02/06/2015 11:06 PM (UTC)
Baraka also seems unfeasible to three variations. It seems to be absorbed as a variation of Mileena (which after all is a Tarkatan, at least in part).

-Witchcraft Variation: Ashrah can use voodoo style moves to manipulate the way her Opponents perform Their moves.
-Slayer Variation: Ashrah uses her Kriss is the Majority of her moves. She does best in melee combat.
-Mage Variation: Ashrah uses the power of her magical abilities. This is best for long-range attacks.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/11/2015 08:45 PM (UTC)

Universals- Fireball, Rolling Uppercut, Blazing RoundHouse Kick, Teleport (Thru a Red portal, easter egg of his Dragon Caro)

V1) Red Dragon- Daegon summons an "Inner Fire" which makes his fist and forearms glow red with heat. His strength is boosted for a few seconds. He also gains a parry maneuver which ends with an arrogant Choke-Slam.

V2) Demi-God- Daegon gains the Flaming ground-pound (One of Taven's moves in MKA). He can also summon a "Firenado" which circles his body then shoots upward. Think of the blue aura from KungLao's spin, but it would be made of fire. EX would be an XXL Firenado with multiple hits.

V3) PyroDogu- Unsheathes the enchanted DrakeSword. Now has sword-specific special moves. EX versions add fire to the blade.

P.S... Taven can simply be a skin for Daegon, but the Variation Name "Red Dragon" would become Gold Dragon. Taven's energy signature for his teleport would also be a gold arua, becuz of his dragon Orin ;)
02/11/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:

"Tanya! Tanya TanyaTaaanyaaaTAAAANYAAAAAA!!!"

lol Fingers krossed for Tanya! smile

umbrascitor Wrote:

Okay, your turn. If you want someone in the game, make a case and let's see what s/he can actually do!

Tanya can do a funny drill move and throw a big boomerang in the opponent's face.

Tanya has pretty purple/pink-ish fireball powers.

Tanya could use her weird superhero MKDeception eye-mask for one of her variations.

Tanya can do an amazing NECK-TWIST-BREAK fatality.
Let's see if we'll have a Playstation4, 2015, version of this fatality.

Fingers krossed.
02/12/2015 04:39 AM (UTC)
Mileena - Sais used in every variation
1) Tarkatan Rush - Doesn't wear a veil, bearing her teeth. Adds bite attacks.
2) Empress - Wears a headpiece similar in appearance to Shao Kahn's helmet, only more feminine. Adds shadow attacks inspired by her father.
3) Seductress - Distracts your opponent with added cleavage. glasses

Ashrah - Kriss blade used in every variation
1) Penance - Carries a small wooden doll. Adds voodoo attacks.
2) Divine - Wears the veiled sedge hat. Adds attacks based on her holy light powers.
3) Demon Within - Adds attacks based on her hidden demon form.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/16/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Mileena - Sais used in every variation
1) Tarkatan Rush - Doesn't wear a veil, bearing her teeth. Adds bite attacks.
2) Empress - Wears a headpiece similar in appearance to Shao Kahn's helmet, only more feminine. Adds shadow attacks inspired by her father.
3) Seductress - Distracts your opponent with added cleavage. glasses

Ashrah - Kriss blade used in every variation
1) Penance - Carries a small wooden doll. Adds voodoo attacks.
2) Divine - Wears the veiled sedge hat. Adds attacks based on her holy light powers.
3) Demon Within - Adds attacks based on her hidden demon form.

Damn. If Mileena had an Alt that was Kahn-Inspired, that would be so sick! I like that Empress idea. She should get a giant pink energy spear-throw.
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Save a life; Kill a necromorph

02/17/2015 12:56 AM (UTC)
If Shujinko returns,

Bak Mei: a short range martial art variation including elbow and knee strikes

Long Fist: a Long Range variation

Blades: Sword oriented variation

His outfits are similar to his MKD outfits.
02/17/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
No liu kang, no fujin, no kai= NO BUY
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/17/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
White_Lotus Wrote:
No liu kang, no fujin, no kai= NO BUY

That was totally random. I made a Kai post on pg1 of this thread. But I just noticed that I forgot to spell "Capoira" with a K. LoL.

P.s.. Let it be recorded that I "wished" for Reiko to have Kahn's Hammer 2 weeks before MKX chapter 7 came out ;P
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/17/2015 05:46 PM (UTC)
I had a dream Last night that Tanya was announced. Probably becuz I read a dozen different comments across the forum from MariaLinda and OnlyTanyaFan. LoL. Which also made me think, where has Jaded-Raven been hiding? I figured I'd take a shot at Tanya anyway, since I already did fellow MK4 alumni Reiko, Fujin, and Kai.

Tanya. (All of her special moves should have a Pink-Fire energy signature)

Universals- Fireball, Drill Kick, Diving Drill Kick

V1) Akrobat- This variation adds her Front-Flip Split-Kick. She is also able to do several different Luchadore/MMA-Styled takedowns (Like her "Breaker" from mk4 for example).

V2) Sorceress- This variation shows off black magic abilities she has learned from QuanChi and Shinnok. She can now blow fire like Zatana from Injustice. She can also teleport and turn invisible.

V3) Fatale- This is her weapon stance variation, and an homage to mk4. Tanya has a blade-edged boomerang that she can throw, and it always returns to her. This "Bladarang" can also be used in melee attacks, essentially doubling as a Khukuri Knife. EX versions add her Pink-Fire affect to the weapon.
02/19/2015 01:45 AM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
I had a dream Last night that Tanya was announced. Probably becuz I read a dozen different comments across the forum from MariaLinda and OnlyTanyaFan. LoL. Which also made me think, where has Jaded-Raven been hiding? I figured I'd take a shot at Tanya anyway, since I already did fellow MK4 alumni Reiko, Fujin, and Kai.

Tanya. (All of her special moves should have a Pink-Fire energy signature)

Universals- Fireball, Drill Kick, Diving Drill Kick

V1) Akrobat- This variation adds her Front-Flip Split-Kick. She is also able to do several different Luchadore/MMA-Styled takedowns (Like her "Breaker" from mk4 for example).

V2) Sorceress- This variation shows off black magic abilities she has learned from QuanChi and Shinnok. She can now blow fire like Zatana from Injustice. She can also teleport and turn invisible.

V3) Fatale- This is her weapon stance variation, and an homage to mk4. Tanya has a blade-edged boomerang that she can throw, and it always returns to her. This "Bladarang" can also be used in melee attacks, essentially doubling as a Khukuri Knife. EX versions add her Pink-Fire affect to the weapon.

Amazing. I am a fairy witch, like Tanya herself.

I kontinue to kross my long witchy fingers for Tanya and MKX!
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/24/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
Noob Saibot

Universals- 1) Dark Matter. A dark-purple & black fireball. EX version is stronger, and can "detonate" if someone tries to jump over it. 2) PortaL Punch. A teleport punch, but more in the vein of Sektor's than Scorpion's. EX version has rapid recovery, enabling a juggle. 3) Scythe Slam. Short-ranged, and Anti-Air swipe. Scythe impales your chest, then Noob performs an over-shoulder slam. EX causes pop-up. 4) Shadow Slide. Classic slide move, not the MK9 version. EX adds a punch at the end.

V1) Onyx- This is his SubZero homage variation. The Dark Matter projectile becomes Dark Freeze, encasing your opponent in black ice. Noob can also cover his entire body in a layer of Black ice (it'll look shiny like Onyx) boosting strength and defense.

V2) ShadowMancer - Noob gains his shadow-clone moves from MK9. Shadow Slide is now performed by the clone, creating a juggle opportunity.

V3) Wraith- This is a weapon stance. Noob utilizes his Reaper Scythe from MK4.

Today's Noob Saibot thread had me hype all day at work and thinking about Noob and his badassery. Damn I hope he is in MKX. So I thought of a new move that could be added to the ShadowMancer Variation I made up.

"Shadow Stealth"... Noob can shrink down into his own shadow and move anywhere on the screen. It would look like a black cloud of smoke moving across the ground. You would be able to hold a button down to stay in the shadow and traverse through the stage, but you would only have a few seconds before it forces you out of the shadow. So this is essentially a prolonged teleport.

I actually got the idea from thinking about those Wraiths in the God of War game. Check out how they move if you dont understand what I'm talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0_bXlADyG0
Tempest: His Lightning, and roundhouse are enhanced.

Usurper: Control orb is enhanced, Puddle Teleport displaces opponent, and additional move creates puddles under opponent like Noob n Smoke`s Black hole moves that draw in, in place of the old spear.

Kraken: Water blast is enhanced, and can create puddles under opponent that kraken tentacles come out of to attack or throw opponent.

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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

02/25/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
Only read the OP and did not bother reading responses.

Anyway, Scorpion was obviously in from the "get-go" and his variations are already done. But..

I wish he had a variation dedicated to his SPEAR. Imagine all of the cool tricks he could do with his signature weapon of choice. This can easily replace that "Inferno" variation. So there's one of my wishes. Will come up with more later.
02/25/2015 11:54 PM (UTC)
A man can only dream
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/26/2015 02:45 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Only read the OP and did not bother reading responses.

Anyway, Scorpion was obviously in from the "get-go" and his variations are already done. But..

I wish he had a variation dedicated to his SPEAR. Imagine all of the cool tricks he could do with his signature weapon of choice. This can easily replace that "Inferno" variation. So there's one of my wishes. Will come up with more later.

This would be sick! He could gain all those spear-melee moves he had in MK:Shaolin Monks. I also hate his Inferno variation, those new moves should belong to Noob Saibot or QuanChi :(
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/05/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)

Decided to make a go at Tremor becuz of this week's hype/hate.

He should have an Orange energy signature for his special moves. I don't think anyone in MK has ever had Orange before.

Universals- 1) Rock Toss. His projectile. 2) Ground Pound. EX version causes pop-up. 3) RockSlide. A shoulder charge. He doesn't "slide" per se, more like he uses the ground to move himself forward. 4)Teleport. He is swallowed by the ground, then resurfaces behind u. (much like SubZero's teleport in MKvDC)

Throw- Tremor recycles the animation of Green Lantern's throw from Injustice. Except the wall is made of stone instead of Green bricks obviously. Brutality finisher- the stonewall doesn't break, so ur head is smashed between boot and rock, American History X style.

V1) Hard Rock- Tremor can cover his entire skin in rock for a few seconds (think Colossus from Xmen). Defense is increased. No chip damage while blocking in his "golem" form.

V2) Stone Mason- Can turn his hands into stone weapons, adding new melee attacks with higher damage output.

V3) GeoMancer- Gains the special move StoneCold. Tremor shoots out an Orange energy projectile. If hit, you are encased in stone (a mix of Medusa's gaze with SubZero's iceball). EX version makes it an unavoidable stream of energy, just like SubZero's EX iceball in mk9.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/05/2015 11:06 PM (UTC)
Tremor setup doesn't sound bad.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/05/2015 11:20 PM (UTC)
Li Mei - known for impossible flexibility and acrobatics along with her "sparkler" energy attacks.

Basic Specials: Sparkler, Fists of Fury, Kartwheel Kick

V1: Contortionist
Li Mei gains a variety of flexibility related specials. Special move set is enhanced with counter moves and command dodges where she uses her unusual range of motion to punish attackers. Much more defense oriented.

V2: Sparkler
Li Mei focuses more on using her sparkler energy for attacking. All melee specials gain the sparkle effect ala Deception. Gains a low and high version of basic sparkler projectile. Li Mei can generate a "forceball" like orb of sparkler energy that creates a blinding flash; no damage or effect on block but a successful hit causes slight damage and leaves opponent in stunned state. Projectile/zoning variation.

V3: Protector
Li Mei turns into a much more rush down attacker. Gains her Klock Kick pop-up special; long range, evades projectiles, extremely punishable on block. Gains a slight boost to overall movement speed.
03/06/2015 12:40 AM (UTC)
A variation for Reptile that gives his acid spit/force balls more variety and power, but not to the point that it's spammer friendly.

It would give him a green mask. (To be honest I just wanted a Reptile that has a green mask. He looks better that way.)
Hotaru would`ve fit nicely in MK9 as a Masked Guard, hired by Shang to keep Order or someting... People argued they use different weapons, but I suspect Hotaru is skilled in various weapons, and is bound to use the style he`s hired to use.

On to the MKX variations, I`m going with his Samurai theme, and incorporating their traditional weapon disciplines: Bow & Arrows, Katana, Naginata.
His specials in all 3 variations are his Lava Bust, Grasshopper Kicks, and his dashing gut punch they gave him later.
I want his Naginata style Kartwheel as a special move in all styles.

Bow, and Arrows:
Fights unarmed, added specials can fire arrows straight, upwards at 90*, in air downwards 90*

Regular specials, fights with sword attacks, and specials like Kenshi, Sub, Scorp or Skarlett.

His Naginata style, additional specials I keep mentioning Downwards javelin throw like FF Odin`s alt move Grudge Lance, and a Telestomp move like FF`s Dragoon class Jump command.

03/06/2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
How did the tanyatanyatanya thing even start hahaha. Anyways i will give it a try


Regular moves
Split kick
Magic ball air and ground

Tanya can hide her self in doubles like zatana. She also get the ability to teleport well making clones of herself to throw the enemy off. She can teleport in 4 directions, one in the air one on the ground and the same on the opposite side. She can attack out of the teleport.

Fire starter
Tanya flip kick and drill now shoot fire balls out to juggle the oponent. Some of her basic attacks also shoot out fire. Her magic ball in ex form now changed to fire and debuffs the opponents armour or damage or does damage over time

Hands dirty
Tanya can now use her drill in the air and can also do it in 4/5 directions. She can drill up to continue a combo or drill down to start one. Maybe she can drill diagonal. Tanya also gets her boomarang.

Also some other ideas
Fire starter2
Tanya blood turns to fire. The more damage she takes the more chance she has to do some serious damage by igniting her blood. Ehhh I don't like this one so much but I think it would be cool for the fatality I have in mind.

Fire starter3
Tanya can make fire walls on the floor. When someone walks on them they take a small amount of damage over time. Tanya can then choose to ex the move to make the flame on the person bigger and knock them up.

The fatality I thought of would go like this

Tanya throws some magic powder/or blood across a persons arms. The powder then turns in flames and the persons arms start to melt off until they hit the floor well still being on fire. Tanya puts her hands together and blows the rest of the powder in the person face. There face starts to melt off.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/06/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
Tremor setup doesn't sound bad.

Thanx man. Tremor has so much potential. It blows my mind how many Tremor-Haters are on this forum. LoL
About Me

03/06/2015 11:39 PM (UTC)


Spin attack from mythologies. Ex creates a short ranged shockwave projectile that launches opponent in the air for a free juggle. can be meterburned to increase the range of the projectile.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Brutality. The shockwave sifts through opponent, vertically slicing them in two.(like what was intended for MK2 Shao Kahn's thunder clap fatality hidden animation.

Evade flip. this makes her able to phase through projectiles. EX allows her to close in on her opponent while they recovers from launching projectile.

Shadow hammerfist. Sareena rushes towards her opponent & if her fist connects, the opponent get's launched in the air. EX armored & travels full screen.

Air suplex(somebody has to have Quan Chi's old air throw from MK4)

Variation 1(Skewer) Kama weapons appear on her back.

Sareena has her weapons from Mythologies. She incorporates these weapons in her combostrings. Throws one as a projectile. Does a command grab, where she impales her opponent with her weapon, then throws them on the other side, can be meterburned for a popup.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Brutality: after slamming them to the ground, she puts one foot on their chest & takes out one of her kama weapons & decapitates them in one swift slice.

Variation 2(Cutter) her weapon from Armageddon appears on her hip.

Now Sareena has combostrings that focus upon her knife. She has a knife throw projectile that latches on to her opponent. Three can latch on. Does a pose that has detonates the knives that are latched on opponent, damaging them depending on the amount of knives latched onto opponent.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Brutality: explosion from knives separates opponent's arms & blow a gaping hole inbetween opponent's chest.

Variation 3(Club Foot) Has grieve edge(like soulcalibur 3's create-a-soul)

Kicks do more damage. has longer combostrings with her kicks. does a sommersault kick which creates a projectile, can be done in midair. Does her 5-star kick move. Meterburned adds 10 more hits.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Brutality: she kicks her opponent nonstop, until their skin is completely gone. she then knocks them down with a side kick

I basically wanted her to be more focused on combostrings in her attacks, since everybody & their mothers can only have 3-hit combostrings *shudder*
03/08/2015 12:13 PM (UTC)

Falling Sky: In this variation Rain has a large cloud that hovers over a portion of the battlefield from beginning to end of the match. The cloud is constantly following Rains opponent, but at a slow pace. The cloud will randomly shoot either Hail: heavy hail that deals small continuous damage, or Lighting Strikes: multiple lightning strikes at random times throughout the match. Rain can use an EX version which increases the Clouds size, attack damage, and adds an extra threat; Waterspouts: two tornados of water (one at each end of the cloud) that traps the opponent (unless the player has teleportation). When the EX version expires so will the Waterspouts and the clouds boosts.

Water Deity: Rain can coat his arms into thick layers of water in the shape of tails. These whip like arms give Rain a longer reach in hand to hand combat putting distance between him and his attacker. His EX version not only keeps his water whips, but also turns Rains lower body (waist down) into a miniature twister of water which increases Rain’s moving speed (not sprinting) and allows Rain to block and move at the same time until the EX version expires. Rain cannot sprint or jump while in his EX version.

Liquidate: In this variation Rain can coat his body with water which reduces the damage from projectile attacks. He also has the ability to heal himself (hold button input to heal) however doing so will make Rain motionless making him vulnerable. Rain can use an EX version which turns Rains very skin into water which slowly heals Rain without having the need to stand still and negates the enemy players damage boost and chip damage abilities for a short period of time.
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03/08/2015 12:31 PM (UTC)

Sindel: keep her main Powers, plus got some abilities of Shang Tsung:

Empress: She use her Conqueress abilities, as a Deadly Whip, Sonic Scream, Fireball and agressive combos

Priestess: She using powers made of Dark Magic as Flying attacks, Hair Throw, Hair whip, Morph warrior.

Phoenix: Revenant variation, give her the abilities to protect herself against opponents; Stealing spirit (give her some energy back from the opponent), Vulcano blaze, fire shield
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