03/25/2008 11:43 PM (UTC)
Correct me if im wrong, but don't you think that we already have numbers 2 and 3? I think Kano would fit in number 2 and Shao Khan would go with 3.

Heres a quote from Kano's MK1 bio-

"A Mercenary, Thug, Extortionist Thief - Kano lives a life of crime and injustice. He is a devoted member of the Black Dragon, a dangerous group of Cut-Throat Madmen feared and respected throughout all of crime's Inner Circles."

Tell me that doesn't match.

I cant really find any hard info on Shao Khan, but through other endings and the info we already know about Shao Khan, you can tell that he's a menace and can seem a bit psychotic.

About Me

03/26/2008 09:56 PM (UTC)
We don't have someone who is in the Tournament. But is just in it because He/She is in it.
Most of the Fighters are in for Revenge or Power Or to save something, Oh proving himself/herself.
We need a Goddamn Character that doesn't want any of it.
He's just in because he's just in. And he works for the Badguys.
About Me


03/27/2008 10:10 PM (UTC)
I created a guy kinda like what your talking about. He isnt a bad guy but its possible he could change. Yall probably think he is stupid, but I was bored and I happen to like him. I definately need to work on his story a bit. But I wont cuz I got a job again and dont have the time.

Name: Jermaine "The Rott" Silva
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Origin: Houston, Tx ,USA,Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Johnny Cage
Enemies: none so far

Appearance Description: 6'3'' 228 lb, Black, bald, Ripped, Black and Rust colored boxing shorts with nickname on the back, UFC gloves, wrapped ankles

Fighting Styles: Muay Tai, Wrestling. No weapon

Special Moves: Flying Knee, Lunging Elbow, Some kind of wrestling slam, Dark dogs- he summons a shadowy rottweiler pack that rips apart his enemy.

Story: Im Jermaine The Rott Silva, The undefeated champ of MMA Championship. My friend, the actor Johnny Cage has asked me to help him train for some tournament in what he says is a far away land. So Im at his home in LA. I was suprised that he was actually damn good. All of a sudden I see a flash of green and my chest felt like it was caved in. The bastard almost knocked me out. After a few weeks of training, John asked me if I would like to tag along. I didnt have a fight coming for a while so I said Why Not? As soon as he said that, he had a big smirk on his face and he told me to join him and watch one of his Mortal Kombat movies. The newest one in which Johnny battles a flaming beast. How the Hell does he come up with this shit?
I got my stuff packed up, when Johnny called. He told me to pack for a month. So I did, and he picked me up in his limo to take me to his private jet. We flew across the country for about 4 hours until we finally landed. When I got out there was military personel everywhere. A blind samurai(I had a big laugh, and told him its a little early for his halloween costume) and a fine older blonde chick dressed in a military uniform. Apparently she knows Johnny and she doesnt like the fact that I came along. Shes kinda bitchy. But I like em fiery like that. And damn there is a resembalance of these people and a couple characters in the movie I watched. Kinda strange. She took us through some High security doors, I turn the corner into a some sort of High tech computer room, and at the back was a giant portal. This shit is getting wierd.

Conclusion: I wanted a sort of Terrel Owens-Rampage Jackson-Floyd Mayweather mix. He is mouthy as hell, and is somewhat disliked by his peers. But although he is mouthy you kinda have to respect his skill. He doesnt carry a weapon but he makes up for it with his experiance with his mma background. I also wanted to have someone who would be freaked out that there is other worlds out there. And when he gets more nervous about his new situation he gets more mouthy. Which angers almost everyone except Johnny. Johnny just finds him funny. He also doesnt have any type of special move at first, he learns them by traveling a different realm, and being tought by Johnny Cage. Johnny also tells Jermaine that he might have to kill, which makes Jermaine want to go home. Johnny persuades him to stay, and tells Jermaine that they only kill when they have to.
I just wanted a diff type of character. Yall might like him, yall might not. I just didnt want every character to have a supernatural story
03/28/2008 12:25 AM (UTC)
there isn't an alien life form confused
03/29/2008 09:57 AM (UTC)
Well it depends on what you define as an alien.

Seeing as we are from earth and see any life form on another planet an alien.

So characters like Shao Kahn and Quan-Chi could be classified as aliens.

But if you're on about the stereotypical alien then I don't think we have that.
05/30/2008 03:35 AM (UTC)
If we do have new characters, they should be unique, with a definite personality. I thought of one.

Shellshock: As the name implies, he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, which he got from an ambush in a covert operation in Desert Storm(is this too realistic?)His entire squad was wiped out, except for him and his superior officer: Jax. He has a hatred for Jax, whom he blames for the deaths of his squadmates, but is still neutral. Has little regard for peoples lives.
a thin wimpy nerdy kid (like forrest kline). we still don't have that.
About Me


06/06/2008 07:53 PM (UTC)
Howabout some of these personalities:

Mad Scientist?

Howabout throwing a character like this into the mixup with Smoke/Subby/Cyrax/Sektor?

Also Jax's arms i figure werent made by his own hands so i assume there is a scientist behind them.

Genetics could also play a large part. Think of all the mutants on outworld etc, and think of genetic engineering coming into all that. Mixed with robot ninjas eh?

Something like Hojo (ff7) would be nice, but of course with some sort of Jekyll/Hyde type transformation (due to genetics) or powerful robot suit would be good.


The child.

Am i right in saying that Li Mei is the youngest character?. Hmm Why not have a child in the game. Sure there is censors but something could be arranged surely. I mean the gameplay could be changed accordingly for the shorter character see Gon (Tek3) and Yoda (SC4).


Errrm and a dinosaur type humanised hybrid. Thinking along the lines of Barakas and Khameleons love child. ewwwtongue
06/10/2008 08:49 PM (UTC)
There is no Crown prince as in Kahn's kid,after all a guy who is more then 50 millenium old should have a kid no?(he should be evil)
and we don't have a forced hero as in a prisoner forced to fight or a woman who seeks a cure for someone etc...each of those has a different personality.
06/15/2008 08:55 AM (UTC)
a pirate...like a jack sparrow type.he is always in it for the rewards or all for himself....maybe just for free rum lol.

we have a ninja that is like a shadow so why not make a rival...a ninja made up of almost pure light.

an actual mutant...like a melted lookin face with 4 eyes,a third arm growing off either side of its ribcage,a tail that has a head on it or something crazy like that.

maybe a teenaged monk that is kidnapped by the boss of the game...make it like he is the one in the future that is thought to kill the boss said by a seer....also the seer/fortune teller would be a neat character i guess. make him/her look like a gypsy.

a gladiator type forced to fight for his life (held against his will like the movie gladiator)and maybe make his father/mother or master taken as hostage from a bad guy in the tourney and so on...

dont laugh....a humanoid rat character like splinter from tmnt...as a human he stalled away on a ship with scientists doing expiraments with animals(he is one of those save the animals kinda guys). he finds that the best way to stop the harm of animals is to become one and uses a magical chemical to mutate. in the mix a group of government thieves set off an explosion and he falls onto escaping rats breaking the vile of chemicals.

a druid type character involved to protect the nature on earth realm.

i thought of other types in another thread i made awhile back...im sure predator remembers it...it involve character types like teen shokans and so on.

i also had a vampire assasin type character and some other thoughts in mysticas fantasy character ideas thread

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