True MK Fans what people say...
posted06/24/2009 10:51 AM (UTC)by
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05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I like to wonder around the site and look at the threads that were made looooong before I came around which was around last January and I always like reading the famous "Drive-By War" that started not too long ago, but I like reading material in this fourm.

I pick up a few locked threads and see that some users like to use the phrase "A true MK fan wouldn't do (Insert name here)" and it really bugs me.

There are so many specific types of fans out there, hardcore, mediocre, you got your nerds, and your typical fan.

Here's how I see them:

Hardcore - Knows what they're doing in game, they don't really care about history backgrounds of the characters they play, they just play for the game. Rude during online plays, always beleives that they're the best at what they do, never enjoys losing a fight and always acts like an ass when they win a fight.

Mediocre - Less hardcore than the hardcore fans, but still knows they're stuff, more friendly online than the hardcore, easier to beat sometimes, not all the times.

Nerds - Knows everything about the entire game, can tell you where the character came from, who they're partners and enemies are... anything. Could be a good gamer, could not be.

Typical - Just plays for fun.

Now, when I see that phrase being used, I sit and wonder... anyone who has played the game and has played the entire series is a true MK fan. Not everyone needs to know their stuff when playing the game. I play certain games where I have absolutely no idea what's going on with the story, but yet, I still play it. Like WoW, I know some of the story, but there's just too much going around that I'm lost, but I'm still a fan.

Why do people tend to say that phrase when they're trying to prove a point? Though, in cases that I saw where that phrase was being used, the person who wrote that clearly couldn't back their cases up with strong evidence to prove the other users that they're wrong. Such as there's a "third movie" coming out, and we aren't true mk fans if we still beleive that the movie is not in production or somethign like that.

So, what are they trying to prove or say when they're using the phrase "A true MK fan..." I don't see anyone not being a fan if they doubt something is going to happen with the series or anything else related to MK... fans are fans, unless they really hate the series all of a sudden then they're not but... what are they proving? Is there even a point for this? Becuase I don't see it.
05/12/2009 03:42 AM (UTC)
I completely agree with you IceBaby.

There are a lot of pricks out there that just say that in order to make others feel bad. There is no real point behind them saying "A true MK fan would..." they're just saying it because they can't think of a logical response to what the people around them are talking about. I find it quite annoying personally, just because I was excited about Mk vs. Dcu I'm now supposedly not a true fan?

In my oppinion these users that post spam about people not being "True" fans are just kids, or in some cases adults, who have nothing better to do than try and judge other people they have never met before.


05/13/2009 12:03 AM (UTC)
as a fan im a bit dissapointed in the way the series has turned out. when i was a little kid prolly seven or 8 i had a n64 with mk trilogy. i loved that game for different reasons. i would also play mk 2 at my friends but i liked trilogy because it had more characters.

i think i liked mk for the ninjas mostly sub scorp and reptile. im starting to like ermac and i think he should be in the next game to build him up more to a level of classic characters. not just the characters, i like the fatalities and killing your opponent. it was cool how they were difficult like brutalities. to this day i have never done one and think they should bring it back.

for me mk was about the darkness, secrets and the cool fighters. there may not be such a thing as a TRUE MK FAN, but some people tend to obsess it more like anyone on this site.
even though the series dissapoints me lately i still look forward to a new game.

ohh and anyone who brags about how they are more of a true fan than you is just an immature douchebag
05/13/2009 12:12 AM (UTC)
In all honesty those people that say "True MK fans would say or do this....." are just immature little pricks, who have nothing better to do with their lives than to act like a dick to someone via a computer, as a opposed to their face. These spineless douchebags are what make playing online for me a little frustrating and annoying at times.
05/13/2009 09:32 PM (UTC)
That whole "True MK fan" argument doesn't even work in the first place. How would they know what true mk fans want if they don't even have evidence to back it up. Secondly, the term "true" is very vague. Is that somebody who enjoys the games and knows and average amount or, is it a guy who knows everything about MK and, is obsessed with it. I agree that people on this site should think for one fucking second before they state their point.
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05/14/2009 11:43 AM (UTC)

I guess that makes me a typical, mediocre MK nerd then eh? haha..

Wait, then is a "geek" all encompassing?


The "true fan" phrase is stupid, but it's not going away anytime soon so, I'd probably just get some good one liner come-backs together and forget about it.

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05/14/2009 01:11 PM (UTC)
You know, a true MK fan wouldn't be posting stuff like that..... tongue
05/19/2009 03:25 PM (UTC)
TrueNoob Wrote:
You know, a true MK fan wouldn't be posting stuff like that.....

Dang, you beat me to it.
I'm sick of these stupid labels. Seriously, does so much thought have to go into defining the type of person that likes MK, and how much? It's a freakin GAME people. It's really not that important.
05/19/2009 10:43 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
TrueNoob Wrote:
You know, a true MK fan wouldn't be posting stuff like that.....

Dang, you beat me to it.
I'm sick of these stupid labels. Seriously, does so much thought have to go into defining the type of person that likes MK, and how much? It's a freakin GAME people. It's really not that important.

No duh it's a game, but people here make so much of a big deal about it and I'm trying to figure out why. But yet again, we're on a site that was specifically made for a video game, so I think it is sort of important in a way. But people don't need to make such a big deal anyways.

Not to mention, I find it sort of rude how some people here are calling these people "pricks" and "morons." That's not really neccessary guys.
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05/26/2009 03:56 PM (UTC)
I agree on the importance of us on the website, the fans of video games, movies, etc. Are as important as the people who made it, we make or break sales. Im happy some people put "true fans" let them believe that be happy in there gaming world as long as they have the game and make Midway the money so be it.

....Also the name calling is apart of this website (if you read through the threads) your not gonna stop it. These are forums full of opinions haha have at it. wink
agreeable, the term true MK fans is rather vague. though now it is largely describe "Hardcore MK fan"which could be difined as serious about MK, played every(most of them at least) games. the classifacation of gamers certainly does work, could be specified more, but good. To tell you the truth, I don't fit into "True MK fan catagory"(I started in MK:DA, and wasn't nessesarily all into MK)
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06/20/2009 06:30 AM (UTC)
I'm actually a believer in the true fan. It's not vague if you use "true" in the classical sense: correct, moral, honest, and most importantly, sound.

If you think it's vague, just apply it to another situation. A sound parent is one who loves their child, but reprimands him when he acts in immoral conduct. A sound boss is someone who is fair to his employees and doesn't bullshit them.

A true fan is just someone who supports the franchise when it produces good, quality material, and refuses to support it when it loses its integrity. Such fans also criticize the creators constructively, and do so because they care about the products quality and artistic value.

It's all based in conscience. If you think MkvsDC is a good product made with genuine intent, they're a true fan for buying it. If you think MKvsDC was a sell-out attempt and a fuck-you to the fan-base who waited patiently for MK8, you're a true fan for boycotting it.
06/24/2009 10:51 AM (UTC)
^ Might as well close this thread. No one's gonna come up with anything better
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