02/14/2015 02:03 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:

Jason is more popular than both, but Ash and Pinhead both talk, Would Jason just say nothing during the intros?

Why would Jason's silence be a problem? He can still react in some non-verbal ways, and I'm sure some characters like Cassie would make fun of him for being a mute.

Anyway, If the X-Bone version got a KI character as one of the guests, the newly revealed Aganos would be awesome. Another would be Spinal, and if friendships returned, he should get one where he does the DX crotch chop, or maybe that could be a taunt.

Now, here's one guest that I think is very likely: Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden. Why, because he's boring, and he would essentially play like a blander version of every MK ninjas without their unique moves (or moves too similar to some of the others'). KI's Jago would be another obvious one, and only slightly more interesting than Ryu Hayabusa.

To conclude, am I the only one who wouldn't mind Freddy again? The intros alone could be gold, especially if they got Robert Englund to voice him. And if the other guest was also an horror icon like Pinhead or Ash, voiced by their respective actors, then the intros we could get before they fight...god.
02/14/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:

To conclude, am I the only one who wouldn't mind Freddy again? The intros alone could be gold, especially if they got Robert Englund to voice him. And if the other guest was also an horror icon like Pinhead or Ash, voiced by their respective actors, then the intros we could get before they fight...god.

I'd LOVE to see Freddy again. I'm a HUGE Fred-Head.

Holy shit. I just thought of someone who would fit perfectly in Mortal Kombat. Comes from an R-rated film, is recognizable all over the world AND there would be no problem performing Fatalities on him:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Mutha fuckin' ROBOCOP.
02/14/2015 04:09 PM (UTC)
MacyG88 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:

To conclude, am I the only one who wouldn't mind Freddy again? The intros alone could be gold, especially if they got Robert Englund to voice him. And if the other guest was also an horror icon like Pinhead or Ash, voiced by their respective actors, then the intros we could get before they fight...god.

I'd LOVE to see Freddy again. I'm a HUGE Fred-Head.

Holy shit. I just thought of someone who would fit perfectly in Mortal Kombat. Comes from an R-rated film, is recognizable all over the world AND there would be no problem performing Fatalities on him:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Mutha fuckin' ROBOCOP.

As long as they don't pull a Freddy and only include the recent version, but instead include both, he could make a fun guest. I'd prefer the Terminator though, both with the Arnie disguise, and an alt or variant where it's nothing but a metallic skeleton. I like the thought of Robocop and the Terminator facing each other...in Mortal Kombat! Add both Sektor and Cyrax and we could get MK's cyborgs vs the Guest ones in tag team kombat, or the good ones vs the evil ones.

As for what you said about performing fatalities on guests, I want to add that they should not include any guests whose creator(s) are too insecure or sqeamish to let their characters get killed in any brutal and/or humiliating ways. In other words, not another Kratos. Bloody hell, why couldn't we get Sweet Tooth in MK9 instead like we almost did?
02/14/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
I have no idea how to post images but Raiden... the other one lol. It's already been suggested but another one that makes sense is Laura Croft (reboot). I'd love for NRS to make some mash up fighter with movie monsters and aliens and all the other suggestions people make for guests. That would make for a hell of a good time. I just think the majority of them don't fit in MK and yes that includes Freddy and Kratos.

I would love a horror fighter from NRS and I would love Greek Mythology fighter, that doesn't mean I want that type of stuff in MK.

02/14/2015 06:27 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
It has to be :
1)famous, world level recognition;
2)WB property ;
3)suited for 18+ stuff
4)suited for a fighting game
5)part of a recently released/upcoming movie/videogame /TV series /comics
6)not from DC universe
7)not released in previous NRS games as DLC.

My guess is Mad Max (with a skin for Ferra /Torr based on Master Blaster).

About the second one maybe sweet tooth?

But Ed also stated no "exclusive" console character would be sold and we know that Sweet Tooth is a Sony trademark (Twisted Metal)

Really? No exclusives? That makes me a bit less salty about guests.
02/14/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Lmao, no really.... Lmao.
02/14/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
I a poll that someone held, it seems like people mostly wanted Predator and Micheal Myers. Me personaly, I want Sweet Tooth for PlayStation, Fulgore for xBox, and Jason for all. I also guess Predator would be cool and maybe even something are PC gamers?
02/16/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
Others that come to mind:

Chell (Portal)
Regina (Dino Crisis)
Rayne (BloodRayne)
Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)
Mael Radec (Killzone)

Alex Mercer from the Prototype games (though I personally would prefer James Heller from the second game, but I'm not sure he's as iconic as Alex).

Maria Renard, Alucard or Simon Belmont from the Castlevania games.

Are any Assassin's Creed protagonists iconic, particularly Aveline from AC3: Liberation? She's the most interesting of them imo.

You know, it's a pity that both guests have to be iconic. There are a lot of obscure characters that would make fun guests and could benefit from appearing in MKX.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/16/2015 03:25 PM (UTC)
I hope it's at least one male, one female
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God of War is Back!

02/17/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Others that come to mind:

Chell (Portal)
Regina (Dino Crisis)
Rayne (BloodRayne)
Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)
Mael Radec (Killzone)

Alex Mercer from the Prototype games (though I personally would prefer James Heller from the second game, but I'm not sure he's as iconic as Alex).

Maria Renard, Alucard or Simon Belmont from the Castlevania games.

Are any Assassin's Creed protagonists iconic, particularly Aveline from AC3: Liberation? She's the most interesting of them imo.

You know, it's a pity that both guests have to be iconic. There are a lot of obscure characters that would make fun guests and could benefit from appearing in MKX.

Imo smile
02/17/2015 12:21 AM (UTC)
Has it ever been stated that the guests have to be linked to Warner Bros? Somebody should ask Boon on Twitter or something.
02/17/2015 04:16 AM (UTC)
Honestly, I hope the guest characters aren't characters from other fighting games. NRS would have more creative freedom to come up with specials and variations from someone new to the genre.

That said Evil Dead 2 is one of my favorite movies of all time. Having Ash in MK would be a dream come true. Bruce (the guy who plays Ash) loves the character and would be down to do his voice again, I believe. Who doesn't want to hear the lines between Ash and Cassie?

Ash - "Give me some sugga baby"

Cassie - "How about I give you a hand instead?" slowly claps

Ash - reeves up chainsaw "Got one"

Also, he could deliver a one-liner after a fatality. He cuts off his opponents head with his chainsaw, tosses it in the air, and blows it away with his shotgun. After twirling it, he trust it in the air and proudly declares, "THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK!"
Or he could just look at the camera and say, "Hail to the king, baby" or "Groovy."
02/17/2015 05:18 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
Honestly, I hope the guest characters aren't characters from other fighting games. NRS would have more creative freedom to come up with specials and variations from someone new to the genre.

That said Evil Dead 2 is one of my favorite movies of all time. Having Ash in MK would be a dream come true. Bruce (the guy who plays Ash) loves the character and would be down to do his voice again, I believe. Who doesn't want to hear the lines between Ash and Cassie?

Ash - "Give me some sugga baby"

Cassie - "How about I give you a hand instead?" slowly claps

Ash - reeves up chainsaw "Got one"

Also, he could deliver a one-liner after a fatality. He cuts off his opponents head with his chainsaw, tosses it in the air, and blows it away with his shotgun. After twirling it, he trust it in the air and proudly declares, "THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK!"
Or he could just look at the camera and say, "Hail to the king, baby" or "Groovy."

I've said it before, I'll say it again... If Ash was one of the guests, I wouldn't care at all who the other one was, I'd be ecstatic having Ash in the game. Been a fan of the Evil Dead franchise since I was far too young to be watching them and 20 years later I'm eagerly waiting The Evil Dead 2 (sequel to the reboot) and the follow up Evil Dead 4/Army of Darkness 2 (where it's said to about the survivors of the reboots meeting Ash). Plus I can't wait for the Ash vs Evil Dead series coming out this year, looks great!!

Really like your ideas for him too.
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God of War is Back!

02/17/2015 05:47 AM (UTC)
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
Honestly, I hope the guest characters aren't characters from other fighting games. NRS would have more creative freedom to come up with specials and variations from someone new to the genre.

That said Evil Dead 2 is one of my favorite movies of all time. Having Ash in MK would be a dream come true. Bruce (the guy who plays Ash) loves the character and would be down to do his voice again, I believe. Who doesn't want to hear the lines between Ash and Cassie?

Ash - "Give me some sugga baby"

Cassie - "How about I give you a hand instead?" slowly claps

Ash - reeves up chainsaw "Got one"

Also, he could deliver a one-liner after a fatality. He cuts off his opponents head with his chainsaw, tosses it in the air, and blows it away with his shotgun. After twirling it, he trust it in the air and proudly declares, "THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK!"
Or he could just look at the camera and say, "Hail to the king, baby" or "Groovy."

I've said it before, I'll say it again... If Ash was one of the guests, I wouldn't care at all who the other one was, I'd be ecstatic having Ash in the game. Been a fan of the Evil Dead franchise since I was far too young to be watching them and 20 years later I'm eagerly waiting The Evil Dead 2 (sequel to the reboot) and the follow up Evil Dead 4/Army of Darkness 2 (where it's said to about the survivors of the reboots meeting Ash). Plus I can't wait for the Ash vs Evil Dead series coming out this year, looks great!!

Really like your ideas for him too.

Who's Next?

The other guest is now Lord Voldemort
1) Nagini - Lord Voldemort uses his snakes Nagini in his combos, has ability to bind the opponent.

2)The Dark Lord- Use magic without a wand, fire serpent based attacks, can turninto dark black mist and move around the arena.

3) Horcrux- In this variation, Lord Voldemort can regain health from Nagini who slithers around in the background. Lord Voldemort also has use of the Elder wand, which can be activated to give boost to magical spells.

Moves throughout
Cruciatus Curse-Deals damage, ex deals more and stuns

Imperius Curse- opponent deals damage to self, ex more damage brings opponent in for combos.

Evaporate- can disappear, ex attacks on reappear.

02/17/2015 06:13 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
I hope it's at least one male, one female

What female horror icon would you choose? That's tough. Ripley would be pretty cool. Reagan from the exorcist would be fucked up lol.

The 2 I'd like are ash and pennywise the clown. They could be worked in pretty easily. 3rd choice would be carpenters "the thing" or predator. Great movies.
02/17/2015 06:53 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
I hope it's at least one male, one female

What female horror icon would you choose? That's tough. Ripley would be pretty cool. Reagan from the exorcist would be fucked up lol.

The 2 I'd like are ash and pennywise the clown. They could be worked in pretty easily. 3rd choice would be carpenters "the thing" or predator. Great movies.

Carrie? 3 variations would be difficult, though. I forgot what her name was, but the lady from Rosemary's Baby? Ju-on from The Grudge?

Had an interesting thought, what if NRS decide to go really "iconic" and did Nosferatu. Again, 3 variations would hard to come up with unless they do things he didn't do in the movie. It's a very very long shot, but its what I think of when I hear "horror icon."
02/17/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
that would be tough to design for. They all would, that's why I asked which one he would like to see out of curiosity.

Doesn't necessarily have to be a horror icon, it just needs to be a character involved with gore and ultra violence.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/18/2015 01:10 PM (UTC)
Someone mentioned there was NO Jason reveal on Friday the 13th (but there is another one in March). I just wanted to point out that if u are familiar with the Catholic faith, today is ASH Wednesday. Ash reveal today? Similarly, there was NO BoRaiCho reveal yesterday on Fat Tuesday.

Happy Mardi Gras everyone!
02/18/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
I know of an iconic female guest: Temperance Brennan, aka Bones!

She knows martial arts, and her special moves could include throwing bones at the opponent, and a moveset based on her lab work in general. Comes with a Booth variant, where her special moves would see her partner Booth (duh) attacking the opponents in various ways, like tackling them.

Another character that comes to mind is Horatio Caine from CSI: Miami. His intros should always end with the "AAAAIIIIEEEE!!!" from the show's theme song.

If either of these characters got a stage, said stage's theme should be the characters' respective shows'.

To conclude, another iconic female guest: Bo, from Lost Girl.
02/18/2015 02:10 PM (UTC)
Never heard of either of those iconic females lol
02/18/2015 02:15 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I know of an iconic female guest: Temperance Brennan, aka Bones!

She knows martial arts, and her special moves could include throwing bones at the opponent, and a moveset based on her lab work in general. Comes with a Booth variant, where her special moves would see her partner Booth (duh) attacking the opponents in various ways, like tackling them.

Why? They can have Shinnok or Havik throw bones and such.
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02/18/2015 06:13 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I know of an iconic female guest: Temperance Brennan, aka Bones!

She knows martial arts, and her special moves could include throwing bones at the opponent, and a moveset based on her lab work in general. Comes with a Booth variant, where her special moves would see her partner Booth (duh) attacking the opponents in various ways, like tackling them.

Another character that comes to mind is Horatio Caine from CSI: Miami. His intros should always end with the "AAAAIIIIEEEE!!!" from the show's theme song.

If either of these characters got a stage, said stage's theme should be the characters' respective shows'.

To conclude, another iconic female guest: Bo, from Lost Girl.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
02/18/2015 06:19 PM (UTC)
Probably Spawn and someone else.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

02/19/2015 12:06 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
I hope it's at least one male, one female

What female horror icon would you choose? That's tough. Ripley would be pretty cool. Reagan from the exorcist would be fucked up lol.

The 2 I'd like are ash and pennywise the clown. They could be worked in pretty easily. 3rd choice would be carpenters "the thing" or predator. Great movies.

Carrie? 3 variations would be difficult, though. I forgot what her name was, but the lady from Rosemary's Baby? Ju-on from The Grudge?

Had an interesting thought, what if NRS decide to go really "iconic" and did Nosferatu. Again, 3 variations would hard to come up with unless they do things he didn't do in the movie. It's a very very long shot, but its what I think of when I hear "horror icon."

Although unlikely, the Predator could be interpreted as a female with a slightly changed design without going over the top or we could get a Machiko Noguchi variation skin.
02/26/2015 02:56 PM (UTC)
With the Predator and Spawn sounding like the most likely guests, I wonder: Which one would fans rather have? I know we could get both, but I'm pretty sure some people would only want one of them, and would prefer the second guest to be someone else (purists of course want no guests, but too bad for them we're getting two).

I like Spawn, but the Predator would be much more original, as it's never been a guest in any games, and MKX is more than violent enough to do the Predator justice.
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