04/11/2007 10:05 PM (UTC)
Jago...did the silly mix of condescension, philosphy and confusion from Chrome count as the next scratch in the catfight you were referring....if so wouldnt Chrome be deserving of some skulls.

Chrome...please stop I dont want to make you look silly. At this point I dont think your 2 cents is necessary. Jago and Megababe spoke...no need for the "knave" of mods to speak. You might make them look bad.

Also...do me a favor read my last post. It is lesson in how to speak to people. Clearly, your old English is very good. Put its 07 and its important to be able to speak appropriately in the modern tongue. After you have read it and put your ego aside then you can talk to me. Until then if you need to address me ask a real mod to do it for you. Thank you and have a nice day.
About Me
04/11/2007 10:54 PM (UTC)
Maverick3176 Wrote:
Jago...did the silly mix of condescension, philosphy and confusion from Chrome count as the next scratch in the catfight you were referring....if so wouldnt Chrome be deserving of some skulls.

Chrome...please stop I dont want to make you look silly. At this point I dont think your 2 cents is necessary. Jago and Megababe spoke...no need for the "knave" of mods to speak. You might make them look bad.

Also...do me a favor read my last post. It is lesson in how to speak to people. Clearly, your old English is very good. Put its 07 and its important to be able to speak appropriately in the modern tongue. After you have read it and put your ego aside then you can talk to me. Until then if you need to address me ask a real mod to do it for you. Thank you and have a nice day.

Actually, I did think Chrome was being provocative with some of his remarks to you and how he called you a knave. I don't really condone what he did, but that's Chrome...he's like that to everyone. I don't think he meant any harm...although he should lay off the name calling IMO. That doesn't give him an excuse though, but it doesn't give you an excuse to retort either. Flaming is still flaming, and from what I've seen...you've been more of the agressor in the fight so let it rest, ok? Can everyone please get back on topic now?
04/11/2007 11:19 PM (UTC)
Jago...shouldnt Chrome get a skull. I mean afterall are Mods exempt from the rules or are they held to a higher standard.

In any event, I for one appreciate your approach....BY FAR...it is the best I have seen from any Mod. You have treated me with respect and as an equal ...for that reason. I will treat you with respect and put this to rest. If at any point I cross the line...and I know I will. Let me know with the same respect that you have given me thus far.... I will listen. You have passed the test. NO OTHER MOD has.
About Me

04/12/2007 05:56 AM (UTC)
Maverick3176 Wrote:
Jago...did the silly mix of condescension, philosphy and confusion from Chrome count as the next scratch in the catfight you were referring....if so wouldnt Chrome be deserving of some skulls.

Chrome...please stop I dont want to make you look silly. At this point I dont think your 2 cents is necessary. Jago and Megababe spoke...no need for the "knave" of mods to speak. You might make them look bad.

Also...do me a favor read my last post. It is lesson in how to speak to people. Clearly, your old English is very good. Put its 07 and its important to be able to speak appropriately in the modern tongue. After you have read it and put your ego aside then you can talk to me. Until then if you need to address me ask a real mod to do it for you. Thank you and have a nice day.

So, you basically demand that I would treat you with respect while you con-tinuantly show none? Whatever, this conversation is over.

By the way: 2 cents Are necessary, and I guess you really did not bother to check on my profile. -sigh- Do as you please.
04/12/2007 02:25 PM (UTC)
Ooh... this thread needs to get back on topic.

1: Characters
In the character question i want you to give details such as names, appearences, background information, and when they will come into MK.
When you do this make sure to add in lots of detail to pull in your reader.

Err... wha?

2: Story lines
in this question i want you to explain what happens after Armegedden, what are your ideas for some of the new games they are going to come out for the next gen MK.

Shinnoks been using Raiden as a puppet after he feigned defeat in MK4. He is the reason Raiden became corrupt. Now, it is Shinnok and Raiden vs. Fujin, who is protecting Earth. Probably some kind of plot hole there, but after all, this is MK.

3: Comparessens
Come up with differences in character, arena, and plot scripts you think will be in the new MK games, and the old games.

Characters: Well, other then the possibility of a four legged Motaro, I cant think of much.

Arena: Not sure, the arenas are good in MKA.

Plot Scripts: Fewer sub-plots. Like have the main focus on the Shinnok/Raiden/Fujin battle, and no random Orderrealm or anything else like that.

4: Graphic comparresens
Compare old game design and graphic display between old and new MK games.

Better graphics... what else do you expect?

5: Arenas
Come up with new back ground design for new character (Do this along with #1).

Err... wha?

6: Extras
If you can think of any thing else to go along with the questions that ive posted above, fill free to express yourself in any manner posibble.

Chess Kombat should return
Motor Kombat should return
Old Fatalities should return
04/12/2007 08:19 PM (UTC)
@Chrome...stop dude. You are supposedly a Mod...act like one. You keep trolling the thread and the boards with your "internet warrior" attitude. Your mod-hood should be revoked. As far as me reading your profile....well to be honest I would have to care or find you moderately interesting to do so...you dont fit either description...Jago did the right thing and certainly didnt need your help...so Knave go troll another thread until you can contribute something positive. Here is the change for your 2 cents. (I told you I would make you look silly)

Anyway..back to the subject

here is an idea for the next MK

Possible Names: MK:Legends or MK:The Golden Age or MK0.

Storylines : The story would take place on Earth before Goro won the title. You could make it when Kung Lao the Great was Champ or take it even further back to when Shang Tsung was champ. You could have a few games that take place in the prior timeline...so the characters listed could appear at ANY time in the new series.

Possible Characters : Kung Lao the Great, Ancestors of ANY of the following MK characters; Sub-0, Scorpion, Baraka, Hotaru, Nightwolf and The original spirits of Ermac,

Orignial MK character to make appearances: Kitana, Sindel, Shao Khan, Drahmin (pre-Oni), Ashrah (pre-Oni), and Quan Chi

The levels....well frankly...it should look like a tournament...with set fighting areas. I am hoping for a DOA feel to it. Alot of Ancient arenas. Darkness isnt necessary....but fatalities are.

Fatalities - either go back to the original and have character specific fatalites or.....have created fatalites....but have each character have unique moves they could do during the fatalities. Hari-kiris would be cool too.

Gameplay....lets have a good countersystem....i want to see an in depth countering system...similar to DOA.

This idea is good because its not re-inventing the wheel. I dont want a NEW more convoluted story line...plus if they did a story that happens after Armaggedon....you would still have to come up for stories for ALL the characters and how they died or didnt die. This way...the focus become on the origins of the fighters and some of the backstory. What was Sub0 race like, how did the lin kuei start. We could get insight into Scorps clan. What if Kitana wasnt always on the good side. Who was Raiden before he was Earths protector. What if Quan chi or Shang started off with good intentions. It adds depth to the original story instead of piling on more crap
About Me
04/12/2007 09:43 PM (UTC)
I told you to stop and you wouldn't...Chrome didn't flame you in his last post and he just wanted it to end. Your last post would've been fine but you flamed him. I didn't want to have to give skulls, and I hope it doesn't change your positive attitude about me. It seems I had to, because this just keeps going on. It's like people involved in flame-wars feel they must get the last word in and then say drop it or that they don't care no more. Getting the last word doesn't make you the winner, being the first to move on does.
04/12/2007 10:05 PM (UTC)
@Jago...no my respect for you doesnt drop...but to be honest...i didnt think my last comment was a flame...I mean he felt the need to put in his 2 cents after i essentially ended the entire little thing in my previous thread. He was a baby who felt he had to get one over....well, clearly he was trying to get a response...he got one...if you go back in the thread you will notice that he started it and kept it going...in my last post i just told him that it was behavior unbecoming of a mod...you said yourself..."thats just Chrome"...well, is he somehow excused of his non-sense because "thats just Chrome"...well, I was "just being Mav"...i definitely think that if i was deserving of a skull he was equally as deserving....

Furthmore...my last post was relatively long and if you read it the majority is about the topic and actually had pretty good ideas that probablly should have gotten a dragon point. Be honest its probably the best idea for the next game that was written in the forum...however, if you go back to his posts in this thread...they have all been little pot shots at Mav...well, I dont sit back while someone takes shots at me...you can call that "Mav being Mav". Frankly, most of Chromes...posts have been him taking shots at people and hiding behind his Mod-hood or the power of the other mods....

You seem pretty cool...and I feel he makes YOU look bad because he USES you to get away with his bullshit. If he wants to use his tongue the way he does...let him step up like a man and deal with the consequences of people giving him tongue back...

However, in the end. I can live with your skulls because of the manner in which you handle yourself....but I think your boy Chrome needs some skulls or a little sit down talk...cuz i guarantee "Mav will continue to be Mav"
About Me
04/12/2007 10:28 PM (UTC)
Well see, the namecalling is what constitutes as a flame. Knave is like another word for rouge or scoundrel. If you call someone a knave/moron/fool/etc. that would be a flame. Saying someone is acting like a knave/moron/fool/etc. would not be a flame, since you aren't calling them something, but still borderline IMO. Any kind of racism, homphobia, etc. would also be flaming. Just as long as you don't call people names or tell them to f*** off, shut up, etc. then you should be fine. Even if you think someone is treating you with disrespect, don't fight back...try to reason with them in a civil manner, or message an admin, or at least take it to PM and try to settle your differences there so this thread can have a chance of living on.

I looked over your post again, and maybe you didn't deserve a skull since you did contribute and had some nice ideas. There was still some flaming involved there as I pointed out though, and in other posts of yours too. This is kinda tricky, the flaming was deserving of a skull, but your contributions could be deserving of a DP...so it'd be like "cancelling" them out. I might be able to get it reviewed and removed, but promise to not flame anymore even if you feel like it would be in self-defense.

BTW even if Chrome did deserve it like you say, I'm not allowed to skull (or even DP) staff...they are trusted and respected members. I know that may not sound right to some, but that's how things are...and I don't think the site is corrupt in any way. He is higher up than me as well, so that wouldn't look too good, hehe. Sorry, this is a tricky thing to discuss for me that I don't really feel comfortable explaining, but I'm trying...lol.
04/12/2007 11:45 PM (UTC)
much respect to Jago...I understand that you cant reprimand 2-cent aka C-unit, the guy who ACTS like a gangsta mod. Too bad...you definitely should be higher up than him. You know what you are doing. I am TRUELY holding back and ONLY our of respect for you. I am not going to say that I am not going to flame EVER...I respect you more than that than to lie to you. However, I will promise to respect you and back off when you tell me. All i ask is that you tell Mods who ACT(not are) like asses to stop behaving like (not being) total douches to chill...i will chill...no probs. I am done with all this.

Now be honest, those ideas I have for the new MK game are pretty badass. I think you could have a bunch of characters that would be cool that could tell the cool backstory. And unlike previous games...you cant keep brining them back...they all would have to die off.
04/14/2007 12:36 AM (UTC)
Maverick3176 Wrote:
much respect to Jago...I understand that you cant reprimand 2-cent aka C-unit, the guy who ACTS like a gangsta mod. Too bad...you definitely should be higher up than him. You know what you are doing. I am TRUELY holding back and ONLY our of respect for you. I am not going to say that I am not going to flame EVER...I respect you more than that than to lie to you. However, I will promise to respect you and back off when you tell me. All i ask is that you tell Mods who ACT(not are) like asses to stop behaving like (not being) total douches to chill...i will chill...no probs. I am done with all this.

Now be honest, those ideas I have for the new MK game are pretty badass. I think you could have a bunch of characters that would be cool that could tell the cool backstory. And unlike previous games...you cant keep brining them back...they all would have to die off.

but you have to bring back sub-zero and scorpion

but with this next game coming out, i would like to see a real tournament not some strange story that has to do with a dragon finally awaken and want to take over everything. no, i wnat it to be exactly like it was back in the 90's when it was just a torunament nothing more.

characters: i would like to see an even amount of male and female characters, i'm not against men on this, but i'm sick and tired of seeing more male characters in games than females, i just think there should be an even amount on both sides.

arenas: yeah i like the death traps, but some of them are getting real boring. let the arenas feature either more death traps, or the same death trap but with different results.

storyline: okay, this is where armageddon sucked big time. there was just a pathetic king of the hill kind of story for armageddon plust without bios, and now they're finally coming out but its too late now. the storyline needs to be decent and what i mean by that it's got to stick with the same thing, not have it to where its a tourament for three games then start changing it into something else. the story needs to stick to one basic idea and stay with it until the end. the endings can be different, but the storyline needs to stay together not fall apart.

fatalites: i am certain that they are not going to feature kaf, for the hundredth time i've said that, because it was probably something to entertain the audience because it was a last-gen game. so i already know for sure that kaf won't be in here. and with fatalites going back to being just a regular six or seven button combo, they should be bigger, longer, and gorier. everything and i mean everything should be gory in this game. no ifs ands or buts about it.

endings: i would like to see cut scenes not some drawn picture with a very boring voice narrating the dialogue that appears on the bottom. i read it faster than the narrator himself and i hate that.

so there you have it, i really don't care what you guys think about what i said, as long as i post it i don't care anymore
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