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04/27/2015 09:26 PM (UTC)
If he only had a vision or dream, why does the physical state of his amulet break?

Cause that's how god-like powers work tongue

Also you refer to it as a possible future, does this mean there is more than one?

The whole story of the first 7 games was just a hoax by the NRS. It never happened. It was just what Raiden saw as the most probable outcome if he didn't intervene. He did intervine.

You are contradicting yourshelf here.

Why? I know it's a crappy theory, but it's perfectly logical for a god to see a vision of the possible future. More possible than him creating an entire new and infinite universe from altering a timeline. If Raiden has the power to create a new universe with gazillions of stars and parallel versions of everyone, then how come he still relies on heroes? Or does a universe create itself from nothing just to avoid the time travel paradox?

yes they are only theories like evolution, nobody has actually seen a dinosaur right. Could be part of the illuminati plot to deceive, go around putting fake bones in the ground to confuse the creationists.

Could be, but I think those bones are pretty much concrete evidence.

Cheers man! Don't want to upset you, but I just find this ridickulous. Pun intended, I want Riddick in MKX, he'd fit right in.

04/27/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
The bottom line honestly is critics and fans alike hated Armageddon and there's almost certainly no way they're going to rehash any of it.

The entire point of the reboot in MK9 so far as I can tell was to retcon out the 3D era storyline.

No, that's incorrect. I don't know how many fans hated Armageddon. I personally loved that game's story. The reviews were positive for it so the critics didn't hate it either. It made good money CONSIDERING how much was invested.
They rebooted because the common fans kept demanding original characters, who are now boring as hell. I'd rather see Reiko any day than Kano, Jax, Sonya and the other blah original chars. The 3d characters just needed the time to become known by the common fans (most of whom had no idea of the story the 3d chars had) and today they have achieved that. It's time Mortal Kombat brings them to the spotlight again.

Or, they rebooted because it was ARMAGEDDON, and there's not really anywhere you can go from there. I mean, yeah, Taven's ending is kind of a cop out, "nothing happened, so everything is the same", but still, they kind of ran the timeline into the ground if you ask me. The point of the reboot was to allow for more story, a fresh start.

Also, I'm not sure which 3D characters you speak of, I mean, Kenshi, Havik, and a few other ones were generally fan favorites from the start. But as far as I can tell, characters like Dairou, Kobra, Hsu Hao and frankly most of the other new PS2 era characters are either still generally disliked, or at best, people are fairly indifferent about most of them. MK will be better off as a franchise never seeing them resurface again, like I said, except for a select few.
04/27/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)
For all i know, i think it just fell off the face of the earth lol And thats a good thing! Around the time Armageddon came out and how it was made to be the "last" MK game I thought that was the end of the series and there could be nothing to continue the game since well..everyone died.

But with the rebooted timeline it actually gave MK a fresh slate with new possibilities and now the story could be fleshed out into its own without the need to hang on to the corpse of the 3D timeline. I only hope they dont try to pull another Armageddon cuz that will SUCK. Like is Raiden gonna try to time travel again so now we'll have 3 different timelines around 2025?wow
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