This series neede to be more mature ( and I dont mean gore)
posted04/14/2011 08:15 AM (UTC)by
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08/14/2006 01:59 PM (UTC)


My name is Joe, I contribute to a fledgling video game podcast and a few weeks ago there a discussion about MK that really bothered me. We were talking about MK2011 and out of nowhere a fellow contributor asks " Why are we talking about Mortal Kombat? We're in our mid 20s?"

While I hated to admit it, he was right. The most adult incarnation of this series was arguably Deadly Alliance which they completely threw out the window with Deception with it's atrocious VOs and fart jokes. Outside of the core series there was Mortal Kombat Rebirth which had mixed reception among fans but I don't either side will argue that Rebirth was the most cinematicly adult piece of media that this franchise has ever seen.

With each new release it seems like the fanbase keeps getting younger and younger, This site sees an influx of new users who's messages read like they're in 3rd grade and failing English. This BOTHERS the hell out of me.

This franchise deals with very mature subject matter, it just doesn't handle it in a very adult manner. Life, death, murder, revenge, sex, lust... these are elements that should be taken seriously not written off for the juvenile masses.

My point is this: I want this franchise to grow up. I want the Netherrealm to stop making games for kids and start making mature well written games for adults.

How to do this:

Take you're mythology seriously: MK is owned by WB now, HIRE quality writers and voice talent. The cheeseball cast from MKDC isn't cutting it and give us a deeper, more engaging fighting engine.

Implying there werent fart jokes in Deadly Alliance

Also age has nothing to do with being a Mortal Kombat fan and you totally misinterpreted his statment
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01/13/2011 05:20 AM (UTC)
TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:
Implying there werent fart jokes in Deadly Alliance

Also age has nothing to do with being a Mortal Kombat fan and you totally misinterpreted his statment

Perhaps, but the franchise needs to grow up and get off the nostalgia trip its been on for the better part of a decade.
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01/18/2011 05:48 PM (UTC)
This would be a fine sentiment....

too bad MK overstayed it's velcome and fanfare. Now it is just not relelvant, and cannot offer anything else without reinventing itself into something absolutely different.

Which would of course trigger the butthurt alarm for the fans, that are so subhumanely attached to their security-blanket-MK games.

Put it to rest with it's overdeflated fanbase and it's overinflated sense of self-entitlement and ego. If in the unlikely event that 2011 doesn't succeed, this series has to go.
01/20/2011 06:37 PM (UTC)
Personally I think this new MK is doing just that. Of course I can't say that with 100% certainty since it's not out yet, but I believe they are taking a more serious approach this time around and that this game will revive the series
01/22/2011 05:54 AM (UTC)
I agree 100%. This new game would have been the perfect opportunity to do so, but no.

01/24/2011 02:19 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
I agree 100%. This new game would have been the perfect opportunity to do so, but no.


There's 90% of the mortal combat fanbase and when crow or others say something smart they immediately get flamed this place has gone to hel
01/28/2011 04:02 AM (UTC)
If Mileena wants to get naked i say more power to her. or it.. just leave the mask on.
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01/31/2011 10:10 PM (UTC)
CyRaXdF Wrote:
If Mileena wants to get naked i say more power to her. or it.. just leave the mask on.

You did not get the point at all it seems.

MK to be relevant again, well, it needs to conceptually redesign itself into a complete new entity. What I might suggest is a completely new take free from the contrived construction of the original.

Not a reboot, not a remake but a complete reinvention into something else that hopefully registers with it's values. So far the 2011 game only has one appealing point, and that is gameplay. Gore? Minimal. Maturity? Minimal.
Taking chances? Minimal. Though this game IS designed for the MK fans, what lingers around that is.

The only thing I still find attractive is the distinctive visual style of MK post MK4 and thankfully culminating so far in 2011 with most of the characters looking good.

02/01/2011 01:45 AM (UTC)
I agree with the post and most of the comments. I think for MK to really stand a chance in the future, NRS need to take everything a little more serious. I really would like to see something similar to the Rebirth film--when I saw that trailer it took me back to the way I felt when I was a kid playing MK and MKII in the arcade. But it didn't do it with nastolgia, it did it the same way the originals did.
02/01/2011 02:28 AM (UTC)
In a way it is true that the average age of Mortal Kombat players is dropping but as we all know, there have always been kids playing Mortal Kombat. I'm sure that many of us got into Mortal Kombat at an early age. I agree that Mortal Kombat 2011 is really the game for NetherRealm Studios to prove the series is still noteworthy. If it fails, that's it for Mortal Kombat.

Revealing clothes isn't really mature, it's more like puberty. Whilst it takes a mature rating to have lots of buff, it mainly has a teenager appeal. 'Extravagant' is not the key word. Also, some of the taunts and lines are just plain silly. "Money shot!" and "I'm so pretty!" for example are rather childish and annoying but I'm sure that children will fall in love Johnny Cage. Soon they might just not have a Johnny Cage to love if NetherRealm Studios will not learn from its mistakes as Midway. First and foremost NRS should focus on its core audience - adults.
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02/01/2011 11:14 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat hasn't been serious since 1992. I just don't see what you're missing when you refer to maturity....

Babality... friendship... bo rai cho in deadly alliance...
There has always been a source of stupidity for MK's comic relief....

Although I agree with what you want... money for this business is in the youth. So you're old ass and my old ass are... well, old news. MK blew the minds of teenagers and kids in the 90s and here we are now" ALL GROWED UP."

We are the ones who made MK successful... but most of us found new games to play or have other things in our lives. So MK needs a new generation of kids to play its games and we get to deal with it. Its just like the music industry these days. Who the FUCK cares what a bunch of old people think, its all about justin fucking bieber and miley dumbass cirus. Youth are hip and cool, not us old people. We don't define the futute anymore. Kids do.
02/01/2011 09:19 PM (UTC)
0 do you want MK to be serious or mature?,game,music and movie market is ruled by casuals,little kids who doesnt think or criticise anything,they'll just swallow whatever the fuck industry shove down their throats.
02/07/2011 08:05 PM (UTC)
As I read some of these posts with suspicion that the people who were posting them were kids, I thought to myself: If back in 1992, we were all kids, you guys older then me, I mean I didn't get to REALLY experience MK until MK3. But back then it was different, you would play football one day, maybe hang out in the woods the next, make homemade molotov cocktails and start forest fires (true story, it was an accident.) But today kids that are now how old I use to be are MUCH different. I've gotten sick of reading posts about kids being OUR future, they can fuck up their own generations video games and music. MK is ours. They should still be making games for the original MK kids...US
02/08/2011 04:41 AM (UTC)
Hopefully they are making an attempt to be more mature with this new game.

I have very little expectations, voice acting wise. Fighting games have always had truly terrible voice acting. I work in the independent film industry, where most actors go unpaid for their work, and I still don't know how video game companies find people as untalented to do their voice work as they always do.

As for nudity, it's not that it's there, it's the way it's implemented. Nudity in game would be fine for an adult fan base. I can see monstrous characters like Mileena and Sheeva being totally naked and it would work for their characters. But what is done instead is every female character just had gigantic boobs and wear skimpy bikini outfits and high heels. So instead of straight nudity that could be honest and mature, we get childish hinted at nudity that's there for no reason but to titillate.

In summary, yeah the video game attitude to mature stuff sucks. Always will.
Is the game any less fun because of it? No, dumb voice acting and childish nudity is just part of the video game world. Look for maturity elsewhere.

02/13/2011 07:33 PM (UTC)
Apparently i'm a weirdo for being cool with nude characters.

Such is life.
04/06/2011 12:37 PM (UTC)
I can appreciate the opinions expressed in this thread and I see where you're coming from, but at the same time I disagree. Personally, Mortal Kombat wouldn't be Mortal Kombat if it got "serious." Part of the series' charm is it's campy-'70s-kung-fu-movie-ness. I understand, to a certain extent, the desire for a deeper story with better acting but really, where's the fun in that? This is a fighting game for pete's sake. I love the cheesiness of the whole thing. It's not really immature, it just knows what it is and doesn't try to be any more than that.

Games like this are always going to pull in a younger crowd. Like it or not they're as much of the game industry as you and I are. It has blood and gore and boobs. So what? Why is it that when a younger demographic enjoys something, it has to be classified as too immature for someone elses "Mature adult" sensibilities? I mean, I don't know about you but I started playing MK when I was 13. But I guess some people were never kids. You're not entitled to a more mature product because you yourself feel you're now more mature. This is what MK is. It's never tried to be any more or less.

When it comes out on April 19th, kick back, forget the world for a few hours, have fun with your friends and enjoy the bad voice acting, over-the-top fatalities, cheesy one liners and side-boob. If you find yourself unable to do that, if you take yourself way too seriously and don't wish to besmirch your good name with the immature antics held therein- If you're just way too adult for the whole thing, don't buy it. I'm sure there's something out there chock full of melodrama and seriousface action with a proper brooding "adult" protagonist that you can spend your money on.

Me? I'll be online; Breaking bones, dismembering limbs and yes, punching crotches. And reveling in the sheer badassery of it all.
04/06/2011 07:06 PM (UTC)
I kinda disagree with cyb3rwaste.
I'm not saying that Mortal Kombat needs to be super mature. But you make it sound like every 'mature' game is brooding and melodramatic. That's not true at all.
Also, you talk about Mortal Kombat like there's no point to it other than gore and cheesiness. And that's exactly what was wrong with the past few games. They almost became a parody of themselves.
Even bigger is the issue that the sheer storyline contradicts that entirely. The overall story arc of Mortal Kombat is good. Really good. It deserves to be delivered seriously. Again, I don't mean seriously as in dark and brooding, and melodramatic. I just mean, it deserves to be delivered with respect to the franchise. And bad voice acting does NOT show respect to the franchise or the storyline.

Having said that, I didn't think the voice acting in MK vs. DC was bad at all. It was perfectly suitable for a "super hero" game, which it kind of was. Let's face it, for all intents and purposes, Liu Kang is a super hero of the Mortal Kombat universe.

But from what I've seen in the clips and previews, the storyline and voice acting in this game seems to actually be pretty decent. And hopefully does the storyline and the legacy some justice.
04/06/2011 11:12 PM (UTC)
I kind of disagree. Instead of the story being so dark and serious, maybe it should just be good. Dark doesn't always equal good. "My stool could be darker, and that wouldn't make a difference." (Harry Plinkette). Also do you want a lot drama like an oscar film? Do we really need the level of character study and serious tone similiar to "The Dark Knight"? No. Iron man is good Star Trek is good. A lot of the characters in MK have personalities and backstories that work well, however, they just need a few tweaks here and there.

I think the campiness is an aspect of MK that should always be there but it should never be the main priority. I like a lot of the over the top fatalities, and in some ways they parody the game itself. I feel the tone of the gore is comparable to the Evil Dead series. Its fun and over the top. If MK was overly serious the gore would probably be more like the Saw films, and that would be more scary and cruel than anything.

I think this series just needs a real writer instead of Vogel. And that writer needs to take what works and make it better while also fixing the weaknesses.

As far as the fanbase being immature I don't know what to tell you. I don't think it's because of the story. I know a lot of people play these games for the mythos, but those people tend to be more high brow so I don't think its the stories fault. I also don't know why you thought MK would be a intellectual topic either. This is a fighting game that has always been campy, and it doesn't have to be fucking Shakespeare to be good. There are a lot of good B style movies and people who are older can appreciate them more than a mindless baffoon. Sometimes I just want to watch a campy zombie movie that succeeds at being fun and entertaining. I can't have an in depth conversation about it, but it is still GOOD.

So far I think MK9 is getting what MK is all about right. I haven't spoiled the story like some, but I do think it looks good. The game itself looks dark. It's the darkest fighting game on the next gen consoles by far. So far all of the finishers and moves are serious as well. So I don't know what there is to complain about other than an alleged bad story.
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04/07/2011 04:31 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
Do we really need the level of character study and serious tone similiar to "The Dark Knight"? No.

I hope not, The Dark Knight is not exactly the best example for that.

04/07/2011 06:12 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
Do we really need the level of character study and serious tone similiar to "The Dark Knight"? No.

I hope not, The Dark Knight is not exactly the best example for that.

But why do people have to go to the extremes all the time? That's the thing, no it doesn't have to be like the Dark Knight. But a LITTLE more mature wouldn't hurt. Maybe like, on the level of the MK movie. Let's face it, they way they delivered the storyline and the characters in the first movie, it wasn't trying to be over the top with its characters. Johnny Cage, for example, while he was still full of himself, and very cocky, he wasn't as bad as what they showed in the Fight Dirty trailer. That's just going a little too over the top. And even if it's good, it still comes off more like a cartoon. Which was the case with MK vs. DC. It's not that the narrative or the voice acting was bad, it was just very cartoony.
Compared even to games like Uncharted or the very same God of War. While both are stylized, they're written with class. Maybe that's the key word. It's not Maturity that Mortal Kombat needs, it's Class. And as God of War HAS proven, a game can have class and still be over the top violent.
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04/08/2011 01:21 AM (UTC)
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
Do we really need the level of character study and serious tone similiar to "The Dark Knight"? No.

I hope not, The Dark Knight is not exactly the best example for that.

But why do people have to go to the extremes all the time? That's the thing, no it doesn't have to be like the Dark Knight. But a LITTLE more mature wouldn't hurt. Maybe like, on the level of the MK movie. Let's face it, they way they delivered the storyline and the characters in the first movie, it wasn't trying to be over the top with its characters. Johnny Cage, for example, while he was still full of himself, and very cocky, he wasn't as bad as what they showed in the Fight Dirty trailer. That's just going a little too over the top. And even if it's good, it still comes off more like a cartoon. Which was the case with MK vs. DC. It's not that the narrative or the voice acting was bad, it was just very cartoony.
Compared even to games like Uncharted or the very same God of War. While both are stylized, they're written with class.

Maybe that's the key word. It's not Maturity that Mortal Kombat needs, it's Class. And as God of War HAS proven, a game can have class and still be over the top violent.

04/08/2011 01:24 AM (UTC)
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
Do we really need the level of character study and serious tone similiar to "The Dark Knight"? No.

I hope not, The Dark Knight is not exactly the best example for that.

But why do people have to go to the extremes all the time? That's the thing, no it doesn't have to be like the Dark Knight. But a LITTLE more mature wouldn't hurt. Maybe like, on the level of the MK movie. Let's face it, they way they delivered the storyline and the characters in the first movie, it wasn't trying to be over the top with its characters. Johnny Cage, for example, while he was still full of himself, and very cocky, he wasn't as bad as what they showed in the Fight Dirty trailer. That's just going a little too over the top. And even if it's good, it still comes off more like a cartoon. Which was the case with MK vs. DC. It's not that the narrative or the voice acting was bad, it was just very cartoony.
Compared even to games like Uncharted or the very same God of War. While both are stylized, they're written with class.

Maybe that's the key word. It's not Maturity that Mortal Kombat needs, it's Class. And as God of War HAS proven, a game can have class and still be over the top violent.

You know I kind of get it now. Comparing it to God of War does help. It doesn't have as much substance or drama as "The Dark Knight" but it is still classy. I wouldn't mind it being in this direction. However, the characters, the setting, and the story kind of keep that MK over the top feel. Seriously, Johnny Cage, Cyborgs, monsters, and cyber ninjas. These things all melt together to create something that is cool, but over the top and campy. If it is too be classy then I think the impression would be, it takes itself too seriously when in fact this is a B movie/ kung fu movie. Your vision does sound fun, and it could work, but with these characters it is tricky.

My response was more aimed at the OP. He wants it to be sofisticated among his peers, and I really don't see any franchise like this, (including God of War) to be full of much substance. And frankly who cares. MK is awesome, its just that it's not on par with something like "The Dark Knight" doesn't mean it is bad. Maybe his friends are the problem and not MK.
04/08/2011 02:17 AM (UTC)
Yeah, there is a lot more over the top content itself. Like you said, the cyborgs.
But still, looking at the backstory of it, the history of Outworld, It does have a very dark and serious tone to it.
I mean, it could even be as simple as putting some justification to how they react. For example, remember in the movie, how Johnny Cage and Sonya reacted to Raiden, Scorpion, Sub-Zero? It was like, "How the hell is this even possible? What is going on?"
Instead, it's like, nothing surprises anyone, nothing impresses anyone. And I think that's kind of a problem. I mean, what's gonna happen when Johnny Cage faces Sub-Zero? He's gonna say, "I can handle this, it's a piece of cake!" But even if he IS cocky as hell, the fact that this guy is turning things to solid ice SHOULD intimidate him a little.

That and some actual character development. For example, it would be refreshing if the ever-so-cocky Johnny Cage actually grew to be a little more respectful and humble toward the end of the game. To show that the characters actually learned something and grew from it, and not just retained their one dimensional personalities throughout.

But I haven't read the script, so I don't know how they'll deliver it. This is more along the lines of a critique on the kind of writing we've seen in Deception, Shaolin Monks, and Armageddon. And to a lesser extent, MK vs. DC.
04/09/2011 12:18 AM (UTC)
Actually, I think with the blood, gore, and violence, it would be nice to see it done in a cruel, scary way. I know that MK has pretty much always had that camp factor, but if they did the violence more like in the God of War games, you could still get away with being over-the-top while really appealing to that M rating.
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