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03/08/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
I had a dream Last night that Tanya was announced. Probably becuz I read a dozen different comments across the forum from MariaLinda and OnlyTanyaFan. LoL. Which also made me think, where has Jaded-Raven been hiding?

Whoa, are you out of the loop, JR got banned.

0RI0N Wrote:
Throw- Tremor recycles the animation of Green Lantern's throw from Injustice. Except the wall is made of stone instead of Green bricks obviously. Brutality finisher- the stonewall doesn't break, so ur head is smashed between boot and rock, American History X style

You're sick, you're sick, you're sick. That's so wrong.

I really wanna see Tanya & Tremor. But i really wanna see everyone return.

How about these Skarlet variations?

1. Knives Out. Weapon-based variation with glowing double-daggers. Allows for more quick slashing attacks.
2. Blood Letter. Focuses on her Bloodball special and gives her a way of dealing damage to herself for maximum damage output (Like Ferra/Torr's Ruthless). Hood up.
3. Vampiric/Blood Thirsty. Allows Skarlet to heal herself from draining the blood of others, but her damage output is decreased to offset the balance. Mask off.
03/08/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)

Universal Special Moves:
Sai Toss – For defensive zoning purposes across all variations.
Teleport Kick – For getting in on zoning characters, but still unsafe on block just to make it fair.
Roll – Also for getting in on zoners and a pop-up combo starter, but a low attack this time please.

“Malevolent” – A combination zoning/rushdown variation featuring a variety of different teleport kicks, including an ability to manually cancel and redirect kicks.

"Fiendish” – A maskless rushdown variation featuring her neckbite move as both as an offensive attack and a parry that regenerates her health like Nitara in Deadly Alliance.

“Pretty Slasher” – Another combination variation featuring combo attacks with her sais with both horizontal and vertical sai tosses and a stab move that slowly drains an opponent’s health for a limited time.

On a final note, I really hope they keep her Up 4 and Down 4 normals. She’d be godlike with Down 4 again!
03/08/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
Mileena should have a Tarkatan variation to pay homage to Baraka and have blades!!
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/08/2015 08:49 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
I had a dream Last night that Tanya was announced. Probably becuz I read a dozen different comments across the forum from MariaLinda and OnlyTanyaFan. LoL. Which also made me think, where has Jaded-Raven been hiding?

Whoa, are you out of the loop, JR got banned.

0RI0N Wrote:
Throw- Tremor recycles the animation of Green Lantern's throw from Injustice. Except the wall is made of stone instead of Green bricks obviously. Brutality finisher- the stonewall doesn't break, so ur head is smashed between boot and rock, American History X style

You're sick, you're sick, you're sick. That's so wrong.

I really wanna see Tanya & Tremor. But i really wanna see everyone return.

How about these Skarlet variations?

1. Knives Out. Weapon-based variation with glowing double-daggers. Allows for more quick slashing attacks.
2. Blood Letter. Focuses on her Bloodball special and gives her a way of dealing damage to herself for maximum damage output (Like Ferra/Torr's Ruthless). Hood up.
3. Vampiric/Blood Thirsty. Allows Skarlet to heal herself from draining the blood of others, but her damage output is decreased to offset the balance. Mask off.

I am definitely out of the Loop. JR has been here for YEARS and I thought he/she was one of the very few members that could keep a kool head while debating with others. I guess JR lost it one day.

I really like those Skarlet variations! She became my new favorite female after MK9, replacing Tanya. I'm really hoping she is the sub boss of MKX, since we saw that giant blood cloud in the story trailer.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/08/2015 08:52 PM (UTC)

Universal special moves-

1) Watery Teleport. 2)HydroBlast. A "pressurized" water projectile. Essentially a faster version of Reptile's ForceBall. 3)Geyser Strike. Borrowed from the Water God in MK:mythologies. It's a mid-range uppercut/pop-up using water. Great for juggling. 4) Demi-God Kick. His super roundhouse. But the opponent does NOT fly around the world, MKX is a bit more serious than mk9. LoL


V1) Storm Breaker- Gains his classic Lightning Strike attack. Also gains The "DownPour" special move, which causes rainfall on the stage for a few seconds. While in Downpour, ur opponent moves slightly slower, and Rain can also "slip" out of combos (Like Aquaman in Injustice). Ur opponent will "drop combos" due to bad weather. LoL

V2) HydroMancer- Rain's HydroBlast projectile is now upgraded to a capture move, engulfing the enemy in a bubble. EX version allows Rain to move the bubble wherever he wants.

V3) Water God- Rain gains the ability to morph his body into water for a few seconds. In his Liquid form, projectiles will pass thru him, but he is not immune to melee attacks. This is perfect against zoning spammers.

Alternate Variations-

RoyaL Pain- Can create up to 2 puddles that serve as booby traps. If ur opponent Lands/runs/dashes into the puddle, they will slip and fall. This would be good for space control and anti-rushdown. Also good for trolling. LoL.

Sea God- From my fantasy where Argus left behind a magic weapon for Rain (just like he did for Taven and Daegon). Rain can summon a Golden Trident, and gains the melee attacks from Aquaman in Injustice. Maybe the trident also has a breakaway design, housing a sleek golden sword.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/08/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
MrInternational Wrote:

Falling Sky: In this variation Rain has a large cloud that hovers over a portion of the battlefield from beginning to end of the match. The cloud is constantly following Rains opponent, but at a slow pace. The cloud will randomly shoot either Hail: heavy hail that deals small continuous damage, or Lighting Strikes: multiple lightning strikes at random times throughout the match. Rain can use an EX version which increases the Clouds size, attack damage, and adds an extra threat; Waterspouts: two tornados of water (one at each end of the cloud) that traps the opponent (unless the player has teleportation). When the EX version expires so will the Waterspouts and the clouds boosts.

Water Deity: Rain can coat his arms into thick layers of water in the shape of tails. These whip like arms give Rain a longer reach in hand to hand combat putting distance between him and his attacker. His EX version not only keeps his water whips, but also turns Rains lower body (waist down) into a miniature twister of water which increases Rain’s moving speed (not sprinting) and allows Rain to block and move at the same time until the EX version expires. Rain cannot sprint or jump while in his EX version.

Liquidate: In this variation Rain can coat his body with water which reduces the damage from projectile attacks. He also has the ability to heal himself (hold button input to heal) however doing so will make Rain motionless making him vulnerable. Rain can use an EX version which turns Rains very skin into water which slowly heals Rain without having the need to stand still and negates the enemy players damage boost and chip damage abilities for a short period of time.

Our Rain WishList is kinda similar. I was thinking about WaterWhips as well (I'm a huge fan of Korra!). But after seeing that Takeda is going to be using duel whips Omega Red style, whips for Rain seem redundant, even if they are made of water :(
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/09/2015 12:01 AM (UTC)
Well, I ended up devising a pretty cool Baraka build in the Baraka vs. Reptile thread, and I guess I might as well share it here:


Universal: Blade Charge, Chop-Chop, Slices, Blade Spin, Blade Spark

1. Berserker: Adds "Tarkatan Rage," which makes him temporarily unstoppable like Doomsday, though he still takes damage from hits. In addition, he builds up meter twice as fast while in Rage, to fuel his EX attacks. Chop-Chop becomes an easy pop-up for juggling. Your basic rushdown Baraka, obviously.

2. Savage: Adds a "Crouch" stance that allows him to propel himself with explosive power by releasing his blades at the ground. It looks like he's doing a quick handspring, and comes with several attack and maneuvering options to make a highly mobile, acrobatic, and unpredictable Baraka.

3. Leader of the Horde: Baraka can "tag-in" a Tarkatan grunt to take his place in the fight. The grunt has only normals and doesn't earn meter, and dies after taking a small amount of damage. But while the grunt is onstage, Baraka stands in the background like Ferra and cannot be touched, while you deal as much damage as you can with a nerfed Tarkatan and try not to get hit. The EX version allows Baraka to slowly heal as long as the grunt is onstage. Just for fun, when the grunts die from an uppercut or any other "power" hit, they bonesplode all over the place. Otherwise they just fall down.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/17/2015 01:43 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
Well, I ended up devising a pretty cool Baraka build in the Baraka vs. Reptile thread, and I guess I might as well share it here:


Universal: Blade Charge, Chop-Chop, Slices, Blade Spin, Blade Spark

1. Berserker: Adds "Tarkatan Rage," which makes him temporarily unstoppable like Doomsday, though he still takes damage from hits. In addition, he builds up meter twice as fast while in Rage, to fuel his EX attacks. Chop-Chop becomes an easy pop-up for juggling. Your basic rushdown Baraka, obviously.

2. Savage: Adds a "Crouch" stance that allows him to propel himself with explosive power by releasing his blades at the ground. It looks like he's doing a quick handspring, and comes with several attack and maneuvering options to make a highly mobile, acrobatic, and unpredictable Baraka.

3. Leader of the Horde: Baraka can "tag-in" a Tarkatan grunt to take his place in the fight. The grunt has only normals and doesn't earn meter, and dies after taking a small amount of damage. But while the grunt is onstage, Baraka stands in the background like Ferra and cannot be touched, while you deal as much damage as you can with a nerfed Tarkatan and try not to get hit. The EX version allows Baraka to slowly heal as long as the grunt is onstage. Just for fun, when the grunts die from an uppercut or any other "power" hit, they bonesplode all over the place. Otherwise they just fall down.

WoW, this is awesome! This proves that every character can be awesome as long as someone takes the time to sit down and actually do some creative thinking. Baraka was the ONE character I'd always bring up when talking about Variations being hard for some ppl. I especially like the one with Baraka standing in the background while is goon fights. That Ferra/Torr mechanic is there, so I feel NRS should use it more. This is why I thought of that pet tiger for Kai. LoL
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Props to MINION
03/17/2015 01:53 AM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:

I'll start with my favorite villain Reiko.

UniversaL Specials: 1) Shuriken throw. EX version has a "batch" of them tossed at you. I'd like the shurikens to be blue "energy based" much like NightWolf's arrow and ShaoKahn's spear. 2) Shoulder Charge. EX version has longer range and is stronger. 3) Flip kick. EX version is essentially a blue "wind kick" like Guile's in StreetFighter. 4) Air throw. Over the back supplex from the air. No EX version

Variation 1- Barbarian- Reiko inherited ShaoKahn's WarHammer upon his death. This is a "weapon stance" Like Scorpion's Ninjitsu variation.

Variation 2- Devastator- Reiko gains his infamous teleport slam. Teleslam can be cancelled for tactical reasons, becoming just a teleport. EX teleslam causes popup.

Variation 3- Kommander- Reiko gains the move "Emperor's Shield" (ShaoKahn's move in MKA). Its an uppercut that creates a momentary shield, which can deflect projectiles. EX version creates a mid-ranged shockwave, and the shield stays, becoming an actual forcefield for a few seconds. (Meaning he can literally walk with it, and be invincible for a few seconds.)

For those of you who never saw the move "Emperor's Shield" here is a video. ShaoKahn opens the fight with it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJE59c5TnR8

i think one of his should be called Mastermind or tactician or something along those lines.

i like where your going with it, but I think Reiko deserves to be separated from Shao Kahn in this timeline, to make him less of a joke character to non reiko fans. To get more respecy as his own charcter not a Kahn wannabe
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/17/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:

I'll start with my favorite villain Reiko.

UniversaL Specials: 1) Shuriken throw. EX version has a "batch" of them tossed at you. I'd like the shurikens to be blue "energy based" much like NightWolf's arrow and ShaoKahn's spear. 2) Shoulder Charge. EX version has longer range and is stronger. 3) Flip kick. EX version is essentially a blue "wind kick" like Guile's in StreetFighter. 4) Air throw. Over the back supplex from the air. No EX version

Variation 1- Barbarian- Reiko inherited ShaoKahn's WarHammer upon his death. This is a "weapon stance" Like Scorpion's Ninjitsu variation.

Variation 2- Devastator- Reiko gains his infamous teleport slam. Teleslam can be cancelled for tactical reasons, becoming just a teleport. EX teleslam causes popup.

Variation 3- Kommander- Reiko gains the move "Emperor's Shield" (ShaoKahn's move in MKA). Its an uppercut that creates a momentary shield, which can deflect projectiles. EX version creates a mid-ranged shockwave, and the shield stays, becoming an actual forcefield for a few seconds. (Meaning he can literally walk with it, and be invincible for a few seconds.)

For those of you who never saw the move "Emperor's Shield" here is a video. ShaoKahn opens the fight with it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJE59c5TnR8

i think one of his should be called Mastermind or tactician or something along those lines.

i like where your going with it, but I think Reiko deserves to be separated from Shao Kahn in this timeline, to make him less of a joke character to non reiko fans. To get more respecy as his own charcter not a Kahn wannabe

I see your point. But the hammer just looks so damn good on Reiko. LoL. Whether it's Kahn's or his own "Crude" Hammer from MKA. Emperor's Shield is probably my favorite move in MK history. I just wanted somebody to have it. LoL. Reiko made since. (I wanted NightWolf to get it in mk9).

Well u made me put on my thinking cap, and I came up with this.

Reiko Alt Variation-

Tactician- Being a master strategist, Reiko knows the weaknesses of all of his enemies. In this variation, he gains a dash-grab move. Once grabbed, Reiko delivers a series of rapidfire punches to the various pressure points on ur body. Your opponent is then unable to perform any of their special moves for a few seconds. Think of the "Chi-Blockers" from The Last AirBender series (or Batman LoL).

His Into-Animation should show him reading one of those ancient books. Always a student of War and Strategy.
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Props to MINION
03/17/2015 10:09 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:

I'll start with my favorite villain Reiko.

UniversaL Specials: 1) Shuriken throw. EX version has a "batch" of them tossed at you. I'd like the shurikens to be blue "energy based" much like NightWolf's arrow and ShaoKahn's spear. 2) Shoulder Charge. EX version has longer range and is stronger. 3) Flip kick. EX version is essentially a blue "wind kick" like Guile's in StreetFighter. 4) Air throw. Over the back supplex from the air. No EX version

Variation 1- Barbarian- Reiko inherited ShaoKahn's WarHammer upon his death. This is a "weapon stance" Like Scorpion's Ninjitsu variation.

Variation 2- Devastator- Reiko gains his infamous teleport slam. Teleslam can be cancelled for tactical reasons, becoming just a teleport. EX teleslam causes popup.

Variation 3- Kommander- Reiko gains the move "Emperor's Shield" (ShaoKahn's move in MKA). Its an uppercut that creates a momentary shield, which can deflect projectiles. EX version creates a mid-ranged shockwave, and the shield stays, becoming an actual forcefield for a few seconds. (Meaning he can literally walk with it, and be invincible for a few seconds.)

For those of you who never saw the move "Emperor's Shield" here is a video. ShaoKahn opens the fight with it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJE59c5TnR8

i think one of his should be called Mastermind or tactician or something along those lines.

i like where your going with it, but I think Reiko deserves to be separated from Shao Kahn in this timeline, to make him less of a joke character to non reiko fans. To get more respecy as his own charcter not a Kahn wannabe

I see your point. But the hammer just looks so damn good on Reiko. LoL. Whether it's Kahn's or his own "Crude" Hammer from MKA. Emperor's Shield is probably my favorite move in MK history. I just wanted somebody to have it. LoL. Reiko made since. (I wanted NightWolf to get it in mk9).

Well u made me put on my thinking cap, and I came up with this.

Reiko Alt Variation-

Tactician- Being a master strategist, Reiko knows the weaknesses of all of his enemies. In this variation, he gains a dash-grab move. Once grabbed, Reiko delivers a series of rapidfire punches to the various pressure points on ur body. Your opponent is then unable to perform any of their special moves for a few seconds. Think of the "Chi-Blockers" from The Last AirBender series (or Batman LoL).

His Into-Animation should show him reading one of those ancient books. Always a student of War and Strategy.

Noice, and ya he is badass with a hammerI
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/19/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
So I made a complete moveset for all of the unannounced and/or obscure characters that I LOVE. Reiko, Rain, Noob, Fujin, Tanya, Kai, Daegon, Tremor. (Can anyone tell this is my favorite thread? LoL) Well, I decided to give it a try on an obscure character that I dont give a shit about. Its quite difficult when the passion isnt there. (Thats what she said)


I see him being a samurai of course. He needs to be more Lava-based, rather than just fire. This would make him more unique. And No Flags, it causes way too much clipping.

Universals- 1) FireFly Kick. An anti-air flaming kick that hits twice. Replaces his weird Bike Kick from MKD. 2) Lava Blast. A straight projectile. 3) Ground Lava Blast. His signature move from MKD. It would actually be awesome in MKX since it causes pop-up.


V1) SoJutsu- Spear wielding attacks. The blade of the spear should look like it is made of sharpened Lava-Rock.

V2) Volcanic- Hotaru can create a puddle of Lava on the ground. If the opponent touches it, they will catch fire. If your opponent tries to jump over it, Hotaru can command a fireball to shoot out of the puddle vertically. The puddle dissipates after either scenario, but can be summoned again.

V3) Molten- For this variation, Hotaru's armor visibly has cracks in it. Hotaru gains a defensive "molten form" which is similar to Scorpion's Flame-Aura and Reptile's Noxious gas. On command, the cracks in Hotaru's armor fill with glowing Lava, the rest of him darkens, and he is also emitting that invisible heatwave effect. (This puts the HOT in Hotaru glasses) Damage is boosted. The opponent's attacks will also cause chip damage on themselves.

04/01/2015 09:38 PM (UTC)
After the game is released, I would wish for the character variations to continue.

I would see in the next game...

- Tanya
- Fujin
- Reiko

- Frost
- Sareena

- Havik
- Hotaru

- Nightwolf
- Stryker
- Kabal
- Smoke
- Sindel
- Baraka
- Cyrax
- Sektor
- Noob Saibot
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