05/06/2015 06:49 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Shujinko lacks originality but Cassie doesn't?

But Shujinko wasn't funny... or hot.

That's practically the defining character trait of most Marvel superheroes these days.
05/06/2015 07:03 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
We're not talking about one person though, we're talking about 4 people who are all unique. Plus they are descendants of popular MK fighters. Shujinko lacked originality and was white bread boring.

I see what you're saying, but these guys have way more going for them than Shujinko ever did.

Shujinko lacks originality but Cassie doesn't?

She might be the least original of the group, but that's still leagues above Shujinko in terms of personality and gameplay.
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05/06/2015 07:10 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Shujinko lacks originality but Cassie doesn't?

But Shujinko wasn't funny... or hot.

That's practically the defining character trait of most Marvel superheroes these days.

In a sense Shujinko IS original in that he is a failure when it comes to judge people. I kinda like a trusting idiot who nonetheless is an expert fighter wandering about correcting his own mistakes.

A lot better than Failden. Who values his proteges so much he offers up their souls to the fucking devil's right hand man....

"I would take Drahmin over these humans"...and we finally found Drahmin's only fan. Oh happy day!

I think there needs to be a balance on the roster, I would hate if every character was a creature of some sorts. It's not Monster Kombat.

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05/06/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
Make that two.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/06/2015 07:39 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Contrary to popular belief the Deadly Alliance and Deception characters weren't outright hated a month after the game hit shelves either.

No, they were pretty much hated right out of the gate. Who is popular now are the same ones who were popular then.

Bullshit. I said they all weren't HATED a month after release, I said nothing about popularity nor did I say they didn't have their complainers. But the idea they were all hated out of the gate by the entire fanbase is a generalized and idiotic assumption made by those who tend to look back on the Deadly Alliance/Deception days as the "Dark ages" now that we're sleeping good in the WB yacht. You can try and prove me wrong all you like, but your experiences aren't mine and as someone who was around here and other message boards at the time- even the least popular 3D era characters weren't hated just a month after the game hit shelves. Disagree all you like but I won't bother debating something so frivolous.

All I'm trying to say is- These new characters may seem extremely popular now but we'll have to see how things go over the next few YEARS. It's way too early for this conversation- we have to see if they really have the staying power anyway.

And um I think everyone know I LOVE the new characters(Takeda, Jacqui, Kung-Jin, and Ferra/Torr are my babies)- so I'm not just someone who dislikes the newbies. Honestly, I like them better than certain 3D era characters myself, but that still doesn't mean I don't think NRS wouldn't toss them in the trash faster than you can say "FATALITY!" if they truly wanted to. NRS has never had a good track record with continuing with new characters. They'd rather make a fresh batch and the real sad part about it? Majority of the fanbase is fine with that just as long as their favorite classics make the cut.
05/06/2015 07:51 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Shujinko lacks originality but Cassie doesn't?

But Shujinko wasn't funny... or hot.

And Cassie is neither.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/06/2015 07:53 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Shujinko lacks originality but Cassie doesn't?

But Shujinko wasn't funny... or hot.

And Cassie is neither.

05/06/2015 08:25 PM (UTC)
I can't believe some people really believe all 4 of the "newbie gang" will play a prominent role in future games. Sure, I can def see Takeda in future games seeing as how fleshed out and different his gameplay is compared to others, but Jacqui and Cassie? Slim chance....even more so for Jacqui. As long as Sonya and Johnny will be around(which was heavily hinted), they will ALWAYS have first dibs on roster spots. Same can be said about Jacqui with Jax.

Cassie and Jacqui just look and play way to similar too to their parents, which right away gives them a doomed future. With Kenshi and Takeda there is such a huge difference between the two in terms of appearance and gamplay that they could pass for being unrelated.

All I'm saying is if it really was the case that these 4 characters were gonna be the new heroes and take over, then Sonya wouldn't be saying things like "Retire my ass" and Johnny wouldn't have an ending about "extending his life". Just wait until the next game. Half of the newer characters won't make the cut and will be replaced with the next newbie batch....just like what happened with Deadly Alliance -> Deception.
05/06/2015 09:03 PM (UTC)
Lol you misunderstand. I don't consider myself a Drahmin "fan" but out of the new characters introduced in MKDA/MKD, I think he was cooler than most of the others in terms of design/appearance, like Dairou. Mavado or Kobra for example. I agree there needs to be a balance of characters, im just saying if I have to choose between some sort of monster/creature/supernatural being or a seemingly regular human, im going with the monster/supernatural character 9 times out of 10.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/06/2015 09:08 PM (UTC)
CODE_umb87 Wrote:
I can't believe some people really believe all 4 of the "newbie gang" will play a prominent role in future games. Sure, I can def see Takeda in future games seeing as how fleshed out and different his gameplay is compared to others, but Jacqui and Cassie? Slim chance....even more so for Jacqui. As long as Sonya and Johnny will be around(which was heavily hinted), they will ALWAYS have first dibs on roster spots. Same can be said about Jacqui with Jax.

Cassie and Jacqui just look and play way to similar too to their parents, which right away gives them a doomed future. With Kenshi and Takeda there is such a huge difference between the two in terms of appearance and gamplay that they could pass for being unrelated.

All I'm saying is if it really was the case that these 4 characters were gonna be the new heroes and take over, then Sonya wouldn't be saying things like "Retire my ass" and Johnny wouldn't have an ending about "extending his life".

Just wait until the next game. Half of the newer characters won't make the cut and will be replaced with the next newbie batch....just like what happened with Deadly Alliance -> Deception.


I mean I do believe there's a chance they might go ahead and bring all 4 back for MK11 just so they can say they brought all four offspring back, but as far as who'll truly become a "regular" in future games-Takeda I can see sticking around and going the long haul. Cassie, despite what you said about her parents being 100% true (Sonya and Cage aren't going ANYWHERE, they'll always be around, just like every other MK1/MK2 classic character) I think might manage to stick around a tad longer considering they had her be the one to single handidly defeat Shinnok and NRS seem to be really fond of her and we know how they treat their favorites. *cough* Quan Chi *cough*

As for Kung-Jin and Jacqui? Not looking good long term. I could easily see Jacqui being dumped and turned into a background character or simply killed off, her death would definitely have a great impact on both Cassie and Takeda's story and could be a good emotional narrative. Though I love Jacqui, and don't want her to die or be demoted to a cameo, but let's be real, she's not a huge hit with many people and I doubt she'll be in the next few years and I don't think her damn father will go anywhere, making her seem redundant and unable to shine as a character on her own. I really don't see a bright future for her, though I hope I'm wrong.

Ferra/Torr will be sipping tea with the likes of Meat and Chameleon soon, as much as I love Ferra/Torr- they hardly had a story, their ending while interesting hardly left you in anticipation for their inclusion in MK11, and their gameplay is less than stellar. They are totally dumped after this.

Everyone else is a toss up. Honestly, the only three characters I'm confidant in returning and possibly becoming "mainstays" are Cassie, Takeda, and D'Vorah. You might get Erron and Kotal back as well for MK11 but then you'll have yet another new batch of characters entering the arena.

People who think these new characters are going the long distance are fooling themselves. 1 OR 2 most likely will, but they all won't and some if not most will be dumped by the next game and replaced with newer fighters.

And guess what? No one will care. The people worshipping the MKX newbies will be talking shit about them come MK11 when the new newbies take the stage- because everyone loves a new shiny toy.

Blade4693 Wrote:
Lol you misunderstand. I don't consider myself a Drahmin "fan" but out of the new characters introduced in MKDA/MKD, I think he was cooler than most of the others in terms of design/appearance, like Dairou. Mavado or Kobra for example.

I agree there needs to be a balance of characters, im just saying if I have to choose between some sort of monster/creature/supernatural being or a seemingly regular human, im going with the monster/supernatural character 9 times out of 10.

I got what you mean and it's fair enough. Couldn't miss that opportunity though tongue

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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

05/06/2015 09:44 PM (UTC)
The game is less than a month old. Too early to make judgements on how popular new characters are. What I will say is the the new characters have a better chance to be popular than the the 3D era characters since MKX is very good game mechanically and has high production values. Not to mention the exposure and support of Warner Bros and the sales of the game are going to be great as alluded by Ed Boon in the live stream. The newer characters in MKX benefit from having more budget and design than the 3D era characters and as a result are more fleshed out.

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

But as it stands today, not all of them are more popular. In fact, Kung Jin, Kotal Kahn, Ferra/Torr and Jacqui are all in the bottom half of the most used characters so automatically, only half of them are actually popular at the moment. Of course, these stats could change over time but that's where we stand at the moment.

Where did you find this out? I want to see the character usage list if available.
05/06/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Lol you misunderstand. I don't consider myself a Drahmin "fan" but out of the new characters introduced in MKDA/MKD, I think he was cooler than most of the others in terms of design/appearance, like Dairou. Mavado or Kobra for example.

I agree there needs to be a balance of characters, im just saying if I have to choose between some sort of monster/creature/supernatural being or a seemingly regular human, im going with the monster/supernatural character 9 times out of 10.

I got what you mean and it's fair enough. Couldn't miss that opportunity though tongue

Lmao I feel ya, I like making that joke sometimes when it comes to some of the other 3D characters as well grin
05/06/2015 11:22 PM (UTC)
Either Cassie and Jacqui could have been left out due to being too similar to their parents and maybe Takeda could have been Scorpion's apprentice rather than also be Kenshi's son. Kung Jin has a design that fits in but the attitude and relationship should go. He seems like a wasted opportunity anyway and reminds us that the Special Forces>White Lotus because it was his cousins that won the two tournaments.

Also they could stay as long as their family members are out. Hell, two of the family members are supposed to be dead but one came back canonically. The family members could have sat out (I'm considering Kitana among them since she's with Liu Kang whose probably also Jin's cousin.)
05/07/2015 12:15 AM (UTC)
Ignore the double post
05/07/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
UltimateRyu Wrote:
I see your point with the 4 new stand alone uniquely attributed fighters but not the new generation offspring. They're all throwaway characters imo. They just serve to further the story line offering no redeeming qualities. I hope we never see Cassie, Kung Jin, Takeda, or Jacqui again. Four wasted spaces that could have been filled up with popular returning fighters or exciting brand new ones like Kotal and Ferra/Torr.

So much truth in this post! I also hope we never see those boring humans Cassie, Jacqui or Kung Jin. Cassie is just blahhhhh superhyped smartass brat pushed down our throats. She's my most disliked character.

But I love the origins and design of Ferra/Torr and Kotal etc.

I don't think Cassie is going to be going anywhere anytime soon
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05/07/2015 12:27 AM (UTC)
I like all the new characters except Jacqui, If I didn't know she was playable I would think she's an NPC with her design. I was really hoping her mom would be like some bigger thing that would make her more interesting. I think she's the only one of the four kids who won't be in MK11. Erron, Dvorrah, Kotal, and Ferra/Torr are all great and I hope to see them stick around.

Also Drahmin was awesome IMO, his story and the mask were just so.. Mortal Kombat to me. I would love to see him back now with the gameplay being the best it's ever been. Havik is the character I really really want to see back though. The MK11 roster could be 25 Jacquis but if Havik was the 26th I would get it for him. I also really thought Blaze was cool but I don't think anyone else did.
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05/07/2015 12:28 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
mattteo Wrote:
UltimateRyu Wrote:
I see your point with the 4 new stand alone uniquely attributed fighters but not the new generation offspring. They're all throwaway characters imo. They just serve to further the story line offering no redeeming qualities. I hope we never see Cassie, Kung Jin, Takeda, or Jacqui again. Four wasted spaces that could have been filled up with popular returning fighters or exciting brand new ones like Kotal and Ferra/Torr.

So much truth in this post! I also hope we never see those boring humans Cassie, Jacqui or Kung Jin. Cassie is just blahhhhh superhyped smartass brat pushed down our throats. She's my most disliked character.

But I love the origins and design of Ferra/Torr and Kotal etc.

I don't think Cassie is going to be going anywhere anytime soon

Yea with them giving her the role of beating Shinnok and a generally good reception there is no way she wont be in MK11.
05/07/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
lanoitarnu Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
mattteo Wrote:
UltimateRyu Wrote:
I see your point with the 4 new stand alone uniquely attributed fighters but not the new generation offspring. They're all throwaway characters imo. They just serve to further the story line offering no redeeming qualities. I hope we never see Cassie, Kung Jin, Takeda, or Jacqui again. Four wasted spaces that could have been filled up with popular returning fighters or exciting brand new ones like Kotal and Ferra/Torr.

So much truth in this post! I also hope we never see those boring humans Cassie, Jacqui or Kung Jin. Cassie is just blahhhhh superhyped smartass brat pushed down our throats. She's my most disliked character.

But I love the origins and design of Ferra/Torr and Kotal etc.

I don't think Cassie is going to be going anywhere anytime soon

Yea with them giving her the role of beating Shinnok and a generally good reception there is no way she wont be in MK11.

05/07/2015 03:35 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
And guess what? No one will care. The people worshipping the MKX newbies will be talking shit about them come MK11 when the new newbies take the stage- because everyone loves a new shiny toy.

#Truth. The cycle will repeat itself like it did with the 3D era.
05/07/2015 03:42 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Shujinko lacks originality but Cassie doesn't?

But Shujinko wasn't funny... or hot.

And Cassie is neither.
05/07/2015 03:51 AM (UTC)
CODE_umb87 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
And guess what? No one will care. The people worshipping the MKX newbies will be talking shit about them come MK11 when the new newbies take the stage- because everyone loves a new shiny toy.

#Truth. The cycle will repeat itself like it did with the 3D era.

I dunno about that.

Now that NRS knows how to make competitively competent games, it's possible some of the new characters become competitive favorites.
05/07/2015 04:33 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
CODE_umb87 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
And guess what? No one will care. The people worshipping the MKX newbies will be talking shit about them come MK11 when the new newbies take the stage- because everyone loves a new shiny toy.

#Truth. The cycle will repeat itself like it did with the 3D era.

I dunno about that.

Now that NRS knows how to make competitively competent games, it's possible some of the new characters become competitive favorites.

Clearly that means diddly squat seeing as Cyrax isn't on the MKX roster.
05/07/2015 01:19 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Clearly that means diddly squat seeing as Cyrax isn't on the MKX roster.

Kabal isn't here either.

But I think it definitely increases a character's chances if they have a strong competitive following. 3D era games never had that.
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