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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/26/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
So you clearly admit that Erron is Kano then, right?

He's being kept mysterious because the "mysterious gunslinger" is a pretty common character archetype, like The Man With No Name. It's the mystery of where he came from and what's going on in his mind, not necessarily what pre-existing character he is. The mask simply adds to that.

I still don't see how his identity is being hid anymore than other masked characters, was there speculation about Ermac really being Raiden or Johnny Cage when he first appeared? I keep shutting down these arguments because you have yet to provide any good evidence at all that Erron is Kira, or Kobra, or Tremor, or whatever other character you'll latch onto next. "Erron Black's name can be rearranged into Kobra! ... If you only take some letters." is just laughable.

Does Kano hang shaggy blonde hair? No. I'm not making arguments for single coincidences between characters. Every argument or idea I have thrown out has multiple arguments. Try to do the same with the counter arguments.
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/26/2015 08:23 PM (UTC)
Chill with the quotes, guys. Damn.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/26/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:

Why ask me if I need a lesson in anatomy then say it would be wasted on me? That was pointless.

Again, this is a thread about, in theory, due to the similarities with not only Kira, but apparently kobra and now tremor as well, a 'what if' scenerio if it actually turned out to be one of the three.

Again, the theory is based on Kira's backstory is in weapon dealing under disguise. its a comparison of their backstories.

Physically, he resembles Kobra from what we've seen, and appearance wise, he resembles somewhat of a tremor-esque attire.

MAYBE they just combined all three into one character?

How is any of that dumb? It all sounds like logical arguments.

I wanted to gauge your reaction. It was not pointless.

No, do not strawman. The thread is about your theory about Kira being Erron Black is disguise and you asked for thoughts.

I gave you my thoughts. I said your theory is stupid. In fact more precisely it is one of the more stupid things I have read on this forum because Erron Black is a man.

Now that you have changed your tune and now say that Erron Black resembles Kobra physically I assume that you have accepted Erron Black is a man. Case closed. I hope.

LOL. Three characters combined into one?

I am thinking maybe Erron Black is an orang-utan in a cowboy costume?

Or maybe...just maybe Erron Black is a new character called Erron Black?

I do not know.
02/26/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Shutting down those arguments as if you played his MKX story chapter and unlocked his ending as if you know everything is for lack of better words annoying.

Not the word I would use, but regardless I agree.

I don't understand why it's so hard to indulge in these theories and have some fun. Especially when some of them really aren't too farfetched.

Hey, if you're going to post stuff on a public discussion forum, don't act surprised when it gets argued against.

This game is supposed to be the introduction of a new generation, so I'm not sure why some want members of that generation to actually be members of the old generation sneaking their way in. I want new characters, not old characters disguised as new ones. Erron's already got enough of a character concept without being Kira or Kobra in disguise; I don't think making either of those characters something that they have next to nothing in common with would be doing a service to them or Erron.

@MKMileena: I've been providing multiple arguments all along as well. And Kira doesn't have shaggy blonde hair either, so why doesn't it disprove her?
02/26/2015 08:31 PM (UTC)
Anyone who thinks a fascinating concept in Erron Black would be thrown away on someone like Kobra ("just rearrange the letters!!1!") seriously needs their head examined.
I've seen many crazy theories on here but this one nearly reaches the summit of Mt. Stupidity.
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/26/2015 08:35 PM (UTC)
I like Erron and I'm not too much of a fan of Kobra. IF it came out to be Kobra then I wouldn't be mad. They just made a character I don't like into someone I'm interested in.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/26/2015 08:38 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:

Why ask me if I need a lesson in anatomy then say it would be wasted on me? That was pointless.

Again, this is a thread about, in theory, due to the similarities with not only Kira, but apparently kobra and now tremor as well, a 'what if' scenerio if it actually turned out to be one of the three.

Again, the theory is based on Kira's backstory is in weapon dealing under disguise. its a comparison of their backstories.

Physically, he resembles Kobra from what we've seen, and appearance wise, he resembles somewhat of a tremor-esque attire.

MAYBE they just combined all three into one character?

How is any of that dumb? It all sounds like logical arguments.

I wanted to gauge your reaction. It was not pointless.

No, do not strawman. The thread is about your theory about Kira being Erron Black is disguise and you asked for thoughts.

I gave you my thoughts. I said your theory is stupid. In fact more precisely it is one of the more stupid things I have read on this forum because Erron Black is a man.

Now that you have changed your tune and now say that Erron Black resembles Kobra physically I assume that you have accepted Erron Black is a man. Case closed. I hope.

LOL. Three characters combined into one?

I am thinking maybe Erron Black is an orang-utan in a cowbow costume?

Or maybe...just maybe Erron Black is a new character called Erron Black?

I do not know.

Users on here.. *rolls eyes*

When did I ever say I personally believed Erron black was in fact Kira? For the record, I dont. That's obviously why the topic is me asking 'what if'. Not making a factual statement like everyone else likes to do.

I asked for thoughts on THE SCENERIO where it turned out to be Kira in disguise. shes obviously pulled off the man appearance before is it really that far fetched?
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/26/2015 08:42 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Shutting down those arguments as if you played his MKX story chapter and unlocked his ending as if you know everything is for lack of better words annoying.

Not the word I would use, but regardless I agree.

I don't understand why it's so hard to indulge in these theories and have some fun. Especially when some of them really aren't too farfetched.

Hey, if you're going to post stuff on a public discussion forum, don't act surprised when it gets argued against.

This game is supposed to be the introduction of a new generation, so I'm not sure why some want members of that generation to actually be members of the old generation sneaking their way in. I want new characters, not old characters disguised as new ones. Erron's already got enough of a character concept without being Kira or Kobra in disguise; I don't think making either of those characters something that they have next to nothing in common with would be doing a service to them or Erron.

@MKMileena: I've been providing multiple arguments all along as well. And Kira doesn't have shaggy blonde hair either, so why doesn't it disprove her?

Because Kira has a weapons background under the guise of a man. And you haven't. shes also black dragon, appeared in mk9 in the background, so she wasn't completely forgotten, etc.

02/26/2015 08:48 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Shutting down those arguments as if you played his MKX story chapter and unlocked his ending as if you know everything is for lack of better words annoying.

Not the word I would use, but regardless I agree.

I don't understand why it's so hard to indulge in these theories and have some fun. Especially when some of them really aren't too farfetched.

Hey, if you're going to post stuff on a public discussion forum, don't act surprised when it gets argued against.

This game is supposed to be the introduction of a new generation, so I'm not sure why some want members of that generation to actually be members of the old generation sneaking their way in. I want new characters, not old characters disguised as new ones. Erron's already got enough of a character concept without being Kira or Kobra in disguise; I don't think making either of those characters something that they have next to nothing in common with would be doing a service to them or Erron.

@MKMileena: I've been providing multiple arguments all along as well. And Kira doesn't have shaggy blonde hair either, so why doesn't it disprove her?

Because Kira has a weapons background under the guise of a man. And you haven't. shes also black dragon, appeared in mk9 in the background, so she wasn't completely forgotten, etc.

Somehow, I don't think her disguise as a man involved her completely changing her body structure. And I don't think she or Kobra would be ordering Kano around.

And yeah, I have. I've provided much against what you've been saying.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/26/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
Hey, if you're going to post stuff on a public discussion forum, don't act surprised when it gets argued against.

This game is supposed to be the introduction of a new generation, so I'm not sure why some want members of that generation to actually be members of the old generation sneaking their way in. I want new characters, not old characters disguised as new ones. Erron's already got enough of a character concept without being Kira or Kobra in disguise; I don't think making either of those characters something that they have next to nothing in common with would be doing a service to them or Erron.

Sure, everyone can post as they please as long as it corresponds with the rules of the forum. But what I don't understand is the negativity. Why call someone or their ideas stupid instead of just browsing past it? That's already a recipe for disaster as this thread and many others have proven. It always gets out of hand once hostility breaches the surface.

Yeah, I've read some stuff that's way out of left field in my time on these forums, but if it's not an obvious troll post, why be condescending and hostile?

His main attraction IS the mystery of his character, so I see the speculation as an attempt at solving the mystery. Eventually we'll know, but until then, just have some fun, guys.

Tranny Black ftw.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/26/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:

Users on here.. *rolls eyes*

When did I ever say I personally believed Erron black was in fact Kira? For the record, I dont. That's obviously why the topic is me asking 'what if'. Not making a factual statement like everyone else likes to do.

I asked for thoughts on THE SCENERIO where it turned out to be Kira in disguise. shes obviously pulled off the man appearance before is it really that far fetched?


I gave you my thoughts. For the third time I think your scenerio is stupid. It is just dumb because Erron Black is a man.

It is far fetched because Erron Black LOOKS like a buff man or did Kira start taking anabolic steroids and working out to the point where her arms are more bigger than most women's thighs? Did she change her physical stature? Did Kira bleach her hair blonde?

About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/26/2015 09:51 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
Hey, if you're going to post stuff on a public discussion forum, don't act surprised when it gets argued against.

This game is supposed to be the introduction of a new generation, so I'm not sure why some want members of that generation to actually be members of the old generation sneaking their way in. I want new characters, not old characters disguised as new ones. Erron's already got enough of a character concept without being Kira or Kobra in disguise; I don't think making either of those characters something that they have next to nothing in common with would be doing a service to them or Erron.

Sure, everyone can post as they please as long as it corresponds with the rules of the forum. But what I don't understand is the negativity. Why call someone or their ideas stupid instead of just browsing past it? That's already a recipe for disaster as this thread and many others have proven. It always gets out of hand once hostility breaches the surface.

Yeah, I've read some stuff that's way out of left field in my time on these forums, but if it's not an obvious troll post, why be condescending and hostile?

His main attraction IS the mystery of his character, so I see the speculation as an attempt at solving the mystery. Eventually we'll know, but until then, just have some fun, guys.

Tranny Black ftw.

Appreciate your attitude. winkwink

And to the poster above, the physical stature of Erron is not an argument i ever made, but all is in the realm of possibility in this game. Still doesn't disprove anythig until you see his in game model and appearance, and canon story as told by NRS, not the comic book which will differ in some ways
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02/27/2015 08:46 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
What if Erron Black was one of us?

Just a slob like one of us, or a stranger on a bus?

Trying to make his way home

What if Erron Black was made of wood?
K, so he`s probably not Tremor. Earthbending Gunslinger seems an odd combo, although cowboy`s do ride in the desert, and mountains, so...

Anywhoo, the important question now is:
Since Quan Chi rides in on a skelly horse, is Erron Black going to ride in for his fight intro, as well?

03/01/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
K, so he`s probably not Tremor. Earthbending Gunslinger seems an odd combo, although cowboy`s do ride in the desert, and mountains, so...

Anywhoo, the important question now is:
Since Quan Chi rides in on a skelly horse, is Erron Black going to ride in for his fight intro, as well?


Yep he's going to ride in on Barakas sholders.
About Me

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

03/01/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
Just putting this out there I think Erron is a new character that takes Tremors spot just with a new story.
03/02/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
Erron Black is Zebron and Meat's love child!
03/02/2015 05:10 AM (UTC)
Erron Black is Johnny Cage... calling it now.

Totally makes sense if you think about it...
03/02/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
Erron Black is Johnny Cage... calling it now.

Totally makes sense if you think about it...

you obviously haven't read chapter 9 of the comic....
03/02/2015 05:24 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
Erron Black is Johnny Cage... calling it now.

Totally makes sense if you think about it...

you obviously haven't read chapter 9 of the comic....

Lol... really dude?

Like you totally don't even see them in the same scenes together. And he tells Kano not to cut off their legs, not because of their worth, but really because it's Johnny... you don't know when the Kotal events and the kidnapping events are happening!!1!

Oh and yeah...
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
I was kind of joking, bro. But I've obviously read it. ;)
03/02/2015 05:53 AM (UTC)
Fair enough lol
03/02/2015 06:12 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Fair enough lol

In all seriousness, I just hope he is his own character, ya know? :/
03/02/2015 06:13 AM (UTC)
Same here. New blood is desperately needed
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Props to MINION
03/02/2015 06:13 AM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
Fair enough lol

In all seriousness, I just hope he is his own character, ya know? :/

he is
03/02/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
Right? I just want to see some game play already. Hopefully he isn't just a story mode only character, though... that would kinda suck.
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