What do you want from story mode?
posted06/09/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/15/2010 12:31 AM (UTC)
There has been a lot of speculation about the story but I haven't seen much talk about peoples expectations for the story mode of mk x. Not so much the story itself but what kind of improvement's or changes would you guys like to see. Personally I think there a few things that would drastically improve story mode.

The one thing everyone seems to agree on is letting us play as the villains. The villains (save for Scorpion) got no love in story mode. It was even worse for characters who weren't higher ups as they were treated as Saturday Morning henchman. Poor reptile only got one line lol *whisper*

Some of the quirky fights in Challenge tower could actually work in Story mode. Such as fighting multiple Tarkatans or the shooting mission Stryker did. There were others I can't really remember right now. But I remember thinking many of them would have worked in the main story.

Give us generic clones to fight. I don't want to fight Baraka 8 times and NOT kill him. This only adds to the Saturday morning henchman vibe the villains had. Let me fight a Tarkatan lacky instead, this also gives us the option to FINISH HIM! They are talking about a cinematic experience and the structure of MK9 (main characters constantly fighting each other) does not come to mind. Hoping some of these features make it in.

So what would you guys like to see?
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/05/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)

I want good lines.

Good Story (Kinda)

And each character mattering (Unless they aren't playable and not a boss)
06/05/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)
Someone other than Quan Chi not being a fucking braindead numbskull, for starters
06/05/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
Toss out the character chapters and idiot driven plot
06/05/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
I still say that the story itself wasn't bad at all. The execution was flawed because instead of finding logical ways to reach conclusions there were really silly contrivances everywhere that made certain characters (Raiden) look like idiots. I do like where the story ultimately ends and how the next game is set-up, I just wish they would've made the journey a bit more thoughtful.
06/05/2014 11:23 PM (UTC)
Ehh, the conclusion wasn't the greatest (imo). I wouldn't have minded it had Raiden not tried to sell his warriors souls to the Netherrealm (which doesn't make sense) only to find out Shao Kahn already did (which also doesn't make sense).

Even Dark Raiden couldn't wish to be as evil as The Blunder God accidentally was. He is responsible of the death of every hero but 2 after all. It took 10 in game years for them to finally kill Liu Kang.
06/06/2014 02:51 AM (UTC)
I want it to undo MK9.
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06/06/2014 02:55 AM (UTC)
^This nigga gets it.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/06/2014 03:17 AM (UTC)
For it not to be so repetitive.
06/06/2014 03:24 AM (UTC)
I wonder if it could be branching paths, RPG style. Where depending on your choices/how well you do, you get different outcomes/character deaths.

I think that could be neat in a "f#$@ the canon" kind of way... Everyone's earthrealm is a parallel world.
06/06/2014 03:26 AM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
What do you want from story mode?

For it to follow MK9.

I'm in no mood for do-overs or retcons.
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

06/06/2014 03:38 AM (UTC)
I want a quality, coherent story that's free of plot holes and logic errors. Drop the chapters and switch between characters and sides as the story demands it.

Also, give the characters more realistic lines, reactions, responses and a real range of believable qualities that culminate in deep, fully realized personalities and an emotional spectrum.

Give us motivations, unintended consequences, betrayals, characters plotting, romance, sex, loss, desperation, triumph, emptiness, pity, humor, rage, empathy, nervousness, agony, comfort, suspense... Ya know, use that huge cast of characters to tell a great story in story mode.

I'm not saying if has to be Written by Shakespeare and directed by Oliver Stone. I get it. Ninjas fighting robots fighting otherworldly emperors and beasts etc.

But there's still a lot more that characters can say and do and a lot more things that can happen that could add layers of quality, complexity and overall fun and player satisfaction to a mode that'll likely get a lot of attention from Boon and the gang.
06/06/2014 04:02 AM (UTC)
Yup I'm pretty much all on board with "make it better" lol. Motivation being a huge one and letting the villains shine. Let me use Reptile for an example, he was a lacky with one line (or whisper) yet his motivation is basically the exact same as scorpion. Yet he was reduced to a punching bag while scorpion is a tragic villain. The Shokan and Centuars are pretty much human in terms of alignment. Their not inherently good or evil, they have just fallen in line with the ruler of outworld (if you can't beat em join em)

I'm by no means saying "make the bad guys good guys". Just give them some motivation other than "I'm evil because that's just the way she goes". I'm hoping Lui Kang survived and forms his own alliance against outworld (free from crazy father time). I want different factions instead of the standard good vs evil.

As far as no plot holes go ... An easy way to go about this would be cutting the time travel. Hoping this multi-verse speculation is false, if not we may be out of luck on the plot hole end.
06/06/2014 04:14 AM (UTC)
Ugh I hate to use this comparison but more a Game of Thrones thing. EVERYONE falls in line with Shao Kahn. Yes people betray him but their aren't other factions. The only person who seems to have not fallen in line with him was essentially the devil. Millena is a bastard and seems to be an unfit ruler as she's far to chaotic. This might stir up a Game of ... Final Boss Thrones... That was terrible, I apologize. The Shokan, Centaurs, Rain and surviving Edenians... maybe the Tarkatan grow brains. A lot of potential fighting for control of Outworld.

Like mentioned earlier more than one GOOD faction would be great too. If Liu Kang survived he will form his own resistance. Perhapse the Special Forces don't trust men who can see the future and claims to the god of thunder, creating a few different factions at odds with each other.
06/06/2014 04:16 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I want a quality, coherent story that's free of plot holes and logic errors. Drop the chapters and switch between characters and sides as the story demands it.

Also, give the characters more realistic lines, reactions, responses and a real range of believable qualities that culminate in deep, fully realized personalities and an emotional spectrum.

Give us motivations, unintended consequences, betrayals, characters plotting, romance, sex, loss, desperation, triumph, emptiness, pity, humor, rage, empathy, nervousness, agony, comfort, suspense... Ya know, use that huge cast of characters to tell a great story in story mode.

I'm not saying if has to be Written by Shakespeare and directed by Oliver Stone. I get it. Ninjas fighting robots fighting otherworldly emperors and beasts etc.

But there's still a lot more that characters can say and do and a lot more things that can happen that could add layers of quality, complexity and overall fun and player satisfaction to a mode that'll likely get a lot of attention from Boon and the gang.

No matter the story, for me, ^THIS^ should come first. Make it GOOD first.

That being said, what comes next for me is: No more reboots/retellings or, for the sake of all that is holy, MKII do-overs.

I don't want to wait around for NRS to tell the same story over and over until they "get it right". Stick with waht you have, deal with the fallouts, and move ahead.

They could probably tell any story and I'd be happy, as long as it was good. Well written, good executions, and character development.
06/06/2014 04:19 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I want it to undo MK9.

What he said.

I really really want NRS to tell original timeline's story properly,but not now,maybe couple of years later.
06/06/2014 04:26 AM (UTC)
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I want it to undo MK9.

What he said.

I really really want NRS to tell original timeline's story properly,but not now,maybe couple of years later.

I'm sure they will....When Hell freezes over and pigs grow wings
06/06/2014 04:41 AM (UTC)
We already know that nothing is getting a "retelling." Why would anyone even want that? That story was already told. Lets move on in a new direction.

And I don't want to see sex in MK. Lets just leave that out. MK is pretty life or death in subject matter. I dont want to stop and watch Mileena bone Baraka...

Diversification of campaigns woukd be nice. Not just good vs evil.
06/06/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
We already know that nothing is getting a "retelling." Why would anyone even want that? That story was already told. Lets move on in a new direction.

And I don't want to see sex in MK. Lets just leave that out. MK is pretty life or death in subject matter. I dont want to stop and watch Mileena bone Baraka...

Diversification of campaigns woukd be nice. Not just good vs evil.

I think the idea behind mentioning sex is just further developing characters. Sex is an important part of life. By saying you wish sex to be included, especially in context (the context being that MK needs a more thought out execution of its story), it doesn't mean you want to stop the story to see Mileena bone Baraka.

It doesn't even mean you have to see it at all. Sex just fits into a much larger list of other universal normalities that MK could draw from to get players more invested in their characters, and thus, story.
This what i want from Story Mode

Cyber Raiden
Cyber Reptile
Cyber Scorpion
Cyber Jax
Cyber Sonya
Cyber Katana
Cyber Mileena
Cyber Quan Chi
Cyber Noob Saibot
Cyber Smoke
Cyber Liu Kang
Cyber Blaze
Cyber Bo Rai Cho
Cyber Drahmin
Cyber Tremor
Cyber Johnny Cage
Cyber Taven
Cyber Daegon
Cyber Sindel
Cyber Skarlet
Cyber MoKap
Cyber Shang Tsung
Cyber Shao Kahn
Cyber Rain
Cyber Kobra
Cyber Kira
Cyber Sareena
Cyber Kano
Cyber Hornbuckle
Cyber Ermac
Cyber Sub-Zero
Cyber Reiko
Cyber Tanya
Cyber Jade
Cyber Nitara
Cyber Ashrah
Cyber Shujinko
Cyber Chameleon
Cyber Khameleon
Cyber Stryker
Cyber Kabal
Cyber Dairou
Cyber Jarek
Cyber Darrius
Cyber Fujin
Cyber Mavado
Cyber Hotaru
Cyber Havik
Cyber Nightwolf
Cyber Kai
Cyber Kenshi
Cyber Hsuhao
Cyber Kunglao
Cyber Shinnok
Cyber Li Mei
Cyber Frost
Cyber Sheeva
Cyber Kintaro
Cyber Goro
Cyber Motaro
Cyber Baraka
Cyber Moloch
Cyber Meat
Cyber Kia
Cyber Jataaka
Human Sektor
Human Cyrax

Just kidding hehe...
06/06/2014 05:38 AM (UTC)
I want the ability to put the combos and special moves right on the screen, just like I could do in Injustice.

My biggest complaint about MK9's story mode was being thrown into battle with a character I knew jack shit about.

Otherwise, I thought MK9's Story Mode was amazing.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/06/2014 06:46 AM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
This what i want from Story Mode

Cyber Raiden
Cyber Reptile
Cyber Scorpion
Cyber Jax
Cyber Sonya
Cyber Katana
Cyber Mileena
Cyber Quan Chi
Cyber Noob Saibot
Cyber Smoke
Cyber Liu Kang
Cyber Blaze
Cyber Bo Rai Cho
Cyber Drahmin
Cyber Tremor
Cyber Johnny Cage
Cyber Taven
Cyber Daegon
Cyber Sindel
Cyber Skarlet
Cyber MoKap
Cyber Shang Tsung
Cyber Shao Kahn
Cyber Rain
Cyber Kobra
Cyber Kira
Cyber Sareena
Cyber Kano
Cyber Hornbuckle
Cyber Ermac
Cyber Sub-Zero
Cyber Reiko
Cyber Tanya
Cyber Jade
Cyber Nitara
Cyber Ashrah
Cyber Shujinko
Cyber Chameleon
Cyber Khameleon
Cyber Stryker
Cyber Kabal
Cyber Dairou
Cyber Jarek
Cyber Darrius
Cyber Fujin
Cyber Mavado
Cyber Hotaru
Cyber Havik
Cyber Nightwolf
Cyber Kai
Cyber Kenshi
Cyber Hsuhao
Cyber Kunglao
Cyber Shinnok
Cyber Li Mei
Cyber Frost
Cyber Sheeva
Cyber Kintaro
Cyber Goro
Cyber Motaro
Cyber Baraka
Cyber Moloch
Cyber Meat
Cyber Kia
Cyber Jataaka
Human Sektor
Human Cyrax

Just kidding hehe...

A friend of mine wants cyber scorpion.

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06/06/2014 06:47 AM (UTC)
If we can just expand the evil characters beyond just being decorated punching bags that would be greeeeeeat.
06/06/2014 11:05 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I want it to undo MK9.

^ This.

About Me

06/06/2014 11:21 AM (UTC)
One simple thing: ENTERTAIN. That is the purpose.

MK is not A farewell to arms, neither does it need to pretend to be something what it is not.

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