Unreal mk
posted10/28/2008 12:22 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/28/2008 06:19 PM (UTC)
There is one thing I would like to say

Im 12 and im on a PSP so now you know why my spelling sucks

Mk with guns but not normal guns weird guns from outworld

With mk ended by Kahn dead Shang takes over unreal tornoment and opens unreal mk for revenge

il post back soon on gun ideas arenas and players when i get on a PC

more ideas for it please
09/19/2008 03:25 AM (UTC)
Elder Wrote:
There is one thing I would like to say

Im 12 and im on a PSP so now you know why my spelling sucks

Mk with guns but not normal guns weird guns from outworld

With mk ended by Kahn dead Shang takes over unreal tornoment and opens unreal mk for revenge

il post back soon on gun ideas arenas and players when i get on a PC

more ideas for it please

No, just no, and not to be a smartass here or anything, but when I was 12, I didn't have any trouble spelling the words that you easily mess up.
09/19/2008 04:52 PM (UTC)
diffo pll diffo skills

im a bad speller im already the best drawer in my year as 2 years above me and my school is the second best school in the city

plus i am on a Psp
09/19/2008 09:41 PM (UTC)
Ok im on a pc so now my spelling isn't going to be as bad

The guns are all carrying a power of one of the mk cast

Ice blaster=Sub-Zero
Spear cannon=Scorpion
H20 pistol=Rain
Thunder bomb=Raiden
Acid spitter=Reptile

And so on

story in full is

After the victory over the evil outworld king the earth realm warriors settled down calmly on earthrealm knowing there was no chance of earth being distroyed.
But even if earth was no longer in danger they was. For Shang and a few more remaining warriors have gone and killed the Juggernort race dus ending the Unreal Turnoment.
As a specteter of the Unreal turnoment Raiden alerted the earth warriors of this danger.
10 Days later the earth warriors got an invite to the 1st Unreal MK Once there the team find Blaze powering the owl realm tied up (in his small form as in MKDA and MKU. Once free he turns big like on MKA. "The evil is coming Shang has found that Kahn has hidden portals all over all realms even this one" Liu runs forword and yells "We beat him once we can beat him again" N"No" Blaze calls "He was banished along with Onaga there outworld power is mixing soon even the Eldergods will be forced to respect and fear him"

Starting Players

Johnny Cage
Sonnya blade
Sub Zero
Smoke Rain Kenshi Jade Sheva Sindel

Super unlockubal players
Shinnok (even if I hate him I know alot of fans would be bummed even if I find it unfair that he's an elder god)
Blaze (Again alot of fans would be bummed) Fugin

Master Chef (Halo)
Kratos (God of war)
Darth Vader (Soul Callerber 4)
Morko (godly riseing)
Turok (Turok)
Price (Pop) Alter (assasins creed) Alien (Alien) Preditor (Preditor)

(You may of noticed I have not added any new players thats coz I really dont like any players what was made after mortal kombat 3. Alot of them are just re-runs of classics like Sub-Zero and Frost)
You sugest more if you like)

Spear shooter
Ice blaster
Lightning bomb
Acid sniper
Blaze Bomb
Smoke spitter
Fan hacker
Bounce cannon
Auto tazer

Monk sword
Frost axe
Proob hammer
Elder staff
Flame blade

Pick ups
Soul (25% Hp)
Large soul (50% Hp)
Orbs (25% Manna)
Large orbs (Refils manna)
Life force (+1 life)
Ammo (200 Ammo)
Small Ammo (100 ammo)
Large ammo (500 Ammo)

lightning surfer
Orks back
Soul relise
(still not done with them)


Hell sporn beach: Monsters rise to kill you on a sunny desert Nexus: Same as mkd only you can nock them into a protal into a random arena

(still not done)

More reveiws plz and if you have ideas for
Speshal players
Pick ups
Powers or fatalatys plz write

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09/20/2008 04:38 PM (UTC)
Wait a minute. MK is a FIGHTING GAME NO WAI!!! wow

Sorry, MK will never be a shooter, it may have weapon styles, but never a shooter. I just reject the idea being a fighting game fan.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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09/21/2008 03:41 AM (UTC)
Elder Wrote:

Stop spamming please. This includes the multiple threads you have made, and frivolous double and triple posting.

Icebaby Wrote:

Stop "not being a smart ass" please.

I'm not sure you mean to be, but what you did here is called "condescending" and "belittling". That is against the rules concerning flamming.
09/22/2008 09:30 PM (UTC)
what would you say if i took the guns off
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

10/01/2008 01:49 AM (UTC)
Elder Wrote:
Ok im on a pc so now my spelling isn't going to be as bad

Super unlockubal players


Hell sporn beach: Monsters rise to kill you on a sunny desert

to tell you the truth, your spelling sucks regardless of using a PSP or PC

who is mutaro?

did you just say Hell's porn beach?
10/01/2008 02:53 AM (UTC)
I normally do not touch into this forum much but this thread caught my eye. Unreal meets MK, or MK meets Unreal, however you would like to put it. Here is my opinion and I am not trying to belittle anyone here but I think this needs to be said.

Elder, this first thing about VG making that you will find is come up with something original. Slapping MK into a realm where it doesn't make too much sense isn't the best idea. (Looking past the whole MKvsDC thing and the secret characters in one of the UT games). I wasn't sure if you were planning on trying to code, script, and design this game but if you were a few things come to mind.

1. The biggest thing here is it's apparent you have an issue with spelling. If you are 12 years old you should have sometime to work on it and I would take every opportunity to do so. One thing when you are trying to pitch a game to someone is to be clean and efficient. If you are having a hard time spelling here then how well could we trust your coding, could we?

2. The story is probably the weakest part of this whole thing. It started out okay for me. I liked the idea of Shang Tsung once again rising up after Kahn's death... I always thought Shand Tsung was the better bad guy. However, from there it goes south. Shang Tsung and some warriors killed the Juggernort (I'm sorry I know little of UT story so i'm just going with the name he used) race? I don't know, but it sounds like they weren't very tough. Why not paint a picture in our heads that Shang Tsung led an attack on this race in order to capture a new tournament because his Mortal Kombat plans have been foiled every time. I don't know. But the story you laid out before us seems boring, short, and thoughtless. I mean I could say Shang Tsung decided he hated Sesame Street so he killed all the puppet people and took over the show. Or, show detail for the main words... SHANG TSUNG, HATED, SESAME STREET, KILLED, PUPPET PEOPLE, TOOK, SHOW. If you take those words and give em some detail you then have a couple of paragraphs of story from one sentence. Show Vs. Tell. Like Show and Tell but only if they were a married couple and hated each other.

3. Then the characters, oh the characters. Sorry but I LOLed loudly at Sonnya Blade for some reason. Sorry. I liked the character selection you thought of. However, the thing you should work on is the "I hate this character because BLANK but the people would want him." From a game makers side make the fans feel for the characters you are willing to put in the game. You have 12 or more characters in this game that is already going to be huge and space consuming and you think the addition of Blaze and Shinnok are a fan demand. In my opinion no. Give us Scorpion and Sub-Zero and a few other well recognizable icons that actually fit the story. Sell them as characters who should be in the game and leave out the junk. Blaze would be hard to detail and make effects for as a playable character in a run and gun environment and Shinnok serves no purpose to the story so far.

4. No Guns? Did you really post that? What is MK Vs. UT without guns? I rather watch a monkey scr**w a football then a bunch of MK characters running around a large arena punching each other. Now maybe you ment they would punch, kick, and use projectile powers... wait that sounds like a game Ive played before. Stick to your idea. Give em guns. Let em shoot the crap out of each other if thats what you want. But dont give us this idea of a crossover game that when you are done taking criticism you split it down to a large, space consuming, story less, MK game.

If you were pitching this to me and I was a produce willing to buy the next best cross over MK game... I would pass. Not because it is a bad idea. But because it seems it is ill prepared. I wouldn't invest a penny into it until is was rehashed, rethought, and reworked.

Ps. I dont spell everything nor do I use the best grammar on here and I am 20. But if I was ever taking this idea or any idea to the drawing board and expected to be taken seriously I would probably look for the little red squiggly lines under the words while I was typing.
10/02/2008 01:42 AM (UTC)
Sounds like a crap version of The Grid.
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10/02/2008 06:07 AM (UTC)
Elder Wrote:

Take a time out.

Spend some quality time with the Community Faq while you're at it.

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10/02/2008 08:23 PM (UTC)
Elder Wrote:
diffo pll diffo skills

im a bad speller im already the best drawer in my year as 2 years above me and my school is the second best school in the city

plus i am on a Psp

We do not care about your drawing skills. And your school has nothing to do with it.
10/03/2008 04:55 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Elder Wrote:
diffo pll diffo skills

im a bad speller im already the best drawer in my year as 2 years above me and my school is the second best school in the city

plus i am on a Psp

We do not care about your drawing skills. And your school has nothing to do with it.

Hey man, time out. I just said in another thread that I cannot draw. Then I saw this, and I was like WOW.

If there is one thing I envy about other people, it is the ability to draw. If I had a few drawing skills, I would go out and make a career out of it.

Master Chef (Halo)
Darth Vader (Soul Callerber 4) "

All I have to say is nice spelling.
10/09/2008 11:30 PM (UTC)
But a MK Shooter?

I could NEVER see that.
Maybe as a mini-game like Motor Kombat but other than that...
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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10/10/2008 07:58 PM (UTC)
Medusa Wrote:
But a MK Shooter?

I could NEVER see that.
Maybe as a mini-game like Motor Kombat but other than that...

MK Special Forces meets Call of Duty 4.


Idk, "Mortal Kombat Special Forces 2", or something more engaging like, Mortal Kombat: War on America"....Vengeance of the Tekunin?



1. Sonya
2. Jax
3. Cyrax
4. Sektor
5. Kenshi
6. Kano
7. Hsu Hao
8. Kabal
9. Stryker


None....or Sektor and the Tekunin Fleet in outerspace

Sektor = Braniac? -- err....nano technology and all that maybe?

Other new characters from the Special Forces, Red and Black Dragon Clans, and maybe something new from the Lin Kuei and Tekunin. , Sub-Zero(Lin Kuie Master), Scorpion(Elder Gods champ, unofficial gaurdian of Sub-Zero), and Raiden // Fujin(protector of earth) could probably squeeze in.


Tekunin vs Special Forces. "Kill all the invading robots". Or, "Us vs Them".

Should take some hues from all these war games coming out, as well as a possibility of an under-tone of the Terminator...or Predator movies. Should be extremely terrifying.


Earth, America...."Destroy the Earth // America".

They come to us in our comfort zone and violate during "MK's" Downtime.
Everybodies at home, or doing regular duties.


Um...hell, idk. Maybe Sektor and the Tekunin set up a grid of the Earth starting with his most benificial to gain land first, and they're gonna invade Earth?

Sonya and Jax are checking up on Kano and learning more about the Black and Red Dragon Clans when all this starts.....?

The Tekunin, with the nano tech, invade by infecting natural mammals (it's what Sektor is after all). So, you're own environment becomes your worst enemy.

Could be terrifying to literally see nano-infected "raining cats and dogs" birds, rats...ect. Animals and plants merge with the help of this technology....so there's some of your monsters.

Get through all that and face off with Sektor and his self made top generals or something..

Other stuff?

If they got inventive enough with it, pretty much any character with a projectile could work in a FPS Mortal Kombat. You don't necessarily need guns to be a FPS. You just need something to throw, shoot, or control from a first person perspective. Nightwolf with the bow and arrow and spiritual powers for example, could take some hues from games like Fable or BioShock. Same with Kenshi.

This kind of game could also allow us to get to know these regularly "supporting character" more.

It'd be a testing ground for more things MK related, and things that worked well could make it in to the primary MK games.


Anyway, there's an idea for a MK FPS game....think about it.
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

10/22/2008 02:19 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Elder Wrote:
diffo pll diffo skills

im a bad speller im already the best drawer in my year as 2 years above me and my school is the second best school in the city

plus i am on a Psp

We do not care about your drawing skills. And your school has nothing to do with it.

Hey man, time out. I just said in another thread that I cannot draw. Then I saw this, and I was like WOW.

If there is one thing I envy about other people, it is the ability to draw. If I had a few drawing skills, I would go out and make a career out of it.

think for a second, he said best drawer in his school, that doesn't mean anything, for all we know it could be a school for the mentally challenged...or for the blind, or something, the point is that his school doesn't mean anything in many people's books, because there could just be the fact that his entire school just....sucks at drawing, including his, but his just sucks a little less than the others, we need proof in order to lay out the final verdict.

NOTE: I am not personally attacking the Elder, i am just explaining why someone saying they are the best anything in there own school doesn't mean anything in the real world
10/23/2008 01:18 PM (UTC)
I do not like your idea
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

10/23/2008 10:16 PM (UTC)
dumbest game ever it gets a .0000000000000000000000000001grin
10/24/2008 11:17 AM (UTC)
I love how Icebaby pretty much shuts the fuck up when her ass is kicked by a higher status member, but barks for hours when she's touched by someone like me.

Yes, yell at me now... or, if you do not wish to break the rule that i just mentioned, yell at me via PM. I know you will.

Now somebody can bring on the skulls on me.
10/25/2008 01:06 PM (UTC)
Oh God no. A Mortal Kombat shooter would just be a little too weird. It's a fighting game, let's keep it that way shall we?
10/26/2008 10:36 PM (UTC)
Wow.... an MK shooter would just suck something fierce and your ideas make little to no sence what so ever.confused
10/27/2008 05:31 PM (UTC)
I still kind of believe that OP isn't being serious about this. The idea itself was ridiculous, the story was bad, but the character list was mind boggling. It just seems like everyone that ever piqued his attention was thrown into this mess. I'm surprised Mario, Crash Bandicoot, and Niko from GTA weren't thrown in for good measure.

No, no, one hundred times no. Shooters have no business tarnishing the reputation of Mortal Kombat.
10/28/2008 12:22 AM (UTC)
Nightcrow, one's ass cannot be kicked via website, that's not how life works, son.

Anyways, as I look back more and more on this idea, didn't someone make up a shooting game for MK for the PC? Fanbase, I beleive it's very, very old, and I remember seeing a link to the site in the Kombat Pavilion somewhere, but anyways, even if MK did have a shooter game, chances of it being successful won't be good.
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