07/22/2015 05:22 PM (UTC)
Sparta* Wrote:
I think they did an awesome job on Tremor, best of the DLC hands down, plus he gets props for being an actual MK character. He easily has the best brutalities in the game, and has 5 secret ones so he has the most brutalities, and his fatalities are some of the best in the game too

Yes! For awhile I thought scorpions who's next fatality was the coolest in game. Tremors are right up there! It's hard cuz Stone Tomb and Stalag-Might are brutal!

they are both brutal, especially stalag-might, makes me cringe everytime, and if a fatality makes me cringe, its good in my books lol overall they did a fantastic job on Tremor from design to gameplay to finishers, you can tell they really went all out on him

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07/22/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
I like him. His specials for metallic is interesting because they change based on gold/lava form. Lava I would say is better as you get good close range options with his specials
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07/22/2015 05:26 PM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Not surprised NRS rushed this one out. And he came at the expense of a few characters the wider fan-base could have really enjoyed. It was actually so predictable, it's kind of tragic, I'm lolling.

As predictable as your posts to be honest. Everytime complaining about the roster and how "fan favourites" never made it.

friendshipagain Wrote:

We finally get Tremor...

And he's a slow, lumbering mess like Ferra/Torr - but half the fun. His three variations barely read as unique.

Not really. His specials are unique and nothing like any other character. He is not slow. His normal attacks are not slow but his specials are. He looks great in my opinion especially with the black in the alt. Reptile's variations barely read as unique so Tremor is unique enough. The specials gain different properties. You just have to practice and figure them out. It is nuanced.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/22/2015 05:51 PM (UTC)
They really did give him a TON of Brutalities. It makes me wonder if, along with last large patch, they added in a bunch more that no one has even discovered yet. I find the Brutality Kombat modifier to be a great way to look for those secret brutalities because, in many cases, the brutalities trigger at any point during the match. I may dick around in Kustom Kombat myself to put it to the test (still doesn't work with XRays though - you need the specific requirements each time with them).

Back to topic - I won't say he's crap. I only gave Metallic a shot at a playthrough, and tested his other two variations only once. I liked Metallic so I stuck with it. I think he requires a steeper learning curve...he's definitely a zoning character, but he also feels slow and clunky like Tor. I'm a far more aggressive player...a rush-down type. I prefer characters like Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Shinnok, Johnny...fast characters with fast distance-closing moves to keep the pressure on. Tremor is not that at all, hence he doesn't mesh my play style.
07/22/2015 05:58 PM (UTC)
OP got faced.
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07/22/2015 07:30 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
He damn well be everything you crazy petition making diehard's could've ever asked for. Don't you DARE say you're not happy with him.

Lol @ OP saying he was rushed out. He took the longest to be released and he was announced at the same time as everyone else.

If Tremer really did turn out to be garbage people have every right to express their dislike. I don't see the logic in saying just because people have been asking for him you should like him no matter what when he's released. It's the same thing some people say about the story and other things, "don't complain, be happy you've got a story/faction/online mode" even if it looks like there was low effort put into it. "Be happy they made a sequel at all."

With that said, I do agree with your last statement though. Tremer does seem well taken care of and developed. I'm glad most of his anticipated fans seem happy with him.
07/22/2015 08:33 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
He damn well be everything you crazy petition making diehard's could've ever asked for. Don't you DARE say you're not happy with him.

Lol @ OP saying he was rushed out. He took the longest to be released and he was announced at the same time as everyone else.

For the last fucking time, that petition didn't do SHIT.
07/22/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
He damn well be everything you crazy petition making diehard's could've ever asked for. Don't you DARE say you're not happy with him.

Lol @ OP saying he was rushed out. He took the longest to be released and he was announced at the same time as everyone else.

For the last fucking time, that petition didn't do SHIT.

"Character roster stuff has been a big one," he said. "There's a really big push for the obscure character we have, Tremor, which I got so many tweets from players wanting that character. It actually stood out to me as odd, but there was this swell of people pushing for it with petitions online and all of this crazy stuff, so we included him, and a big reason was because of fans yelling loud enough."
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/22/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
He damn well be everything you crazy petition making diehard's could've ever asked for. Don't you DARE say you're not happy with him.

Lol @ OP saying he was rushed out. He took the longest to be released and he was announced at the same time as everyone else.

For the last fucking time, that petition didn't do SHIT.

"Character roster stuff has been a big one," he said. "There's a really big push for the obscure character we have, Tremor, which I got so many tweets from players wanting that character. It actually stood out to me as odd, but there was this swell of people pushing for it with petitions online and all of this crazy stuff, so we included him, and a big reason was because of fans yelling loud enough."

Fans were yelling long before that petition friend. They certainly gave the petition a lot of attention during MKX' development(which I have a lot of qualms with), but he was decided on before that petition even happened.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/22/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
He damn well be everything you crazy petition making diehard's could've ever asked for. Don't you DARE say you're not happy with him.

Lol @ OP saying he was rushed out. He took the longest to be released and he was announced at the same time as everyone else.

For the last fucking time, that petition didn't do SHIT.

"Character roster stuff has been a big one," he said. "There's a really big push for the obscure character we have, Tremor, which I got so many tweets from players wanting that character. It actually stood out to me as odd, but there was this swell of people pushing for it with petitions online and all of this crazy stuff, so we included him, and a big reason was because of fans yelling loud enough."

That is all true. However, it was stated not too long ago via Twitter that they did NOT add Tremor as a result of the petition. He was already planned from the beginning. Boon had been harassed for YEARS about Tremor. Look at any tweet Boon makes, right now...and look at the comments. You will see people begging him for Sareena and Fujin. There's one guy "Eena is for Sareena" or some stupid handle like that, who CONSTANTLY harasses Ed about Sareena.

Look at that, and imagine, for as long as Ed has been on Twitter, for EVERY tweet he made, he sees things like "Where's Tremor?" "This character sucks, fuck him, I want Tremor". Day in, and day out. Not to mention, his twitter feed blowing up with people crying and begging for Tremor...THAT is what set it off...by the time the petition rolled around it was well underway. Don't be surprised if you never see Tremor again after this. Like Skarlet, it was placation.

I would say it was 30% giving in to fan demand, 70% Ed and NRS being absolutely sick of hearing about Tremor day in and day out. It'll probably happen with Sareena and Fujin for MKXI.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/22/2015 09:15 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:

That is all true. However, it was stated not too long ago via Twitter that they did NOT add Tremor as a result of the petition. He was already planned from the beginning. Boon had been harassed for YEARS about Tremor. Look at any tweet Boon makes, right now...and look at the comments. You will see people begging him for Sareena and Fujin. There's one guy "Eena is for Sareena" or some stupid handle like that, who CONSTANTLY harasses Ed about Sareena.

Look at that, and imagine, for as long as Ed has been on Twitter, for EVERY tweet he made, he sees things like "Where's Tremor?" "This character sucks, fuck him, I want Tremor". Day in, and day out. Not to mention, his twitter feed blowing up with people crying and begging for Tremor...THAT is what set it off...by the time the petition rolled around it was well underway.

I would say it was 30% giving in to fan demand, 70% Ed and NRS being absolutely sick of hearing about Tremor day in and day out. It'll probably happen with Sareena and Fujin for MKXI.

Don't forget about that fucking Rain fan...ugh.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/22/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
^^Yup. The Rain begging is insane. Though, I do understand...I mean, he was playable in the last game, and an NPC in this game. For some reason he has a HUGE fan following, so that was a huge tease. But the begging is kinda ridiculous.
07/22/2015 09:19 PM (UTC)
Ummm I wouldn't take IGN's word on anything MK related. They thought Kotal Kahn was Shinnok at one point.

They literally take the smallest amount of info and run with it. During the Kano reveal they made an entire article about how Kano must be completely cybernetic underneath because the laser came from his normal eye.

Which turned out to be a glitch.

All I'm saying is I don't remember a massive petition for Skarlet, so I'm skeptical if Tremor was included due to one.
07/22/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
I dont blame Ed for chucking Tremor in to quieten the fans.

Mortal Kombat fans can be most... passionate... about things.

Multiple coloured ninjas being one of them. Hell there was a massive push for Tremor to be in Armageddon, nothing for No Face, Tasia, Kia and Jatakka. But because Tremor is seen as a palette swap he's gotta be in.

Hell the roster still throws me off because I'm still half expecting Noob Saibot or Smoke or Rain or Cyrax or Sektor to be announced despite the game sitting in my PS4 right now.

DLC roster was disappointing to me at first - pre playing. Not really a Jason fan, Tanya the yellow female ninja, Tremor the brown male ninja and FUCKYEAH PREDATOR. And now playing them through, Tanya and Tremor are at least unique additions to the roster, Jason is... there and Fuck yeah Predator.

Aganos is cooler though.
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07/22/2015 10:38 PM (UTC)
Ok last rant for a bit on tremor.

But he's my favorite ninja. Out of them all scorp sub rep smoke noob ermac rain etc.

Here's why. He's different he's muscle and plays a lot differently. He's more brute where as the others are more rush based. Plus he has the style like no one else and his design. I am overboard on he's just so menacing I can't say it enough. He's the perfect ninja character out of all if them to me. I've alway's wanted a character who had rock type powers and when tremor came out in sf I figured he'd be in later entrys kinda how rain and ermac evolved.

If I was obsessed with him it's because I saw in him what others were lacking at least for my playstyle. And the name come on now. That's just way cooler sounding then some of the others.

He plays sounds looks and performs like a dream. Anything tremor that drops ill purchase. Even if he gets his own mk figure I'll pre order that mfer. I know alot are warming up to him but this is a blessing for me. I've sat back and watched a lot of the ninja characters evolve. I had hoped and prayed hard they'd make him an actual design in a game and nrs did that they exceeded all my expectations and I'm very grateful and proud to call myself a tremor fanboy.

In reference to drake, Tremor started from the bottom now he here! Yes sir!
07/22/2015 10:46 PM (UTC)
Gonna have to disagree, I think they knocked it out of the park with Tremor.
He's got the best brutalities in the game, and his gameplay is crazy fun.
My only complaint would be that his variations are all way to similar.
07/22/2015 11:23 PM (UTC)
I'm with the majority here that thinks NRS did an amazing job with Tremor. I can honestly say he's my favorite out of the Kombat Pack. He's very unique with his moveset, some of the best finishers in the game, and he looks awesome.

All I've ever wanted for Tremor was to have his potential as an Earthbender explored, and NRS did it big.
07/22/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
I like his aesthetics and brutalities and fatalities....but I find him pretty hard to use. He's slow on everything. He's outzoned by the others' zoning tools and beaten to the punch by rushdown.

I mean the man's a rock, so I don't expect him to be fast, but I'm definitely going to have to put in a lot of work to use him with any kind of skill. Character loyalty o'er erry'thang.
07/23/2015 12:23 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
He damn well be everything you crazy petition making diehard's could've ever asked for. Don't you DARE say you're not happy with him.

Lol @ OP saying he was rushed out. He took the longest to be released and he was announced at the same time as everyone else.

For the last fucking time, that petition didn't do SHIT.

"Character roster stuff has been a big one," he said. "There's a really big push for the obscure character we have, Tremor, which I got so many tweets from players wanting that character. It actually stood out to me as odd, but there was this swell of people pushing for it with petitions online and all of this crazy stuff, so we included him, and a big reason was because of fans yelling loud enough."

That is all true. However, it was stated not too long ago via Twitter that they did NOT add Tremor as a result of the petition. He was already planned from the beginning. Boon had been harassed for YEARS about Tremor. Look at any tweet Boon makes, right now...and look at the comments. You will see people begging him for Sareena and Fujin. There's one guy "Eena is for Sareena" or some stupid handle like that, who CONSTANTLY harasses Ed about Sareena.

Look at that, and imagine, for as long as Ed has been on Twitter, for EVERY tweet he made, he sees things like "Where's Tremor?" "This character sucks, fuck him, I want Tremor". Day in, and day out. Not to mention, his twitter feed blowing up with people crying and begging for Tremor...THAT is what set it off...by the time the petition rolled around it was well underway. Don't be surprised if you never see Tremor again after this. Like Skarlet, it was placation.

I would say it was 30% giving in to fan demand, 70% Ed and NRS being absolutely sick of hearing about Tremor day in and day out. It'll probably happen with Sareena and Fujin for MKXI.

Thank you Frabn.
07/23/2015 02:14 AM (UTC)
So is there any difference between the Gold Skin moves in Mettalic and the rock moves from Aftershock? The crystalline and Lava Skin moves are different but I can't see much difference with the other two.
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07/23/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
So is there any difference between the Gold Skin moves in Mettalic and the rock moves from Aftershock? The crystalline and Lava Skin moves are different but I can't see much difference with the other two.

In aftershock Tremor can do a Jumping Earth Shake. Also his down back 1 projectile mixup is for close use only. Not like Metallic where it can be thrown to bait in.

Metallic has 1 more projectile over AS in back forward 2.
Metallic also has Gold skin which increases the damage on projectiles. Bumping them from 7 to 10 etc but can be increased by meter burn. However, upon using Gold Skin the down back 1 projectile mixup he has becomes Close Quarters due to the lava but you still get more damage up close as opposed to aftershocks default close quarters damage. Nice tradeoff tbh.

Lasty his 'Rolling Magma' Back Forward 4 in Goldskin becomes a Popup. Just an FYI his goldskin can.be canceled by doing the same button input to trigger it.

Hope that helped bro.
07/23/2015 11:45 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
He damn well be everything you crazy petition making diehard's could've ever asked for. Don't you DARE say you're not happy with him.

Lol @ OP saying he was rushed out. He took the longest to be released and he was announced at the same time as everyone else.

For the last fucking time, that petition didn't do SHIT.

"Character roster stuff has been a big one," he said. "There's a really big push for the obscure character we have, Tremor, which I got so many tweets from players wanting that character. It actually stood out to me as odd, but there was this swell of people pushing for it with petitions online and all of this crazy stuff, so we included him, and a big reason was because of fans yelling loud enough."

That is all true. However, it was stated not too long ago via Twitter that they did NOT add Tremor as a result of the petition. He was already planned from the beginning. Boon had been harassed for YEARS about Tremor. Look at any tweet Boon makes, right now...and look at the comments. You will see people begging him for Sareena and Fujin. There's one guy "Eena is for Sareena" or some stupid handle like that, who CONSTANTLY harasses Ed about Sareena.

Look at that, and imagine, for as long as Ed has been on Twitter, for EVERY tweet he made, he sees things like "Where's Tremor?" "This character sucks, fuck him, I want Tremor". Day in, and day out. Not to mention, his twitter feed blowing up with people crying and begging for Tremor...THAT is what set it off...by the time the petition rolled around it was well underway. Don't be surprised if you never see Tremor again after this. Like Skarlet, it was placation.

I would say it was 30% giving in to fan demand, 70% Ed and NRS being absolutely sick of hearing about Tremor day in and day out. It'll probably happen with Sareena and Fujin for MKXI.

Christ you people are so literal. The people that made and signed the petition are the same people that tweeted him and have been on the forums for the last 10 years throwing him into every single conversation. THEY'RE THE SAME PEOPLE. Nowhere did I say "The petition is the sole reason why Tremor got released" I was lumping all the diehard fans into one crazy category.

I'm a Tremor hater, and I think he's great. As for you should be happy with him regardless of what you think about him, it's your opinion if you think that he sucks. Chances are, you probably just blow with him. At least you have your precious character. Be grateful.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/23/2015 01:38 PM (UTC)
Not sure if you were lumping me in there with that - I actually agreed with you on your original statement, and I think that not a single MK fan has a right to complain that NRS doesn't listen - Tremor made it in, so they obviously listen. I was responding to the person who made the comment after you regarding the petition.

I think they also found out that most of the of the signatures were the same few people creating different e-mails to bolster the votes. It sounds plausible, I wouldn't put that past rabid tremor fans.

About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/23/2015 01:40 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I dont blame Ed for chucking Tremor in to quieten the fans.

Mortal Kombat fans can be most... passionate... about things.

Multiple coloured ninjas being one of them. Hell there was a massive push for Tremor to be in Armageddon, nothing for No Face, Tasia, Kia and Jatakka. But because Tremor is seen as a palette swap he's gotta be in.

Hell the roster still throws me off because I'm still half expecting Noob Saibot or Smoke or Rain or Cyrax or Sektor to be announced despite the game sitting in my PS4 right now.

DLC roster was disappointing to me at first - pre playing. Not really a Jason fan, Tanya the yellow female ninja, Tremor the brown male ninja and FUCKYEAH PREDATOR. And now playing them through, Tanya and Tremor are at least unique additions to the roster, Jason is... there and Fuck yeah Predator.

Aganos is cooler though.

A voice of reason, thank you - but be careful. Implying that Tremor's fanfare started because he was another palette swap (which is absolute fact) will have half the forum on your ass accusing you of hating ninjas.
07/23/2015 01:48 PM (UTC)
Hope that helped bro.

I knew about the aerial earth shake. That's a great move.

Thanks for the rest! I found some of it out myself by playing again after posting but a few things I didn't know.
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