What ever happened to Striker?
posted12/29/2005 04:22 PM (UTC)by
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I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

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09/17/2005 11:07 PM (UTC)
The last time i heard about Striker he got captured in the third tournament. Do you think we will ever see him again?
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12/18/2005 02:32 AM (UTC)
He's dead.
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12/18/2005 02:37 AM (UTC)
He killed himself because the whole universe hated him.wink
12/18/2005 02:37 AM (UTC)
He is currently in Orderrealm to join the Seidan Guardsmen.

You all are wrong...furious
12/18/2005 02:38 AM (UTC)
RUFIX Wrote:
He killed himself because the whole universe hated him.wink

I think that's how it went down.
12/18/2005 02:40 AM (UTC)
They never said what happened to Stryker. The side-missions in Konquest, like Stryker in Seido, aren't canon. He's most likely either dead or just chilling on Earth.
12/18/2005 03:17 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
They never said what happened to Stryker. The side-missions in Konquest, like Stryker in Seido, aren't canon. He's most likely either dead or just chilling on Earth.

Not everything should be considered non-canon in Konquest. You have to think for a minute. Stryker could be in the realm of Order aspiring to become a Seidan Guardsman. It could be foreshadowing. A lot of stuff in Konquest is canon...it just didn't happen exactly at that moment in time.
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12/18/2005 04:09 AM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
They never said what happened to Stryker. The side-missions in Konquest, like Stryker in Seido, aren't canon. He's most likely either dead or just chilling on Earth.

Not everything should be considered non-canon in Konquest. You have to think for a minute. Stryker could be in the realm of Order aspiring to become a Seidan Guardsman. It could be foreshadowing. A lot of stuff in Konquest is canon...it just didn't happen exactly at that moment in time.
Don't you learn somewhere in Konquest that he died? (Not that that really means much in MK.) smile
12/18/2005 04:29 AM (UTC)
Not that I know of.

Stryker should come back as a Seidan Guardsman. He could learn new tricks.

They could also exploit the fact that he's just a regular human being stuck in the middle of a raging war between gods and heroes.
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12/18/2005 04:42 AM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Not that I know of.

Stryker should come back as a Seidan Guardsman. He could learn new tricks.

They could also exploit the fact that he's just a regular human being stuck in the middle of a raging war between gods and heroes.

You know what? I'm actually warming to the idea...

Especially if instead of the Seiden headdress, he still wears a baseball cap. HA!
12/18/2005 04:49 AM (UTC)
Click on the bottom sig to find out why...
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
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"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
12/18/2005 04:52 AM (UTC)
Personally, I think he's baggin' groceries at the neighborhood Safeway for $6.45 an hour. Bet you he's using his nightstick to get the loaf of bread in the same bag as the eggs, two cartons of juice and the cookies. All while occasionally staring off into the sky thinking about the what if's of his life.

"What if I was more popular as a MK character? What if is didn't have a silly looking outfit? What if that little girl in the red slippers with the dog didn't leave saying that she'd miss me most of all? What if I could include sales tax on a head of lettuce without the aid of a calculator? Shiiiiiiiit! I'd be working the register by now instead of baggin this old hags' groceries while waiting for her to count out five dollars in nickles. furious"

*gives one last hard downward thrust into the grocery bag with his taped up nightstick as he gives a spiteful look to the old lady.*

"HELL! Nightwolf gets a second chance, but what about me? What about me!? WHAT ABOUT STRYKER!?"

Honestly, if he's seriously revamped as a character, I wouldn't mind seeing him again in a future game.

12/18/2005 05:05 AM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Not that I know of.

Stryker should come back as a Seidan Guardsman. He could learn new tricks.

They could also exploit the fact that he's just a regular human being stuck in the middle of a raging war between gods and heroes.

that's exatly why i think he's cool. he's like the dan turpin of mortal kombat. (movado's the batman.)
12/18/2005 05:56 AM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Not that I know of.

Stryker should come back as a Seidan Guardsman. He could learn new tricks.

They could also exploit the fact that he's just a regular human being stuck in the middle of a raging war between gods and heroes.

You know what? I'm actually warming to the idea...

Especially if instead of the Seiden headdress, he still wears a baseball cap. HA!

I'm gonna work on some Stryker sketches during the holidays. On Seidan Guardsman Stryker.

But of course, since he was the leader of the anti-riot patrol, he knows a thing or two about kicking asses.

My idea was making him the leader of a new stealth unit. Imagine Stryker as a mix between Solid Snake and Hotaru. grin

Stryker(and his unit) would be in charge of sneaking in secret bases or killing some ennemies without getting seen.

My original idea ended with Stryker's unit getting sent in the ChaosRealm to face Havik and half-ressurected and new clerick of Chaos Rain but we're talking about Stryker right now so let's forget Rain and Havik.

So...yeah...Stryker could have a new set of weapons and he could be a badass.
12/18/2005 01:56 PM (UTC)
Stryker must return.

He is so underrated, so underdeveloped....it would be awesome to see him improved, and to see people actually say they like him (like what happened to Sindel, Tanya, Nightwolf and Kabal).
12/18/2005 04:18 PM (UTC)
If he's alive, Stryker is probably still on duty in Earth as a riot cop. But it's never been said what became of him.

Although most people hate him, I would love to see Stryker make a comeback. His use of weapons rather than the usual magic powers or whatever was very unique, and surely there should be a more normal human fighter representing Earth. Just give him an actual SWAT uniform next time.

I'll admit he's not the most likely choice for a comeback, but Nightwolf was almost as despised as him in MK3/MKT, and he made it back, so never say never. Maybe he could be one of the fighters called to help out Fujin while Raiden's going crazy.

People complain about Stryker's outfit, and yes, it did indeed suck. But then again, a lot of MK3 era outfits sucked. These were the same games that gave us Nightwolf the blue spandex disco Indian, and turned Shang Tsung into a white guy with yellow tights and a crap wig. Suddenly, Stryker's choice of clothes don't seem so bad in comparison.
About Me

I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

12/18/2005 06:55 PM (UTC)
I thought Striker was captured in the first tournament?
12/18/2005 09:51 PM (UTC)
Stryker was introducted in MK3.

I think you're talking about Kano.
About Me

I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

12/19/2005 03:04 AM (UTC)
YaGreatness Wrote:
I thought Striker was captured in the first tournament?

I meant Striker's first tournament.grin
12/19/2005 04:25 AM (UTC)
He should return, but he needs a new look! He looks chubby in MK3,and nobody takes him seriously.Honestly he is the most orignal character in MK while everyone and there dog has schlocky ninja moves and magic he arms himself to the teeth with firearms and explosives.No tonly that but he is the ONLY normal character, aside from all thedemons,ninjas,robots,ETC. They can redo anyone they please,if they can redo Ermac, the Generic,low-tier,and unoriginal ninja who was made up by some idiot wanting attention they can redo anybody.All Stryker fans post now!
im not gonna make a big deal or trying to start up a debate. But i honestly think for the moment that if Midway/Boon decided to bring back stryker, he could be a redeemable character. Just give hime a very very very much character update and development. Just my opinionwink
12/22/2005 07:32 AM (UTC)
Yeah bring Curtis Stryker back! Completely revamped, along with Rain and Sheeva.
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12/22/2005 07:49 AM (UTC)
God forbid.
12/22/2005 08:00 AM (UTC)
What happened to Stryker? He simply went on with his life. What's he been doing these days? Who knows? Who cares? He's most likely chomping down on doughnuts and drinkin' his coffee.
12/22/2005 03:11 PM (UTC)
I like the idea of having Stryker involved with the Order realm, would be very interesting to see him as a Seidan guard. All I say is that he must return to be improved and get the respect he disserves. The MKD hints in the sky clouds were interesting, I think we should not take those as a joke.
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