Villain offspring / relation?
posted03/07/2015 03:25 AM (UTC)by
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01/13/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
With all these frigging offspring and family members of Sonya, Johnny, Kung Lao, Jax, Kenshi and whoever else on the good side, why not a villain offspring?

Since NRS decided to go full retard with this offspring shit, totally unoriginal and while it was cool with just Cassie and maybe one more, having all these former good guys offspring is just silly. Really, a whole team of family leading the pack? Not one could've just been a great fighter, former soldier or whatever?

I'm digressing...what I was trying to say, since they go this route, why not at least do it on the bad side as well? Might as well have some frigging fun with this. Mileena and Reiko / Baraka offspring called Balerina anyone? How about a cousin of Kano with a red laser coming out of his ass, call him Anol? Havik having a son called Caos?

On a serious note though, why not?
03/02/2015 08:43 PM (UTC)
I was really hoping to see some villain offspring in this game.

I thought seeing a new son or daughter of Reptile would be refreshing, especially given the implications that means for Reptile's own storyline.

I have a feeling that we may see a Mileena/Reiko offspring as an antagonist in the future games.

Seeing a daughter of Kintaro's would be neat. A female tiger Shokan would be a really cool concept.

Kano is getting might be neat to see him have a neglected son or daughter looking to prove themselves to him.
03/02/2015 09:01 PM (UTC)
A daughter of Mileena and Baraka would be cool, like a female Tarkatan with teleporting abilitites sounds pretty cool. But ive never really been a fan of the villain characters in mk, so im curious to hear other peoples ideas
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03/02/2015 09:08 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
Mileena and Reiko / Baraka offspring called Balerina

She roundhouse kicks you in the taint with her swan like grace.
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03/02/2015 09:28 PM (UTC)
I was really hoping for that too. A child of Mileena would be cool. Someone mentioned a daughter of Kintaro, I say hell yeah. Make her a white tiger Shokan.
03/02/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
Maybe something far off, but I can picture Fire God Liu Kang (if he goes back the dark path) abandon Kitana and be seduced by Tanya because (a) they're both fire users and (b) she can encourage Liu to keep going on his dark path while manipulating events in the background as his arch-sorceress. Maybe a male "heir" to the Fire God would be interesting. Something like, "I'll give you something that Kitana was too weak to give you: a true son" argument. Talk about using Tanya's MK4 ending and twisting it to enormous proportions.
03/02/2015 09:40 PM (UTC)
Yeah, kinda a bit disappointed on how the family thing is shaping up too. I was just now looking at the picture for the best newcomer poll, with Cassie, Jaquie, Kung Jin, and Takashi. I was thinking wow, all of these characters brought their parents, what a bunch of pussies. lol not to shit on something I haven't really seen yet or bash anybody's favorite, its just kinda awkward. Like I think these characters would have made a much bigger splash if it wasn't so heavily rumored that they play right along side their parents.
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03/02/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
Idk man, I don't even like the Hero offspring all that much. LoL.

Mileena is technically ShaoKahn's daughter. I think it would be Kool if Shinnok had a daughter. MK hasn't had a goddess or even a sorceress yet. They hinted that Tanya was becoming a sorceress in mkA, but it hasn't been fleshed out yet. She can be like an evil version of Zatanna.
03/02/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
Idk man, I don't even like the Hero offspring all that much. LoL.

Mileena is technically ShaoKahn's daughter. I think it would be Kool if Shinnok had a daughter. MK hasn't had a goddess or even a sorceress yet. They hinted that Tanya was becoming a sorceress in mkA, but it hasn't been fleshed out yet. She can be like an evil version of Zatanna.

I agree with you, No goddess character or sorceress(Delia isn't playable).

It's a real shame if in MKX they don't include a sorceress or goddess.
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03/02/2015 10:10 PM (UTC)
I think we have enough descendant/offspring for this game as it is. Do we really want more potential family picnics?
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03/02/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
As a Mileena fan, I hope she never has an offspring. I would hate that.

Besides the fact she doesn't need one cause she doesn't age.

I would have liked to see an offspring of Shang tsung, if he weren't killed. An entitled little sorcerer/sorceress brat with an ego and is a troublemaker for tsung

03/02/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
Since NRS chose this route, might as well balance it out a bit...
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/02/2015 11:20 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
Havik having a son called Caos?

You spelled "Khaos" wrong.

Spaceman Wrote:
I was just now looking at the picture for the best newcomer poll, with Cassie, Jaquie, Kung Jin, and Takashi. I was thinking wow, all of these characters brought their parents, what a bunch of pussies.

I didn't see the Cassie Squad bring any parents along for any of the missions they showcased in the trailer. The only thing these new guys are lacking is experience, and this game is all about how they get that experience.

Me, I would really like to see Kano have an illegitimate daughter who tracks him down. Kano would totally act like he just wants to run her off and make her leave him alone, but at the same time be really protective of her and enjoy showing her his world. They would aggravate each other so much... but it would be downright adorable watching them spar.

Or maybe Baraka and Sheeva could team up to spawn a litter of Shokatans, the ultimate four-armed bladed warriors.

Honestly though, we don't have a lot of classic villains running around who really could reproduce. Reptile is kind of lonely; Quan Chi and Ermac wouldn't bother; Sektor probably can't; most of the rest are dead. Kano, Mileena, Sheeva... Rain maybe? Those are the only classic options left. Maybe Mileena/Reiko or Kano/whoever could have something going on, but other than that there isn't a lot of room to play.
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03/02/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
This is exactly the kind of reaction I was expecting. While most people are hyped and proclaiming these as the best new characters ever and going on and on about how "fresh" and "unique" they are- probably 5 or so years from now, once all the hype has died down and MKX is just "another old game" in the series- people will realize just how lazy and cliché the off springs really are. Seriously, NRS went berserk with the amount of offspring, it doesn't help that all of their parents/uncles/cousins are also in the game as well(Come on, Jax and Kenshi are pretty much expected). It's also annoying that ALL the offspring are good guys. What they should've done is this-

Limit the amount to two. Cassie and Takeda. I think the two of them have the most potential in resurfacing in future titles and becoming fan favorites. Kung-Jin looks great gameplay wise and I'm excited for him- But making him a relative of Kung-Lao was lame and I'm sorry but I can't get over his name. He should've just be a new character with no family relationships(and a better name lol).

Jaqui is definitely the most pointless. It doesn't help that her uncle is already a pointless character himself- so her being thrown in the mix is really not needed. That said, I like her. I do wish they would've done something different with her. I like the idea of her and Cassie actually being enemies or rivals- that would have been a fresher and better approach than going the cliché and expected route by having them be BFF- Seriously, it's like something you would read on! "Mortal Kombat: The Next Generation!"

What's next? A daughter of Kitana/Liu? Raiden's long lost son? While that would've sounded outrageous just three years ago- now it's entirely possible. That terrifies me.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/02/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)


...Is this what Mortal Kombat has become? A bloody episode of fucking "Guiding Light?"

"In an all new episode of MKX- Kano's daughter demands he spend more quality time with her instead of going on brutal killing sprees with his black dragon clan. Elsewhere- Raiden's Son begins to fall in love with Kitana and Liu Kang's Daughter. What will happen when they find out? Find out next week!"

Just no.
03/02/2015 11:46 PM (UTC)
You know what? We haven't had MK content for like four years, so I'm not gonna complain about the offspring.

That doesn't mean I don't like them. My dislike for them would be WAY lessened if their parents/uncles/etc weren't in the game. Or if there were only two to three offspring. I thought the best way to introduce descendants would be gradually. So it isn't all in your face about it.

But first and foremost, I'm a fan of MK for the fatalities and the gameplay. The story, as much fun as it is, is ALWAYS lower priority to the fighting in a fighting game. So I could hate a descendant because I think their personality and background is stale, but their gameplay could be fun af
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/02/2015 11:56 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Jaqui is definitely the most pointless. It doesn't help that her uncle is already a pointless character himself- so her being thrown in the mix is really not needed. That said, I like her. I do wish they would've done something different with her. I like the idea of her and Cassie actually being enemies or rivals- that would have been a fresher and better approach than going the cliché and expected route by having them be BFF- Seriously, it's like something you would read on! "Mortal Kombat: The Next Generation!"

I'm not sure why Sonya's daughter and Jax's daughter would be rivals or enemies. It would take a seriously contrived plot twist to make them not good friends. And there apparently is some tension within the group.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
umbrascitor Wrote:
Me, I would really like to see Kano have an illegitimate daughter who tracks him down. Kano would totally act like he just wants to run her off and make her leave him alone, but at the same time be really protective of her and enjoy showing her his world. They would aggravate each other so much... but it would be downright adorable watching them spar.

Is this what Mortal Kombat has become? A bloody episode of fucking "Guiding Light?"

"In an all new episode of MKX- Kano's daughter demands he spend more quality time with her instead of going on brutal killing sprees with his black dragon clan. Elsewhere- Raiden's Son begins to fall in love with Kitana and Liu Kang's Daughter. What will happen when they find out? Find out next week!"

Just no.

Not exactly.

In my mind, Kano's daughter is a low-level street thug from a broken family who found out who her dad really is, and now she wants in on the family business. Kano doesn't like having this kind of interference in his life and tells her to bugger off. But she's persistent, and ambitious, and Kano sort of recognizes the kindred spirit they have. So he tells her that if she wants in, she's going to have to carry her weight and earn her way -- no special favors. He's really tough on her, constantly putting her down while giving her the worst assignments, but she takes it all in stride, surpasses his expectations and even shoots some clever barbs back. At the end of the day, he's constantly annoyed by her presence but he does respect her, and if she were ever in danger you can bet he'd come down like a force of nature. Not out of love, exactly, but a sense of "No one messes with my blood but me!"

Their "family" dynamic would be playfully antagonistic, and so outrageously awful that it's almost cute. And she'd grow up to be a damn good Black Dragon, surpassing all others in ruthlessness.

See, you can give these characters nuance and even some heart, without going full-on daytime-TV trite. I feel like they struck a good balance with Kotal, and Cassie is shaping up to be pretty well developed too judging by how her character is starting out in the comic. They could do that with a Kano-spawn, too.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 12:27 AM (UTC)
"I'm not sure why Sonya's daughter and Jax's daughter would be rivals or enemies. It would take a seriously contrived plot twist to make them not good friends. "

Of all of the craziest things that we've had to swallow as MK story fans- Jaqui and Cassie being rivals/enemies wouldn't even compare. I'm not saying make them enemies now- I'm saying when they were coming up with the concept for Jaqui, before she was fully established, before we knew about her, before everything- they could have played with the idea of making her an antagonist rather than go a predictable and safe route.

Why would Sonya and Jax's offsprings be enemies? Simple, Jax dies in battle in which Sonya was somewhat the cause of and maybe Jaqui has grown up bitter, angry, and wanting vengeance- therefore taking her hated and grief out on Sonya...and Cassie. It might would be even better if Jax was her father and not just her uncle. Yeah this maybe cheesy and cliché as well- but it's at least better than Cassie and Jaqui being "OMG BESTIES 4EVA! "and Jaqui being nothing but a fucking sidekick. She might could stand on her own as a character.
03/03/2015 12:37 AM (UTC)
Lmaoooo Anol and Balerina
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03/03/2015 12:57 AM (UTC)
I disagree with the first posters thoughts lol.

Anyways. ..

I love the idea of the offspring thats, what I wanted for a while.

My idea would have been to have offspring of classic fighter take the place of parents. So cassie and the gang are cool.

In my version there would have been offspring atending the next true MK tournament to defend earthrealm. Let's say liu kang died so couldn't attend. It's 50 years since mk 1 so the next true tournament. RAIDEN finds the next champion and allies to stop outworld. And we'd have an offspring of johnny and Sonya, of Jax of Kano maybe of liu and would be fun.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/03/2015 12:59 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Of all of the craziest things that we've had to swallow as MK story fans- Jaqui and Cassie being rivals/enemies wouldn't even compare. I'm not saying make them enemies now- I'm saying when they were coming up with the concept for Jaqui, before she was fully established, before we knew about her, before everything- they could have played with the idea of making her an antagonist rather than go a predictable and safe route.

Why would Sonya and Jax's offsprings be enemies? Simple, Jax dies in battle in which Sonya was somewhat the cause of and maybe Jaqui has grown up bitter, angry, and wanting vengeance- therefore taking her hated and grief out on Sonya...and Cassie. It might would be even better if Jax was her father and not just her uncle. Yeah this maybe cheesy and cliché as well- but it's at least better than Cassie and Jaqui being "OMG BESTIES 4EVA! "and Jaqui being nothing but a fucking sidekick. She might could stand on her own as a character.

Actually, I would say that in the world of Mortal Kombat -- and action fiction at large -- siblings/childhood friends growing up to be rivals/enemies is actually far more clichéd than having them stay friends. Bi Han and Kuai Liang? Kitana and Mileena? Taven and Daegon? Even Liu Kang and Kung Lao ended up going that route, and it annoyed people. And it was the most hated thing Legacy did with Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

So Cassie and Jacqui are friends. If that's predictable and safe, that's because it's the only thing that works for their characters without coming up with some ass-pull reason for them to hate each other. It was not in any perceivable way Sonya's fault that Jax died. In fact, it's looking like Sonya was probably instrumental in bringing him back so that he could even have a kid. She and Jax have always been tight; why should their kids not be friends? And the comic does show them having a friendly rivalry when they're sparring.

(By the way, Jax is Jacqui's father, not her uncle. They said so, more than once between the comic and the trailer. I thought that confusion about CASSIE calling him "Uncle Jax" was settled long ago.)

Also, what exactly stops Jacqui from being a "sidekick" to Cassie and being her own character?
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 01:07 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Of all of the craziest things that we've had to swallow as MK story fans- Jaqui and Cassie being rivals/enemies wouldn't even compare. I'm not saying make them enemies now- I'm saying when they were coming up with the concept for Jaqui, before she was fully established, before we knew about her, before everything- they could have played with the idea of making her an antagonist rather than go a predictable and safe route.

Why would Sonya and Jax's offsprings be enemies? Simple, Jax dies in battle in which Sonya was somewhat the cause of and maybe Jaqui has grown up bitter, angry, and wanting vengeance- therefore taking her hated and grief out on Sonya...and Cassie. It might would be even better if Jax was her father and not just her uncle. Yeah this maybe cheesy and cliché as well- but it's at least better than Cassie and Jaqui being "OMG BESTIES 4EVA! "and Jaqui being nothing but a fucking sidekick. She might could stand on her own as a character.

Actually, I would say that in the world of Mortal Kombat -- and action fiction at large -- siblings/childhood friends growing up to be rivals/enemies is actually far more clichéd than having them stay friends. Bi Han and Kuai Liang? Kitana and Mileena? Taven and Daegon? Even Liu Kang and Kung Lao ended up going that route, and it annoyed people. And it was the most hated thing Legacy did with Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

So Cassie and Jacqui are friends. If that's predictable and safe, that's because it's the only thing that works for their characters without coming up with some ass-pull reason for them to hate each other. It was not in any perceivable way Sonya's fault that Jax died. In fact, it's looking like Sonya was probably instrumental in bringing him back so that he could even have a kid. She and Jax have always been tight; why should their kids not be friends?

(By the way, Jax is Jacqui's father, not her uncle. They said so, more than once between the comic and the trailer. I thought that confusion about CASSIE calling him "Uncle Jax" was settled long ago.)

Also, what exactly stops Jacqui from being a "sidekick" to Cassie and being her own character?

*Rolls eyes* You totally didn't read my post thoroughly. I can tell because you're simply repeating things I've said and saying them as if I didn't say them and then you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say it was Sonya's fault that Jax died, where the fuck did you get that? I said maybe in a battle- SOME battle, I didn't say which- Maybe Jax could've died(he would've had to have come back from the dead to have Jaqui, correct? Could have been a battle or whatnot anytime after that. Derp derp). Anyway, I'm not about to debate a plot that doesn't exist- it was just an example I was throwing out there. Remove the stick from thou anus and stop being so damn literal.

Oh and I'm sorry I failed to realize asswiper #2 is asswiper's #1's daughter and not his niece. Both are still lame characters.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/03/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Rolls eyes* You totally didn't read my post thoroughly. I can tell because you're simply repeating things I've said and saying them as if I didn't say them and then you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say it was Sonya's fault that Jax died, where the fuck did you get that? I said maybe in a battle- SOME battle, I didn't say which- Maybe Jax could've died(he would've had to have come back from the dead to have Jaqui, correct? Could have been a battle or whatnot anytime after that. Derp derp). Anyway, I'm not about to debate a plot that doesn't exist- it was just an example I was throwing out there. Remove the stick from thou anus and stop being so damn literal.

Ah. I didn't realize you were talking about a different battle from the one we know of. That's not because I didn't read it thoroughly, though; either interpretation fits what was written. I do apologize for taking the wrong interpretation.

So, what you were actually suggesting was that Jax could die in MK9, be brought back, and then die again, just so that Jacqui and Cassie can be enemies. Is that correct? Because that's the kind of contrivance I was talking about avoiding. Seriously, it's not that easy to think of a "good" reason to make them honestly hate each other.

And hey now, don't underestimate the benefits of keeping a nice fat stick up your ass. It provides the kind of smooth, mood-mellowing satisfaction your body needs to stop you from unleashing your pent-up frustration on everyone.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 01:38 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Rolls eyes* You totally didn't read my post thoroughly. I can tell because you're simply repeating things I've said and saying them as if I didn't say them and then you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say it was Sonya's fault that Jax died, where the fuck did you get that? I said maybe in a battle- SOME battle, I didn't say which- Maybe Jax could've died(he would've had to have come back from the dead to have Jaqui, correct? Could have been a battle or whatnot anytime after that. Derp derp). Anyway, I'm not about to debate a plot that doesn't exist- it was just an example I was throwing out there. Remove the stick from thou anus and stop being so damn literal.

Ah. I didn't realize you were talking about a different battle from the one we know of. That's not because I didn't read it thoroughly, though; either interpretation fits what was written. I do apologize for taking the wrong interpretation.

So, what you were actually suggesting was that Jax could die in MK9, be brought back, and then die again, just so that Jacqui and Cassie can be enemies. Is that correct? Because that's the kind of contrivance I was talking about avoiding. Seriously, it's not that easy to think of a "good" reason to make them honestly hate each other.


Which is totally why we should've just gone with her not existing period <3

She's pointless. Keep Cassie, Keep Takeda, and trim the fat.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/03/2015 01:46 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Which is totally why we should've just gone with her not existing period <3

She's pointless. Keep Cassie, Keep Takeda, and trim the fat.

I wasn't sold on Jacqui's being playable either, based on her somewhat tepid comic appearance so far. But give her another decade to evolve and equip some boss power-gauntlets, and she just might become a worthy successor to Jax by the time she takes the stage.
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