Variations for your character wishlist
Variations for your character wishlist
posted04/01/2015 09:38 PM (UTC)byAbout Me
Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.
Member Since
06/16/2011 01:55 AM (UTC)
"Li Mei better be in."
"I want Forrest Fox!"
"I'm not buying the game if Reiko isn't in."
"Tanya! Tanya TanyaTaaanyaaaTAAAANYAAAAAA!!!"
"fuk u boon gimme jacki brigs or i cut u mamas throte FATALTY BITCH"
"You owe us Sareena, NRS. You owe us."
... All right, all right! Goddamn, we get it. You really, really, really want to see your favorite returning character/speculated comic character in MKX. Yes, we know how cool they are and how important they are in the story and how much NRS can improve old crappy characters if they'd only give them a chance. But one of the questions that no one seems to be asking is:
"Does my character even have three variations to fight with? Because no matter how much the game "needs" my character, the whole gameplay thing is kind of, you know, important.
Something you might have noticed about the returning characters so far is that they can do a lot of things. Elemental powers like ice and lightning come with a wide range of possibilities, so making variations is a cinch. Signature weapons like hats and fans can do a lot of tricks. Quan Chi's spellcraft and Ermac's soul energy have endless potential. Characters like Kano have always had variety built in (knives, lasers, grappling). And the new characters released so far also fit into similar categories of variety.
Now, veteran hopefuls like Kabal, Bo' Rai Cho, Fujin, Havik, Shinnok, Noob, Cyrax/Sektor, Kenshi, Nightwolf, and Kai have some fairly obvious variation potential. For some of those, the variations are such a no-brainer that it would be weird not to see them make the cut. Out of the speculated characters, Takeda has decent potential with his whip and possible telekinesis, and Erron Black could have some variety in his arsenal.
But even some of the classic icons, like Baraka, seem somewhat limited in their abilities; it's a little hard to think of three distinct variations for him, and without that, he doesn't really have much of a place in the game. Sadly, the same seems to be true for a lot of the characters that people are shouting for the loudest. What has Tanya ever done that could fill up three variations? What about Reiko? Fox? Li Mei? What could Frost do that Sub-Zero isn't already doing?
No, seriously, I'm really asking. If you're going to hope, pray, and outright demand that certain characters make the game, then back up your request with a little bit of how. How would you build up the characters you want to see? Quick example:
Okay, your turn. If you want someone in the game, make a case and let's see what s/he can actually do!
"I want Forrest Fox!"
"I'm not buying the game if Reiko isn't in."
"Tanya! Tanya TanyaTaaanyaaaTAAAANYAAAAAA!!!"
"fuk u boon gimme jacki brigs or i cut u mamas throte FATALTY BITCH"
"You owe us Sareena, NRS. You owe us."
... All right, all right! Goddamn, we get it. You really, really, really want to see your favorite returning character/speculated comic character in MKX. Yes, we know how cool they are and how important they are in the story and how much NRS can improve old crappy characters if they'd only give them a chance. But one of the questions that no one seems to be asking is:
"Does my character even have three variations to fight with? Because no matter how much the game "needs" my character, the whole gameplay thing is kind of, you know, important.
Something you might have noticed about the returning characters so far is that they can do a lot of things. Elemental powers like ice and lightning come with a wide range of possibilities, so making variations is a cinch. Signature weapons like hats and fans can do a lot of tricks. Quan Chi's spellcraft and Ermac's soul energy have endless potential. Characters like Kano have always had variety built in (knives, lasers, grappling). And the new characters released so far also fit into similar categories of variety.
Now, veteran hopefuls like Kabal, Bo' Rai Cho, Fujin, Havik, Shinnok, Noob, Cyrax/Sektor, Kenshi, Nightwolf, and Kai have some fairly obvious variation potential. For some of those, the variations are such a no-brainer that it would be weird not to see them make the cut. Out of the speculated characters, Takeda has decent potential with his whip and possible telekinesis, and Erron Black could have some variety in his arsenal.
But even some of the classic icons, like Baraka, seem somewhat limited in their abilities; it's a little hard to think of three distinct variations for him, and without that, he doesn't really have much of a place in the game. Sadly, the same seems to be true for a lot of the characters that people are shouting for the loudest. What has Tanya ever done that could fill up three variations? What about Reiko? Fox? Li Mei? What could Frost do that Sub-Zero isn't already doing?
No, seriously, I'm really asking. If you're going to hope, pray, and outright demand that certain characters make the game, then back up your request with a little bit of how. How would you build up the characters you want to see? Quick example:
Bo' Rai Cho
Universal: "Belly Bash" (EX "Monkey Flips"), "Booze Breath" stunner (EX "Fire Breath"), "Ground Stomp" short radius quake (EX "Ground Crush" full screen quake). "Drink Up" gives Bo' a temporary buff that changes with his variations.
Var. 1: Sumo -- Adds command grabs. Ground Stomp now does a popup. Drink Up gives him one hit of armor (two on EX).
Var. 3: Bo' Staff -- Staff affords longer attack range on normals. Adds staff special. Drink Up boosts damage.
Var. 3: Drunken Master -- Normals change to Drunken style. More mixups, and some moves evade before striking. Adds parry special. Drink Up quickens recovery time when hit.
Universal: "Belly Bash" (EX "Monkey Flips"), "Booze Breath" stunner (EX "Fire Breath"), "Ground Stomp" short radius quake (EX "Ground Crush" full screen quake). "Drink Up" gives Bo' a temporary buff that changes with his variations.
Var. 1: Sumo -- Adds command grabs. Ground Stomp now does a popup. Drink Up gives him one hit of armor (two on EX).
Var. 3: Bo' Staff -- Staff affords longer attack range on normals. Adds staff special. Drink Up boosts damage.
Var. 3: Drunken Master -- Normals change to Drunken style. More mixups, and some moves evade before striking. Adds parry special. Drink Up quickens recovery time when hit.
Okay, your turn. If you want someone in the game, make a case and let's see what s/he can actually do!
About Me

umbrascitor Wrote:
"Tanya! Tanya TanyaTaaanyaaaTAAAANYAAAAAA!!!"
"fuk u boon gimme jacki brigs or i cut u mamas throte FATALTY BITCH"
"Tanya! Tanya TanyaTaaanyaaaTAAAANYAAAAAA!!!"
"fuk u boon gimme jacki brigs or i cut u mamas throte FATALTY BITCH"
I'm (perhaps wrongly) amused by these. Nice.
About Me
Save a life; Kill a necromorph
This is an Shout out for the OT MK based on Noob Saibot's pallate swap of other characters.
Noob Saibot:
Kano based variation: Remember MK4, that Noob Saibot was a black pallette swap of Kano. So why not have a variation of Kano.
Scorpion based variation: In MK2, Noob was a Black version of Scorpion, why not a variation based on Scorpion.
Sub Zero based variation: We all know that Noob was Bi han while in Deception, so why not have a Sub Zero variation.
Also while in those variation, Noob Saibot has shadow variations of their special moves.
Noob Saibot:
Kano based variation: Remember MK4, that Noob Saibot was a black pallette swap of Kano. So why not have a variation of Kano.
Scorpion based variation: In MK2, Noob was a Black version of Scorpion, why not a variation based on Scorpion.
Sub Zero based variation: We all know that Noob was Bi han while in Deception, so why not have a Sub Zero variation.
Also while in those variation, Noob Saibot has shadow variations of their special moves.
About Me
"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot
umbrascitor Wrote:
Said some good shit.
Said some good shit.
You...I like you...
I also had the same thought about Baraka, and I highly agree with you.
It's really going to be difficult making three variations for Baraka.
MK9 Baraka himself feels like a Variation alone with the amount of Blade eye candy he performs.
I'm really curious to see the creative mind behind these die-hard character story fanboy/girls and see what they can come up with gameplay wise....without making them ridiculous.
Hmm...well I'll start with Kitana, who's already been confirmed. I hope her three variations will somewhat be something like these; Universals: Square Wave Punch, Fan Toss, Fan Lift, Pretty Kick, and Teleport. These moves are upgraded based on the variations for which they are heavily influenced.
Assassin of Outworld: Focus on her melee strikes with her fans. This is her being very precise and serious with her strikes, also utilizing her pretty kick and fan swipe moves from previous games. This is also where she showcases her swift and agile feats, such as the one being shown in the preview where she dashes really quick to her opponent.
Princess of Edenia: Focus on her mix ups with her range and melee abilities. This is where her fan toss and square wave punch moves are being utilized. I kind of want to see a more graceful form of her fighting style for this one. I also would like to see her showcase more aerial combat for this one. I saw in the trailer at one point she started a combo on the ground and ended up in the air. I was hoping that was extension of the combo and not just her using her fan throw move lol.
Way of the Fan: Focus on her "magical" abilities, specifically her wind techniques. She uses teleport, fan lift, and more wind techniques. I always thought Kitana had a telepathic bond with her fans, one where she can just control their movements with her mind. If that was the case, I want her to be able to extend her reach with her fans moving around her, deflecting projectiles and act separately from her moves adding to her combos, sort of like summons.
That's all lol.
Assassin of Outworld: Focus on her melee strikes with her fans. This is her being very precise and serious with her strikes, also utilizing her pretty kick and fan swipe moves from previous games. This is also where she showcases her swift and agile feats, such as the one being shown in the preview where she dashes really quick to her opponent.
Princess of Edenia: Focus on her mix ups with her range and melee abilities. This is where her fan toss and square wave punch moves are being utilized. I kind of want to see a more graceful form of her fighting style for this one. I also would like to see her showcase more aerial combat for this one. I saw in the trailer at one point she started a combo on the ground and ended up in the air. I was hoping that was extension of the combo and not just her using her fan throw move lol.
Way of the Fan: Focus on her "magical" abilities, specifically her wind techniques. She uses teleport, fan lift, and more wind techniques. I always thought Kitana had a telepathic bond with her fans, one where she can just control their movements with her mind. If that was the case, I want her to be able to extend her reach with her fans moving around her, deflecting projectiles and act separately from her moves adding to her combos, sort of like summons.
That's all lol.
About Me
"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham
Alright, I'll give it a go. I'm not a high-level fighting wiz, but I figured I could take a stab with Mileena.
Universals: Mileena keeps her Ball Roll, Teleport Drop, and Sai Blast. Sai Blast is a mid in all variations and can be done in the air in all variations. Ball Roll does a pop-up in all variations. Neckbite is universal but changes upon the variation.
"Voracious" Mileena is all about speed and pressure. The (awful, awful) recovery times for the Ball Roll and Drop Teleport are reduced, so getting to the opponent fast is much safer, but the attacks can't be canceled. Neckbite is Leaping Neckbite, which connects from an extended jumping distance but terminates a combo. Leaping Neckbite does more damage and has extremely reduced recovery time on EX. Sai Blast does less damage, but fewer frames, to facilitate juggles.
"Deceptive" Mileena is more defensive and focuses more on mix-up. Neckbite becomes Taunting Neckbite and works as a parry (like Cage's X-Ray in MK9). A successful Taunting Neckbite does a pop-up on EX. Ball Roll has a longer recovery time, but can be canceled mid-attack, and gives Mileena 1 armor on EX unless the attack connects or is blocked. Ball Roll can now be used backward or forward to promote locomotion. Teleport Drop can also be used in reverse, from the ground up.
"Tactician" Mileena is about zoning. Sai Blast can be performed as a high, mid, or low on the ground, and can be aimed near and far in the air (like Sindel's fireball in MK9). Ball Roll and Teleport Drop are standard. Neckbite becomes Brutal Neckbite and Mileena additionally lodges a Sai in the victim's chest upon connect, which can be detonated later on command. Teleport Drop can also be aimed short, mid, and far, and does not automatically track the opponent.
Universals: Mileena keeps her Ball Roll, Teleport Drop, and Sai Blast. Sai Blast is a mid in all variations and can be done in the air in all variations. Ball Roll does a pop-up in all variations. Neckbite is universal but changes upon the variation.
"Voracious" Mileena is all about speed and pressure. The (awful, awful) recovery times for the Ball Roll and Drop Teleport are reduced, so getting to the opponent fast is much safer, but the attacks can't be canceled. Neckbite is Leaping Neckbite, which connects from an extended jumping distance but terminates a combo. Leaping Neckbite does more damage and has extremely reduced recovery time on EX. Sai Blast does less damage, but fewer frames, to facilitate juggles.
"Deceptive" Mileena is more defensive and focuses more on mix-up. Neckbite becomes Taunting Neckbite and works as a parry (like Cage's X-Ray in MK9). A successful Taunting Neckbite does a pop-up on EX. Ball Roll has a longer recovery time, but can be canceled mid-attack, and gives Mileena 1 armor on EX unless the attack connects or is blocked. Ball Roll can now be used backward or forward to promote locomotion. Teleport Drop can also be used in reverse, from the ground up.
"Tactician" Mileena is about zoning. Sai Blast can be performed as a high, mid, or low on the ground, and can be aimed near and far in the air (like Sindel's fireball in MK9). Ball Roll and Teleport Drop are standard. Neckbite becomes Brutal Neckbite and Mileena additionally lodges a Sai in the victim's chest upon connect, which can be detonated later on command. Teleport Drop can also be aimed short, mid, and far, and does not automatically track the opponent.
Great Post man! I've been meaning to make this same post forever, but I could never have written it as well as you sir. I agree with everything you said. In fact, I strongly believe the creation of Cassie Cage was just a creative way to fuse the moves of Johnny and Sonya, whom they couldnt think of 3 variations for. Baraka is the other obvious one. I can only think of 2 variations for all 3 of them :/ oh and great job with BoRaiCho. I couldnt think of 3. (Admittedly, I hate the character, maybe thats why I have a brain-block on him. LoL)
I'll start with my favorite villain Reiko.
UniversaL Specials: 1) Shuriken throw. EX version has a "batch" of them tossed at you. I'd like the shurikens to be blue "energy based" much like NightWolf's arrow and ShaoKahn's spear. 2) Shoulder Charge. EX version has longer range and is stronger. 3) Flip kick. EX version is essentially a blue "wind kick" like Guile's in StreetFighter. 4) Air throw. Over the back supplex from the air. No EX version
Variation 1- Barbarian- Reiko inherited ShaoKahn's WarHammer upon his death. This is a "weapon stance" Like Scorpion's Ninjitsu variation.
Variation 2- Devastator- Reiko gains his infamous teleport slam. Teleslam can be cancelled for tactical reasons, becoming just a teleport. EX teleslam causes popup.
Variation 3- Kommander- Reiko gains the move "Emperor's Shield" (ShaoKahn's move in MKA). Its an uppercut that creates a momentary shield, which can deflect projectiles. EX version creates a mid-ranged shockwave, and the shield stays, becoming an actual forcefield for a few seconds. (Meaning he can literally walk with it, and be invincible for a few seconds.)
For those of you who never saw the move "Emperor's Shield" here is a video. ShaoKahn opens the fight with it...
I'll start with my favorite villain Reiko.
UniversaL Specials: 1) Shuriken throw. EX version has a "batch" of them tossed at you. I'd like the shurikens to be blue "energy based" much like NightWolf's arrow and ShaoKahn's spear. 2) Shoulder Charge. EX version has longer range and is stronger. 3) Flip kick. EX version is essentially a blue "wind kick" like Guile's in StreetFighter. 4) Air throw. Over the back supplex from the air. No EX version
Variation 1- Barbarian- Reiko inherited ShaoKahn's WarHammer upon his death. This is a "weapon stance" Like Scorpion's Ninjitsu variation.
Variation 2- Devastator- Reiko gains his infamous teleport slam. Teleslam can be cancelled for tactical reasons, becoming just a teleport. EX teleslam causes popup.
Variation 3- Kommander- Reiko gains the move "Emperor's Shield" (ShaoKahn's move in MKA). Its an uppercut that creates a momentary shield, which can deflect projectiles. EX version creates a mid-ranged shockwave, and the shield stays, becoming an actual forcefield for a few seconds. (Meaning he can literally walk with it, and be invincible for a few seconds.)
For those of you who never saw the move "Emperor's Shield" here is a video. ShaoKahn opens the fight with it...
Universals - Force Ball, Invisibility, Slide, Acid Spit.
Acidic - Gains various Acid Spit techniques like a Puke Puddle that erodes damage. Hell. ALL successful Acid hits erode damage! Reinforced Force Balls for greater pop-up/damage. (Speculation from reveal video)
Evolution - This is where the Elbow Dash comes into play AND the more humanized appearance. Reptile has unlimited Stamina in this variation. (Keep dreamin'...)
Reptilian - Tongue Techniques! Like that tongue grab from the video. Various pop-up advantages and gains 2-3 different types of throws. ---Okay, I'll also do Fujin - Universals - Whirlwind Spin, Flying Knee, Dive Kick. Elder God - Yeah that's right! Fujin takes Flight! Gains Windy Teleport abilities. Typhoon - Calls upon vicious Tornadoes to manipulate the playing field. Twisters double in size and can't be jumped over. Wind God - Levitation techniques! Various wind attacks including pushes and pulls.
Universals - Force Ball, Invisibility, Slide, Acid Spit.
Acidic - Gains various Acid Spit techniques like a Puke Puddle that erodes damage. Hell. ALL successful Acid hits erode damage! Reinforced Force Balls for greater pop-up/damage. (Speculation from reveal video)
Evolution - This is where the Elbow Dash comes into play AND the more humanized appearance. Reptile has unlimited Stamina in this variation. (Keep dreamin'...)
Reptilian - Tongue Techniques! Like that tongue grab from the video. Various pop-up advantages and gains 2-3 different types of throws. ---Okay, I'll also do Fujin - Universals - Whirlwind Spin, Flying Knee, Dive Kick. Elder God - Yeah that's right! Fujin takes Flight! Gains Windy Teleport abilities. Typhoon - Calls upon vicious Tornadoes to manipulate the playing field. Twisters double in size and can't be jumped over. Wind God - Levitation techniques! Various wind attacks including pushes and pulls.
About Me
"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

Noob Saibot
Var.1 - Dark Savage - Noob has the ability to throw up to 3 portals on a stage every round of a fight in this deadly variation. The Portals don't disappear this time like MK9, and if the opponent steps on that black portal by mistake, Noob's shadow pulls him or her down the portal by the leg to perform a fast 16 HIT COMBO. Then the opponent is sent back from up the portal to try, and fight Noob again while the match continues.
Var 2. - Fear Factor - The entire stage randomly fades into darkness for 15 seconds at a time, while you both try to fight through it. When the stage is back from darkness, the person controlling Noob is completely Invisible for the entire match. You can hear Quan Chi laughing in the background while this is going on.
Var 3. - Cryomancer - In this variation, Noob's uniform remains the same except his eye's glow blue, and he recovers some of his ice based attacks.
About Me
I will rock you.
variation 1 Snake Tattoo. He summons a snake that wraps you up while doing combos.
Variation 2 Dragon Tattoo. He summons a dragons that burns you will doing combos on you for extra damage.
Variation 3 Piranha Tattoo. He summons piranhas that bites you while sneaking up on you for sneak attacks.
variation 1 Snake Tattoo. He summons a snake that wraps you up while doing combos.
Variation 2 Dragon Tattoo. He summons a dragons that burns you will doing combos on you for extra damage.
Variation 3 Piranha Tattoo. He summons piranhas that bites you while sneaking up on you for sneak attacks.
Universal moves: Torso Spin (EX hits opponent several times, kinda like Kung Lao's throw), Diving Corpse (EX sends opponent flying + more damage), that weird projectile (EX the projectile is bigger and does more damage).
- Cleric: Havik can perform the healing special moves he had back in MKD (Head snap, body bend).
- Turmoil: Havik uses his Morning Star. He can throw it and perform several other moves with it.
- Chaotic: Havik acquires new special moves, in which he breaks several parts of his opponent's body (arms, legs, torso, etc).
Universal moves: Torso Spin (EX hits opponent several times, kinda like Kung Lao's throw), Diving Corpse (EX sends opponent flying + more damage), that weird projectile (EX the projectile is bigger and does more damage).
- Cleric: Havik can perform the healing special moves he had back in MKD (Head snap, body bend).
- Turmoil: Havik uses his Morning Star. He can throw it and perform several other moves with it.
- Chaotic: Havik acquires new special moves, in which he breaks several parts of his opponent's body (arms, legs, torso, etc).
Bo Rai Cho: off balance and slow but quicker with one direction momentum. his combo breaker would be him puking and p2 jumping back.
Universal: Drunken master normals (always buzzin), arched Belly flop air grab ex: sets up combo, fire spit blowtorch ex: the puddle stays on fire, drunk taunt parry like cage sticking his face out, monkey flips, chug damage booster
x-ray: liu kang double flying king to the face/neck and then sits on your chest dead weight to take a drink.
fatality: jumps really high in the air for a few seconds then comes down and belly flops the guy squishing him but bo is passed out when he faceplants, snoring.
variation one: drunken master: defensive style that chugs every time you slowly walk backwards, this chugging adds meter not damage. add more parrys using the flute humor and flashy grabs like waterfall from the movies.
two: neon boogaloo variation. i dunno, i just really see bo breakdancing with a speed boost lol. add a few offense moves like copter kicks, head spins and handstands. maybe a laying down pose or stance where each button offers a different wakeup attack
three: i would have to think about a 3rd one lol, that's tough.
Universal: Drunken master normals (always buzzin), arched Belly flop air grab ex: sets up combo, fire spit blowtorch ex: the puddle stays on fire, drunk taunt parry like cage sticking his face out, monkey flips, chug damage booster
x-ray: liu kang double flying king to the face/neck and then sits on your chest dead weight to take a drink.
fatality: jumps really high in the air for a few seconds then comes down and belly flops the guy squishing him but bo is passed out when he faceplants, snoring.
variation one: drunken master: defensive style that chugs every time you slowly walk backwards, this chugging adds meter not damage. add more parrys using the flute humor and flashy grabs like waterfall from the movies.
two: neon boogaloo variation. i dunno, i just really see bo breakdancing with a speed boost lol. add a few offense moves like copter kicks, head spins and handstands. maybe a laying down pose or stance where each button offers a different wakeup attack
three: i would have to think about a 3rd one lol, that's tough.
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Universals - Force Ball, Invisibility, Slide, Acid Spit.
Acidic - Gains various Acid Spit techniques like a Puke Puddle that erodes damage. Hell. ALL successful Acid hits erode damage! Reinforced Force Balls for greater pop-up/damage. (Speculation from reveal video)
Evolution - This is where the Elbow Dash comes into play AND the more humanized appearance. Reptile has unlimited Stamina in this variation. (Keep dreamin'...)
Reptilian - Tongue Techniques! Like that tongue grab from the video. Various pop-up advantages and gains 2-3 different types of throws.
---Okay, I'll also do Fujin -
Universals - Whirlwind Spin, Flying Knee, Dive Kick.
Elder God - Yeah that's right! Fujin takes Flight! Gains Windy Teleport abilities.
Typhoon - Calls upon vicious Tornadoes to manipulate the playing field. Twisters double in size and can't be jumped over.
Wind God - Levitation techniques! Various wind attacks including pushes and pulls.
Universals - Force Ball, Invisibility, Slide, Acid Spit.
Acidic - Gains various Acid Spit techniques like a Puke Puddle that erodes damage. Hell. ALL successful Acid hits erode damage! Reinforced Force Balls for greater pop-up/damage. (Speculation from reveal video)
Evolution - This is where the Elbow Dash comes into play AND the more humanized appearance. Reptile has unlimited Stamina in this variation. (Keep dreamin'...)
Reptilian - Tongue Techniques! Like that tongue grab from the video. Various pop-up advantages and gains 2-3 different types of throws.
---Okay, I'll also do Fujin -
Universals - Whirlwind Spin, Flying Knee, Dive Kick.
Elder God - Yeah that's right! Fujin takes Flight! Gains Windy Teleport abilities.
Typhoon - Calls upon vicious Tornadoes to manipulate the playing field. Twisters double in size and can't be jumped over.
Wind God - Levitation techniques! Various wind attacks including pushes and pulls.
I like these. And the idea of Noob Saibot having some SubZero in him still. I think I'll give it a go at these 3 as well
I'm sorry but your premises is just ridiculous. First of you say some characters are too bland to have 3 variations and then you use Bo Rai Cho as an example to make your case. Bo rai Cho might have an interesting story, but is one of the most bland fighting characters there is. Secondly, you use Baraka as an example for a character that has not much going for him in terms of variety.
Truth is, at first sight, Cassie Cage and a lot of characters are rather bland and you could say do not belong. However, you can easily find ways to make almost any character be varied in terms of moves and fighting style. Since Baraka is my favourite and has been in almost every single game, even the last two, I doubt they will leave him out. Even if they do, it would not be for the reasons you stated.
Truth is, at first sight, Cassie Cage and a lot of characters are rather bland and you could say do not belong. However, you can easily find ways to make almost any character be varied in terms of moves and fighting style. Since Baraka is my favourite and has been in almost every single game, even the last two, I doubt they will leave him out. Even if they do, it would not be for the reasons you stated.
Universals- Forceball, Invisibility, Slide, elbow run
V1- Acidic- Gains Acid spit, vomiting, and "spews" during combos
V2- PrimaL- Various tongue attacks
V3- Raptor- Can "pop out" claws. Gains Slash&Dash moves (much like Wolverine from MvC and CatWoman from Injustice)
Universals- Forceball, Invisibility, Slide, elbow run
V1- Acidic- Gains Acid spit, vomiting, and "spews" during combos
V2- PrimaL- Various tongue attacks
V3- Raptor- Can "pop out" claws. Gains Slash&Dash moves (much like Wolverine from MvC and CatWoman from Injustice)
barakall Wrote:
I'm sorry but your premises is just ridiculous. First of you say some characters are too bland to have 3 variations and then you use Bo Rai Cho as an example to make your case. Bo rai Cho might have an interesting story, but is one of the most bland fighting characters there is. Secondly, you use Baraka as an example for a character that has not much going for him in terms of variety.
Truth is, at first sight, Cassie Cage and a lot of characters are rather bland and you could say do not belong. However, you can easily find ways to make almost any character be varied in terms of moves and fighting style. Since Baraka is my favourite and has been in almost every single game, even the last two, I doubt they will leave him out. Even if they do, it would not be for the reasons you stated.
I'm sorry but your premises is just ridiculous. First of you say some characters are too bland to have 3 variations and then you use Bo Rai Cho as an example to make your case. Bo rai Cho might have an interesting story, but is one of the most bland fighting characters there is. Secondly, you use Baraka as an example for a character that has not much going for him in terms of variety.
Truth is, at first sight, Cassie Cage and a lot of characters are rather bland and you could say do not belong. However, you can easily find ways to make almost any character be varied in terms of moves and fighting style. Since Baraka is my favourite and has been in almost every single game, even the last two, I doubt they will leave him out. Even if they do, it would not be for the reasons you stated.
Then make your case. That's what he implied.
I can only think of 2 variations for Baraka. 1 let's u use the blades MKD style. A 2nd variation can add spinning attacks? Idk.
Easy (posted this earlier):
In MK ll Baraka's look was the best to date for me, because he didn't appear to have the crazy mouth with too many teeth and too long fangs. This is probably due to lack of detail back then, but I hope they tone that down. Anyways, the best thing about his look was the blades not overly present. They only appeared when doing a special move.
This would make for:
- Blades variation: blades extended, which would cause the most damage of the variations. The downside should be that he will never use his fists, strictly the blades. He would also be susceptible to getting grabbed since his reach is longer.
- Cut variation: Big blades are in his arms and cannot be used unless it's a standard move. The focus is on the smaller blades in his arms though. Maybe they can add some to his legs or have some spikes on his shoes or pads / shin shield.
- Monster variation: his eyes are glowing red / orange, he's a bit quicker and will be more of a grappling freak, who can grab his characters more easily and use his teeth to bite and such. Think Blanka moves in SF. Maybe he can even have some blades coming out of the top of his head and on his belt so he can grind people's faces with his belt or use his head to cause more damage.
In MK ll Baraka's look was the best to date for me, because he didn't appear to have the crazy mouth with too many teeth and too long fangs. This is probably due to lack of detail back then, but I hope they tone that down. Anyways, the best thing about his look was the blades not overly present. They only appeared when doing a special move.
This would make for:
- Blades variation: blades extended, which would cause the most damage of the variations. The downside should be that he will never use his fists, strictly the blades. He would also be susceptible to getting grabbed since his reach is longer.
- Cut variation: Big blades are in his arms and cannot be used unless it's a standard move. The focus is on the smaller blades in his arms though. Maybe they can add some to his legs or have some spikes on his shoes or pads / shin shield.
- Monster variation: his eyes are glowing red / orange, he's a bit quicker and will be more of a grappling freak, who can grab his characters more easily and use his teeth to bite and such. Think Blanka moves in SF. Maybe he can even have some blades coming out of the top of his head and on his belt so he can grind people's faces with his belt or use his head to cause more damage.
SwingBatta Wrote:
I'm (perhaps wrongly) amused by these. Nice.
umbrascitor Wrote:
"Tanya! Tanya TanyaTaaanyaaaTAAAANYAAAAAA!!!"
"fuk u boon gimme jacki brigs or i cut u mamas throte FATALTY BITCH"
"Tanya! Tanya TanyaTaaanyaaaTAAAANYAAAAAA!!!"
"fuk u boon gimme jacki brigs or i cut u mamas throte FATALTY BITCH"
I'm (perhaps wrongly) amused by these. Nice.
lmfao these are too fucking good
i'm not going to contribute because I assume I would be shit at coming up with ideas for variations.
Universals- 1) Windgusts, an air projectile. EX sends 2 rapid fire. 2) Windsweep. A sweep kick that sends an air current mid-range. EX is full screen. 3) Rising knee. 4) Dive kick. EX for both specials add wind affect for a double hit.
V1) Wind God - Adds flight ability, just like what was said before.
V2) Vortex- Can summon a skinny tornado that stays on screen about 10 seconds, acts as a booby trap. It will suck u up if u get too close, or you can be juggled into it. EX makes a thicker tornado.
V3) Speed Kills- Adds a teleport. Adds "Wind Dash" which is basically KabaL's speedy special move. (This is if KabaL isn't in the game). You know the saying "As fast as the wind" right
Universals- 1) Windgusts, an air projectile. EX sends 2 rapid fire. 2) Windsweep. A sweep kick that sends an air current mid-range. EX is full screen. 3) Rising knee. 4) Dive kick. EX for both specials add wind affect for a double hit.
V1) Wind God - Adds flight ability, just like what was said before.
V2) Vortex- Can summon a skinny tornado that stays on screen about 10 seconds, acts as a booby trap. It will suck u up if u get too close, or you can be juggled into it. EX makes a thicker tornado.
V3) Speed Kills- Adds a teleport. Adds "Wind Dash" which is basically KabaL's speedy special move. (This is if KabaL isn't in the game). You know the saying "As fast as the wind" right
barakall Wrote:
Easy (posted this earlier):
In MK ll Baraka's look was the best to date for me, because he didn't appear to have the crazy mouth with too many teeth and too long fangs. This is probably due to lack of detail back then, but I hope they tone that down. Anyways, the best thing about his look was the blades not overly present. They only appeared when doing a special move.
This would make for:
- Blades variation: blades extended, which would cause the most damage of the variations. The downside should be that he will never use his fists, strictly the blades. He would also be susceptible to getting grabbed since his reach is longer.
- Cut variation: Big blades are in his arms and cannot be used unless it's a standard move. The focus is on the smaller blades in his arms though. Maybe they can add some to his legs or have some spikes on his shoes or pads / shin shield.
- Monster variation: his eyes are glowing red / orange, he's a bit quicker and will be more of a grappling freak, who can grab his characters more easily and use his teeth to bite and such. Think Blanka moves in SF. Maybe he can even have some blades coming out of the top of his head and on his belt so he can grind people's faces with his belt or use his head to cause more damage.
Easy (posted this earlier):
In MK ll Baraka's look was the best to date for me, because he didn't appear to have the crazy mouth with too many teeth and too long fangs. This is probably due to lack of detail back then, but I hope they tone that down. Anyways, the best thing about his look was the blades not overly present. They only appeared when doing a special move.
This would make for:
- Blades variation: blades extended, which would cause the most damage of the variations. The downside should be that he will never use his fists, strictly the blades. He would also be susceptible to getting grabbed since his reach is longer.
- Cut variation: Big blades are in his arms and cannot be used unless it's a standard move. The focus is on the smaller blades in his arms though. Maybe they can add some to his legs or have some spikes on his shoes or pads / shin shield.
- Monster variation: his eyes are glowing red / orange, he's a bit quicker and will be more of a grappling freak, who can grab his characters more easily and use his teeth to bite and such. Think Blanka moves in SF. Maybe he can even have some blades coming out of the top of his head and on his belt so he can grind people's faces with his belt or use his head to cause more damage.
Baraka having foot blades? X-23 style. Damn, that changes the game. LoL
Kai (This one gets alil krazy. LoL)
Universals- 1) Straight Fireball. 2) Upward Flipkick. 3) Flaming Dashpunch.
V1) Tiger Fire- Adds his trademark Rising Fireball and Falling Fireball
V2) Capoira- Breakdance fighting? Fuck yes.
V3) FerraL Fury- Summons Kai's pet White Tiger. He lurks in the background. (This mechanic is already programmed becuz of that Ferra/Torr variation). The tiger can be commanded to "stay" or attack. While in "stay mode" he just waits, essentially becoming a proximity mine, and strikes when u get too close. Attack mode sends him after you. He strikes then runs off (much like QuanChi's summoner variation)
(Random sidenote, I really hope Kung Jin IS Kai. I forgot who came up with that theory. Tazer_Gunshot?)
Universals- 1) Straight Fireball. 2) Upward Flipkick. 3) Flaming Dashpunch.
V1) Tiger Fire- Adds his trademark Rising Fireball and Falling Fireball
V2) Capoira- Breakdance fighting? Fuck yes.
V3) FerraL Fury- Summons Kai's pet White Tiger. He lurks in the background. (This mechanic is already programmed becuz of that Ferra/Torr variation). The tiger can be commanded to "stay" or attack. While in "stay mode" he just waits, essentially becoming a proximity mine, and strikes when u get too close. Attack mode sends him after you. He strikes then runs off (much like QuanChi's summoner variation)
(Random sidenote, I really hope Kung Jin IS Kai. I forgot who came up with that theory. Tazer_Gunshot?)
I have to admit, this was a lot of fun thinking about. MKO should have more stuff like this than "This is why I hate ____" threads. I had so much fun, I want to do two: my favorite and least favorite. Sorry, if it's too long.
Universals - Bow, Charge, Reflector. All with EX similar to MK9.
Lycanthropy - Adds some mini-animality-esce moves where parts of his body become a werewolf like: A lungeing tackle with a wolf head (EX makes it unblock able). Rapid claw swipes directly in front of him (EX adds a throw to the end). Call a wolf to run in from behind and trip opponent (EX the wolf bites opponent locking him there). A howl buff to increase attack (EX increases the buff and turns him in to a wolf man state).
Ancestor's Wrath - His more holy attacks: Beam of light from above (pretty much like his lightning strike but just a holy beam of light). Reflector becomes a projectile parry that unleashes a beam out (EX makes the beam last longer so you can't jump over it). A teleport between beams of light, like his victory screen (EX keeps the beams there for a while so the player can portal by moving through them). A short burst of light all around the player (EX blinds the opponent stunning them).
Apache - The tomahawk variation: Simular to Scorpion's Ninjustu, but with tomahawks. Tomahawk uppercut returns with similar EX. Bow can be fired straight up to rain down on opponent. An air throw. A parry that is similar to his choke grab from MK9.
Reimagined as a fighter who remotely controls mechs in the background using his own body. Imagine the Hugh Jackman from Real Steel.
Universals - Throws a light ball that attaches to the opponent and causes the opponent's movement to mirror Mokap for awhile (EX causes ball to explode at the end of the move). A combo attacks that moves forward with punches and kicks (EX extends the combo). Other martial art attacks like his special moves from his previous incarnations.
Shokan - Uses a four-armed robot based on the Shokan race: Rocket Punch shoots his fist (EX shoots all for arms). Uses a jetpack and jumps on opponent like Goro (EX continuously stomps). Charges forward using jetpacks horizontally (EX has him go across the entire screen). Has high power and defense but low mobility.
War Machine - A gun heavy mech: Machine Gun fire (EX uses explosive rounds). Mortar launch (EX Mirv effect on explosion). Drops mines (EX mines are invisible). Short range shot gun blast (EX sends opponent flying across screen when hit).
Slave - An average guy being controlled against his will by Mokap using those light balls inserted in his skin: Uses various grapples (parry, air, low, exc.) each successful grapple places a light ball in the opponent. After 3 balls are placed, the characters are switched Captain Ginyu style with Mokap controlling the opponent and the opponent using the slave. The normals are kept the same but now only Mokap can do specials.
All fatalities are done to Mokap himself after his proxy is beaten.
Universals - Bow, Charge, Reflector. All with EX similar to MK9.
Lycanthropy - Adds some mini-animality-esce moves where parts of his body become a werewolf like: A lungeing tackle with a wolf head (EX makes it unblock able). Rapid claw swipes directly in front of him (EX adds a throw to the end). Call a wolf to run in from behind and trip opponent (EX the wolf bites opponent locking him there). A howl buff to increase attack (EX increases the buff and turns him in to a wolf man state).
Ancestor's Wrath - His more holy attacks: Beam of light from above (pretty much like his lightning strike but just a holy beam of light). Reflector becomes a projectile parry that unleashes a beam out (EX makes the beam last longer so you can't jump over it). A teleport between beams of light, like his victory screen (EX keeps the beams there for a while so the player can portal by moving through them). A short burst of light all around the player (EX blinds the opponent stunning them).
Apache - The tomahawk variation: Simular to Scorpion's Ninjustu, but with tomahawks. Tomahawk uppercut returns with similar EX. Bow can be fired straight up to rain down on opponent. An air throw. A parry that is similar to his choke grab from MK9.
Reimagined as a fighter who remotely controls mechs in the background using his own body. Imagine the Hugh Jackman from Real Steel.
Universals - Throws a light ball that attaches to the opponent and causes the opponent's movement to mirror Mokap for awhile (EX causes ball to explode at the end of the move). A combo attacks that moves forward with punches and kicks (EX extends the combo). Other martial art attacks like his special moves from his previous incarnations.
Shokan - Uses a four-armed robot based on the Shokan race: Rocket Punch shoots his fist (EX shoots all for arms). Uses a jetpack and jumps on opponent like Goro (EX continuously stomps). Charges forward using jetpacks horizontally (EX has him go across the entire screen). Has high power and defense but low mobility.
War Machine - A gun heavy mech: Machine Gun fire (EX uses explosive rounds). Mortar launch (EX Mirv effect on explosion). Drops mines (EX mines are invisible). Short range shot gun blast (EX sends opponent flying across screen when hit).
Slave - An average guy being controlled against his will by Mokap using those light balls inserted in his skin: Uses various grapples (parry, air, low, exc.) each successful grapple places a light ball in the opponent. After 3 balls are placed, the characters are switched Captain Ginyu style with Mokap controlling the opponent and the opponent using the slave. The normals are kept the same but now only Mokap can do specials.
All fatalities are done to Mokap himself after his proxy is beaten.
Killamore Wrote:
I have to admit, this was a lot of fun thinking about. MKO should have more stuff like this than "This is why I hate ____" threads. I had so much fun, I want to do two: my favorite and least favorite. Sorry, if it's too long.
Universals - Bow, Charge, Reflector. All with EX similar to MK9.
Lycanthropy - Adds some mini-animality-esce moves where parts of his body become a werewolf like: A lungeing tackle with a wolf head (EX makes it unblock able). Rapid claw swipes directly in front of him (EX adds a throw to the end). Call a wolf to run in from behind and trip opponent (EX the wolf bites opponent locking him there). A howl buff to increase attack (EX increases the buff and turns him in to a wolf man state).
Ancestor's Wrath - His more holy attacks: Beam of light from above (pretty much like his lightning strike but just a holy beam of light). Reflector becomes a projectile parry that unleashes a beam out (EX makes the beam last longer so you can't jump over it). A teleport between beams of light, like his victory screen (EX keeps the beams there for a while so the player can portal by moving through them). A short burst of light all around the player (EX blinds the opponent stunning them).
Apache - The tomahawk variation: Simular to Scorpion's Ninjustu, but with tomahawks. Tomahawk uppercut returns with similar EX. Bow can be fired straight up to rain down on opponent. An air throw. A parry that is similar to his choke grab from MK9.
Reimagined as a fighter who remotely controls mechs in the background using his own body. Imagine the Hugh Jackman from Real Steel.
Universals - Throws a light ball that attaches to the opponent and causes the opponent's movement to mirror Mokap for awhile (EX causes ball to explode at the end of the move). A combo attacks that moves forward with punches and kicks (EX extends the combo). Other martial art attacks like his special moves from his previous incarnations.
Shokan - Uses a four-armed robot based on the Shokan race: Rocket Punch shoots his fist (EX shoots all for arms). Uses a jetpack and jumps on opponent like Goro (EX continuously stomps). Charges forward using jetpacks horizontally (EX has him go across the entire screen). Has high power and defense but low mobility.
War Machine - A gun heavy mech: Machine Gun fire (EX uses explosive rounds). Mortar launch (EX Mirv effect on explosion). Drops mines (EX mines are invisible). Short range shot gun blast (EX sends opponent flying across screen when hit).
Slave - An average guy being controlled against his will by Mokap using those light balls inserted in his skin: Uses various grapples (parry, air, low, exc.) each successful grapple places a light ball in the opponent. After 3 balls are placed, the characters are switched Captain Ginyu style with Mokap controlling the opponent and the opponent using the slave. The normals are kept the same but now only Mokap can do specials.
All fatalities are done to Mokap himself after his proxy is beaten.
I have to admit, this was a lot of fun thinking about. MKO should have more stuff like this than "This is why I hate ____" threads. I had so much fun, I want to do two: my favorite and least favorite. Sorry, if it's too long.
Universals - Bow, Charge, Reflector. All with EX similar to MK9.
Lycanthropy - Adds some mini-animality-esce moves where parts of his body become a werewolf like: A lungeing tackle with a wolf head (EX makes it unblock able). Rapid claw swipes directly in front of him (EX adds a throw to the end). Call a wolf to run in from behind and trip opponent (EX the wolf bites opponent locking him there). A howl buff to increase attack (EX increases the buff and turns him in to a wolf man state).
Ancestor's Wrath - His more holy attacks: Beam of light from above (pretty much like his lightning strike but just a holy beam of light). Reflector becomes a projectile parry that unleashes a beam out (EX makes the beam last longer so you can't jump over it). A teleport between beams of light, like his victory screen (EX keeps the beams there for a while so the player can portal by moving through them). A short burst of light all around the player (EX blinds the opponent stunning them).
Apache - The tomahawk variation: Simular to Scorpion's Ninjustu, but with tomahawks. Tomahawk uppercut returns with similar EX. Bow can be fired straight up to rain down on opponent. An air throw. A parry that is similar to his choke grab from MK9.
Reimagined as a fighter who remotely controls mechs in the background using his own body. Imagine the Hugh Jackman from Real Steel.
Universals - Throws a light ball that attaches to the opponent and causes the opponent's movement to mirror Mokap for awhile (EX causes ball to explode at the end of the move). A combo attacks that moves forward with punches and kicks (EX extends the combo). Other martial art attacks like his special moves from his previous incarnations.
Shokan - Uses a four-armed robot based on the Shokan race: Rocket Punch shoots his fist (EX shoots all for arms). Uses a jetpack and jumps on opponent like Goro (EX continuously stomps). Charges forward using jetpacks horizontally (EX has him go across the entire screen). Has high power and defense but low mobility.
War Machine - A gun heavy mech: Machine Gun fire (EX uses explosive rounds). Mortar launch (EX Mirv effect on explosion). Drops mines (EX mines are invisible). Short range shot gun blast (EX sends opponent flying across screen when hit).
Slave - An average guy being controlled against his will by Mokap using those light balls inserted in his skin: Uses various grapples (parry, air, low, exc.) each successful grapple places a light ball in the opponent. After 3 balls are placed, the characters are switched Captain Ginyu style with Mokap controlling the opponent and the opponent using the slave. The normals are kept the same but now only Mokap can do specials.
All fatalities are done to Mokap himself after his proxy is beaten.
Not gona lie, that Mokap reimagining is freakin awesome! I didn't think it possible. Well done sir. I'd buy that DLC. LoL.
Your NightWolf is excellent too, especially the ancestors variation. And "Lycanthropy" is a great idea, but it might be easier (from NRS's perspective) if he just morphed into a werewolf on command. Almost like that old game "PrimaL Rage" but it only last a few seconds. Good Shit tho my friend.
Noob Saibot
Universals- 1) Dark Matter. A dark-purple & black fireball. EX version is stronger, and can "detonate" if someone tries to jump over it. 2) PortaL Punch. A teleport punch, but more in the vein of Sektor's than Scorpion's. EX version has rapid recovery, enabling a juggle. 3) Scythe Slam. Short-ranged, and Anti-Air swipe. Scythe impales your chest, then Noob performs an over-shoulder slam. EX causes pop-up. 4) Shadow Slide. Classic slide move, not the MK9 version. EX adds a punch at the end.
V1) Onyx- This is his SubZero homage variation. The Dark Matter projectile becomes Dark Freeze, encasing your opponent in black ice. Noob can also cover his entire body in a layer of Black ice (it'll look shiny like Onyx) boosting strength and defense.
V2) ShadowMancer - Noob gains his shadow-clone moves from MK9. Shadow Slide is now performed by the clone, creating juggled opportunity.
V3) Dark Death- This is a weapon stance. Noob utilizes his Reaper Scythe from MK4.
Universals- 1) Dark Matter. A dark-purple & black fireball. EX version is stronger, and can "detonate" if someone tries to jump over it. 2) PortaL Punch. A teleport punch, but more in the vein of Sektor's than Scorpion's. EX version has rapid recovery, enabling a juggle. 3) Scythe Slam. Short-ranged, and Anti-Air swipe. Scythe impales your chest, then Noob performs an over-shoulder slam. EX causes pop-up. 4) Shadow Slide. Classic slide move, not the MK9 version. EX adds a punch at the end.
V1) Onyx- This is his SubZero homage variation. The Dark Matter projectile becomes Dark Freeze, encasing your opponent in black ice. Noob can also cover his entire body in a layer of Black ice (it'll look shiny like Onyx) boosting strength and defense.
V2) ShadowMancer - Noob gains his shadow-clone moves from MK9. Shadow Slide is now performed by the clone, creating juggled opportunity.
V3) Dark Death- This is a weapon stance. Noob utilizes his Reaper Scythe from MK4.
0RI0N Wrote:
Not gona lie, that Mokap reimagining is freakin awesome! I didn't think it possible. Well done sir. I'd buy that DLC. LoL.
Your NightWolf is excellent too, especially the ancestors variation. And "Lycanthropy" is a great idea, but it might be easier (from NRS's perspective) if he just morphed into a werewolf on command. Almost like that old game "PrimaL Rage" but it only last a few seconds. Good Shit tho my friend.
Killamore Wrote:
I have to admit, this was a lot of fun thinking about. MKO should have more stuff like this than "This is why I hate ____" threads. I had so much fun, I want to do two: my favorite and least favorite. Sorry, if it's too long.
Universals - Bow, Charge, Reflector. All with EX similar to MK9.
Lycanthropy - Adds some mini-animality-esce moves where parts of his body become a werewolf like: A lungeing tackle with a wolf head (EX makes it unblock able). Rapid claw swipes directly in front of him (EX adds a throw to the end). Call a wolf to run in from behind and trip opponent (EX the wolf bites opponent locking him there). A howl buff to increase attack (EX increases the buff and turns him in to a wolf man state).
Ancestor's Wrath - His more holy attacks: Beam of light from above (pretty much like his lightning strike but just a holy beam of light). Reflector becomes a projectile parry that unleashes a beam out (EX makes the beam last longer so you can't jump over it). A teleport between beams of light, like his victory screen (EX keeps the beams there for a while so the player can portal by moving through them). A short burst of light all around the player (EX blinds the opponent stunning them).
Apache - The tomahawk variation: Simular to Scorpion's Ninjustu, but with tomahawks. Tomahawk uppercut returns with similar EX. Bow can be fired straight up to rain down on opponent. An air throw. A parry that is similar to his choke grab from MK9.
Reimagined as a fighter who remotely controls mechs in the background using his own body. Imagine the Hugh Jackman from Real Steel.
Universals - Throws a light ball that attaches to the opponent and causes the opponent's movement to mirror Mokap for awhile (EX causes ball to explode at the end of the move). A combo attacks that moves forward with punches and kicks (EX extends the combo). Other martial art attacks like his special moves from his previous incarnations.
Shokan - Uses a four-armed robot based on the Shokan race: Rocket Punch shoots his fist (EX shoots all for arms). Uses a jetpack and jumps on opponent like Goro (EX continuously stomps). Charges forward using jetpacks horizontally (EX has him go across the entire screen). Has high power and defense but low mobility.
War Machine - A gun heavy mech: Machine Gun fire (EX uses explosive rounds). Mortar launch (EX Mirv effect on explosion). Drops mines (EX mines are invisible). Short range shot gun blast (EX sends opponent flying across screen when hit).
Slave - An average guy being controlled against his will by Mokap using those light balls inserted in his skin: Uses various grapples (parry, air, low, exc.) each successful grapple places a light ball in the opponent. After 3 balls are placed, the characters are switched Captain Ginyu style with Mokap controlling the opponent and the opponent using the slave. The normals are kept the same but now only Mokap can do specials.
All fatalities are done to Mokap himself after his proxy is beaten.
I have to admit, this was a lot of fun thinking about. MKO should have more stuff like this than "This is why I hate ____" threads. I had so much fun, I want to do two: my favorite and least favorite. Sorry, if it's too long.
Universals - Bow, Charge, Reflector. All with EX similar to MK9.
Lycanthropy - Adds some mini-animality-esce moves where parts of his body become a werewolf like: A lungeing tackle with a wolf head (EX makes it unblock able). Rapid claw swipes directly in front of him (EX adds a throw to the end). Call a wolf to run in from behind and trip opponent (EX the wolf bites opponent locking him there). A howl buff to increase attack (EX increases the buff and turns him in to a wolf man state).
Ancestor's Wrath - His more holy attacks: Beam of light from above (pretty much like his lightning strike but just a holy beam of light). Reflector becomes a projectile parry that unleashes a beam out (EX makes the beam last longer so you can't jump over it). A teleport between beams of light, like his victory screen (EX keeps the beams there for a while so the player can portal by moving through them). A short burst of light all around the player (EX blinds the opponent stunning them).
Apache - The tomahawk variation: Simular to Scorpion's Ninjustu, but with tomahawks. Tomahawk uppercut returns with similar EX. Bow can be fired straight up to rain down on opponent. An air throw. A parry that is similar to his choke grab from MK9.
Reimagined as a fighter who remotely controls mechs in the background using his own body. Imagine the Hugh Jackman from Real Steel.
Universals - Throws a light ball that attaches to the opponent and causes the opponent's movement to mirror Mokap for awhile (EX causes ball to explode at the end of the move). A combo attacks that moves forward with punches and kicks (EX extends the combo). Other martial art attacks like his special moves from his previous incarnations.
Shokan - Uses a four-armed robot based on the Shokan race: Rocket Punch shoots his fist (EX shoots all for arms). Uses a jetpack and jumps on opponent like Goro (EX continuously stomps). Charges forward using jetpacks horizontally (EX has him go across the entire screen). Has high power and defense but low mobility.
War Machine - A gun heavy mech: Machine Gun fire (EX uses explosive rounds). Mortar launch (EX Mirv effect on explosion). Drops mines (EX mines are invisible). Short range shot gun blast (EX sends opponent flying across screen when hit).
Slave - An average guy being controlled against his will by Mokap using those light balls inserted in his skin: Uses various grapples (parry, air, low, exc.) each successful grapple places a light ball in the opponent. After 3 balls are placed, the characters are switched Captain Ginyu style with Mokap controlling the opponent and the opponent using the slave. The normals are kept the same but now only Mokap can do specials.
All fatalities are done to Mokap himself after his proxy is beaten.
Not gona lie, that Mokap reimagining is freakin awesome! I didn't think it possible. Well done sir. I'd buy that DLC. LoL.
Your NightWolf is excellent too, especially the ancestors variation. And "Lycanthropy" is a great idea, but it might be easier (from NRS's perspective) if he just morphed into a werewolf on command. Almost like that old game "PrimaL Rage" but it only last a few seconds. Good Shit tho my friend.
Thanks. I believe any character can become awesome with enough development and effort. I can see how it would be easier for Nightwolf to morph into a werewolf, but I can just imagine a Fatality where he fully turns and straight up eats the opponent bite by horrifying bite.
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