The reason the new MKX characters are more popular than MK4/DA/Ds new characters...
posted05/10/2015 02:19 PM (UTC)by
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12/16/2005 04:39 PM (UTC)
A lot of people were excited for the new characters after seeing them and I remember reading a lot of posts where people admitted being far more excited about the new cast than they were in previous game so I got to thinking and I think it all boils down to character uniqueness, look, abilities and weapons.

The first trilogy's characters were all over the place but they all had unique powers that worked with them, their design and their stories.

On the other hand, Kai, Jarek, Kobra, Kira, Li Mei, Darrius, Dairou and Hotaru were all pretty much regular humans with special moves for some reason.

But with MKX you get a cowboy, an aztec god, a symbiote, a hive mind, an archer, a ninja with bladed whips, a military daughter with wrist weapons and the daughter of two very popular character. Everyone is unique and all their abiltiies make sense within their designs or weapons used.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the 3D era guys to get a chance to shine again and I don't hate any of them, but they would probably be more popular if they weren't all humans that can shoot projectiles for some reason.

Mavado, Dhramin, Nitara, Havik and Fujin are all great examples of 3D era characters that were given either unique weapons or abilties that were worked into their character design and stories.

05/06/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
I appreciate all 73 main MK fighters, regardless. Some just need more headway than others.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/06/2015 03:19 PM (UTC)
It's way too early to declare if they have staying power. Let's see how things go in four years.

Of course they're more popular now- the game just came out.
05/06/2015 03:20 PM (UTC)
You're 100% correct. I think the MKX characters are a lot more popular solely based on gameplay. Every fighter is unique, where as in the older games, gameplay was very limited. Hotaru had what, two special moves? That's pretty much the reason why people want the 3D era characters back, they have tons of potential to be amazing this time around. Some of the new characters do have interesting stories, but I believe that's the main reason.
I think a lot of the 3D era characters suffered because of the engine of those games. It just didn't let them shine or stand out.
Though besides the limitations, there were some really questionable decisions too.

I can't say if they were to be introduced now things would've been different (some do seem irredeemable) But I'm thinking the new characters from MKX would've probably been received just as poorly in the past 3D era. (mainly MKDA and MKD)
05/06/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's way too early to declare if they have staying power. Let's see how things go in four years.

Of course they're more popular now- the game just came out.

This. We'll know for certain in 2-3 years time whether they've aged well or not.
05/06/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
Well you know my thoughts on this already :) Like I said in the other thread, I tend to naturally be drawn to characters with a little something different about them, something unique. That's why Stryker (for example has never been a character I liked or interested in, he's a swat/cop guy *yawn* lol id actually take Drahmin over him hehe
05/06/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
I see your point with the 4 new stand alone uniquely attributed fighters but not the new generation offspring. They're all throwaway characters imo. They just serve to further the story line offering no redeeming qualities. I hope we never see Cassie, Kung Jin, Takeda, or Jacqui again. Four wasted spaces that could have been filled up with popular returning fighters or exciting brand new ones like Kotal and Ferra/Torr.
05/06/2015 04:25 PM (UTC)
You guys are all sick!
05/06/2015 04:36 PM (UTC)
The new characters are going to be more "popular" because the game isn't even a month old yet. When you got a new toy as a kid, you played the hell out of it before it was eventually chucked into the box with everything else.

The relatives are completely disposable, like the previous poster said, and yet NRS won't have the sack to leave any one of them out of the next game. The "alien" newbies are far more exciting and yet they were the ones who got hosed (save for D'V) in the story mode.
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
You guys are all sick!

Care to elaborate...?
05/06/2015 04:43 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
The relatives are completely disposable, like the previous poster said, and yet NRS won't have the sack to leave any one of them out of the next game. The "alien" newbies are far more exciting and yet they were the ones who got hosed (save for D'V) in the story mode.

Why would they leave out the descendants? They're supposed to be the next generation of heroes. It would be really strange for this game to focus on them and neglect them entirely in the next game.
05/06/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
I'm all gameplay, designs and weapons with this topic. Not story. The fact that some of you don't like the new generation is not the point. Takeda is a new-generation ninja with bladed whips. He's way more interesting gameplay and lookwise than half the new guys from deception. Archery has never been done before in MKX and that bow/bo combination of Kung Jin is awesome.

Casual and longtime fans will be much more attracted to that than regular human that can do firekicks, regular woman that can shoot projectile, regular woman that stole Kano's moveset, regular human than can shoot fireballs, etc. These guys all had their parts in the story but their moveset and designs weren't memorable.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/06/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
"Why would they leave out the descendants? They're supposed to be the next generation of heroes."

And Shujinko was meant to be the next generation Liu Kang according to "Ed Boon" and how did that turn out?

I do believe all the descendants will return but rather or not they're loved or hated in 3-4 years time remains to be seen. Reception seems to be good at the moment though.

Contrary to popular belief the Deadly Alliance and Deception characters weren't outright hated a month after the game hit shelves either.
05/06/2015 05:05 PM (UTC)
If you really want to argue gameplay, then you have to factor in how limited the 3D era characters were in terms of graphical power and engine limitations compared to whats available today. Then you also have to factor in the timing. Of course everything new and shiney always seems amazing at first, but over time opinions change; that's when you'll get your real answers.

But as it stands today, not all of them are more popular. In fact, Kung Jin, Kotal Kahn, Ferra/Torr and Jacqui are all in the bottom half of the most used characters so automatically, only half of them are actually popular at the moment. Of course, these stats could change over time but that's where we stand at the moment.

Then you must take in the reactions of Story Mode. I'd easily guess 50/60% were not pleased with the Special Forces heavy story, nor the 'Scooby Gang' focus. Given how NRS seem to want to please the casuals more than ever now, I'd expect a big change come MK11 in terms of story and roster cause the amount of shit they've received thus far is mind-numbing.
05/06/2015 05:11 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
The new characters are going to be more "popular" because the game isn't even a month old yet. When you got a new toy as a kid, you played the hell out of it before it was eventually chucked into the box with everything else.

The relatives are completely disposable, like the previous poster said, and yet NRS won't have the sack to leave any one of them out of the next game. The "alien" newbies are far more exciting and yet they were the ones who got hosed (save for D'V) in the story mode.

Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
You guys are all sick!

Care to elaborate...?

You guys all sicken me because, you're not all giving the new heroes a chance. There will be new heroes to join in to take over the old generation. The old ones will mentor them to protect not only Earth, but all the realms.

Kotal Kahn may be the new emperor of Outworld and he tried to kill the new Earthrealm heroes, but he's not like Shao Kahn. He was just misguided and/or misjudged due to D'Vorah's treachery. He could've helped in defeating Shao Kahn but was too distracted.

Now look... some of the new characters will take time to get adjusted to us.
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05/06/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
The only new character I love is Erron Black. Rest are okay.
05/06/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Contrary to popular belief the Deadly Alliance and Deception characters weren't outright hated a month after the game hit shelves either.

No, they were pretty much hated right out of the gate. Who is popular now are the same ones who were popular then.

The problem with Deception's roster in particular was that none of the new guys really had any info about them until the game actually come out, for better or worse. For the longest time Havik was a design for Noob Saibot until he ended up being Skab, and then finally Havik. As it turned out Havik's self-inflicting fighting mannerisms was popular enough to earn him a few fans.

On the other hand, Ashrah was long thought to be some sort of femme Raiden until the game came out and it was essentially Sareena's story under a new character, immediately earning her negativity because Sareena was in the GBA game Tournament Edition, and everyone thought she was going to be top billing for Deception.

Everyone thought that Hotaru's alt was actually a new costume for Cyrax but otherwise he was one of the earliest new characters shown for the game. Unsurprisingly, he was one of the more fleshed out ones and garnered a few fans from it.
05/06/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
I think newer character, no matter who they are would be more popular now. To be honest, I think if they re-released every single Armageddon fighter as DLC every single one would be more popular now than before.

The games are better now. They look TONS better now and characters have more depth overall. They all have personality...intros, story mode, etc. Games today, in many ways, allow you to form more of a "bonding relationship" so to speak with characters now.
05/06/2015 05:56 PM (UTC)
The newcomers from those games were poorly received because the games themselves were. They weren't the iconic games that people grew up with, and neither were the characters. The general public hates change and loves nostalgia. It didn't help that those games were broken as hell. The new characters from Deadly Alliance through Armageddon weren't mechanically sound, but none of the characters were.

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Kai, Jarek, Kobra, Kira, Li Mei, Darrius, Dairou and Hotaru were all pretty much regular humans with special moves for some reason.

"Regular humans with special moves for some reason" can be used to sum up nearly the entire roster. Or are you telling me that Kano, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Sub-Zero, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Jade, Kitana, Jax, Stryker, Nightwolf, and Kabal somehow don't fall into that category?

The origin of this whole series comes down to "regular" humans aka skilled fighters must fight to protect their world from an otherworldly threat.

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
But with MKX you get a cowboy, an aztec god, a symbiote, a hive mind, an archer, a ninja with bladed whips, a military daughter with wrist weapons and the daughter of two very popular character. Everyone is unique and all their abiltiies make sense within their designs or weapons used.

And in MK4-MKA, you get a Mongolian cyborg wrestler, a Shaolin Monk who fights on his hands, a fire elemental, a drunken kung fu master, a necromancer, a wind god, a fallen Elder God, a cryomancer, a Red Dragon warrior who fights with grappling hooks and hookswords, a blood-sucking-and-spitting vampire, a walking corpse who thrives on Chaos and self-injury, an ascending demon with the powers of light and a holy sword, an Oni Tormentor with an iron club, a kickboxer street thug, a samurai mercenary, a wise old martial arts master, a military revolutionary with wrist weapons and the figurative daughter of two very popular characters.

The new characters in MKX are more well received because NRS actually knows how to make a fighting game now. It has nothing to do with the character concepts. And trivializing them with "humans that can shoot projectiles for some reason" is just silly.

I firmly believe that every MK character deserves to return to their full potential.
About Me

05/06/2015 06:32 PM (UTC)
UltimateRyu Wrote:
I see your point with the 4 new stand alone uniquely attributed fighters but not the new generation offspring. They're all throwaway characters imo. They just serve to further the story line offering no redeeming qualities. I hope we never see Cassie, Kung Jin, Takeda, or Jacqui again. Four wasted spaces that could have been filled up with popular returning fighters or exciting brand new ones like Kotal and Ferra/Torr.

So much truth in this post! I also hope we never see those boring humans Cassie, Jacqui or Kung Jin. Cassie is just blahhhhh superhyped smartass brat pushed down our throats. She's my most disliked character.

But I love the origins and design of Ferra/Torr and Kotal etc.
05/06/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
I'm still one of the few that thinks Drahmin has a great design and origin; a fallen king damned to the Netherrealm and reshaped into an insane demon of the 5th plane of hell who can only focus his rage when wearing an accursed mask. Drahmin, the legendary Oni-Tormenter.
05/06/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
I'm still one of the few that thinks Drahmin has a great design.

Drahmin is a great character forever doomed because Ed is still upset about having to program his club.
05/06/2015 06:43 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
And Shujinko was meant to be the next generation Liu Kang according to "Ed Boon" and how did that turn out?

We're not talking about one person though, we're talking about 4 people who are all unique. Plus they are descendants of popular MK fighters. Shujinko lacked originality and was white bread boring.

I see what you're saying, but these guys have way more going for them than Shujinko ever did.
05/06/2015 06:44 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
The newcomers from those games were poorly received because the games themselves were. They weren't the iconic games that people grew up with, and neither were the characters. The general public hates change and loves nostalgia. It didn't help that those games were broken as hell. The new characters from Deadly Alliance through Armageddon weren't mechanically sound, but none of the characters were.

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Kai, Jarek, Kobra, Kira, Li Mei, Darrius, Dairou and Hotaru were all pretty much regular humans with special moves for some reason.

"Regular humans with special moves for some reason" can be used to sum up nearly the entire roster. Or are you telling me that Kano, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Sub-Zero, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Jade, Kitana, Jax, Stryker, Nightwolf, and Kabal somehow don't fall into that category?

The origin of this whole series comes down to "regular" humans aka skilled fighters must fight to protect their world from an otherworldly threat.

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
But with MKX you get a cowboy, an aztec god, a symbiote, a hive mind, an archer, a ninja with bladed whips, a military daughter with wrist weapons and the daughter of two very popular character. Everyone is unique and all their abiltiies make sense within their designs or weapons used.

And in MK4-MKA, you get a Mongolian cyborg wrestler, a Shaolin Monk who fights on his hands, a fire elemental, a drunken kung fu master, a necromancer, a wind god, a fallen Elder God, a cryomancer, a Red Dragon warrior who fights with grappling hooks and hookswords, a blood-sucking-and-spitting vampire, a walking corpse who thrives on Chaos and self-injury, an ascending demon with the powers of light and a holy sword, an Oni Tormentor with an iron club, a kickboxer street thug, a samurai mercenary, a wise old martial arts master, a military revolutionary with wrist weapons and the figurative daughter of two very popular characters.

The new characters in MKX are more well received because NRS actually knows how to make a fighting game now. It has nothing to do with the character concepts. And trivializing them with "humans that can shoot projectiles for some reason" is just silly.

I firmly believe that every MK character deserves to return to their full potential.

Winner of Post Of The Day right here.

Preach, brother.
05/06/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
We're not talking about one person though, we're talking about 4 people who are all unique. Plus they are descendants of popular MK fighters. Shujinko lacked originality and was white bread boring.
I see what you're saying, but these guys have way more going for them than Shujinko ever did.

Shujinko lacks originality but Cassie doesn't?
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