were going to... try to introduce as many new characters as possible
posted06/17/2009 12:19 AM (UTC)by
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06/09/2006 05:06 PM (UTC)
uh...dont u guys think mk has enough characters already?? i mean the series has over 45 characters!! i wouldnt mind if they added 2 or 3 new guys but i just dont want them to over do it. because half of the characters we have now are not needed... the team really has to sit down and be creative with the new characters , like they were with orginal cast from mk1..no bullshitin around... like the ben affleck looking guy in mka...
04/24/2007 04:36 PM (UTC)
you do know that they are killing off like 75 percent of the old characters for the next game right?
04/24/2007 05:08 PM (UTC)
Ok. WTF are you people talking about? There will be new characters and that is 100% better.

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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

04/24/2007 05:17 PM (UTC)
Well, most of the old characters sucked anyway and were favorited mostly from nostalgia rather than actual worth. They need to start over fresh and put in as many new characters as possible. People need to let go of the past in terms of characters.
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04/24/2007 08:44 PM (UTC)
Like I said on the MK8 storyline speculation thread, pretty much all of the b-list characters will be killed off for good.....hopefully. Which shound leave alot of room for the new characters.
04/24/2007 09:17 PM (UTC)
DigitalAssassin Wrote:
uh...dont u guys think mk has enough characters already?? i mean the series has over 45 characters!! i wouldnt mind if they added 2 or 3 new guys but i just dont want them to over do it. because half of the characters we have now are not needed... the team really has to sit down and be creative with the new characters , like they were with orginal cast from mk1..no bullshitin around... like the ben affleck looking guy in mka...

MK has a lot of characters, but that doesn't mean we'll see them all in the next-gen games. Some characters will die. Others will simply "retire".

I think there's potential for a lot of the characters, though I think that they should probably bring back around 1/3 - 2/5 of the whole roster back, but not really have all of them in one game. What I mean is, have some of them in some games and some others in later installments.
04/24/2007 10:49 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
DigitalAssassin Wrote:
uh...dont u guys think mk has enough characters already?? i mean the series has over 45 characters!! i wouldnt mind if they added 2 or 3 new guys but i just dont want them to over do it. because half of the characters we have now are not needed... the team really has to sit down and be creative with the new characters , like they were with orginal cast from mk1..no bullshitin around... like the ben affleck looking guy in mka...

MK has a lot of characters, but that doesn't mean we'll see them all in the next-gen games. Some characters will die. Others will simply "retire".

I think there's potential for a lot of the characters, though I think that they should probably bring back around 1/3 - 2/5 of the whole roster back, but not really have all of them in one game. What I mean is, have some of them in some games and some others in later installments.

You're still under the mistaken allusion that they will bring old characters back in MK8, right?

Dude, Raiden is not going to be back, noone is going to be back except the two original characters. Please why can't you understand?
04/24/2007 11:18 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
DigitalAssassin Wrote:
uh...dont u guys think mk has enough characters already?? i mean the series has over 45 characters!! i wouldnt mind if they added 2 or 3 new guys but i just dont want them to over do it. because half of the characters we have now are not needed... the team really has to sit down and be creative with the new characters , like they were with orginal cast from mk1..no bullshitin around... like the ben affleck looking guy in mka...

MK has a lot of characters, but that doesn't mean we'll see them all in the next-gen games. Some characters will die. Others will simply "retire".

I think there's potential for a lot of the characters, though I think that they should probably bring back around 1/3 - 2/5 of the whole roster back, but not really have all of them in one game. What I mean is, have some of them in some games and some others in later installments.

You're still under the mistaken allusion that they will bring old characters back in MK8, right?

Dude, Raiden is not going to be back, noone is going to be back except the two original characters. Please why can't you understand?

Where the hell did you get that idea?

We simply do NOT know who will return except for Scorpion and Sub-Zero (in one form or another). Other than that, where is it stated that they are the only two from this generation's story that'll return?

Why can't you understand that just because they are going to wrap up the stories in MKA and finish off certain characters doesn't mean that everyone else will die or retire?
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04/24/2007 11:58 PM (UTC)
IceDragon248 Wrote:
you do know that they are killing off like 75 percent of the old characters for the next game right?

Where did u read this??????
04/25/2007 03:17 AM (UTC)
well its not the exact percentage but alot of them are going to die, it has been stated repeatedly by Boon himself.
04/25/2007 03:23 AM (UTC)
IceDragon248 Wrote:
well its not the exact percentage but alot of them are going to die, it has been stated repeatedly by Boon himself.

He is telling the truth. Very few of the original characters are gonna move on. That can be seen as a good thing or a bad thing. It's good cause it opens doors to more great characters. It's bad because many people are gonna complain because there favorites will not make it.
04/25/2007 03:23 AM (UTC)
well all im saying is that i hope they really make an effort to make better characters and not give us half-ass ones. Between MK4and MKA it just went downhill. Especially with the addition of a vampire...i mean come on...its just getting stupid..
04/25/2007 01:42 PM (UTC)
THe only characters i really want to survive are Sub-Zero and Scorpion, which im sure will happen. It would be cool if only the MK and MK2 cast survived, but maybe take out a few like Baraka, Sonya, Cage, Jax (even though i think he is cool)
04/25/2007 02:16 PM (UTC)
probably the only chracters that would make to the mext generation would probably be the immortal characters like fujin raiden shao kahn shinnok, and scorpion. i think the only mortal character that will make it is Sub -zero because the rivalry between scorpion and sub zero is a big thing in MK. The serving types are the most likly cadidates to be killed off like barracka , reptile, and reiko. ANother character that might make to the next gen might be Noob because there is this thing growing between Sub- zero and Noob, And the fact that Noob is named after Ed boon.
04/25/2007 07:46 PM (UTC)
I know some of fans are not going to agree what I'm about to say, but MK must start completely over, atleast once.That means no original characters at all.Wasn't that the point of MK:A? The final battle of characters as we know them, to start over. I mean damn, we gotta let go of our favorite characters atleast once, and give it a chance to start over, and what better way to do that, is to start over with the new generation systems.I think Ign or gamespot reviewed the game MK:A with a 5.5 or something because of the lack of newness. If all the characters were new, maybe we'll get that same spark of the series we had when MK1 and MK2 were first released.

Even if the majority of MK's fanbase would disagree of the relaese of a fully newly made game with none of the series previous characteristics, atleast MK 9 would satisfy, while we can play MK: A or the classics in the meantime.
04/25/2007 09:56 PM (UTC)
I think that would be a bad idea, you can't just get rid of all the characters that helped build the series. I wouldn't mind though if the new game had a cast of 20 people and there were only like 5 or 8 classic characters.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

04/25/2007 09:59 PM (UTC)
People need to let go of the past. Big deal, you won't have the same character you've played in just about every MK. You'll find new favorites.
04/25/2007 10:15 PM (UTC)
TheSilverSurfer Wrote:
I know some of fans are not going to agree what I'm about to say, but MK must start completely over, atleast once.That means no original characters at all.Wasn't that the point of MK:A? The final battle of characters as we know them, to start over. I mean damn, we gotta let go of our favorite characters atleast once, and give it a chance to start over, and what better way to do that, is to start over with the new generation systems.I think Ign or gamespot reviewed the game MK:A with a 5.5 or something because of the lack of newness. If all the characters were new, maybe we'll get that same spark of the series we had when MK1 and MK2 were first released.

Even if the majority of MK's fanbase would disagree of the relaese of a fully newly made game with none of the series previous characteristics, atleast MK 9 would satisfy, while we can play MK: A or the classics in the meantime.

Sorry, but I just can't agree with this.

There are quite a few characters who still have potential for future games.

The point with MKA was never to get rid of all the characters. It was simply to wrap up a lot of stories and finally get rid of various characters, not all of them.

The story would flow better if there were still some returning characters. To just have all new characters, imo, would be lame and would give me the impression that they might as well have made a completely different universe.

Having new characters, game mechanics, etc. is great and all, but getting rid of all the old stuff isn't a good idea to me.

MKA suffered greatly due to the fighting system still being bad along with a bunch of other things.
04/26/2007 12:34 AM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
People need to let go of the past. Big deal, you won't have the same character you've played in just about every MK. You'll find new favorites.

Yes. Or atleast have some of the original characters hidden.

As I think about what Sub Zero_7th said about my earlier statements, Im starting to realize that with all those Scorp & Sub fans, it would be almost impossible to have MK8 completely new like I had visioned.
04/26/2007 01:37 AM (UTC)
It just seems to me that if they don't use any of the classic characters and use all new ones, why even call it Mortal Kombat?
04/26/2007 01:54 AM (UTC)
because its time for a change. I personally am excited to see what this totally new Mortal Kombat is going to be like.
04/26/2007 02:05 AM (UTC)
i welcome change as well, but not using any of the characters in the new game who helped build the franchise is just idiotic.

if they only have 5 old characters out of a cast of 20-25 ill be satisfied. that way old school fans will be happy and the majority of the new cast will be new characters.
04/26/2007 02:18 AM (UTC)
IceDragon248 Wrote:
It just seems to me that if they don't use any of the classic characters and use all new ones, why even call it Mortal Kombat?

Lets just say they keep the trademarks:
"FINISH HIM/HER" and " Fight! "------- by The announcer.
And still use Fatalities to finish off oponents.
And maybe have original characters watch the fights on different levels.
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04/26/2007 03:28 AM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
People need to let go of the past. Big deal, you won't have the same character you've played in just about every MK. You'll find new favorites.

Haha I never did. Maybe add-ons but majorily speaking, Raiden was always my focal favorite character.


To the thread title:

A crap-load of the characters will go if Shao Kahn goes. Something like 15-20. Which I hope happens cuz it'd make sense and it'd be effective. I thought it was gonna be Raiden and Liu Kang at first....As a sort of an extermination squad of two....but this way will suffice. Maybe Raiden and Liu still will take out a few "potential threats" to Earth.

Yep, I favor a bunch of characters exiting, just so long as the ones that go are agreeable, and they don't exit for lame reasons story-wise.

I'd like to see 10-15 new characters, and something like 10-15 old characters. A possible 30 total is more than enough considering there were only 7playable characters in Mk1.
I look forward to "as many new characters as possible".
The funny thing about that statement is it neither excludes any-one character from the old roster, nor singles any out for the "new" one. lol

And yes, there's an article that Boon talks about how "he couldn't see Mk without the two ninjas Sub-Zero and Scorpion", which he names specificlly, but there's no "promisary note" there either. It's just the fact that he spoke those two names that gives those two characters presenence with fans. ha!

04/26/2007 04:12 AM (UTC)
I do think that the majority of older characters should go. Some are stale or have run their course or should just allow some other characters to get the spotlight. I think Armageddon should clear out draggin stories and trim the fat a bit. However, I don't think they will, nor should they IMO, get rid of EVERY character. There should be some returning characters to keep some connection with previous games but also because some characters haven't the chance to live up to their potential.

As far as the old characters from the first few games...we know Scorpion & Sub-Zero will most likely be back. That's a given. I'd bet on Raiden returning too. Beyond that, I say no more than another three old characters. Keep a sense of connecting to the past and for the fans who are afraid of change and new things.

Any other returning charcaters should be more recent ones from the last couple of games. Not just connecting to previous generation, but because a lot have some good potential that should be fulfilled. Characters like Sareena and Havik and others have only JUST started. It'd be stupid to toss them away when they've only had one or two games to go anywhere. Not too many though. I would say no more than ten, tops.

So that's about 15 returning characters. Now who those 15 should be, I can offer my opinions, but I'm not in the modd to get into that right now.
Beyond that, all new characters.

But at the end of the day...as long as at least Sareena makes it, I'll be happy.
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