What do you want to see changed in MK?
posted12/04/2006 05:22 AM (UTC)by
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07/30/2006 08:35 AM (UTC)
I don't think things will change much... We have always asked for quality in Mortal Kombat games, but we only get more of the same stuff. More characters, more arenas, more stupid storylines, more meaningless extras to keep our attention from what really matters: gameplay, graphics and originality. These have become non-existent in the latest MK games.
The MK series has long stopped making new fans, now old fans are getting dissapointed too.
11/15/2006 11:56 PM (UTC)
they need to change the grapics of fatilties and the grapics of blood
the boold looks horribleconfusedfurious
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11/16/2006 12:08 AM (UTC)
Make the gameplay better.Its always been stif and non responsive.
11/16/2006 12:21 AM (UTC)
RomanK Wrote:
Make the gameplay better.Its always been stif and non responsive.
11/16/2006 03:33 PM (UTC)
I want new fighting styles, new fatalities, more arial combat combos,
11/29/2006 11:44 PM (UTC)
They need to work on detail. Make the stages and characters life like. And fully thought out fighting styles and fatalitys.
11/30/2006 02:27 AM (UTC)
A few changes....

1. Smoother game play and enough with the 'canned' combos.
2. Some improvement in graphics/looks (Stop making the fighters look like action figures)
3. Restart the storyline. Keep some of the more popular characters, but start anew with a tournament and this time plan a ahead from the beginning at least a little in regards to the story.
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Shout out to sbdjuggalos he's the coolest dude.

11/30/2006 02:46 AM (UTC)
Just return it to 2D
11/30/2006 07:55 PM (UTC)
No more air juggles.
12/01/2006 12:46 AM (UTC)
no, graphic's isen't the problem, it's rushed story,rushed gameplay,rushed game. I want a MK game that actually lives up to the hype us fans create.
12/01/2006 04:29 AM (UTC)
uhh better graphics
more balance to the characters (i hate having tier lists cuz sum of my favorite characters are on the bottom)
expanded create a fighter maybe even able to unlock costumes from older mk games
and video endings that are good
12/01/2006 06:01 AM (UTC)
i would like to see them combine 2d characters with 3d arenas.

also someone said something about blood,i agree...the blood shouldnt be gushing so much....it should just go back to classic style of blood or atleast have it as an option.it was much better when it just splattered and spouted out.

i would really like to see a change of pace to the gameplay and would like to see an explosion of intensity when someone performs a brutal combo.

most of all i want to change is the seriousness....mk needs to get darker and less humor should be used in the series.its bad enough we have to deal with kid game like features (motor kombat for an example). if they want games like that...make them seperate from the main series and maybe with more time and effort put into motor komat....maybe...just maybe it could be a great on its own.
When designing the game play, go beyond bare bones design.

Make the combat resemble the fights in the MKD, MKDA and MKSM intro movies, Kung fu movies and real life.

I want to play a dark / serious fighter with highly detailed fighting arsenals.

Do away with the "distractions" and focus on making a great FIGHTING game, technically, visually etc.
The gameplay needs the most attention. graphics are fine some id say are stunning. Arena's are fine but dont want most of em having death traps, pit fatals are fine but death traps can be annoying aspecially when they are trigured accidently. overall though they need to focus on gameplay and balance issues it should be smoother. also i didn't like kreate a fatality it was far to generic. if mk8 is going to be on xbox 360 and ps3 i see no reason why we shouldn't be able to get old style fatality's done in a fmv format most fatalities are only about 10 seconds long anyway so it shouldn't be to hard
12/02/2006 03:13 AM (UTC)
The main thing i want is them to keep that 2D feeling. The gameplay doesnt feel like your some 500 pound bastard trying to do a jump with the 2D feeling. It makes much more fun to. It doesnt have to be aerial kombat i just want that feeling. Thats y im not such a big fane of MKDA and MKD.

(Well they alrady changed that for MKA i just hope that they keep it)
The death traps I think can stay, just make it so you need a pop up or some strong attack to knock the opponent in to them.

Like how it's kind of hard to knock the opponent out of the ring in The Soul Calibur games. You could call those SC death traps I guess, because they cause 100% damage.

The create a fatality should stay, but be made special for every character.

Something closer to the Ice shatter Fatality Sub Zero had in MK2. Mix stuff like that in with generic moves like a read rip or whatever and it'll be good.

In subsequent games, they could add more moves to that instead of replacing them with new ones. Or after a certain # of moves a character has, they don't need to add more for the next game. Just change an animation or edit the fighters martial art arsenal.
12/02/2006 05:24 AM (UTC)
- A darker atmosphere. No more kiddy bullshit. It’s supposed to be focused around young adults, 18+up.

- As much originality as possible with character’s designs. Really bring out each of their characteristics with each character.
12/02/2006 05:42 AM (UTC)
bleed Wrote:
Make the combat resemble the fights in the MKD, MKDA and MKSM intro movies, Kung fu movies and real life.

Yes, that's the main thing I'd like to see. The graphics should also be top notch, but that's expected for the new generation systems.

Also, I'd like a more menacing announcer... The Quan Chi/Onaga (Or whoever the hell it's supposed to be) voice is good, but it sounds ridiculous at times.
12/02/2006 08:49 PM (UTC)
No more dial a combo, stiff character crap! Bring back stage fatalities like the Bell Tower stage in MKA, that was great old school style. Make the characters look lifelike, at least more likelike than the next Tekken game. Bring back classic stages, but don't use a big platform as the arena. It should be like MKSM like ground platform, for example, the Deadpool and Pit 2 from that game.
12/02/2006 09:56 PM (UTC)
Bring back Jonh Tobias.
12/02/2006 11:29 PM (UTC)
to make the game, as borat would say, niiiice.......

-smaller roster with kharacter detail and thorough storylines
-REMOVE kreate a fatality and bring back koolness (mk team, if u run out of ideas there are ten fucking thousand ideas on this site)
-multiple throws with throw escapes
-endurance before sub boss

this is all for now..
Why do people keep saying remove the create a fatality?

The idea is good, it just needs to be made better.

Example (Scorpion)

Move 1 = MK2 Throat slash, opponent gargles and falls to their knees.

Move 2 = Scorpion does the clone summon from UMK3 or something similar. They rush the opponent and beat them down.

Move 3 = Clones back away and disappear, Scorpion pull off his mask and does the toasty to finish it off.

A lot of combinations can be made like this. Have character specific and some basic stuff in the fatality moves list to give the player more options.

IMO that's way better than going back to the old style.
12/03/2006 05:04 AM (UTC)
2D aint gonna happen, its almost imposiblefor it to happen for next gen consoles
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12/03/2006 07:25 AM (UTC)
There's a few of my opinions taken care of here, but I'll note anyway.

1. Darker Feel Altogether:
This means semi-sinful feel. Playing MK should feel like:
"You Know Better". Not: "O.k., let's see what this ones got in it."

It should compell an intense "care" for the character we pick when fighting with the character. Instead, for me, this is only a slight care and then disregaurd. How do you fix that?......

2. Deeper, more comprehensive overall and indiviual stories.

The inclusivity and evasive manuvers within the story have got to stop. It's really old by now. Sequences of events happen to people/characters, then they stop, then something else happens. What's going on thus far is alot of decipt for the players who "care" about any given character story wise.

This is one of the things I want to see changed in order to effect the story positively.

3. Gameplay should reflect that of the story. What the character has learned, came in contact with in the story, and so on.

I like the idea of trying 2D characteristics in a 3D world. That's a really good concept.

When I played MK1//2//3//U//T, I was just sure that I would soon be playing well choregraphed fights scenes. I just knew it. We were so close. Then the 3D thing happend to us.

I honestly believe technology will allow us "close enough" to this concept to suffice. Enough of us are asking for the same thing here, just different words constantly stating the same point differntly. 2D characters in a 3D world is FMV fight's scenes >> is choregraphed movie scenes.....

We wanna play 'em. That's the next step....But I've been wrong before.

4. Graphics should be spectacular. Fans are more wise to graphical make-up now, it will take more from new games to "wow" us. We've figured out alot of what it takes to get the look of these last few games and that's a no-no. It's similar to having the fans right there, looking over the creators shoulder or in the room when they do motion cap.

One thing though....
Why do I even know what motion capture is? And further more, why the hell do I know how it effects how my video game will act? What I'm saying here is that, there should be some new, unheard of "trick" they're fooling us all with as far as graphics.

5. I agree with Bleed again here on the create a fatalities. I've been saying this for a time now also that, if they took, and personalized each part of the "creation", there would be an uproar for more from this new fatality system.

Which brings me to this....

6. I see a major hole in the fact that we have a million things to do on the disc, but little by little, the more they add, the less these "extras" have to do with the game itself.

Mini-Games need to be relavant to the fight part of the game. Conquest needs to be either relavant to the fight part of the game or just be it's own game all together. Whatever's in the crypt or graveyard needs to be more relavant to the fight part of the game. This should also be "seemingly" endless and all relavant.

More purpose to the create a fighter. By that I mean, let us take the charater we make through conquest mode or something instead of repeadedly giving us a "New" character each game. Who can possibly care about a character we don't know, but are forced to play with in order to get what we want. Choice there would be nice.

STOP ADDING SHIT AND MAKE THE CORE BETTER. I wouldn't care nor notice that a "mini-game" or whatever was missing if the core part of the game was substaintially more interesting.

That's all for now, but there's always more......
12/03/2006 10:19 AM (UTC)
Take away Quan Chi's 'Magnet Force'.
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