More detailed intense gore (push the envelope again), expand the create a fatality (does this really need suggesting?) adding more fatalities that are original and not all the same for every character. But most importantly the fighting aspect having more to offer as mentioned which I think the MK Team should look at some of the threads on this website concerning the fighting. In order to make a perfect MK fighting game they must rid their time and effort toward side games and konquest. It does not mean a thing in the end. For the longevity of the game it has no use.

Keep create a fighter.

If they made Konquest, it should be played using your created fighter and be like Tekken Dojo so you fight your brains out (and learn your fighter) in order to get costumes and extra characters etc. They could have Midway created fighters to fight too. Generic ones too!

Oh yeah and stop making old moves like Sub Zeros freeze use a kick button. Follow some kinda uniform. Some characters punches are kicks for others and so on.
Give the different aspects of combat more variety. Give the player more options to work with.

Example = Upgrading the jumping attacks

Have the jump Kicks, punches and special moves lead to combos like in the old MKs, DOA, street fighter and Tao Feng.

In MK you can do juggles off a jump kick

In DOA jump kicks and punches stun the opponent, so you can get a standing combo or juggle.

In MK, street fighter and Tao feng, jump attacks can flow smoothly in to a standing combo.

And have some that just knock the opponent down or far away.

Not every character needs to have the same options. Picking and choosing what best fits certain fighters would help with balance and diversity.

By combos I mean strings, no more than 2-3 canned hits. There should be some way of escaping high damage situations whether it's standing combos or juggles. Nothing as easy as the breaker in MK, or the reversals in DOA.

They should be escapable without making combos useless.

This would mean something like a throw escape, or maybe something simpler that uses a power meter, so it can't be done too often.


I also want to see some dynamic camera work during a fight.

during canned sequences, the camera can zoom in to the torso, or to a fist hitting a face in slow motion.

These could have some variation so you don't get the same camera shot every time.

Basically, try as much as possible to make the fights look like something you would see in a movie.
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