Tremor, a real interesting concept. (WALLOF TEXT)
posted09/18/2008 06:38 PM (UTC)by
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01/16/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
Alright, so most of us know Tremor, the brown ninja with earth powers. His first and ONLY appearance was in the flop of a game Mortal Kombat Special Forces. Now, possibly due to the fact the game was a complete flop, none, and I mean NONE of the characters introduced there have EVER reappeared, not even in MK:D's Konquest mode (although, of note, he is subtlely referenced, as all the Lin Kuei trainees have brown Ninja suits). While Mortal Kombat Mythologies, whch was released earlier, introduced Shinnok and Quan Chi, two popular and criticl characters in the series, as well as Sareena, Jataaka, and Kia. Sareena has had two playable appearances in other games since then. Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition for the GBA, and MK: Armageddon. She also made an appearance in MK:D's conquest mode. WHile the other two made non-playable appearance's in mortal Kombat Armageddon, still working for Shinnok.
Now back on topic, MKM: SZ wasn't that good, but it wasn't a flop like MK:SF, and the like of the game may have been wwhat allowed these characters to appear again. On the topic of Tremor, I found him to be one of the most interesting one-shots of them all. Not because he's a ninja, but because of a simpler reason: His powers.
Now, Mortal Kombat has people wth all kinds of abilities: Fire, Ice, Acid, Shapeshifting, Soul stealing, acrobatics, turkey impressions, the list goes on. But on of these things have NEVER been brought up, the power over earth(due to the fact tha I watch avatar and it's easier, I'm gonna call this earthbending.) Now, earthbending, to my knowledge, s very uncommon in a fighter. Besides Jax's ground pound move, nothing like it has never REALLY been explored, and in SC, no one can earthbend, in Tekken, no one can earthbend, in Street Fighter (I don't play it) No one can earthbend correct me if I'm wrong. The closest thing we've had was Hulk in Marvel vs Capcom.
Mortal Kombat is going into uncharted land here. Earthbending is very rare in fighting games, and Mortal Kombat, being one of the first, has the ability to mold it in any way they please, this could include, but not be limted to, throwing boulders, like sektor's homing missles, the ability to control earth and ahve it seek out an opponent, a ground TREMOR, sort of like ground pound only with a higher range. Hell, he could even go into a seperate stance for a few seconds like ermac's levitation.
Here's another reson, he has untapped potential in terms of story. A Lin Kuei ninja who betrayed them to join the Black Dragon, taht automatically gives him ties to the following: Kano, Kabal, Sonya, Sub-Zero, and maybe even, Kira and Kobra, Jarek, Scorpion, Forst, Noob, and Smoke. As wel as the fact that since MK:D the Black Dragon clan was thriving, he could go anywhere, from back to the Lin Kuei, to Outworld, maybe even form his OWN alliance, or be a loner like Scorpion.
Finally, we have design, originally, Tremor had a slightly different ninja chestplate (whatever you call it) and was slightly taller and bulkier than the other ninja. However, it has been 8 years sincehis last appearance, and it's probably gonna be more, but in that time, he could get a COMPLETE OVERHAUL in terms of design. remember Rain? Yeah, his look sucked, and still hardy anyone likes him. Remember Ermac? His redesign was great! They could easily do that for Tremor, or even take away his ninja look entirely. Hell, He could be a sub boss in MK9 for all we know, his design is limited only to the MK team's imagination. I even made a concept for him in soulcalibur IV with the image that he WOULD be a sub boss for MK9 here it is.
So in conclusion, everything about Tremor has great potential and the ability to succeed and go places in the MK world. His untapped prowess in terms of story and powers, plus the ability to give him a completely new design, makes himn a great candidate for MK9.
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08/04/2008 02:13 PM (UTC)
tremor has beene rased from MK continuity when Midway decided to unmake Spcial Forces from the canon.
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08/04/2008 02:34 PM (UTC)
Hmm, when did that happen?
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"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

08/04/2008 09:31 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
tremor has beene rased from MK continuity when Midway decided to unmake Spcial Forces from the canon.

really? that kinda sucks if they did. the game wasn't that bad. as for the tremor concept, nice! i'd like to see him again even though i have an aversion to the ninjas. he was fun to fight.
08/04/2008 09:59 PM (UTC)
Hmm I'm not really sure about Tremor. He is just another cheap character that looks like a ninja. Hell even Blaze has a small ninja resemblance with his face. Maybe if they made him into his own character, what I mean is design, story, etc. then he might be alright. Why not bring back the Earth God instead, or an elemental being that is a descendant of the Earth God that controls the Earth element?
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08/04/2008 10:03 PM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:
Maybe if they made him into his own character, what I mean is design, story, etc.

Isn't taht what I posted?

08/04/2008 10:20 PM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
RaisnCain Wrote:
Maybe if they made him into his own character, what I mean is design, story, etc.

Isn't taht what I posted?

Yeah, but I was implying that it might work. However, I still wouldn't want to see him return. I think MK needs original concepts that are unique for MK9 and future MK games.
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08/04/2008 10:46 PM (UTC)
Besdies being a ninja, everything about him is unique
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08/05/2008 02:04 AM (UTC)
I love elemental characters. I really like earth characters, and I also think Tremor is a cool video game name.

BUT, no more ninjas. Just make him a martial artist with his own story and about 6-7 cool earth moves. No ground pound either, there's too much that is possible with out recycling stuff.

PS: Vash, that post is not pleasant to the eyes at all, so I didn't read it. Huge clumps of text like that are a deterrent. /heads up.
08/05/2008 02:14 AM (UTC)
Soul Cailbur sucks, and same with what Pred said, I don't want to see anymore ninjas.
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08/05/2008 08:16 PM (UTC)
Marked that there was tons of text, and he doesn't hav e to look like a ninja
08/29/2008 07:14 AM (UTC)
Tremor should be in MK9. I found his story interesting. I wish he could of been in a 2-D or 3-D Mortal Kombat cuz I wouldve like to see how his story would of played out seeing that he went from being a member of the Lin kuei to being a member of the Black Dragon Clan. Though I wouldn't want him to be a Sub-Boss, even know I want him to be bigger than the other ninja's. I also think if he is a Sub-Boss then that would mean he wouldn't be playable, plus I don't think there could be a good story of how he even got to be a Sub-Boss working for whoever the Main Boss would be. I'd like him to contiue his role as a Black Dragon member. Like say if Kano or Kabal don't survive Armageddon then that could mean he could take over or atleast play a bigger role in the clan.(But I do hope Kabal survives by the way.) Anyway seeing how their won't be as many Ninja's in MK9 cuz some may not make it. Maybe just Scorpion and Sub-zero. Maybe Ermac and Noon Saibot. Not too sure about Rain and Reptile. Pretty sure Chameloen is not going to make it. So ya hopefully they can give Tremor a fresh new look like Ermac in his Deception return and make it to MK9.
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08/29/2008 10:36 AM (UTC)
Tremor is kool I want him in MK 9,but not as sub boss.
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08/29/2008 05:13 PM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:
Why not bring back the Earth God instead, or an elemental being that is a descendant of the Earth God that controls the Earth element?

The Earth God in MKM looked close to Blaze in MKA. Plus he was twice the size of a normal character (Sub-Zero was sliding between his legs tongue). So the second possibility would be probably better.
ThePredator151 Wrote:
BUT, no more ninjas. Just make him a martial artist with his own story and about 6-7 cool earth moves. No ground pound either, there's too much that is possible with out recycling stuff.

De facto, he was supposed to be Lin Kuei in MKT, so not a ninja. But I know what you meant and I agree about him being unique martial artist.

As for the ground pound, being an elemental warrior, he should be able to do that, without actually pounding the ground.

Icebaby Wrote:
Soul Cailbur sucks

Soul Cailbur, maybe. I've never played it wink Soul Calibur however, slashes MK anyday. Sad but true. Actually, not even sad.
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09/15/2008 06:13 AM (UTC)
Mortalman Wrote:

ThePredator151 Wrote:
BUT, no more ninjas. Just make him a martial artist with his own story and about 6-7 cool earth moves. No ground pound either, there's too much that is possible with out recycling stuff.

De facto, he was supposed to be Lin Kuei in MKT, so not a ninja. But I know what you meant and I agree about him being unique martial artist.

As for the ground pound, being an elemental warrior, he should be able to do that, without actually pounding the ground.


Check YouTube for "Toph Bei Fong"("The Blind Bandit") from the "Avatar: Last Airbender" cartoon. ALOT of the stuff she's doing fits Kenshi, or even Kai iMo.

That series is awesome altogether though, depending on your taste.
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09/16/2008 02:14 AM (UTC)
Yeah, always loved Toph, second favorite to Zuko. She would be a good base for Tremor (IMO) with her earthbending
09/18/2008 06:38 PM (UTC)
As a compromise combine the Earth God with Tremor.
Like rock skin and stuff but is normal sized.
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