Mileena and take back her leadership. As you say, Kitana does need new developments, and I think having her take a big fall can help with this.

I wrote this up ages ago, tying it into my MK7 bio ideas. I also think Mileena should gain the ability to turn her face into an exact copy of Kitana's to help make the deception more convincing, and then let her change back to the mutant teeth at will (like in a fight).

LOL, I agree! But I don’t think it would destroy Mileenas character, sure it can take away some of her original essence, but she can still be the bitter crazy psycho we all love, with a new truth and purpose.

Just because she now knows she is the real daughter and princess, it doesn’t mean she has to join the side of good...no, she can pretend to for her own benefits, and claim the realm that is rightfully hers.
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11/26/2005 07:19 PM (UTC)
It's not that important wether she is or isn't a clone, but wether does she have the right to rule Edenia? I can't picture Kitana as a leader, specially after the MK games, she is simply ... well lets not go over there.

But Mileena has every Macchiavellian trick up her sleeve. I think Mileena would be a much better ruler than Kitana, a personality impaired character designed to be essential good for now.
11/26/2005 07:27 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
I have had this thought in my head for a long time. I think it would be an interesting...incredibly interesting twist for both characters.

What if Kitana was Mileenas clone?

Just picture the drastic change in their characters, Jade, and Sindel. Take note that I AM NOT 100% convinced with this idea. I love the fact that Mileena is the evil clone, thats what makes her story so unique and special, unlike Kitana whos plot has only gotten more boring and stale if possible.

But I do think this would open so many shocking changes. I mean:

*Would Kitana take new actions and be neutral now that the truth has been revealed?
*Would Mileena regret all her crimes and finally turn her back on evil and find love in Sindel?
*Would Kitana generate a new evil in her soul and join Kahn/Onaga/whatever?
*Would Mileena use Sindels love to trick her, kill and rule the realm?
*How will their friends/enemies react? Liu Kang, Sindel, Jade, etc.

I think the idea has potential: picture Mileena, the once believed evil clone born of sorcery, the black jealous ship of the family living under her sisters shadow; being the real daughter of Sindel and true heir of Edenia.

And Kitana, the once believed princess of Edenia being the evil clone, created with the only purpose of ruling the Realm for her master, and if anything happened to him, she would have the power to restore him back. Her beauty being one of the keys that will successfully fool everyone.

Who says there cant be ugly princesses?

As for Mileenas teeth, with creativity, anything can be done about that.

*Through sorcery Kahn disfigured the real princesses face so her clone would rule the worlds under his command, he never expected that his clone would turn her back on him after learning the fake truth.

*She was simply born like that, which makes it easier for Kahn to create the PERFECT clone without anyone suspecting. Sindel and Jerrod could had been hiding her secret.


I would personally love to see Kitanas reaction, see her in a different direction that doesnt involve a spell or resurrection to change her from good to neutral or even evil. I think Kitana would rock with a twist like this, it would make her really interesting.

Of course, it would change a lot of both characters storylines, but I think it has potential. Im still unsure of the idea because it would change so much of them, but what I am sure is that it could work. You just need good writing and brains with creativity.

Thats a very interesting idea. I can see Kitana going almost as insane as Mileena after learning she was a creation. Mileena would enjoy watching Kitana go through what she went though but pissed she went through it in the first place. Very interesting idea. Kitana does need some big change in her storyline, something shocking that will keep her fresh because with her amazing design being wasted on crappy plots. Its a very interesting idea but I still prefer Mileena being the clone and being the evil and interesting one. Shes the quarterback and Kitanas the hot cheerleader with the nice rack. Or is it the otherway around? grin
11/26/2005 08:07 PM (UTC)
This sounds an awful lot like the Spider-Man Clone Saga of the mid-90's....

Anyway, I'm not too into it. The logic that would have to go behind seems needlessly complicated and I don't think character reactions would be as dramatic as you'd think.

I don't see it really doing anything for MIleena. It takes away one element of her tragedy, but adds another.....in the end it would just balance out and wouldn't really change anything about her. All it really adds to Mileena is a legitimate claim to the Edenian throne.
I think she's fine as is...deluding herself into believing replacing Kitana is her destiny.

I don't think this revelation would do anything for Liu Kang or Jade at all. Liu Kang fell in love with Kitana, clone or not. What would he care? Same with Jade. She's friends with Kitana, clone or not. What would she care? And it's not like they have any attachment to Mileena anyway. As far as they're concerned, she's just a freak.

The only one I can really see benefitting from this is Sindel, who'd be torn between her good fake-daughter and her psycho real-daughter.

And as for Kitana....I see where you're going with it screwing with her.
Like the big thing in her life was finding out she wasn't Shao Kahn's daughter so she re-made herself into the Princess of Edenia. So if she found she really isn't the Princess then she'd be like "Oh fuck! Who the hell am I now?!" and there'd be all sorts of identity crisis whatnot...
However....now I'm all for fucking up Kitana's life, but I don't think what she needs is yet another identity crisis. I think if her life should be ruined again, and it should; it should be because of something that happens now in the present, and not because of yet another revelation from her past.

So nah. Mileena's fine as she is and there are better ways to make Kitana's life miserable.
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11/26/2005 08:15 PM (UTC)
I am also against this. Such an idea ruins Mileena completely and then it'd give both her and Kitana little purpose. Sure it'd give Mileena the recognition she deserves, but after that, then what? As for Kitana, she has no real identity and becomes freealnce and a renegade with no real family and those she once called family are real fakes. I'm with XiahouDun84 on this. Nice idea though.
11/26/2005 08:23 PM (UTC)
Eh, too complex. Shaolin Monks already dug Mortal Kombat into a confusing hole, I don't think completely denying years of history for two dominant characters is going to do anyone any justice. Bah, 'nuff said.
11/26/2005 08:42 PM (UTC)
I think it's an interesting idea, but I have to agree with XiahouDun84 and tgrant on this one.

As for Kitana herself, well, I see a few different directions for her storyline. One idea I had in mind is for her to embrace her evil side but I haven't fully thought of all the details.
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11/26/2005 11:56 PM (UTC)
No, I think Mileena should stay as she is. The clone of MK. That's what she deserves. tongue
11/27/2005 12:02 AM (UTC)
Randy Wrote:
LOL i would like to see a Jerry Springer show with them all claiming that Sindel had an affair with a Tarkata.

Seriously man good idea, it would freshen things up and trun things around. It would add desperately needed spice to Kitana's story which would be nice. And it would open so many tunnels like you said what would this mean? What would they do?

lmaoo. Sindel and baraka.... ew
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11/27/2005 05:44 AM (UTC)
NO! kitanas and mileena stories are fine the way they are.. i think the two need to have one big fight, then they both need to get over it. i still hope that they could one day be on the same side. good or evil, i dont care.

either way i still dont play mk for the story i play for the fighting.
11/28/2005 02:42 PM (UTC)
I see we can all agree that; while this idea has potential and its interesting, its just...er...it changes a lot, and die hard fans are always in love with the classic story. This dramatic change is too much. Like I said before, I also have my doubts.

I dont think the goal of the story is to destroy Kitanas life, on the contrary, make her have a new one, something that will make her worth to see in Mk7 or another game, and I dont think that ruining her life is the only answer/method to make her interesting.
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11/28/2005 05:56 PM (UTC)
the idea is very interesting but their all what over 10,000 years old. think their to set in there ways to just change because of something like that.
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11/28/2005 07:21 PM (UTC)
Wasn't this done in Spiderman?

One became Spider Carnage after he found out he was the clone and went insane and the other became Ben Riley to stay out of the others way?
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11/28/2005 07:42 PM (UTC)
Attack of the Kitanas (or is it Kitani in plural I wonder?)
11/30/2005 02:58 PM (UTC)
I never knew something similar had been done in other games/comics/movies, etc.

Chrome Wrote:
Attack of the Kitanas (or is it Kitani in plural I wonder?)

LOL. tongue
12/02/2005 03:49 PM (UTC)
but mileena is ugly without the mask and kitana isn't.
how can you give birth to something so deformed and sick (and ugly)tongue
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12/02/2005 04:20 PM (UTC)
There's already a million things that says Kitana is NOT the clone if you've seen Kitana's ending in Mortal Kombat Gold you find out Mileena isn't here sister and if Kitana was the clone woudn't she have big monster teeth like Mileena?!
12/02/2005 10:16 PM (UTC)
MKungLao Wrote:
but mileena is ugly without the mask and kitana isn't.
how can you give birth to something so deformed and sick (and ugly)tongue

Not everyone is born pretty you know? wink

But seriously, I already explained how this could be possible. With creativity anything can be done. Mileena could had been deformed by Kahn for his plan to work, Mileena could had been born like that because of a curse to the royal family or something new, even a twist with Jerrod...etc.

CUBSFAN3458 Wrote:
There's already a million things that says Kitana is NOT the clone if you've seen Kitana's ending in Mortal Kombat Gold you find out Mileena isn't here sister and if Kitana was the clone woudn't she have big monster teeth like Mileena?!

Actually, we know ever since Mk2 that Mileena is the clone.

As for the teeth, read my post above. Being the clone doesnt mean you HAVE to have tarkatan teeths. With creativity a lot can be done.
12/03/2005 03:15 PM (UTC)
I still really don't like it. Nice idea... But... NO.
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