Tremor is kind of crap..
posted07/27/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)by
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06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
After all that. The fanfare. The petition. Endless Tremor thread love-ins. The other fan favorites who missed out on a slot (Fujin, Havik, Rain).

We finally get Tremor...

And he's a slow, lumbering mess like Ferra/Torr - but half the fun. His three variations barely read as unique.

Not surprised NRS rushed this one out. And he came at the expense of a few characters the wider fan-base could have really enjoyed. It was actually so predictable, it's kind of tragic, I'm lolling.

Still - we can all look foward to endless discussion threads and petitions for Khrome in four years..
07/22/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
I think they did a good job on Tremor, he's more than just a man made of rock, he can use crystalline, lava and even metal, which was not expected.
07/22/2015 02:18 AM (UTC)
I thought the same thing at first, but I played with him a little longer, practice mode a bit, and a few towers and he actually isn't bad at all. His specials are a little different than what I am used to but once I got the hang of them he is actually pretty fun IMO.

He also isn't slow if you run, his forward dash is pretty big, and his back dash is also pretty quick, the only thing slow about him is the start ups on a lot of his specials, which makes sense considering those moves would be really abusable if the start up was too fast (Then NRS would have to slow them back down anyway because everybody would be upset about it)

I don't think they could hurt if they came out a tiny bit faster, but not much faster.
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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

07/22/2015 02:20 AM (UTC)
Sorry you hate him, I think he's great.
07/22/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
As someone who was very vocal over my displeasure at him making the cut as DLC, even I have to admit that Tremor is not half bad. I enjoy playing him more-so than Jason and Predator. I like his finishers, I like all of the stylistic choices they took with him, his specials, animations and variations and I even like his cheeseball (semi-interesting) ending.

They did what I was hoping for just like they did with Skarlet; they took a so-so character/concept and turned it into something interesting and notable. I agree others should have come before him but now that we have an idea, an inkling, that more DLC is on the way, I am fine with his inclusion.
07/22/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
1st Day Impression: I like him better than Predator and Jason. Predator especially, I found Predator very klunky.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/22/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
I'm loving him. Pop-ups galore!

But since we're speaking of crap, has anyone else had an issue with his variation kombat kard unlocks? Once I moved out of practice mode, I've only used Crystalline, yet, the two icons I've earned are of his Metallic icon. They're also listed as Crystalline in the kombat kard editor, but if you select Metallic for a fight, that's the icon that's at the top of the screen.

*Confusion* *Update* - And I officially unlock Aftershock icons when using Metallic. Dafuq?
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07/22/2015 03:21 AM (UTC)
I like him. Do I wish, he didn't get an upgrade from his story sure. But he's not exactly another beast character. But it's close. The new format has cool moves so he isn't just earthquake ninja lol. I kept making references to the earth god from Mythologies. Thats, basic lyrics what he is now.

I personally found him decent speed. Love his fatalities and some of his intros like when he tells Kano he's our of the Black Dragon
07/22/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)
I've had a blast playing him so far. His brutalities are among the best.

I also see nothing wrong with Tremor being slow compared to other characters.
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07/22/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)
Dude no fkn way bro! He's so good man after all the shit I've seen. Summon rock can be thrown like subs clone. Not to mention the ground saw mixup.

I've never said this but tremor is my favorite character in mkx exactly how I had hoped. As long as tremor is present in a mk game I'll alway's support mk dlc. As long as he's in an mk game ill never touch another ninjaesq character.

Fucccccccq he's just.... blew my mind!

07/22/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
I dunno man, but I'm really loving the crap out of Tremor, he's too damn good. Easily became one of my top pickers for MKX, I still have to learn more of his other styles but he definitely fits my persona. I'd go as far as to say he's the best DLC, (besides Predator). Damn how can you not love Trem, he's a powerhouse badass.
07/22/2015 04:38 AM (UTC)
Really? I've had a Hell of a good time playing as him. He's so fun, I'm honestly not sure which variation I have more fun with.
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07/22/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
Tc I know your post was mainly directed at his gameplay, but I like the whole thing with the dream realm. While I'm not crazy about guest, it's interesting that they kept the idea from Freddy's inclusion in 9. I also like that they hinted at a supernatural explanation to the Black Dragons stealing Shinnok's amulet. I knew it wasn't just pure technology! Gives me hope for the story.

And I know it's silly, but a small part of me has kinda wanted a Johnny Cage fangirl/boy in the story. I got one, yay! I wasn't expecting it to actually happen.

tremor is my favorite character in mkx exactly how I had hoped.

That's the second time today I've seen you make a post like that...I'm telling Shinnok. confused
07/22/2015 05:52 AM (UTC)
He's the best one of the Pack.

Damn good gameplay, some of the best brutalities in the game, and fun. To each there own
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/22/2015 06:02 AM (UTC)
Fatalities were great. Brutalities were great. As for his gameplay...I didn't like him at all. He feels so clunky and cumbersome. Not impressed.

And that tower ending...LOL. Written like it was dreamt up by a 5 year old. "AND THEN TREMOR BLASTED OFF INTO SPACE AND BECAME SPACE TREMOR, GOD OF THE GALAXY".

07/22/2015 06:29 AM (UTC)
I totally agree with you. His fatals and brutals are all pretty good, and I like the fact that he has like 10 brutals in total, but his gameplay is just so awful. His animations feel off to me in a weird way, and he just isn't that fun to play as. Really disappointing character for me honestly, I was hoping that Tremor was going to be a grappler but man he is nothing like I was expecting.

The Kombat pack in general was very disappointing for me, but I do hope that this is not the end of the DLC. I know NRS can do better and if there is more, I hope NRS proves that.
07/22/2015 07:37 AM (UTC)
Tremor is easily the best DLC character NRS has released thus far for MKX, his look, his finishers and his variations. Not to mention he's a ton of fun to play with and his intros are the best out of the other 3 DLC chars. I mean most of biggest nay sayers have reluctantly admitted that he's not as bad as they were initially expecting. I hope he makes the base roster next game. I have high expectations for any future DLC if they do release a Kombat Pack 2.
07/22/2015 07:57 AM (UTC)
I'm loving tremor, his metallic variation is awesome, so far he is my fav DLC character

Hoping for a kombat pack 2 with Fujin!
07/22/2015 08:35 AM (UTC)
I like him, even though the idea of a psych bomb and a dreamrealm are so fucking stupid I wan't to tear my own eyes out.

The only times Dream Realm should be used:
1) Freddy Kruger.
2) Mortal Kombat Vs [Blank]. It happened in the Dream Realm.

The only DLC character I didn't like was Jason.

Tanya and Predator are great. And Tremor I feel adds to the greatness.

Actually surprised they did it to be honest.
07/22/2015 10:39 AM (UTC)
Well like the majority on here I love tremor his moves are cool his combos are easy to do and his brutalities are some of the best making him a very fun character to play as. Him and predator really made the kombat pack for me just wish I could swap Jason for noob and tanya for jade now that would've made an awese kombat pack!
07/22/2015 12:39 PM (UTC)
He damn well be everything you crazy petition making diehard's could've ever asked for. Don't you DARE say you're not happy with him. Lol @ OP saying he was rushed out. He took the longest to be released and he was announced at the same time as everyone else.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/22/2015 02:26 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
He damn well be everything you crazy petition making diehard's could've ever asked for. Don't you DARE say you're not happy with him.

This is the Mortal Kombat fan base. I would be very concerned if the years of begging for Tremor didn't culminate in whining from those same people when he was released.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/22/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't say he's crap. He's a Zoner in a rush down heavy game. He's not meant to be overly mobile. My guess is(with all due respect) you're probably playing him wrong.

When they get in close, use some hard knockdowns to create some space and start throwing rocks. F121 knocks them back to about jump range, then go to town.

So far metallic has been my go to variation. I can see the uses for crystalline and aftershock, and will likely see what I can dig up with those soon.

Overall, Tremor is a pretty solid addition(no matter how much it pains me to say it).

07/22/2015 03:08 PM (UTC)
I think they did an awesome job on Tremor, best of the DLC hands down, plus he gets props for being an actual MK character. He easily has the best brutalities in the game, and has 5 secret ones so he has the most brutalities, and his fatalities are some of the best in the game too
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07/22/2015 04:07 PM (UTC)
Sparta* Wrote:
I think they did an awesome job on Tremor, best of the DLC hands down, plus he gets props for being an actual MK character. He easily has the best brutalities in the game, and has 5 secret ones so he has the most brutalities, and his fatalities are some of the best in the game too

Yes! For awhile I thought scorpions who's next fatality was the coolest in game. Tremors are right up there! It's hard cuz Stone Tomb and Stalag-Might are brutal!
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