This post is about you and your decissions
posted04/14/2007 12:36 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/11/2006 03:35 PM (UTC)
In this post i want you to give me your ideas of the future of Mortal Kombat. Below this paragraph i will list a series of MK Questions that you will answer in your following replies. They will cover such subjects as, characters, story line ideas, comparasens between future games and games that will come in the future, and many more. So if you would kindly reply to the following, feel free to read what i have written... lets move on shall we?

1: Characters
In the character question i want you to give details such as names, appearences, background information, and when they will come into MK.
When you do this make sure to add in lots of detail to pull in your reader.

2: Story lines
in this question i want you to explain what happens after Armegedden, what are your ideas for some of the new games they are going to come out for the next gen MK.

3: Comparessens
Come up with differences in character, arena, and plot scripts you think will be in the new MK games, and the old games.

4: Graphic comparresens
Compare old game design and graphic display between old and new MK games.

5: Arenas
Come up with new back ground design for new character (Do this along with #1).

6: Extras
If you can think of any thing else to go along with the questions that ive posted above, fill free to express yourself in any manner posibble.

Now if you dont feel like answering any of the questions above but you like the personal idea, you can thread chat about any general future ideas that you might have among yourself.grin
03/23/2007 03:29 AM (UTC)
how many other threads can we do this in?
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03/23/2007 06:28 AM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:Comparessens

Better grammar, vastly better grammar.
03/23/2007 12:41 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Sharpeye Wrote:Comparessens

Better grammar, vastly better grammar.

You still have to give him credit - it looks a lot better.
03/24/2007 12:26 PM (UTC)
Could we just get to the subject already, i didnt post this to be critisized on my method of typing, i did it for Mortal Kombat.furious
03/25/2007 01:44 AM (UTC)
03/25/2007 03:28 AM (UTC)
Why did you just post what you want in a thread that already talks about this instead of starting a new one. Thats why no one is posting here
04/07/2007 11:16 AM (UTC)
This one is a little different, besides its easier to find. just trying to be a little post productive........(pun)wow
04/07/2007 01:30 PM (UTC)
ok...i have an about we not waste our time because Boon isnt going to look at the retarded ideas that are going to be spawned from this thread. Instead lets try to figure out if the author of this thread is even any good at MK. or is he one of those dudes who buys the Brady strategy guy and gets his butt kicked online and says that it wasnt fair because his opponent did things that werent in the guide. Or is he one of those guys who loved the 2nd Movie and has the cartoon series and the TV series on DVD and is waiting for the 3rd movie to come way...we are all laughing at you.
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04/07/2007 11:26 PM (UTC)
Maverick3176 Wrote:
ok...i have an about we not waste our time because Boon isnt going to look at the retarded ideas that are going to be spawned from this thread. Instead lets try to figure out if the author of this thread is even any good at MK. or is he one of those dudes who buys the Brady strategy guy and gets his butt kicked online and says that it wasnt fair because his opponent did things that werent in the guide. Or is he one of those guys who loved the 2nd Movie and has the cartoon series and the TV series on DVD and is waiting for the 3rd movie to come way...we are all laughing at you.

Your meaningless bravado makes you seem even worse than the juvenile thread starter.
04/08/2007 12:17 AM (UTC)
Chrome .... your arrogant reprimand is as meaningless as this post and makes you even more moronic than the original poster. wink have a nice day
04/08/2007 01:44 AM (UTC)
well I have to agree with Maverick. Creating threads about why we want in the next MK is one thing, but when it gets to the point where we are personally attacking Ed Boon a guy whom NONE of you know personally its just plain pathetic. Ed isnt going to just go through all these threads going, "thats a good idea, hey lets do that, hey lets use this guys idea, thats sweet lets use this guys ideas in the game" just let them do their own thing
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04/08/2007 07:49 AM (UTC)
Maverick3176 Wrote:
Chrome .... your arrogant reprimand is as meaningless as this post and makes you even more moronic than the original poster. wink have a nice day

Ah, so the knave has a tounge, let us see wether he has the proper wits to use it.
04/08/2007 02:45 PM (UTC)
seeing as this thread is as off topic as possible lol

in before the lock

thread closed fail!
04/08/2007 03:20 PM (UTC)
@Chrome....LMAO...r u serious...did you just quote a bad medieval sword flick (cant remember the title).

Do people still use the word knave. LMAO. Wow dude...word of advice lay off the D&D and join the rest of us in reality. I have a feeling you eat regularly at medieval times...LMAO.
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04/08/2007 04:47 PM (UTC)
Maverick3176 Wrote:
@Chrome....LMAO...r u serious...did you just quote a bad medieval sword flick (cant remember the title).

Do people still use the word knave. LMAO. Wow dude...word of advice lay off the D&D and join the rest of us in reality. I have a feeling you eat regularly at medieval times...LMAO.

Check my profile. EDIT: it is ill-advised to go personal with someone who is a mod, a BA in english linguistics and a herold in one package. Frankly, i do not have the time nor the mood to play along. Never respond to me in such manner a-gain.
04/09/2007 02:19 PM (UTC)
0 are starting to scare i am scared
And you're stepping further and further toward a skull. Why not just lay off and act like you have some wit? Is that so hard?

To the thread starter, you're probably not going to get any productivity from starting a thread similar to ones that are already out there. This is the reason why most of the major posters are slowly shying away from the forum.
04/09/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
NOOOOOOO!!!!! NOT SKULLS!!!!!!!!!! LMAO. Come on guys you act like a skull is somehow is going to increase my property tax or limit my future earning potential. The other guys acts like being a Mod somehow excuses him from being laughed at for silly banter. Guys...please get a grip. Always remember this is just a silly forum...THATS IT!!!. Have a nice day grin
Perhaps, but the users are real people who don't deserve to be treated like that. If it's just a silly forum and it means nothing to you, then simply step off and find some other type of mindless entertainment. I believe that you're the one who needs to get the grip, pal. If you don't want to be part of the community, then why are you even here other than to waste your time? Also, while you're using those wonderful skills in your signature, you should wander back and find out that "knave" is an actual word in the English language.
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04/10/2007 12:15 AM (UTC)
The next person that lands another scratch in this catfight will be skulled...I don't care who you are. Stop provoking each other, and get back on topic, please.
About Me
04/10/2007 02:13 AM (UTC)
This off topic nonsense will end here. You, Maverick3176, I'm not surprised at all. Whatever happened to your paradise? Why don't you go there and stay there since you were so happy there afterall? You even talked about not comming back to MKOnline, yet here you are. I really pity you for reasons I don't know, but if I see you post again here in the same manner as before and you will recieve a nice little ban from me. Stop it now.
04/10/2007 09:11 PM (UTC)
But Babe...why are you being so mean. I am just having a little fun is all.

U guys are so cant tell when someone is just pulling your chain. Also...please quote the actual thread i wrote that was somehow worthing bein banned. Please explain how it is "banable"...if that is such a word....also please tell me why i should care.

Babe....the paradise is doing good. I like the contrast. Over there the peeps are relatively intelligent. Cant say the same thing about over here. MegaB...seriously....can you look at some of these posts and honestly say they are entertaining or even intelligent.

But anyway...being that i have your attention Megalove...whats your gamertag...there has been some recent controversy over at The home of the real MK players. I believe that coolhandluke was the one tag everyone thinks you are. If so....i played you need a little work...but if you come over to the "paradise" you might get some tips from the elites of this game.

Anyway....much love to my Megababe. whom it may concern..I am aware that knave is an actual word...but who the hell uses it unless they are trying to look pretencious.
04/10/2007 09:19 PM (UTC)
0 will have to forgive me. If you notice I tend to mock and torment ANYONE who talks to me in a condescending tone. Its a pet peave of mine.

However, this a great potentail learning experience for you mods.

Instead of trying to exert your power like Chrome dome attempted....try this.
Try speaking to me nicely like saying.

"Mav, seriously we dont want problems stop being so offensive"..."or we would appreciate it if you toned it down a bit. Thanks"

That is how civilized people talk...try will be surprised at my response. This may work better than previous interventions have. Its a win-win. I may stop starting stuff and you would have gained my respect and that of others...but even if i keep going. NOBODY could say that you didnt try...and you would gain the respect of others. You can try this...or keep doing what you have done.
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04/11/2007 06:10 AM (UTC)
Maverick3176 Wrote:
exert your power like Chrome dome attempted....

Exert power? If I would had to resort to exertion, you would not be even ale to access the site. Call it the Will to Power /Nietsche/ but I have remained highly tolerant of you, and I do hope that I will not have to resort to anything
else than verbal reprimandation.

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