04/26/2007 07:34 AM (UTC)
I'm all for the idea of having brand new characters but I will be disapointed if they base a brand new character on an already existing character. LIke I bet you 100 bucks they are going to put in a next generation Liu Kang character that have some of his special moves and go for that whole traditional monk stock character type, that will be pissing me off because if they do something like that why don't they just bring back the original character that already represents that?

If you want fresh and new, you gotta go for things that have never been explored before. There's tons of characters from mythology, religion, and movies that can be the basis for any new character. It would be stupid if they have a new face for certain characters that we are all familiar with.
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04/27/2007 03:15 AM (UTC)
Personally, it would be hard at first to let go of some old favorites but at least it would be nice for a change for once. I would like to look at it as a form of evolution, stepping it up to the higher level. Hopefully, they will introduce new characters from different regions, religions, etc, like the above poster mentioned.
04/28/2007 01:56 PM (UTC)
Ugh i hope Khameleon is not a sign of wats ahead, she's horrible... It honestly feels like fans are making this game and not the orginal minds cuz alot of the ideas i read from you guys are being used!! which is both bad and good..
04/29/2007 04:01 PM (UTC)
i hope they get rid of all the old characters
finally get mk fresh again

and picking new favorites
and following new new characters bios
and being in love with mk again
04/29/2007 08:22 PM (UTC)
JadeRocks Wrote:
i hope they get rid of all the old characters
finally get mk fresh again

and picking new favorites
and following new new characters bios
and being in love with mk again

Replace the word "all" with "most of" and those are my sentiments exactly.
I want to be excited by a new MK. I want to be thrilled and bursting with happiness, instead of being merely satisfied or slightly disappointed.
05/02/2007 05:07 AM (UTC)
i really wouldn't want more than 5 of the old characters returning

05/02/2007 03:39 PM (UTC)
If I read b4 correctly they said the game based 500 years after the Armageddon so basically Sonya, Kenshi, Cage, Jax, Lao, & etc died out But other like Kitana, Kahn, Onaga, Fujin, Taven will be probably be in the next one. there is no doubt it will be more new characters taking over the whole game.
05/02/2007 06:01 PM (UTC)
You can't seriously think they will start MK fresh can you, if they did that it would be a new game.
Its like having Tomb Raider without Lara Croft because they decided her stroy was getting to all over the place so they simply cut her out of the picture...
For you Street Fighter fans, just imagine them killing off lots of the fighters in that game, it would be stupid. Am i right?

That said.. I personally don't mind them killing off characters, but not all of them. Ok so the story of tension between Liu Kang and Shan Tsungs Rivalry is getting old and everybody else seems to prefer Scorpion and Sub Zeors Rivalry, however how is that canon any more i thought in MK2 scorpion realised that it wasnt the sub zero he was looking for and began looking out for him instead (which is what i've read in many sources)... Sub Zero's prime target is now noob and Scorpions is Quan Chi, isnt that right?
So that leaves liu kang (who - i dont care what you say IS the key (along with Raiden) earthrealm warrior) and Shang Tsung (who is Liu Kangs main nemesis).
Now try taking Sonic And Robotnic out of the Sonic Series (maybe an "OTT" Example but what the hey), where is the game going to go... Surely you must be cottoning on to what im trying to say here...

Ok so we have Scorpion as everybodys favourite even Ed Boons personal Favourite, but what is he actually doing to develop the Story Line, Sub Zero is another Fan Favourite also doing little to nothing at the moment... Yet people argue for them to stay yet they arn't doing nothing to merrit a stay...(However i do like them contrary to what you might think).

That guy that thinks Mortal Kombat is going to be based 500 years later was a nit witt. The game is based in real time, anything can happen from now and 500 years, for a start none of us would be alive, mortal kombat and all this long gone. But think about it, it would be even harder to develop a fighting game based in the future, things would be different then and true the game would be a fossil by then but it just doesn't seem right...

Predator was talking about MK "Fluff", these are the crap characters that dont have any real importance in the game and are just "Stocking Fillers", so to speak. I think these characters will definately be killed off, then i dont mind them killing classic characters say from MK2 or 3, but the origional 7 are a no touch. However something has been made from all characters apart from Kano, which really does blow...

What makes mortal kombat different to other fighting games, is its dirverse story line, amount of characters, the blood, gore and the fatalities. Take any of these away (especially the story) its just a mindless fighting game, with no plot which will fail...
05/02/2007 10:00 PM (UTC)
Wu-TangStyle: The Scorpion/Sub-Zero rivalry ended at the end of MK4. Regarding what you read, that's not accurate. Before the retcon, in MK2, Scorpion learned that Sub-Zero had returned, so he somehow was granted to escape the Netherrealm to pursue hunting him down. Scorpion goes to Outworld, takes part in Shao Kahn's tournament and eventually witnesses a battle in which Sub-Zero spares the life of his opponent. He realizes that this cannot be the same Sub-Zero who killed him years ago. I'm pretty sure he learns a bit later in MK2 that this Sub-Zero is the younger brother of the man he killed in Shang Tsung's tournament. Feeling guilt for killing someone who had close family, namely one who is merciful such as the younger Sub-Zero, as well as claiming that he isn't a murderer, Scorpion vowed to protect this Sub-Zero and hope that he doesn't follow the same path as his brother.

After the retcon, Scorpion's MK2 story is basically that he's still hunting Sub-Zero and continues to hunt him in MK3 and MK4 until he learns that Quan Chi is the true killer of Scorpion's family and clan. Quan Chi states that in order to defeat his nemesis, Sub-Zero, he needed the power of a specter. Some speculate that Quan Chi framed both Sub-Zeros thus Scorpion's anger towards both of them for the same thing. However, I think it's really more of a plothole. Then again, with Scorpion's primary MKDA bio stating that he had been after Sub-Zero for many years, Quan Chi either tricked Scorpion back in MK2 before Scorpion left the Netherrealm, or Scorpion has mistaken the younger Sub-Zero for the older Sub-Zero all these years, not realizing that there is/was more than one Lin Kuei warrior named Sub-Zero. So yeah, Scorpion's story (and character) is a big mess that needs to be badly resolved.

Sub-Zero wants to free Noob Saibot from Shinnok's control. Yes, Scorpion is still after Quan Chi.

Regarding the comments about Sub-Zero's and Scorpion's stories, I have to agree on Scorpion, but kind of disagree on Sub-Zero.

Sub-Zero has had character development throughout his storyline. He's progressed from a Lin Kuei warrior who looks up to his older brother to a rogue who fights alongside the Earthrealm heroes and becomes something of a hero himself. And of course later on, he takes charge of the Lin Kuei himself as its Grandmaster and also takes on a teacher/mentor role to Frost. He learns about his ancestry in MKD and gains an ally in Kenshi while gaining an enemy in Hotaru.

Scorpion, on the other hand, could've gone somewhere had his story and character not been retconned. Unfortunately, since it has been retconned, his story is almost entirely about one thing: revenge.
05/03/2007 08:48 PM (UTC)
i think they should keep strong key
characters and drop stupid or boring ones
06/17/2009 12:19 AM (UTC)
new characters is a real good idea. like most have said it will be fresh. also storywise we wont know what to expect. i hope they put some serious thought into new characters and make them worthy of being in mk.

i would not just get rid of all the old characters. but i would trash just about the entire armageddon cast cuz i hate pretty much all of them. we need to keep the main characters of the storyline. imo it is hard to get rid of shang tsung cuz he is the original bad guy but hes had his ass kicked a lot so unless he continues to get less power or wins mk champion we could do without him.

aside from sub zero and scorpion i would like to keep characters like ermac, noob saibot, kitana, sonya, and a select few. (hard to pick). we do need new blood in mortal kombat besides the crap they have made recently
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