04/04/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
S'all good.

Think of it like this. I know this analogy's been used time and again, but it makes total sense.

MK1 - MKA = Pre-Crisis DC Universe

MKA was kinda like "Crisis on Infinite Earths."

MK9/MKX = Post-Crisis DC Universe

They're both self-contained. If you believe in endings, if you believe in an endgame of some kind....well, then MKA can be your ending. It stopped right there and you don't have to follow anymore if you don't want to. Cause that's the mentality the MK Team took - IT'S OVER FOR WHAT YOU SAW BEFORE. FINITO. The same way the DC people saw the Multiverse era.

BUT - for those that still love MK, feel free to go with the new status quo. Just remember that it's separate from what you saw before.

I do apply the retcons that MK9 established to the old timeline, though. Because that's what happened - they went back in time. So everything that was established before that first alteration Raiden made - that's what the MK world was even back then and I see the old storyline through that little filter now. It's not an alternate universe; it's the same thing and the difference was that Raiden messed with events and that's what set everything off course from the original to make room for new development. So, with those retcons, I have my own idea about how the old MK story went.

But you know...whatever. It's gone and done now, no use overthinking it (shoot, the Pre-Crisis comics had so much crap and errors you don't even want to sift through them anymore today in 2015). I'm looking forward to what's coming. I'm proud of the MK Team. I guess all they needed was a good company to back them up.
04/04/2015 02:46 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
I made this thread for two reasons:
1. Some of Shawn Kittelsen's tweets seemed to imply an alternate timeline existing.

2. Something to talk about other than the roster.

No need to justify yourself with this thread, it's a good thread to talk about the timeline and it's a good thread to finally put to rest the idea of this alt timeline.

I'm actually happy that you made it and people saw the tweet.
04/04/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
Vogel said in a separate tweet that the events of Shaolin Monks are canon, but Special Forces -- surprise -- is not.

If nothing else, I like how he replies back to the fans without Ed's coy BS routine.

(I'm on my slow, craptastic netbook right now so I can't post the tweet. Sorry.)
04/04/2015 03:05 AM (UTC)
I remember that tweet. Can't be bothered searching for it now, but he said the gist of MKSM was canonical. Concepts from MKSM were canonical (without specifying what those were).

But as we see the story in the actual game? No. Not like that.

Like I said, by now it's useless to debate it, but I suppose the actual happening of the events of MKII are a mixture of the original MKII story, Shaolin Monks...and taking into account those MK2011 flashbacks around that time. Somewhere in that cluster is MKII's actual happenings. Haha! As for Special Forces, sheeeeeeit, I knew it was retconned out of existence by MKDA when they pretty much ignored the game in the Krypt findings. I mean, even MK Mythologies got mentioned in there. Sucks, you know. To this day, I still wonder how it would've panned out if Tobias stayed for a little longer. The original plan for the game sounded really interesting and cool.
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Get that ass BANNED

04/04/2015 03:08 AM (UTC)
Meh, I don't care. MK9 is technically the first mk story I've played sooo blarg.
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04/04/2015 03:17 AM (UTC)
Ehh makes no sense really but, what ever. They could always 10 years done the line change their mind.
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04/04/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
PsychoFight Wrote:
I remember that tweet. Can't be bothered searching for it now, but he said the gist of MKSM was canonical. Concepts from MKSM were canonical (without specifying what those were).
Well that certainly explains Kung Lao's personality in the last game.

But this isn't news. MK2011 is literally a sequal to MKA. It opens with the A in MKA. Like? confused
04/04/2015 08:01 AM (UTC)
Technically this is a continuation. MKA ends with Raiden sending the message back to himself thus changing the events, which in a way means the old timeline no longer exists.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/04/2015 08:27 AM (UTC)
If Vogel said Shaolin Monks was canon, I'm fully prepared to call BS on anything he claims, this included. Ed himself called SM a "What-if" waaaay back shortly after release. That whole game makes no fucking sense.
04/04/2015 09:00 AM (UTC)
I don't see how there's even a debate. I thought it was all pretty clear since MK9 was ANNOUNCED.

Besides, the original timeline was completely full of retcons anyway.

Also, I know I know I'm in a very very small minority but I like dumb/child Mileena.
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04/04/2015 09:30 AM (UTC)
Well, that's disappointing.

SwingBatta Wrote:
Vogel said in a separate tweet that the events of Shaolin Monks are canon.

Fuck off with this.
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04/04/2015 10:27 AM (UTC)
And people only now realize the INTUITIVELY OBVIOUS.
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04/04/2015 10:32 AM (UTC)
It's a missed opportunity, and you know it.
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PSN: JimmyxKricket

04/04/2015 11:17 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Does this mean all the MK9 characters were 'new' characters last game?

Exactly. It also means that characters like Dairou, Darrius, Hotaru, shujinko and Onaga don't "exist" because they have yet to be seen or referenced in this rebooted timeline (unless they have been referenced, and I'm unaware) When talking about story, the only sources that can be referenced are MK9, MKX and the MKX comic.
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04/04/2015 01:08 PM (UTC)
Vogel was asked if MKSM and MKMSZ were canon and said the latter was 'fer sher'
04/04/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
I feel like this whole friggin' thread is overthinking this. On both ends.

As someone who's read a whole lot of like... 40-50 years of X-Men comics, I'm here to tell you, the timeline is only overwritten until someone decides it isn't anymore.

I don't give a rat's ass what Vogel says.

If they want to revisit the old timeline they will.
And if they don't want to, they won't.

And none of our opinions on it matter. Nor do the present day viewpoints of any of the developers.

House of M and Age of Apocalypse were both supposed to have over-written the main Marvel universe too. Until Marvel wanted to revisit them later. And then they were magically alternate reality timelines.
04/04/2015 04:32 PM (UTC)
It really doesn't make sense, if Raiden actually reversed time then ok I would buy it, but he didn't reverse time, he sent a message back to a past version of himself. Are we supposed to believe that when MKA Raiden sent a message to the past that MKA Raiden, Shao Kahn, The Elder Gods, the realms and everything from that time just magically poofed away, disappeared and no longer existed simply because of a message sent to the past? That's silly.

It would have made more sense if the current timeline was an alternate timeline, and the OT simply ended after Kahn won, like he became all powerful and brought the end of the realms, or the One Being woke up which ended that timeline all together.

Lol like I said ill roll with it for now since what the MK team says is law when it comes to their story but I still think it doesn't make a lot of sense...then again time travel rarely does lol

04/05/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
Hi guys, I'm the one who made the question to John.

I always thought that it was a new timeline, in fact it is somehow (because now Armageddon cannot happen, or at least not the same way as it already happebed). Raiden altered the future and so, he did created a new timeline but NOT a new universe (that's what John said, in a way). I agree with many of you, as Raiden having a time travel power it's too much. It make him more powerful than the elder gods themselves!
On a side note, for me MK9 don't have many retcons, it just tell us things that we didin't know (like Sektor and Cyrax being on the first tournament, or Kano using the earth weapons during MK2, before 3 begins).
Nobody thought they would ever revisit the old timeline or do a MK Multiverse, but some things about MK9's origin changes and intro contradicting Armageddon's Konquest ending made it so that you could view it as another universe with a similar setup but not the same if you wanted.

It was just a fun thing to bullshit about among fans.
It was always an obvious new timeline/overwrite but its a shame because Deadly alliance and Deception had alot of great things going for them and despite not having the big budget storyline mode/presentation that MK9/MKX have they had superior story and character development by far the problem was that MKA went completely off the rails storyline wise and they felt the need to go back to the start and move forward from there.
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