What happened to the 3D timeline? MKX Spoilers
posted04/27/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)by
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04/03/2006 09:13 PM (UTC)
Where does the whole shujinko/komidogu timeline fit into this game? Did it actually happen? Was shinnok behind the onaga stuff?
04/25/2015 02:56 PM (UTC)
You're trolling, right? Or did you just not play MK9?

Ok I'll bite. The 3D timeline was subverted when Raiden changed history. It never happened.
04/25/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
As of now...

*Quan Chi is dead, and Shang's return has been hinted at through non-cannon endings. No deadly alliance happening.

*Li Mei's village was ravaged by the Outworld Civil War rather than the Deadly Alliance.

*Reptile is now working for Kotal and getting shit done rather than hanging out in volcanoes because reasons. So, he's not there to be Onaga's host.

*The Kamidogu are being collected by Havik and Reiko in the comics, presumably for no reason other than Havik wanting to turn Reiko into Shao 2 so that he can create more chaos.

*Shujinko was beaten down by Cassie in a non-cannon ending, hinting that he probably won't return ever again.

Basically, the whole "Deadly Alliance - Dragon King story arc" seems to have been scrapped entirely. Who knows what will happen in the next game, but as of now, Onaga, Shujinko, and the Deadly Alliance don't seem to be happening any time soon.
04/25/2015 03:23 PM (UTC)
SaurienDeity Wrote:
You're trolling, right? Or did you just not play MK9?

Ok I'll bite. The 3D timeline was subverted when Raiden changed history. It never happened.

Did Raiden subvert a lot though? He killed Shao Kahn, Shao Kahn had nothing to do with Shujinko. He obviously has not changed a lot because just like in the Original timeline Shinnok did return and was imprisoned after the events of MKT.

The only things that changed are out of convenience to what the writers what because the dragon king's return had nothing to do with Shao Kahn, it had a lot to do with Reptile.

Shao Kahn's death changed nothing with the 3D timeline aside from him winning Armageddon.

So I myself also wonder what happened to Shujinko's story, it shouldn't have changed, it started before MK1.
04/25/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
SaurienDeity Wrote:
You're trolling, right? Or did you just not play MK9?

Ok I'll bite. The 3D timeline was subverted when Raiden changed history. It never happened.

Did Raiden subvert a lot though? He killed Shao Kahn, Shao Kahn had nothing to do with Shujinko. He obviously has not changed a lot because just like in the Original timeline Shinnok did return and was imprisoned after the events of MKT.

The only things that changed are out of convenience to what the writers what because the dragon king's return had nothing to do with Shao Kahn, it had a lot to do with Reptile.

Shao Kahn's death changed nothing with the 3D timeline aside from him winning Armageddon.

So I myself also wonder what happened to Shujinko's story, it shouldn't have changed, it started before MK1.

We've already seen a hint of that though from Cassie's ending. Shujinko obviously still gets tricked by Onaga because he's learned to steal souls so he definitely went on his journey except in this timeline he seemingly goes a little off the rocker from it. Even if the ending is non-canon, it's safe to assume that's what Shujinko is currently doing (before the events of the ending) unless stated otherwise by MK11 or the comic. And now with Reptile on a different path all-together, it's up in the air whether Onaga will ever be unleashed again. So, to sum it up, some of the 3D events are still happening, they're just heavily altered.
04/25/2015 03:52 PM (UTC)
It's just been postponed from the looks of it. The events will still unfold, just not exactly as they did before.

Who's to say Onaga needs Reptile's body? Who's to say he really needed anyone to be there when that egg cracked?

Quan Chi dying means nothing because...well where do bad people go when they die in MK? Yeah, he's fine. Things seemed to go exactly how he wanted in MKX so..yeah.

Taven has been acknowledged, Daegon is still at large. And Shujinko is wandering around so...it's likely we are catching right up to the events of Armageddon.
04/25/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
well,they mostly went in the way Quan Chi wanted,except his head...it went on a different way than planned.
04/25/2015 05:30 PM (UTC)
futuretime23 Wrote:
well,they mostly went in the way Quan Chi wanted,except his head...it went on a different way than planned.

Well, basically, all we know is that the Dragon King never got resurrected. Whether it's because Edenia is still merged with Outworld, or because of the whole comic book Kamidogu retcon resulted in Shujinko being unable to fulfill his quest, who knows? But the bottom line is, since the Dragon King has not been resurrected, Blaze was never freed and as a result, has no means of summoning the Armageddon crap. And hopefully it stays that way. Even though I liked Onaga and it would be cool to see him come back in some form, the last thing the new timeline needs is Shujinko and the Armageddon storyline.
04/25/2015 07:19 PM (UTC)
We will absolutely see Onaga again. NRS is only developing a way to avert the events of Armageddon, because it no longer makes sense.

While we have seen them throw some parts of story completely in the gutter (MK2011/MKX) I doubt that huge elements, like the rise of the dragon king, would be scrapped.

Who doesn't want to see MK's second most awesome boss return?
04/25/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
So is Sonya looking like Kerry Hoskins canon or not?
04/25/2015 07:51 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
We will absolutely see Onaga again. NRS is only developing a way to avert the events of Armageddon, because it no longer makes sense.

While we have seen them throw some parts of story completely in the gutter (MK2011/MKX) I doubt that huge elements, like the rise of the dragon king, would be scrapped.

Who doesn't want to see MK's second most awesome boss return?

Yeah, but Onaga's rise would mean that Blaze would be freed as well. And so far, while they have just killed off certain characters, I haven't seen them ignore significant parts of the original lore all together. I mean, they did mention the awakening of Taven, and Daegon, and that Rain is Argus' son, so they aren't ignoring Armageddon's story all together. Even though, if you ask me, there are certain things about the original 3D timeline that should've been buried and ignored completely.
So I'm wondering how they'd avoid the Blaze thing, because Dragon King's awakening would pretty much directly result in the events of Armageddon.
04/25/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
Was taven mentioned in mkx or mk9?
04/25/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
Was taven mentioned in mkx or mk9?

Spoiler, yes he was, in two of the endings of MKX.
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04/25/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
Taven is mentioned in several characters endings.. Hinting that he will be involved in the next game. And good! Im glad they are giving him another shot.

There are a lot of things being ignored story wise from mk4-Deception.... Like Kai. Kai was a huge part of MK4 and the original fight with Shinnok. He was part of the White Lotus society and was involved with the time line when Liu Kang was alive.. You would think that Kai would be important to the story since Liu Kang is dead... But he seems to have been ignored/forgotten altogether...
04/25/2015 08:42 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Taven is mentioned in several characters endings.. Hinting that he will be involved in the next game. And good! Im glad they are giving him another shot.

There are a lot of things being ignored story wise from mk4-Deception.... Like Kai. Kai was a huge part of MK4 and the original fight with Shinnok. He was part of the White Lotus society and was involved with the time line when Liu Kang was alive.. You would think that Kai would be important to the story since Liu Kang is dead... But he seems to have been ignored/forgotten altogether...

The writers said in their original script Kai was in the place of Bo' Rai Cho. I imagine they decided to use the more popular character instead.

As for the main topic, I think Onaga and Armageddon will be avoided completely this time around. Taven and Daegon get wrapped up in ladder endings in MKX, as does Shujinko. I imagine they're going a totally different direction, and I'm glad.
04/25/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
About Armageddon, would it still be able to happen if Edenia is still part of Outworld? Blaze is still guarding the Egg and Reptile will be too busy jobbing to go to a volcano and become Onaga.
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04/25/2015 09:06 PM (UTC)
Funny thing is, nothing actually happened so far that would prevent or hinder Amrageddon. In fact, it is actually worse, as Blaze is probably still enslaved, th Dragon King does not really factor into the whole thing, and Daegon is around.

Plus new combatants, so the number of combatants is still growing, meaning that the failsafe will not be able to operate...

Argus and Delia were grand category retards with their plan.
04/25/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
The Dragon King does factor into it because Blaze is enslaved to guard the egg. If the Dragon King returns, then there will be no reason to keep Blaze enslaved.
So I'm not sure how they'd free the Dragon King without affecting Blaze, unless they kill off Blaze before he gets a chance to transform and thereby preemptively prevent the big showdown from Armageddon.

As for Taven, hopefully if he comes back, he'll just have some new purpose, new motivations, and not be bogged down in Delia's lame quest.

But regarding the Dragon King... Why was he reborn? I mean, Shujinko always blamed himself for it, but was it the Kamidogu being reunited that resurrecter the dragon king? If so, how and why? Or was it simply time for the egg to hatch, and Shujinko's quest was there simply to save Onaga some time collecting the Kamidogu all over the realms?
After all, when Shujinko collected the Kamidogu, Dragon King showed up pretty much immediately, so it's safe to say that he didn't JUST get resurrected. So yeah, the details were definitely sketchy.
In any case, while I think the Dragon King was cool and wouldn't mind him making a comeback, I really hope we'll never see Shujinko in the series as a playable character or a participant in the main plot again.
04/25/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
futuretime23 Wrote:
well,they mostly went in the way Quan Chi wanted,except his head...it went on a different way than planned.

I'll give you that. He likely planned for his head to go a little more to the left and roll just a little after it hit the ground. Ah well no one is perfect right?
04/25/2015 09:26 PM (UTC)
Bare in mind that Quan Chi is one of the most popular characters, so I doubt this is the last we've seen of him, and as such, I doubt the remaining Revenants will remain Revenants forever.
04/25/2015 09:32 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Funny thing is, nothing actually happened so far that would prevent or hinder Amrageddon. In fact, it is actually worse, as Blaze is probably still enslaved, th Dragon King does not really factor into the whole thing, and Daegon is around.

Plus new combatants, so the number of combatants is still growing, meaning that the failsafe will not be able to operate...

Argus and Delia were grand category retards with their plan.

Damn it Chrome, I hate to agree with you but, yeah! I have been saying this since the end of the last game. The only thing ever changed about Armageddon was the outcome. Shao Kahn won't win now because for all we know the Elder Gods straight up wiped him from existence.

But Armageddon is still right on track because the reason it happens is...well you already said it. Too many super powered warriors. And now they're breeding!
04/25/2015 09:45 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Funny thing is, nothing actually happened so far that would prevent or hinder Amrageddon. In fact, it is actually worse, as Blaze is probably still enslaved, th Dragon King does not really factor into the whole thing, and Daegon is around.

Plus new combatants, so the number of combatants is still growing, meaning that the failsafe will not be able to operate...

Argus and Delia were grand category retards with their plan.

Damn it Chrome, I hate to agree with you but, yeah! I have been saying this since the end of the last game. The only thing ever changed about Armageddon was the outcome. Shao Kahn won't win now because for all we know the Elder Gods straight up wiped him from existence.

But Armageddon is still right on track because the reason it happens is...well you already said it. Too many super powered warriors. And now they're breeding!

But it's not actually right on track, because while there's no official year by year timeline for the original canon, I'm quite sure that it isn't happening 25 years after MK1. MKDA happens 10 years after MK1, and even if several years pass between that, Deception and Armageddon, I'm quite sure it's not a 15 year time span. I'm pretty sure that when Taven encountered Sonya in Armageddon, she wasn't 51 years old. So in terms of the actual timeline, MKX has already surpassed the "date" of the original Armageddon.
04/25/2015 09:47 PM (UTC)
Do we know when MKA happened in relation to the current timeline? Like, when they were all gathered at the pyramid - was that after the current game?
04/25/2015 09:50 PM (UTC)
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Funny thing is, nothing actually happened so far that would prevent or hinder Amrageddon. In fact, it is actually worse, as Blaze is probably still enslaved, th Dragon King does not really factor into the whole thing, and Daegon is around.

Plus new combatants, so the number of combatants is still growing, meaning that the failsafe will not be able to operate...

Argus and Delia were grand category retards with their plan.

Damn it Chrome, I hate to agree with you but, yeah! I have been saying this since the end of the last game. The only thing ever changed about Armageddon was the outcome. Shao Kahn won't win now because for all we know the Elder Gods straight up wiped him from existence.

But Armageddon is still right on track because the reason it happens is...well you already said it. Too many super powered warriors. And now they're breeding!

But it's not actually right on track, because while there's no official year by year timeline for the original canon, I'm quite sure that it isn't happening 25 years after MK1. MKDA happens 10 years after MK1, and even if several years pass between that, Deception and Armageddon, I'm quite sure it's not a 15 year time span. I'm pretty sure that when Taven encountered Sonya in Armageddon, she wasn't 51 years old. So in terms of the actual timeline, MKX has already surpassed the "date" of the original Armageddon.

Dude, I just meant so far it's guaranteed to eventually happen.
04/25/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
Only if Blaze isn't destroyed in his pre-transformation form. Plus he's still enslaved, so if that remains the case, it could be delayed by centuries.
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