What are some personalities we DO NOT have in MK?
posted06/15/2008 08:55 AM (UTC)by
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05/29/2006 11:42 PM (UTC)
Take a look at the roster so far...

What do you see?

Now, if you were gonna make a new character type that hasn't ever been there before, what are some of them? They don't have to be "monsters"....but what isn't there?


I thought about these:

1. The "Urban" personality - Somebody who is technically "from the hood". Like, they grew up and wanted to be a basketball player, and then a rapper, but something happened to them early in age (think, about 9-13yrs old), to "have greatness thrusts upon them"(gotta get rid of all the bs and find the truth ect)...Judgmental, which benefits them most of the time, but really hurts when proven wrong. .So he//she switched into some kind of formal art or career path. Nowadays that could be anybody. A black guy, white guy, Latin dude...even a Asian cat. Females subjected to the same conditions and limitations...

Doesn't wear anything formal really...just a regular person, from this kind of background(so they are susceptible to a couple fads), and that has a knack for the way the body moves in a fight. (represents "me"...sorta)

2. The "Burglar"//"Thief" - This is the "worm" or the scum of the earth character. Steals compulsively, accepting of heinous crimes against humanity because he feels like the world owes him. Enjoys the exploits of women, and has a sickening view on society. "FTW", type, so he robs everybody mercilessly. (I've been like this, and know plenty of people like this in real life)

3. The "Head Case" ("Psychopath // Bi Polar // Schizophrenic // Obsessive Compulsive")- We don't really have an anti social character on the roster...We don't have a character on the roster who is mentally challenged critically like this. Something I think people have at least a caution about when they are around them. (I have an uncle who is ex military and is Schizophrenic with th multiple personalties..takes pills all the time ect.. )

4. The "Slob" - Well, you get it. Dude is a mess(not grotesque, not deformed...maybe has a physical handicap like a pre-existing broken ankle, that makes him walk badly or something)............but he can fight REAL good for some reason.

...Some people can draw, or are good at math..but this dude? he's just dirty for no reason...but he can fight real good.


So what do you think? What's not there on the roster already? Draw from anything, movies, personalities in your real life...whatever.
02/10/2008 11:47 AM (UTC)
Well, "The Slob" is kind of like Bo' Rai Cho, so we can kind of cross him off the list. Unless you mean someone with one arm or one leg. That would be pretty cool. Make him an old martial arts master who does not believe in using technology to mend his wounds, and despite losing an arm, he is still one of the best warriors in the world one-handed.

In a later installment, a real big menace can show up, which freaks this guy out, so he actually agrees to let Sonya Blade provide him with the technology to get a metal arm (as kind of an homage to Jax, who I don't think will be returning), and he can kick ass with two arms.

Kenshi was blind, though. That was kind of disabled.

The head case is kind of interesting, but to a certain degree, all the characters in the Mortal Kombat universe are pretty much psychotic. I would not mind someone completely maniacal, though. Either an Earthrealm fighter, who eats flesh, or something creepy like that, or someone of a different race who just kills for the love of killing, regardless of who he kills. Maybe make him like a shark? They need to keep moving or else he'll die. Maybe have him cursed by a sorcerer so if he does not end lives at a consistent pace, he dies.

The thief is interesting. That is kind of what the Black Dragon, Red Dragon, and all those criminal organisations are, but I can see some kind of foreign creature, really lanky and quite flexible with his combat who slinks around, and despite being really capable, is not in there to fight, but rather to achieve some bizarre goal of their own.

The urban character has kind of been done, to be honest. Sadly, it seems they tried to give Stryker an urban cop image, and Jax kind of seems like he's meant to have roots in the ghetto, or something. But if I did need to create a character like that, I'd have a little girl who grew up in a poor family, and at a young age came to face the fact she would probably need to prostitute herself to support herself. She ran into some old guy who taught her some martial arts for free, so she could defend herself, and she discovered that she had a gift for it, and the discipline and honour her master taught her liberates her from the thought of limits, and selling herself, and she literally fights her way out of the slums by using martial arts.

Her master could be a secret character in the game, or even a playable one in the next game.

About Me

Creator of John the MK Janitor.

02/10/2008 01:40 PM (UTC)
How about:

an athlete...
and a basket case...
a princess...
and a criminal...
Does that answer your question?
Sncerely..the breakf...err McDaniel
02/10/2008 02:24 PM (UTC)
To Pred: Number 3 is what I'd like to see the most. There's a character like that in the MK: Resurrection fanfic that DNOMYTE, Paragon, and I have been working on. If you have some time, please check it out and let us know what you think.

I think with choice number 1, it seems that it was an early back story idea for Darrius. Given the way Jax has been since MKDA (or maybe even MKSF), he might fit into this particular category.

Another character type we haven't seen in MK is a character who has a twisted sense of beauty. That's something I implemented for a character that DNOMYTE created, whose name is Kaosu.

To McDaniel: We have several criminals in MK already (e.g. Black Dragon members, Red Dragon members).
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02/10/2008 04:37 PM (UTC)
Well what about these:

A Paranoid man or woman(also a true Scaredy-cat)

An Extremely sweet/nice person
(with no boldness; let's others take advantage of them.
Can be both good and bad for the good or evil alliances)

A very Slow person (a little bit dumbfounded; thinks that being defeated is the true meaning of being a warrior)

Showstopper (thinks that he/she has to constantly show off to be seen as really cool. Shows off with many powers and gets weak/tired quickly.
That can't be good, because now their enemy almost knows their every move.)

An Articulate, Intelligent person (uses smarts, science, etc, to rule their every move/thought/suggestion.)

That's all I can think of now.
ThePredator151 Wrote:

I thought about these:

1. The "Urban" personality - Somebody who is technically "from the hood". Like, they grew up and wanted to be a basketball player, and then a rapper, but something happened to them early in age (think, about 9-13yrs old), to "have greatness thrusts upon them"(gotta get rid of all the bs and find the truth ect)...Judgmental, which benefits them most of the time, but really hurts when proven wrong. .So he//she switched into some kind of formal art or career path. Nowadays that could be anybody. A black guy, white guy, Latin dude...even a Asian cat. Females subjected to the same conditions and limitations...

Doesn't wear anything formal really...just a regular person, from this kind of background(so they are susceptible to a couple fads), and that has a knack for the way the body moves in a fight. (represents "me"...sorta)

2. The "Burglar"//"Thief" - This is the "worm" or the scum of the earth character. Steals compulsively, accepting of heinous crimes against humanity because he feels like the world owes him. Enjoys the exploits of women, and has a sickening view on society. "FTW", type, so he robs everybody mercilessly. (I've been like this, and know plenty of people like this in real life)

3. The "Head Case" ("Psychopath // Bi Polar // Schizophrenic // Obsessive Compulsive")- We don't really have an anti social character on the roster...We don't have a character on the roster who is mentally challenged critically like this. Something I think people have at least a caution about when they are around them. (I have an uncle who is ex military and is Schizophrenic with th multiple personalties..takes pills all the time ect.. )

4. The "Slob" - Well, you get it. Dude is a mess(not grotesque, not deformed...maybe has a physical handicap like a pre-existing broken ankle, that makes him walk badly or something)............but he can fight REAL good for some reason.

...Some people can draw, or are good at math..but this dude? he's just dirty for no reason...but he can fight real good.


So what do you think? What's not there on the roster already? Draw from anything, movies, personalities in your real life...whatever.
Hell ,I've got a character for the first three.

Hood Character=Oz
Oz was orginally a hood Garage mechanic. . .until the ghost of Shao Kahn took over. Though Kahn takes the reins for many of Oz's Functions, Oz himself uses a Quasi-self-developed style of Kickboxing for street fights. Outfit is a du-rag, sunglasses and pants. Yes, I needed the du-rag.

Thief Character=Outlaw
Outlaw is based on the Newgrounds villain known as Convict. For anyone who hasn't played NG Rumble, Convict is a ruthless shapeshifter bent on world conquest with a sharp sense of style. Outlaw is kinda toned down on the motives end. All Outlaw wants is power and fame. He probably will have a prision garb and uses the art of Judo to augment his shapeshifting skills.

Nutcase: I actually put Mileena to this spot. As she goes berserk, she blacks out, not recalling a thing and being blamed for her rage. She gets blamed enough times that her mind just snaps in two. She is then sent to an aslyum to sort out her issues until Oz springs her from jail to get help for the throne.

Slob: I got none. Whoops.
02/10/2008 08:13 PM (UTC)
McDaniel Wrote:
How about:

an athlete...
and a basket case...
a princess...
and a criminal...
Does that answer your question?
Sncerely..the breakf...err McDaniel

We already have a princess...

An amazon
A priest
A necromancer
A Hades/Satan like creature
And a shmob...

About Me

Creator of John the MK Janitor.

02/10/2008 08:35 PM (UTC)
wow, i must be too old to come here, no one got that breakfast club reference...
02/11/2008 01:01 AM (UTC)
McDaniel Wrote:
wow, i must be too old to come here, no one got that breakfast club reference...

I got it.

Anyways I think we need a psychopath.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/11/2008 01:43 AM (UTC)
MK doesn't have a teenaged Japanese school girl with an absurdly short skirt.

No seriously though that's a traditional fighting game styled character that MK has never had though. MK's never had a Ling Xiaoyu/Asuka Kazama/Sakura Kasugano/Hitomi/etc. styled character for better or worse.
02/11/2008 11:31 PM (UTC)
A goth type character.

And to mk gurl, I created a character that is very smart and tactical.
He is in my mk fanfic on the site called kamidogu.com.

Here's a link for anyone interested.


I am under the Future Mk threads. Enjoy.
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02/13/2008 05:45 AM (UTC)
Here are a few of my ideas:

An Operative/Spy Type: I know that we've had Special Forces, and we've had stealthy ninjas, but the special forces types are mainly military types. I'm talking about the type of character that works for a clandestine secret government organization. They use disguises and misinformation as well as deadly martial arts and small weapons/explosives to accomplish their goals without raising their profile.

An Old Sage type: I kinda wish that MK had a good, wisdom imparting old man. Bo Rai Cho has a young appearance (I know he's thousands of years old) and Shujinko isn't exactly wise. I'd like to see this type of teacher character, one that has the power and surprising quickness to to take bigger foes off guard, but is calm and gentle enough to guide warriors and aid them in their quests.

The Fallen Athlete type: An example might be TJ Combo from Killer Instinct, but the character could also be a "wrongly accused" type or maybe a character that was disgraced and destroyed by the media. Either way, he'd be a redemption type character who might not be in the tournament for the right reasons, but could possibly change as time goes on.

The Psycho: As others have said, I want to see a human being who has been stripped of his sanity. He's not a tool of some higher power, but rather, a smart and methodical wild card who loves the taste of blood and wants nothing more than to end people's lives. He/she should have a reason for being so crazy that's dark, sickening and grown up in origin and their story should be open ended in terms of what lies ahead for them.

The Divine Beauty: This character type is the radiant character that's practically glowing. Think Sophitia/Casandra from Soul Calibur. A character that could be mistaken for a heavenly being. Or, maybe she is a heavenly being, fighting for the Elder Gods. Either way, a bright and shining character would be a good opposite to the rest of the game's dark nature and aesthetics. It would emphasize the character that much more, and she doesn't actually have to be a good character, perhaps the Gods view of Earthrealm has changed and she is bringing righteous divine retribution?

The Succubus: Sort of the temptress stereotype here. The woman with false beauty who can shape shift from being a demon to pass as a human. She could be a gypsy type that has powers stemming from the earth and magic spells that may alter the opponent temporarily. She works for a greater power and uses her abilities to cloud people's minds and enfeebles their will.

The Ronin: I don't really see this type much in fighting games, but a ronin, to the best of my knowledge is a samurai that disgraced himself and thus walks the world alone with no clan affiliation. Perhaps a sort of modern day ronin, a character who is down on his/her luck, cursed to wander the world alone after an event in their mystery shrouded past doomed them for the rest of their days. Will they ever find redemption within themselves? The clan that they betrayed or disgraced?

Well, those are a few of my ideas of characters that I'd like to see. Nice idea for a thread. I like where it's going so far!

About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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02/13/2008 07:12 AM (UTC)
You know, as good as the ideas in this thread are, I realized that alot of them are a consequence of not having the 60+ characters that are there already, fleshed out.

Alot of the characters that are there, merely "have the potential" to be a few of the things that are mentioned in this thread. They're just....not done. Like, not finished, or completed properly. Not rounded off...ect.

I think what would help would be different little tidbits or "personality disorders". Little things that make characters even more unique in some way.

1. For instance, we don't have a vegetarian. (wait) Even though we could probably assume that the Shaolin Monks are not carnivores based on the practices and religious believes of real Shaolin Monks.

2. We don't have a character who is riddled with guilt. Someone who is simply fighting to prove that life is worth living,....fighting out of desperation to "feel something"....anything.

3. We don't have a character who is laden with pet peeves. Obsessive compulsive fits here...but think more like that T.V. show "Monk". The guy can't stand it if everything is not in tidy and in order. Imagine a weird element like that in MK.

4. We don't have a character who has convinced them-self that they are sick all the time. Someone who is desensitized to the point that they feel the world and it's societies are irrefutably....critically flawed to a political and scientific point. "Emo" could fit here just based off popular stereotypes and how that could match up, but this character should be the epidemically ironic character. Serendipity(good luck//bad luck) should have fun with this character regardless of his//her strengths.

5. Even though the Sindel//Kitana relationship is there...we still really don't have a "Mother" figure on the roster. Or for that matter a "Father" figure. Someone who will sacrifice everything AND them-self for the sake of a child who is somehow, consequently involved in Mortal Kombat. Parenting draws out some of the most extreme qualities in a person. To a critical fault too, especially if a threat presents itself directly to the child(ren) in question.

I think this personality would fair much better if this was the "Stryker" character. The one who was just thrown into this mess without having asked to be. All they wanna do is take care of their child......but someone knows that they are an excellent fighter.....

So anyway, what do you guys think of that pathway? Certainly little things like that can help understand a character better, and help flesh them out more without going too far into them.

I allows us to "interpret" and to take what we want from them, to mold them in our own minds what we see in them...It's a passive mystery approach instead of the blunt "UNKNOWN" that we usually get when we look into a characters background and profile.....

Certain things are better unsaid in this instance, because we can kind of "guess" what kind of person they might be if we knew them in real life....Making them more realistic, and allowing us to care about the characters in a way we haven't seen since Mk1-T. Even though this is the next gen stuff now.
02/15/2008 04:37 AM (UTC)
I was just going to say MK needs a Psychopath seriously, the mood of the series would fit a new pychopath character WELL!

Another idea I had, is this as crazy as it sounds I think it could be possible.

-A sexual freak or perhaps a rapist/killer, I think personally they'd get away with this if they made a female sex addict that seduces guys then kills them, this character can be a target for the Special Forces or something to go after.

-Another idea is Robot/Machine: Now, before people say we have them already, no what we have are Cyborgs=part human, part machine not 100% machine. I'm talking like a straight out Terminator(without the skin) a machine that fights, kills. No human involvement what so ever, but perhaps made by say Sektor or someone new entirely.

-Alien-We haven't had any alien like characters as of yet but honestly, we've had or seen just about everything else so why not? We've seen the crazy, insane powers, Gods, mutants, humans, Vampires, cyborgs...I don't see an alien being that far fetched to be honest.

02/15/2008 05:28 PM (UTC)
how about a nerd type mk don't have one of these
or a cowboy Texan stereo type with a cool cowboy hat
02/19/2008 07:31 AM (UTC)
Well even though we have characters with special powers, I don't really recall any that have a flare such as Springheel Jack or the Mothman. Which are all linked to being creatures/anomalies.

For those of you unaware of Springheel Jack, this creature is said to have a male, human like appearance and with a very ugly face. It has pointed ears, can blow bue flames from out it's mouth, has red glowing eyes, sharp claws/fingers, is dressed in a black silk looking jumpsuit, wears a cape and a metal helmet, has sort of long hair and can leap a great distance at will.

Here is an artists rendering of it (clcik on the images to enlarge)

Then there is the Mothman which has different artist depictions.

Also what about a gargoyle type creature?

I'n not specifically saying I want to see the equivalent of Springheel Jack, Mothman or a gargoyle but maybe carry on some of their attributes over to a new characters design.

02/19/2008 11:05 PM (UTC)
I'd like to add to my already posted ideas.

How about...

-A new character that has a story inspired by "The Flash" not movewise, but origin wise. Say a scientist/fighter type that created an experiment that went wrong and exploded, the explosion caused after effects/side effects giving him powers of some kind tto help his own cause whatever they may be.

-I don't know about anyone else but this other idea I have is somewhat religious so I'm not sure how this would work but have a "demon" like character literally from hell or perhaps netherrealm to fight/rival an angel type character. He should look like a demon like say from Constantine, something along those looks.

-Same as above idea, but counterpart and angel like character to rival a demon like character. But instead (since it's a game and not to cause controversy that MK is known for lol) have the Angel dude be created by the Elder Gods from the Heavens and have the Demon from Netherrealm, MK's versions of "Heaven and Hell"glasses BTW, the angel character should have wings similar to Hawkman/Arcangel

-Vigilante type character, similar to Stryker but "off the books" fighter against Crime, a Batman/Casey Jones type if you will that can fight, I guess say the opposite of Kobra in a lot of ways. A badass but a good guy badass with gadgets, sick weapons of his own imagination.
02/19/2008 11:28 PM (UTC)
i second the people that said something about a psycho character, because i'll admit Havik was a lil bit nuts, as was drahmin, but they weren't really stripped of their sanity.

how bout if there is a psycho character, make him be from chaosrealm -- firstly, 'cause havik is the only one thus far, and secondly it fits perfectly!
Some new ideas!

-A dichotomous character (Like Two-Face, etc.) kinda divided between the light and darkness. My example was a demon who survived a blow from the Datusha.

-A gargoyle as -Storyteller- noted. I personally was inspired by the Disney series, which inspired a series of characters, which inspired my final concept.

-A real shapeshifter.

-A pacifist Tarkatan.

-A Necrid-styled fighter. Of course, she gets more balance.

-A (transforming) vehicle boss.

-A knight from the Middle Ages.
02/24/2008 02:30 PM (UTC)
i just don't want to see:

-militar/hitman/mecenary like Nina and bryan of Tekken,Doctrine Dark and Sharon from Street Fighter,Leon and Bayman from Doa,etc

-Cyborg,high tech characters....
-old master,Bruce Lee wannabe,demons,mnster,etc
-a sport player,like football player,wrestlers,shoot fighter,et similia
-zombie guy
-half-bitch character(look at Anna in tekken)
-no manga style little girl like Xiaoyou of Tekken and 3/4 of female characters of Doa
-no characters punk style,with pink,green or blue hair,etc
-no street tughs,rapper style,with black skin,tatoos,reverse hat,low cut pants,jewels,goledn watches,etc


-mafia realted guy,with elegants clothers,cool weapons..similar to Agent 47,something similar to mercenary guy,ut different from the unoriginal characters mentioned in point 1
-a cool "common" guy,a hero without ideals,like Wolverine or better kenshi.
a guy who ask himself "what the hell i'm doing here?do i really care about the battle between Good and Evil?
-revenge guy:ok,you'll hate me for this,but i like scorpion's revenge storylnes with Subby and Quan Chi.
-someone alienated from society..a guy with infective ills,prejudices from other people like(girls thinks he is gay even tough he is not,or his friend believes he dowsn't have shower or don't wash himself).Ok it's not cool but it's original
-an esalted guy,like leonidas from 300,a strong guy who fights fro glory and..madness
-a pregnant girl who have to defend his son,chosen by Elder Gods to save earthrealm....try to image a young and beauty looking woman who had been raped or just have a son that have to be killed by forces of evil...and she have to defend her own son before he born
-some Satanic elated stuff...not a simply demon,but someone form masonery,skull & bones,exotery,paranormal,darkness and black magic...someone who wants power and is looking for some special item such the Graal,Longino spear,and other mystical stuff
02/26/2008 11:00 PM (UTC)
we do not have a sexual devient who praves on young women and is not afraid of getting caught or is not afraid of the consequences.

we do not have a viking who loves to kill and plunder anyone and everything in its path.

we dont have a warrior such as spartan or barbarian who does not want to fight unless they have to in order to protect themself and there family.

drug addict with hallucinations- does not care why they harmself even if it relaxes them but panics while seeing strange things and is very dangerous.

amazon- loves and protects the forrest while helping the enviornment and the people in it.

wrestler- similar to rey mysterio who is a luch librai but moves faster then king in the tekken games.

have more but cant think right now. tell me what you think.
02/26/2008 11:05 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
we do not have a sexual devient who praves on young women and is not afraid of getting caught or is not afraid of the consequences.

we do not have a viking who loves to kill and plunder anyone and everything in its path.

we dont have a warrior such as spartan or barbarian who does not want to fight unless they have to in order to protect themself and there family.

drug addict with hallucinations- does not care why they harmself even if it relaxes them but panics while seeing strange things and is very dangerous.

amazon- loves and protects the forrest while helping the enviornment and the people in it.

wrestler- similar to rey mysterio who is a luch librai but moves faster then king in the tekken games.

have more but cant think right now. tell me what you think.

Most of those ideas already exist or are taken from a game.I don't know if you did that intentionally or if those were the ideas you thought out yourself.
03/22/2008 11:02 AM (UTC)
Wow I can't believe I haven't noticed this thread yet.

I'd like to see something like the average joe...He is a normal person with no significant powers whatsoever and has to be really resourceful in what moves he does E.G. Eye poke, groin kick and the pulling of hair (If no hair biting).

And his weapons would have to be things like snooker cues, pots and pans and perhaps furniture.

In the story it would be good to see the character evolve and have a greater knowledge of the mortal kombat tournament.

Like Shujinko he goes around taking lessons from people but he eventually merges all martial arts he has learned into his own form of kombat.


It would be quite cool to see the stereotypical lieutenant. Who insults everybody calling them name like maggot and puss ball. I can't really think of what he could have as a melee weapon...perhaps a whip? But he could have a special were he whips out a pistol and it goes into slow motion and the player has to quickly press a combination of buttons resulting in a very cool gun maneuver.

I only really see this character as being sort of the joke one...And in his story he dies.

As for his hand to hand kombat I'd like to see more of a brawler style...Using his fists a lot without making it look particularly aesthetically pleasing.


I'd like to see sort of a super hero character with his own special ability. And he can turn that ability into a weapon like Sub-Zero or Frost.

In story lines I can see the character being gullible enough to get tricked by a bad guy I.E Shang Tsung or Quan Chi and getting his power taken away somehow.

And him trecking all the realms trying to recover his powers but to no avail.

when he has his powers intact he should have very sophisticated martial arts styles.

But his special moves would make up most of his arsenal.


How about a character with no emotions whatsoever sort of the relentless killing machine.

Who in his storyline eventually gets in touch with his emotions.

He would have common martial styles with maybe kodachi swords.

I would like the idea of a special move where it is really REALLY hard to pull off but when you do it's almost a one hit KO.

That's all I got.

03/22/2008 02:35 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
I was just going to say MK needs a Psychopath seriously, the mood of the series would fit a new pychopath character WELL!

Another idea I had, is this as crazy as it sounds I think it could be possible.

-A sexual freak or perhaps a rapist/killer, I think personally they'd get away with this if they made a female sex addict that seduces guys then kills them, this character can be a target for the Special Forces or something to go after.

-Another idea is Robot/Machine: Now, before people say we have them already, no what we have are Cyborgs=part human, part machine not 100% machine. I'm talking like a straight out Terminator(without the skin) a machine that fights, kills. No human involvement what so ever, but perhaps made by say Sektor or someone new entirely.

-Alien-We haven't had any alien like characters as of yet but honestly, we've had or seen just about everything else so why not? We've seen the crazy, insane powers, Gods, mutants, humans, Vampires, cyborgs...I don't see an alien being that far fetched to be honest.

Oh my God, those ideas is what MK DEFINATELY should have! I mean it, come on, name a game where you control a sexual prediator? That would be a very BIG twist on a game like MK! With your idea about having a female sex freak, have her be very acrobatic (Like Gloria in DMC4) (Okay, this sounds so lesbianish) But with a guy... i dunno, pulling it off with a guy might be hard, unless you make him look like Jason Vorhees or something. Make him look so evil, if MK8 has weapons, a merchette (Is that how you spell it) or a big knife or something.

You abosultely correct about MK not having a 100% cyborg. And when they create this cyborg, he shouldn't look like Sektor or Cyrax, I'm not saying Smoke becasue they tottally ruined his appearance. But still, This Cyborg should be evil as well. His/Her story should be about something like:

A cyborg from another planet recently crashed into Earthrealm or the other realms depending how you look at this guy, and starts killing everything it sees. The boss in MK (Whoever they are) have the cyborg creature compete in MK to see how deadly this cyborg really is... or something like that.

Or you have it to where it was an experiement gone wrong. Let's say from one of the different clans created the cyborg and somehow in the creation something went wrong.

And with the alien, I wouldn't mind if there were aliens in the game. But I would like to see more evil characters in the game. Have a few good guys.

I like my idea about having an Amazon in the game. Think of it, MK wsa being held somewhere near the Amazon Jungles, disturbing everything near the jungle and the leader of the Amazon joins MK to somehow put an end to MK for good.

A necromancer would be interesting becuase we don't have a character that can summon a guy for a little bit to take on the other. Like WoW, you have some characters summoning someone to help fight, well, this would be very interesting if somehow a character had the ability to summon a creature for a limited number of time to have his opponent fight against two people at once. Now that's a challenge.

There should be a cheap character that can heal themselves during a fight as one of their special abilites. Like Nitara who can bite her opponent to restore some health, why can't we see more characters with the ability to heal like that? And of course, the priest could be good or evil depending on if you want it to be a holy character or one of the shadow priests that's in the game that floats around by the portal...

03/24/2008 05:24 PM (UTC)
a gambler who never pays his dept
Pages: 2
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