08/19/2014 12:01 PM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho will be the only shoe in, because Ed Boon only cares for boring, farting and silly humor.

The real joke is Rain.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

08/19/2014 12:56 PM (UTC)
I really want him, but I feel like Reiko is one of those characters whos well liked among the MK forums, but pretty anonymous to the average gamer.

Still, I really want him, he is my favourite MK4 character and his gameplay in MKA was IMO the best out of the 60+ fighters, I'd love to see that on the 2D plane. Also I loved him in that games Konquest, he had a small part obviously but he left a great impression, I liked his personality.

As for the storymode in MKX, he is one of the Bros in the hood of Shadow, so that makes him important. I'd love to see a sub-plot of him desperately looking for Shao Kahns helmet or something like that.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/19/2014 01:07 PM (UTC)
Reiko is a shoe-in.

Whether it's on the initial roster or DLC.

We will get him.
About Me

08/19/2014 01:18 PM (UTC)
I say Reiko doesn't have a huge chance of making it in initially, but with enough fan support he could be a shoe-in for DLC. I'd like to see Reiko make it, but I really don't expect many characters from MK4 and there are others who could be more important to the story (Shinnok, Fujin, Quan Chi).

I'd much rather Tanya over Mileena or Kitana and I feel Tanya has a better chance of making it than Reiko, but I think we may have to wait for DLC to see her too.
08/19/2014 01:18 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
I really want him, but I feel like Reiko is one of those characters whos well liked among the MK forums, but pretty anonymous to the average gamer.

The reason for that is because he hasn't been in alot of games. Of course characters like Sub-Zero, Kitana and Raiden are easily recognized by the "average gamer" because they have been in most of the games, had alot of screentime.

Which is exactly why Reiko should return. Because then he'd be in more games, have more screentime, get the chance to be a recognizable character and not one of the more obscure ones that are being left behind.

The only thing that stands in the way is if NRS wants him to or not.
08/19/2014 03:31 PM (UTC)
What are the chances of Reiko returning?
None. At least not in MKX.
He is obsolete half-clone of both Shao Kahn and Noob Saibot. Everything that he can or could do, those two did better.

Without major revamping he is worthless and it would be easier to create a completely new good character, than brainstorming about how to make half-ased Noob's clone an interesting fighter in terms of both appearance and gameplay.
08/19/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
I'm thinking he will be in.I do have a Q:Why does Reiko hate my boy so much.Don't make me sic the dogs on em.I'll do it!!!
08/20/2014 05:17 AM (UTC)
SithmasterB Wrote:
I'm thinking he will be in.I do have a Q:Why does Reiko hate my boy so much.Don't make me sic the dogs on em.I'll do it!!!

Well, Quan Chi is a major asshole for one. I'm sure there are lots of reasons to why anyone should hate Quan Chi. It's not like he's very likeable in the first place. He manipulates everyone around him and is quite the backstabber.
08/20/2014 06:44 AM (UTC)
I'm rooting for a Reiko comeback. Not as badly as I want the return of Tanya, but I'm rooting nonetheless. Reiko played an important role in Shinnok's life (and we all so Shinnok at the end of MK9), and part of his story is that he's always craved power, so I think he would fit in well with that aspect of MKX.
08/20/2014 07:58 AM (UTC)
This all comes down to personal opinion, obviously, but Reiko holds absolutely zero appeal to me as a character. He would honestly benefit from a thorough revision in terms of both design and gameplay, yet there are still LOADS of potential characters who could yield more exciting results (and easily garner more interest) if they were to be revamped. As for his chances of making it in... I don't see him as main roster material. Hell, I actually don't see him as DLC material, either, considering NRS wouldn't pass off an opportunity to make some quick cash by reintroducing their most recognizable veterans.
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