TO END THE mk9 cancellation CRAP!!
posted09/14/2009 09:40 PM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC) Now take it how you want but mk9 is happening and like it or not mk vs dc is MK8- because its a new technology mk, plus it plays like a mk game besides all the modes that was missing that was in previous mk titles. Funny thing is, that all yall complained about mk vs not having too much blood, but games like mkda, (mkd, mka)- online ppl turn the damn blood off anyway, so ppl hav too much of a double standard, ppl jus like to find something to bitch about and it pisses me off ppl MK BASHING thats maybe why i always react the way I do in my posts, not that you care anyway lol but SO B IT!!!

Trust me MK9 will be a smash success hit and the'll STEP ALL OVER the ppl who talked crap about them like they usually do when ppl say what cant be done in a mk game like tons of characters of which they proved ppl wrong when mka came out. So to prove ppl wrong again since the game wont b out 4 a while I would redue every last character to the max with new looks and moves and alities plus all the old alities since mk9 is returning to its old roots and since ppl seem to think they cant balance gameplay correctly when all those characters are in it. Just think about it, that was the graphics of a ps2 with all those specials and characters, so imagine what the hell a ps3 can do with all those characters. Also MKD was the best 3d game as far as the fatalities bein on point with the evilness, even the HARA KIRI'S were on point so imagine what a ps3 can do.

So il leave you with that thought and this MK9 pic for all the game cancel idiots. Some of yall NEW MKERS dont know sh?t HEY to like mk vs better just stop thinkin of it as a newer game, do what I do jus think of mk vs as MK1/& MK2 BUT really mk1 with a fresher engine with all the modes left out.
09/14/2009 05:52 PM (UTC)
There was only one who was stating that MK9 was canceled. I don't see anyone else on this site saying that there's not going to be another MK in the works.

The only canceled game that was mentioned was the second Shaolin Monks game that was in the works.
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

09/14/2009 05:55 PM (UTC)
no, I heard or seen other posts in the past about ppl sayin WB takin over so the game will be a teen rated game and crap like that.

09/14/2009 06:00 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
no, I heard or seen other posts in the past about ppl sayin WB takin over so the game will be a teen rated game and crap like that.

well if you botherd to read them you would have seen they have all been closed due to lack of info

you are probely the same guy under a different name
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

09/14/2009 07:03 PM (UTC)
if you really think so y dont u just look up that address i gav ur azz at the beginning of my 1st post duh ull see the MK9 stage with the 2 darker raidens on the BASEMENT STAGE MR. DOOFIE!!!!!!
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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09/14/2009 07:22 PM (UTC)
Yea...I'm just gonna see how far this goes.

09/14/2009 07:32 PM (UTC)
@ThePredator151...I chuckled big time when I read this thread.
09/14/2009 08:13 PM (UTC)
What the heck does that have to do with your topic? All you did was give us links to a Mugen game.

I can see now why people are laughing at this thread.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

09/14/2009 08:20 PM (UTC)
If you read my new post title that i changed from the original be4 this new one smartazz it did match my post. Dont try to get me like that cause ull lose everytime ....... Now that's ICE ICE baby lol. AS WHITE AS THESE LETTERS MR. ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!
09/14/2009 08:33 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
If you read my new post title that i changed from the original be4 this new one smartazz it did match my post. Dont try to get me like that cause ull lose everytime ....... Now that's ICE ICE baby lol. AS WHITE AS THESE LETTERS MR. ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all, if you're going to call me a "smartass" spell it like it is.

Secondly, your thread still says "TO END ALL the MK9 CANCELATION CRAP" out on the front page. So you didn't change your title, dum dum, so basically you're still talking about MK9 being canceled and crap like that,

And if you're calling me Mr. Ice... ha ha, wrong gender, kid.
09/14/2009 08:36 PM (UTC)
And sorry for the double post, but if you're going to change the topic to something from whining about how other users keeps mentioning about how there's no more MK9 then change it to something completely outta whack, you might as well just make a different thread for it... Buuuut, oh well.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

09/14/2009 08:49 PM (UTC)
the title was changed so the first dont count because im talkin bout something new now, besides this is my post il change what the hell I want.

Lastly no wonder ur so smart azzed ur a FEMALE GEEZ now I know 4 sure you dont know ???T bout a mortal kombat game, its been fun but now im not gonna waste any more time on you good day to you!!
09/14/2009 08:55 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
the title was changed so the first dont count because im talkin bout something new now, besides this is my post il change what the hell I want.

Lastly no wonder ur so smart azzed ur a FEMALE GEEZ now I know 4 sure you dont know ???T bout a mortal kombat game, its been fun but now im not gonna waste any more time on you good day to you!!

Just because I'm a girl I'm a smartass? Because I'm a girl I don''t know anything about MK? Hmm, I sense sexism don't you?

I would like to know why Predator didn't close this when he had the chance. Seriously, because I'm a girl I don't know anything about MK? What about the other female users on this site? Are they also considered dumb and have no knowledge about Mortal Kombat as well?

You're slowly digging yourself a grave here, boy. You're slowly digging a grave.
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09/14/2009 09:18 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Just because I'm a girl I'm a smartass? Because I'm a girl I don''t know anything about MK? Hmm, I sense sexism don't you?

You say 'sexism' like it's a bad thing.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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09/14/2009 09:40 PM (UTC)

I made that fake image in your first post. Therefor, it does not have anything real to do with MK9.

Now, I'm gonna close this thread because it's spam. Until there is some solid news to report on, stop making this kind of thread. When the news comes in, it will be official. Meaning that it will be provable.

That doesn't mean "you can't make a thread you want" BUT, if this sort of troll-istic, spam-a-licious behavior continues, I'll simply reprimand the individuals who persist until we've had enough of skulls and banishment.

Shoot me a pm if you have any questions or concerns.

Hope that's clear enough.

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